ሲሃም ዓሊ ዓብዱ፡ ጓሉ ንሚኒስተር ዜና ስርዓት ህግደፍ ነበር፡ ብህይወት ምህላዋ ዘጠራጥር ምዃኑ ተገሊጹ።
ሚኒስተር ዜና ዝነበረ፡ ኣቦኣ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ራሕሪሕዎ ምስ ከደ ኣብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ህግደፍ ንልዕሊ ክልተ ዓመትን 5 ኣዋርሕን ተዳጒና ዝነበረት ጓሉ ሲሃም ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብዘጋጠማ ምቕጥቓጥን መግረፍትን ከቢድ ኣካላዊ ጉድኣት በጺሕዋ ከምዝነበረ ምንጭታትና ካብ

ሚኒስተር ዜና ዝነበረ፡ ኣቦኣ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ራሕሪሕዎ ምስ ከደ ኣብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ህግደፍ ንልዕሊ ክልተ ዓመትን 5 ኣዋርሕን ተዳጒና ዝነበረት ጓሉ ሲሃም ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብዘጋጠማ ምቕጥቓጥን መግረፍትን ከቢድ ኣካላዊ ጉድኣት በጺሕዋ ከምዝነበረ ምንጭታትና ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም።
ሲሃም ሰባን መቕርባን ክበጽሕዋን ክርእይዋን ይትረፍ ሃለዋታ ምሕታት ጥራሕ ንባዕሉ ብኸቢድ ጥርጠራ ዘሕትት ገበን ሙዃኑ ብዛዕባ ሲሃም ዝሓተቱ’ሞ ብክፍሊ ጸጥታ ከቢድ መጠንቐቕታ ዝተዋህቡ ሰባት ይገልጹ። ብህይወት ብዛዕባ ምህላዋን ዘይምህላዋን ዝጠራጠሩ `ውን ብዙሓት እዮም።
ብኣዚዩ ሕልፍ ዝበለ ሕንቓቐን ምቾትን ከምዝዓበየት ዝንገረላ ሲሃም ዓሊ፡ ኣብ ልዕሊኣ ዝተፈጸመ ኩነታት ክትቕበሎ ስለዘይከኣለት ንነዊሕ እዋን ስነኣእሙረኣዊ ጭንቀትን ነውጽን ከተማዕብል ከምዝጸንሐት እቶም ምንጭታት ይገልጹ።
ዓሊ ዓብዱ ዝፈልጦ ምስጢራት መታን ከይዛረብ ጓሉ ሲሃም ዓሊ ንልዕሊ ክልተ ዓመትን 5 ኣዋርሕን ኣብ ጎዳጉዲ ከምዝተመቚሐት ዝፍለጥ ኮይኑ፡ ሲሃም ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብቐጥታ ካብ ቤትጽሕፈት ፕረዚደንት ብዝተዋህበ ትእዛዝ ኣብ ማእሰርቲ ክትሳቐ ከምዝተወሰነ ይፍለጥ። ሽሕኳ ብዙሓት ሚኒስተራትን ሓለፍትን ‘እንታይ የርእዩና ኣለዉ’ ኢሎም እንተተደናገጹ፡ እቶም ምስ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ፍሉይ ቅርሕንቲ ዝነበሮም ጀነራል ፍሊጶስን: ተስፋልደት ሃብተስላሰን ሓለፍቲ ህግደፍን ማእሰርቲ ሲሃም ውልቃዊ ጽልኦም ንምውጻእ ብዝለዓለ ክጥቀሙሉ ከምዝተራእዩ`ውን ቅርበት ዘለዎም ሰባት ገሊጾም። ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ኣብረሃ ካሳ ኣብ ገዛ ናይታ ኣብ እንዳ ኮርያ እትርከብ መዓሾ ዝተባህለት ኣማኒቱ ብምኽንያት ምውሳኽ ማዕርግ ናይ ሓደ ሰብ ኣብ ዝገበሮ ግብጃ ‘ንዝኾነ ምሳይ ዝነበረ ሰብ ክትሓቱ ትኽእሉ ኢኹም ንዓሊ ንዓብዱ ሓንቲ መዓልቲ`ውን ከምሓላፊ ተቐቢለዮ ኣይፈልጥን። ጓሉን ኣቡኡን ንዓሊ ዓብዱ ዝኣሰርኩላ መዓልቲ እታ ዝበለጸት ዕለት ኣብ ህይወተ`ያ።’ ኢሉ ክዛረብ ብእዝኖም ዝሰምዕዎ ሰባት ሓድሕዳዊ ጽልኢ ሓለፍቲ ህግደፍ ክሳብ ክንደይ ከቢድ ምዃኑን ናብ ደቆም ከምዝመሓላለፍን ይገልጹ።
