Letter to Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali , Prime Minister Federal Republic of Ethiopia – by Eritrean Global Solidarity for National Dialogue (EGSND)
The Honorable Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali Prime Minister Federal Republic of Ethiopia Dear Prime Minister Dr.Abiy Ahmed, We, the Eritrean Global Solidarity for National Dialogue (EGSND), would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on your election as a Prime

The Honorable
Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali
Prime Minister Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Dear Prime Minister Dr.Abiy Ahmed,
We, the Eritrean Global Solidarity for National Dialogue (EGSND), would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on your election as a Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, and we wish you continued success as you are boldly addressing Ethiopia’s national challenges.
We are independent, nonprofit civic organization established in 2006 dedicated to the protection of human rights and strengthening democratic transitioning in Eritrea.
Your move to bring an end to the Ethio- Eritrean crisis and open Diplomatic and Economic relationship between our two people is deeply appreciated by this Eritrean American Civic Society, Eritrean Global Solidarity for National Dialogue (EGSND). We salute your brave decisions and actions.
As the peace process is moving forward amazingly at incredible pace, we would like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention few points of concern we hope of expanding and reinforcing your constructive effort.
As Eritreans, finalizing the border issue by implementing the demarcation comes at the top of our concerns. We are hopeful you will put the full weight of your office in expediting the Demarcation.
Our other concern is the welfare of the almost 200,000 Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia. We are thankful for all the help extended to them in their hours of need. They need more help now than ever as they are straddling the duality of hope and uncertainty. They need reassurance from your Excellency that they will not be forced to return to Eritrea involuntarily.
We are also hopeful that the security and safety of Eritrean Civic and Political activists residing in Ethiopia will be reinforced and guaranteed by your new administration.
Last but not least, while we are happy to see the positive progresses being enacted by the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments, we will be remiss if we fail to express our genuine concern that the Eritrean people are at a disadvantage for they have no role, have not been asked for their input or their government hasn’t debriefed them on the entire peace process.
We are hopeful that when and if your hectic schedule allows a chance for a brief meeting with the Eritrean Civic Societies, we will be delighted to travel to Addis Ababa to join a historic meeting.

Daniel July 25, 2018
Really great job EGSND !!!!
That’s what we expect from an institution. I really appreciate you to address our concern to the right place. Don’t give up to raise our concen to different organisations no matter the outcome is. It has a real result whenever the time come.
I’m sick to see derailed institutions failed to address our concerns to focus on strategic Govs & organisations. Pls don’t give up to send a message to Eu, OAU, UN & Arab league. Becouse it has time to b listened. I am Eritreans are looking for an institution fighting for its right.
Afom July 25, 2018
Excellent letter. I, as an Eritrean appreciate your efforts and thoughts.
k.tewolde July 25, 2018
Brief and concise request,I hope the letter gets his undivided attention.
Kidane July 26, 2018
So far many, to some extent similar, such open letters have been written by fellow Eritreans. Granted it’s better than nothing, we have been doing this for decades with no result. We are letting the world onow that we are always splintered and never united. It should not surprise us that no one listens to us and no wonder we are in this quagmire. Unless we discard our egos stop writing “feel good letter” and present a unified voice, we will suffer more.
k.tewolde July 26, 2018
You absolutely right Kidane,a unified voice is an endangered species in the Eritrean political opposition landscape because the predator hunted it down relentlessly through the years to the point the prey became paranoid toward each other.He did a number on our society.To heal this deliberately inflicted deep psycho-social wound it will require something beyond my intellectual and academic capacity.