Is the choice of the Eritrean people between the plague and cholera?
The Nobel laureate in physics and lead engineer of the Manhattan project in Los Alamos Richard Feynman said once “an expert is a person who has done all the mistakes supposed to be done in

The Nobel laureate in physics and lead engineer of the Manhattan project in Los Alamos Richard Feynman said once “an expert is a person who has done all the mistakes supposed to be done in a very narrow field”. If this is true, the regime in Eritrea and the opposition in the Diaspora must be experts. However, I am
very amused, when I always hear our elderly (veterans) saying that the struggle (ገድሊ) was a big University and they have learnt a lot: imagining that the dean of the faculty was the happy goes lucky addicted gambler in Asmara.
zaid February 28, 2014
good job dr tadios
Selam February 28, 2014
I greatly appreciate and enjoyed and learned from your interesting article. Thank You and seeing forward for another article.
Tesfu Kbrom March 1, 2014
aberhane March 1, 2014
Dawit Meconen March 1, 2014
Dr. Tadious Tesfu,
You have weird name(tadious) but that is not all; contrary to your claim to higher education, you seem to be completely at a loss and fuzzy when it comes to figuring out who is who in the Eritrean struggle against the impostor Isaias Afewerwqi.
The so called Baito and ENCDC are not genuine Eritrean organizations; they are woyane Trojan Horses, through which woyane vainly hopes to realize its Manifesto of abai tigrai of 1977 as it has already acquired Alamata, from Wollo, and Humera, from Begemdr. Its 1995-1998 border instigation against Eritrea was designed to that effect if it were not humiliated by the Sawa Lions.
Genuine Eritreans do not take all PFDJs, YPFDJs for enemies; the impostor Isaias Afewerqi and his inner circle, who are all of tigrai descent, are. Probably, as some naïve Eritreans, you are conned into that fallacious thought by treacherous woyane, for whom the genuine PFDJs are its nightmare because they are embodiments of its history of Disgrace and Collaborative Treason.
The impostor Isaias Afewerqi and woyane are two faces of the same coin. They have the same goal although they cleverly pose themselves as mortal enemies, the objective of which is to divide and lock naïve Eritreans against each other as a prelude to their final demise. I hope you understand now why the so called Baito and ENCDC do not conduct their function harmoniously, and instead let down each other. They are decoys in the hands of the enemies of Eritrea, to deceive and mislead.
Do you think it is by accident that woyane and the impostor had each CIA contact?
Absolutely not. It was by design.
Do you think Paul Henze, a veteran CIA, and former National Security Advisor of ex-President Carter, who was in bed with woyane in addis abeba for many years, was also covertly in contact with the impostor Isaias Afewerqi?
Absolutely, yes.
The reason woyane started border instigations was to afford plausible excuse for the impostor Isaias Afewerqi to embark the country and Eritreans into the abyss of doom and gloom we are passing through . He could nip woyane in the bud by referring the case to the OAU or UNSC but he did not want do it because that would not serve his eternal purpose. And woyane would not have started the border instigation unless it was reassured all sorts of help through Paul Henze.
The impostor did not only started the war but also purposely mismanaged it; ignored the information that woyane soldiers were crossing into Eritrea and thus he allowed them to attack Eritrean Defense Forces from behind; ordered Eritreans Defense Force at Assab front to withdraw, and had they complied, our beloved Front of Assab, would have been in the hands of the faithless woyane; ordered the zalambesa Front of our Defense Forces to prematurely withdraw before the cessation of hostilities took effect and exposed them, our people and historical artifact to be mauled by woyane etc. etc.
The impostor is a con artist. He even fooled Qiada Al Ama by falsely implicating innocent Eritrean University students as Ethiopian spies, as a result of which so many young educated Eritreans were slaughtered, and he earned scholarship to the Communist China. But again, his modus operandi are:
1. to accuse and do away with those whom he fears of the very evil operation he is set out to do.
2. to hide his malicious plans and undertakings with attractive masks, such as—- New Eritrea, Tesfa News, Self Defense, Worera woyane, telling the truth, Warsai YekaAlo, Self Reliance, Independent Foreign Policy etc.
3. etc.
Genuine Eritreans,
Wake Up from your slumber, you are being buried alive by the treacherous and faithless tegaru. Thus our immediate goal is not democracy but Salvation of our Sovereignty, Unity and Territorial Integrity. It is only when we have salvaged our country that we can talk of democracy. We must never again be deceived by their treacherous and seductive mouths.
Please, take a note at the devastations they inflicted with impunity on our people and country. Can’t you see, they are sneering at our folly. We must not take it any longer.
Abraham March 3, 2014
Dawit Meconen,
Nonetheless to your controversial mindset and bully behavior, obviously you inferiority and cheap personality are prevailing in your odd writing. You seem to miss every point of the topic in its rational sense. Dr. Tadios Tesfu tried to state in his article that the inner morality of the leadership matters.
