Journalists go to prison to highlight plight of jailed colleagues
Two Swedish journalists have volunteered to go to jail as a way of drawing attention to the plight of three colleagues held in Eritrea and Ethiopia. Johan Wirfält and Sara Murillo Cortes plan to be locked

Two Swedish journalists have volunteered to go to jail as a way of drawing attention to the plight of three colleagues held in Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Johan Wirfält and Sara Murillo Cortes plan to be locked up in a Stockholm prison in order to raise awareness about the incarceration of Dawit Isaak, Martin Schibbye and Johan Persso.
They don’t plan to commit any crimes, of course. They will read a statement outlining their support for their jailed colleagues and criticising the Swedish foreign department and minister Carl Bildt for failing to do enough to secure the mens’ release.
They will then request that they be placed in prison – though they don’t know if the authorities will actually do so.
The Swedish-Eritrean journalist Dawit Isaak has been held in an Eritrean prison since 2001 without trial and is considered a traitor by the Eritrean government.
Amnesty International has highlighted his case frequently and has called for his release.
Freelance reporters Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson have been held in an Ethiopian jail since the beginning of July on terrorist charges (as reported here last week by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism).
Wirfält told the Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter: “This is a new way to draw further attention to the imprisoned Swedish journalists… We want to show our criticism of the foreign ministry… We also want to highlight the vulnerable situation that freelance journalists find themselves in when they go out without having the back-up of an editorial team.”
He added that he and Murillo Cortes are hoping other journalists will join in with their action, claiming that 40 others have already pledged their support.
The pair plan their prison stay some time before 15 October, when the trial of Schibbye and Persson is set to take place in Ethiopia.
Source: The Local
Temesgen Medhanie October 6, 2011
As a welfare state with a foreign policy rested on a dove, it would be difficult to see Sweden getting tough on Isaias as the latter in his interview discounted the former as “irrelevant”. If any thing, the recent back and forth exchange of tough words between UK and Isaias indicates that the latter confuses appeasement for a weakness. But still, Sweden seems to rely on the same modus operandi and expecting a different solution. Of course, as the Swedish government shoulders a responsibility to stand up for Dawit Isaac, it would be a travesty to put his case in a back burner as Isaias consolidates his power when he continues squashing dissents and building more prisons. At least, the brave journalists are taking matters onto their own hands as they lose hope in their government when it fails to do the right thing.
Ninja Please!!!!!! October 6, 2011
Medhanie!! Who you calling welware state brother man? While I agree with you mostly including the fact you condemn both Weyane thugs and pfdj mafia, I take exception to you calling Sweden a welfare state. I take them over any regime in existance. Damn it!! I ain’t seen no blood shed to achieve what they have. Issayas will belittle anyone. Put away the tea baggers pipe away. It won’t do you no good no how. Just teasing bro. Anyhoo, I am just saying I take them Swedes even over the Americans. Hell, at least they won’t waterboard you.
Down with pfdj thugs!!!!!
Down witb Weyane thugs!!!
Temaharay October 6, 2011
Ninja Please,
The term Welfare State is not by any means denigrating so to speak rather it is a description of a system of a government. Here is how Wikipedia describes it: A concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. The general term may cover a variety of forms of economic and social organization. I hope it helped to clarify the misunderstanding.
tegadalay October 6, 2011
they must be idiots or have brain damge
Hawun Kalu October 6, 2011
“Tegadalay” leaving aborad with comfor!!
It is funny they are feeding Issaya’s goons in Sweden. Our country is so reliant to cash flow from Sweden, Germany, Italy and USA….have you no shame as is the dictator to even call Swedes have no brain.
Longdreamer October 6, 2011
The idiots and brain damaged are the people like you and the regime who prison jornalista and human right activists
Weldit October 6, 2011
My assessment of the situation is this: unfortunately, as long as PIA is in power, G-15 and the journalists will never be set free. The reason? Because some of them are already dead and releasing half of them will open the Pandora box for the regime. Period. It’s like ‘chira nebri aytihaz, entehizka gn aytilkek’. I have no doubt that the President spends sleepless nights on this issue – thus making him egually a prisoner of September 2001.
Hawun Kalu October 6, 2011
Well said Weldit, but the pandora box is rolling slowly into his office.
Temesgen Medhanie October 6, 2011
Corrected version.
As a welfare state with a foreign policy rested on a dove, it would be difficult to see Sweden getting tough on Isaias as the latter in his interview discounted the former as “irrelevant”. If any thing, the recent back and forth exchange of tough words between UK and Isaias indicates that the latter confuses appeasement with a weakness. But still, Sweden seems to rely on the same modus operandi and expecting a different result. Of course, as the Swedish government shoulders a responsibility to stand up for Dawit Isaac, it would be a travesty to put his case in a back burner as Isaias consolidates his power when he continues squashing dissents and building more prisons. At least, the brave journalists are taking matters onto their own hands as they lose hope in their government when it fails to do the right thing.
Longdreamer October 6, 2011
I am so impresed that the jornalists have decided to defend thier right and the right of every human(sweedsh) national. The main problem of the eritrean government(issayas’s government) is that they cant tell the world they are cruels, i mean if they release Dawit all their secreats of violence will be on the head of every news paper, and they will never tolerate and allow that to happen.
At this time as Iasyas is in fear of every thing, he cant releas them. If he do so its a big sucess for every erirean who fights for change. Anyway thanks for your special and breaking initiative they are trying.
gasha October 6, 2011
durue(I wish him the best) said on his interview with dan conell the independent jouranalists are trush.
Sagm October 6, 2011
How cares about the nonsense so called journalists even if they go to hell/death let them rush soon
Hawun Kalu October 7, 2011
why is that all higdef Zemach are so in error when they spell. Please read and learn for godsake and stop insulting foreigners who you dare come live in their country and enjoy every privleage.
– kefat zelowo, kefat ysiheye…we shall see. I pray for your kids….remember what I just told you one day, your will reap the fruits of what you are sawing.
Funny October 7, 2011
Have mercy on the English language. You need to take ESL (English as a Second Language) for two weeks as we call it, “Kilte shew’Ate” as you would have my chelot when you kinda lose it. Kab kulu kab kulu eta computerka keyt’q’yemeka. You need to work hard on your grammar and spelling.
Weldit October 8, 2011
kabtom ab dihrit kof elom ab fetena zikedhu neberu kikewn alewo.
abdi October 9, 2011
nskha khe bchrash fetena gerka aytfeltn malet du??nebirka kikewn
tegadalay October 6, 2011
if aperson went to prison by him self you call him SILUL or himum way do they go to prison anles their brain is damege so insted of prison they shulde go to see adocter
tegadalay October 6, 2011
iwill give them idia in sted of going to perison in stocholm way dont they go to ERAERO to join their frind then they can see him
Hawun Kalu October 7, 2011
tegadalay , read and learn before you write… suffer from a an inferiority complex that is why you even demean irairo, a place where my kids and yours will visit as a historic memorial spot. Not to mention you enjoy life and even learn english however broken living abroad, yet your insult human beings non Eritreans feeling for your own fellow Eritreans who you diminish.
Abotatna kimsulu -mergem abdekha aylef…that is why the always work hard to do good so that no evil befalls on their offspring. I pray for yours for they are our children.
abdi October 7, 2011
I feel sorry for the guy i hope he will be released soon and shame on those opposition wanna be for using him to propagate their agenda.
You don’t care about Isak,the other prisoners,nor eritrean refugees all what you care about is your dirty income you get out of that,and i bet you are praying not to be released.”anafra qoqaH zefelT si ayhadanayn”eu negeru.