ብዘይካ ጓሉ ሲሃምን ወዲ 87 ዓመት ኣቡኡ ኣቶ ዓብዱን ምስ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብዘለዎም ቅርበት ተጠርጢሮም ኣሕዋቱ: ዘማታቱ: ሰራሕተኝኡ: መራሕቲ መካይኑ: ጽሓፍቱ ዝርከብዎም ልዕሊ 10 ሰባት ከምዝተኣስሩ ዝፍለጥ’ዩ። ኣቡኡ ኣቶ ዓብዱ ኣብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ብሕማም ተሳቕዮም ብዊልቼር ይኸዱ ከምዘለዉ ኣብ ማእሰርቲ ዝረኣይዎም ሰባት ገሊጾም። ናስር ዝተባህለ ንዓሊ ዓብዱ ኣውቲስትኡ ዝነበረ`ውን ንኽልተ ዓመት ኣብ ልዕሊኡ ከቢድ ምቕጥቓጥን ግፍዕታትን ክፍጸም ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ ኣብዚ ቅንያት’ዚ ከምዝወጸ ካብ ኣስመራ ዝመጻና ሓበረታ ይጠቅስ።
ብዘይካ `ዚ ሚኒስተር ተስፋይ ገብረስላሴ ብዛዕባ`ታ ብዘይወዓለቶ ገበን ኣብ ማእሰርቲ ትሳቐ ዘላ ሲሃም ዓሊ ከይገደሶ ንገዘኣ ዘሚቱ ኣብ መደቀሲ ናይታ ኣብ ጎዳጉዲ ንእስነታ ዝበሊ ዘሎ ሲሃም ዓሊ መዘነኣ ጓሉ ከምትሰፍር ምግባሩ ብብዙሓት ነበርቲ ከባቢ ቲራቮሎ ተኻዒቡ መዛረቢ ኮይኑ ከምዘሎ ዝበጽሓና ሓበሬታ የመልክት። እቶም ሓለፍቲ ህግደፍ ካብ ሓድሕድ ዘይሕሹ ንግዝያዊ ረብሓ ዝግዝኡ ዕሱባት ምዃኖም ዝጠቐሱ ምንጭታት፡ ‘ደቆምን ስድራቤቶምን ግዳያት ምዃኖም `ዩ ዘሕዝን እምበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ ‘ውን ኣብ ስልጣን ከሎ መዓስ ነቶም ቅድሚኡ ከምዚ ናቱ ዘጋጠሞም ግዳያት ተጣቢቑሎም፡ ብቐደሙስ ደይ ነንሕድሕዶም ባዕሎም ዝተማቐልዎ ቪላታት`ዩ’ ዝብል ርእይቶ ዘለዎም ብዙሓት ተዓዘብቲ ከምዘለዉ `ውን የገንዝቡ።
ምኒስተር ዜና ዝነበረ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ካብ ዝርሕርሖ ልዕሊ 2 ዓመትን 6 ኣዋርሕን `ኳ እንተኣቚጸረ ብዛዕባ`ቲ ውሽጡን ውሻጢኡን ዝፈልጦ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ይኹን፡ እቲ ከምውላዱ ዘዕበዮ መራሒኡ ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳያስ ብጩቕ ዘይምባሉ ንብዙሓት ሰባት ከምዘቖጠዖም ዝፍለጥ’ዩ። መርበብ ሓበሬታ ኣሰና ነቲ ‘ዓሊ ዓብዱ ኣብ ልዕሊ ስድራቤቱ ሓደጋ ከይመጽእ ኢሉ`ዩ ዘይተዛረበ’ ዝበሃል ምጉት ዘይቅቡል`ዩ ኢሉ እዩ ዝኣምን። ንስድራቤቱ ካብዚ ድሮ ኣጋጢምዎም ዘሎ ሽግር ንላዕሊ ከጋጥሞም ስለዘይክእል፡ እቲ ዝወሃብ ምኽንያት ንኻልእ ዕላማ ዝቐርብ መመሳመሲ ደኣምበር ሓቅነት ኣለዎ ዝብል እምነት የብሉን።
በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ማዕከን ዜና ኣሰና፡ ነታ ኣብ ንኡስ ዕድሚኣ ግዳይ ናይ ዘይፈለጠቶ ፖለቲካዊ ቊርቊስ ኮይና ካብ ዓቕማ ንላዕሊ ኣደራዕ ወዲቑዋ ዘሎ ሲሃምን ሽማግለ ኣባሓጎኣን ራህዋ እናተመነየት፡ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ካብቲ ተሓቢእዎ ዘሎ ውሻጠታት መልበርን ናብ ቅርዓት ወጺኡ ዝፈልጦም ሓቅታት ኪገልጽን ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኪኽሕስን ትጽውዕ።
Sesen March 14, 2015
Indeed, what goes around, comes around. Next it would be the turn of Esayas’s daughter to be humiliated and raped in public. In short, what this innocent girl has suffered should be dished out to Esayas’s daughter in front of his animal eyes. Ali Abdu is a stinking rat and has no self respect or any conscience of a human because how could he sleep with what he left behind in a hell country?