To your knowledge, Tadios a Christian name of an apostle and is the Patron of the hopeless people. This fits very well to your desperate state of mind. Why do not try to write your own article, if you want us to know more of your bullshit?
Suleiman Salim March 3, 2014
I caught the bully Meconen ( Mekonen!!) once insulting our Christian brothers.
Solomon March 2, 2014
Dear Dr.Tadious,
@ Dawit Mo”c”onen…..weird name you say?!!!!……hope less people like you are everywhere who belitle other peoples work!
Thankyou DR.Tadious….for the insite in to the overall situation and your orderly writing. It is comforting to see that there are some ablepeople who wantto do good.
On the other hand there are also peoplelike Dawit Mo”c”onen, retards who can not even spell their name correctly….
Claire March 2, 2014
Dear Dr. Tesfu,
I enjoy reading your article and have an insight in the Baito organisation structure. Looking forward to your next article about the solutions of the problems.
K. Schnee March 3, 2014
Lieber Dr. Tadios Tesfu,
Ihr Aufsatz ist sehr inhalts- und ideereich, es lohnt sich, mehrmals zu lesen. Mit traditionellen Werten und aktuellen Beispielen haben Sie uns gezeigt, warum das Regime einfach nicht standhalten wird und was für Demokratie wichtig sind. Obwohl ich nicht in allen Punkten und Kritiken Ihrer Meinung teile, finde ich, dass Ihr Aufsatz einen wichtigen Beitrag leistet, neue Perspektive in der eritreischen Politik und der oppositionellen Arbeiten aufzuzeigen. Auch Eritrea braucht kritikfähige Politiker, aber auch den Konsens und Zusammenhalt in der Oppisition, um das Regime zu stürzen.
Viel Kraft für die neue Arbeit und God bless you.
Suleiman Salim March 3, 2014
Frankfurt a.M. – In seinem Beruf geht Dr. (rer.nat.) Tadios Tesfu den kleinsten Dingen auf den Grund. Als Diplom-Chemiker gilt seine Leidenschaft der Nanotechnologie.
In Kassel hat Tadios eine Gesamtschule besucht und Abitur gemacht. Es begann eine Bilderbuchkarriere. Er studierte Chemie an der Universität Kassel, promovierte zum Thema “Festkörperelektrochemische Untersuchungen an mikro- und nanostrukturiertem Ag2S und Ag2Se” an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen und arbeitete unter anderem an renommierten wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen wie dem Leibniz Institut für Polymerforschung in Dresden und am Fraunhofer Institut Dresden. Heute forscht Tesfu im Bereich “Entwicklung von effizienten Beschichtungstechnologien und leistungsfähigen Elektrodenschichten für neuartige MT-PEM-Brennstoffzellen” an einem privatwirtschaftlichen Forschungsinstitut in Frankfurt.
Frankfurt aM – In his profession is Dr. (rer.nat.) Tadios Tesfu the smallest things on the ground. As a graduate chemist applies his passion of nanotechnology.
In Kassel Tadios attended a comprehensive school and graduated from high school. It began a storybook career. He studied chemistry at the University of Kassel, doctorate on the topic “Festkörperelektrochemische studies on micro-and nanostructured Ag 2 S and Ag2Se” at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen and worked, among others, renowned scientific institutions such as the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research in Dresden and the Fraunhofer Institute Dresden. Today Tesfu research in the field “development of efficient coating technologies and leistungsfähigen electrode layers for novel MT-PEM Fuel Cells” at a private research institute in Frankfurt.
Werede Tekle March 4, 2014
Tadios, you are not mature, I think you have to judge your self before you judge others. In your article you wrote you are one of the leadership of Bayto in Europe especially in Germany. In addition, you mentioned that you are the head of Kassel Festival July 2013. As a leadership in Germany, you hide yourself in Berlin Demonstration. As a leadership in Germany it is your job to find out as others do. You are one of the highest rank in German. No one can appreciate you to blame bayto. In your territory you be a handicap. You accuse and blame for the one who attend and send the message of bayto in the crowed that is the vice chairperson. I can say the chairperson of bayto is Hero, who participate in the demonstration with strong emotion against PFDJ. WAW Mr. Tadios I think you want to make demonstration under your bed or in your house or you are shy to go out and fight against PFDJ. Shame to you. I do not give a single credit the article you wrote. It is important to ask you one question, that what is your contribution in two years as a BAYTO LEADRSHIP in Germany? I saw a video of vice chairperson of Bito explain the character of PFDJ while the embassy and his crew invited by Germany Organization who support PFDJ.
In your article you accuse BAYTO chair person calling the name of vice chair, this nonsense Tadios, you are living in a developed country, I do not understand your point. Culturally, we call chairman/woman, but calling name or vice chair it is the same. I think you have a problem. If you are looking to be a chair or vice chair of Bayto you have to work in your place. In my opinion you are not qualified.
I have question, Do you talk the chair or vice chair to address the complaint you present? if not why?