For a nation born out of mismatched priorities by a ghedli generation that had no inkling of what it really wanted, that this mismatch malady has infected so many poor Eritreans and that it has stayed with them this long shouldn’t be surprising at all. Those who are more interested in protecting the image of the Eritrean regime and the ghedli generation than they are of protecting their own compatriots have blamed everybody for the tragedies that are raining on Eritrea’s people.
Biniam March 14, 2015
I pray for the safe release of Siham and her Grandpa, these two innocent people have
nothing to do with Ali Abdu’s crime so please let’s not mix up things.
I believe in miracles and I’m hoping for one for them.
May God/Allah comfort them from the inhumane treatment inflicted on them by the barbaric leadership in our country.
thank you,
asemret March 14, 2015
I agree Biniam but I whis the same to isayse daughter.
AHMED SALEH March 14, 2015
Your are talking about two innocent girls to pay the price of their fathers sins .
Don’t you see how the mind screwd up for inflicting pain to others like them
to satisfy personal grudge out of hatred . Strange behavior in Eritrean society
we never heard before .
asmeret March 15, 2015
Ahmed Saleh my brother sorry,I agree this girl is innocent(minor)nothing to do what her father did, I’m going old testmoney I’m very angery Eritrean.
AHMED SALEH !!! March 15, 2015
Dear asmeret
We face important challenge to defeat hgdf negative influences in Eritrean
culture . Most of us are frustrated and angry when comes on national issues .
We came from a society which protect the well being of elders , children and
women . Everyone have obligation to preserve the rich culture which defines our
people for centuries with respect contrary to this immoral street smart gangs
who govern the country negative reputation .
Do not give up it is a matter of time our people will overcome one day .
Teclay March 14, 2015
Amanusel /Sesen /Tes
Amanuel/Sesen ,,,Thanks you put your opinion in a civilized way.I am proud of you.
Tes…..Stop hand clapping and being hypocrite.Assena -Amanuel has been doing good job but he is a human being he cam make a mistake,It is also a natural a news organ to make a mistake,even like BBC and CNN do every mistake.And it is very natural also his readers like Amanuel and Sesen to correct the mistake.
About the news item.
again another sad story.May the almighty God help the poor teenage.
The so called minster Tesfay took Ali Abdu’s Villa . This is nothing surprising in the Shifta world.By the way that Villa must have had an owner before the black day (24-05-91).Yes before the Shiftas over run the Capital .So it is normal when the first Shifta run away to Australia to save his life ,the 2nd Bandit took over.This 2nd bandit may stay there as long as the Slave owner wants or until the right owner comes…This is normal in the Hyena world ..that is why we have been telling you ,the problem is not only Isaias but the absurd Ghedli project by it self.But they deceived almost the whole population,and everyone helped them to throw the generous poor DERGI… If only we had known in the 80th what we know today,,,unfortunately it is too late now ….Believe me this Ghedli is one and the same to the ISIS terror group.
Sesen March 14, 2015
Well said as usual and I couldn’t agree more. I can’t help thinking how perverted our country has become : the criminals and the human traffickers imprison the innocent. If you think about it our people are in prison for just being alive. And this poor innocent girl did what nature dictates kids should do and that is follow their parents and their loved ones. What the regime is doing to the Eritrean people is beyond criminal. That we have people who follow orders to arrest an old man and a young girl speaks volume about the nature of the regime and those who enforce its savage rules.
Arresting and disappearing innocent people is happening all over Eritrea and 99% per cent of all prisoners are innocent. We have two legged animals who dismiss this as a price of sovereignty : people who morally agree that the price of nationhood is to feed the cannibals destroying our country innocent victims. Even in the paranoid former communist countries, there was a method and limit to their madness. Ours is the only regime that kills, tortures, disappears and traffics for the heck of it. Ghedli is truly becoming a nightmare to live with and is a lot worse than the IS terror group of the Arab world. Ghedli followers should wake up quickly and face the reality before poor Eritrea is turned into the dark stone age.
Genet-orginal March 16, 2015
This has nothing to do with Ghedil.
Get over it. Isayas is not part of Ghedli.
He went to kill Ghedli, but he couldn’t. Now he is killing our people post Ghedli. Come on people. Get real.
asemret March 14, 2015
teclay anta…..go home we are prety soon solve our problem. God bless Eritrea!
Genet-orginal March 16, 2015
No worries! The “black day of 24-05-91” will be all better with “greater tigray manifesto’s plan and goal”
Cheer up.
Tes March 14, 2015
Teclay, sesen,amaniel
A group of idiots. We learn a lot through this hellish time how hgdef and its agents work. They pretend and disguise themselves as angles who care about the victims and advocate justice and tolerance while they have a hidden mission. You may not deserve my response but just to let you know that you trick of derailing people not to descuse about the main issue about an innocent girl how she bacome victom and the ill did of that rotton organisation.You idiots are more concerned about revenge to crime of her dad which she had no control. Ay bial Tacly became so smart and wise tried to compare assenna with cnn and bbc. It shows how shallow you are. Assenna runs by few dedicate activists who get nothing in return. For your information cnn and bbc have more bilion annual budget and full time staff with corporate structure. You rises one error from million up dated correct informations, and trying to discredit its invaluable contrbution to-date. As an observer i am obliged to speak out for fairness and truth. If that make me hypocrite so be it. Having said that it doesn ‘t mean assenna unable to defend itself. But it is my believe assenna has more important issuis than your nonsense.
Sesen you have some sort of inferiority. You need to see a doctor in case there is cure to your rear abnormality. Until then you parent have to put a lash at your neck.
asemret March 14, 2015
Tes thank you for pointing out who this people are. Well said. God bless our people and our country( Eritrea).
Ethiopiawi March 14, 2015
How cruel and inhuman act ever! How in the world can a country be lead like this? speechless and feel really sorry for the beautiful lady!
Aziza March 14, 2015
RIP Eritrea
AHMED SALEH March 14, 2015
You didn’t give up from your sinister wish .
Eritrea is alive if you can’t swallow the truth it will choke
you to death like like others before you .
tamrat tamrat March 14, 2015
When decent people led by simple criminals the following happen.
When EPRP was defeated its members and supporters were were called to report to their respective Kebele. A 10th grade girl a daughter of respected next leader of st merry church run away. The derg people invaded our little residential area checked and terrorized each and every one. Finally they took the priest into jail giving warning to the wife she will never see her man if the girl dont give up and report.
Two dys after the release of the daughter, her body was found in front of their drive in gate.
If a 10th grade member means that much for derg imagine what it means ali abdu mean for hgdef.
The innocent girl and the priest have some thing in common.
tamrat tamrat March 14, 2015
I mean ..two days after the release of the father
Halafi March 14, 2015
sesen and teclay, well said and to the target,
“Arresting and disappearing innocent people is happening all over Eritrea and 99% per cent of all prisoners are innocent. We have two legged animals who dismiss this as a price of sovereignty : people who morally agree that the price of nationhood is to feed the cannibals destroying our country innocent victims. Even in the paranoid former communist countries, there was a method and limit to their madness. Ours is the only regime that kills, tortures, disappears and traffics for the heck of it. Ghedli is truly becoming a nightmare to live with and is a lot worse than the IS terror group of the Arab world. Ghedli followers should wake up quickly and face the reality before poor Eritrea is turned into the dark stone age.”
The present Eritrea and its so called Sawra has been compared to many ugly regimes and dictators including North Korea, however, this is not enough. For a point, the evil regime in North Korea has intact kept its Korean languages and feudal and Confucian values.
The most appropriate comparison is the current evil savages of ISIL/ISIS in Iraq and Syria who are destroying any traces of the past history, heritage and languages plus the modern notion of civilization. Only in Eritrea out of all Sub Saharan Africa, our past and proud history of more than 3000 years was mocked as “fiction” and our languages burned and undermined to replace it by alien values, as the ISIL-Taliban gangs did.
Nothing good will come from people who disrespect their past.
AHMED SALEH March 14, 2015
The subject in discussion about this innocent young girl , her grand father and others
who faced injustices because of their unfortunate family relationship with HGDF members
officials is proved example which defines the truth of present Eritrea .
Morals we were raised with disappeared long time ago from our acceptance into such type
of behavior . Our people choose to remain passive spectators while life is going terribly
wrong and the problem keep staying put to continue .
If we didn’t show support in defense of Samah as an Eritrean young girl , I doubt we could
defend others in the name of deleyti fithi like some fake wanna be .
debesay March 15, 2015
Ezi hzibizi kuwudae alewo esayas entay geru bakotat hzibi sle zirekebe yuko .eritreawian jahra tray zeynukuh hzibi nlewuti keltifu ayemtsian eu gena kisab zifletena kinkitkrt alena sle zeyrdana esaya emo anbesa eyu neilamue nkalesn yketln yasrn alo nihnamo nizareb tray