Is the choice of the Eritrean people between the plague and cholera?
The Nobel laureate in physics and lead engineer of the Manhattan project in Los Alamos Richard Feynman said once “an expert is a person who has done all the mistakes supposed to be done in

The Nobel laureate in physics and lead engineer of the Manhattan project in Los Alamos Richard Feynman said once “an expert is a person who has done all the mistakes supposed to be done in a very narrow field”. If this is true, the regime in Eritrea and the opposition in the Diaspora must be experts. However, I am
very amused, when I always hear our elderly (veterans) saying that the struggle (ገድሊ) was a big University and they have learnt a lot: imagining that the dean of the faculty was the happy goes lucky addicted gambler in Asmara.
Najat Saleh March 4, 2014
Werede Tekle, are you mad? Why are you sucking so? Are sleeping with the Bayto leadership, because I have heard the chairman is a hooker and the vice chair is a whore.
Do you really think that the chairman is a hero? I tell you stupid nut, heroes are like Awate, Wedi Ali, Seid Saleh and of course Dr. Tadios the great.
You said that in Dr. Tadios is handicapped and is not mature; also, he is leading the ENCDC Germany very well. You should watch out and see some videos and news articles in the in the net.
Oh my Goodness, Do you really think, that he is not qualified for being an ENCDC chairman? Yes, in this case you are right he should not be the chairman of ENCDC but he should be the president of Eritrea, because he is overqualified for that job of Bayto leadership. He is the only Scientist we have in the field of Nanotechnology! Understood!
Dear Dr. Tadios Habib-Eyuni,
I love the smile in your eyes. I can see your kind Soul through your eyes, how intelligent, tolerant and bold you are.
I know that your Arabic is fluent, please write your next article in Arabic language. There are many Eritreans in the Middle East and Sudan will love to share your knowledge. Because I know, you are my man from Ali-Gider from the heart of the people of Bin Amir, Mariaselim and Bedguk.
1000 kisses
Rahman Salih March 5, 2014
Dear Tadious,
Strong Women Are Always Threat to Weak Men
At least you have made an attempt, though at high and big cost.
Almost, suicidal. You are not that young,in your early fifty:
you should understand the implication of personal and unprovoked
attack to one of the most promising and distinguished intellectual
women of her generation.
Your paper has started with a lot of quotations of internet extract
which lacks organic cultural link with our heritage. It seems a
pretentious show off faculty of naivety!!! We have a lot of wise
Eritrean to learn from , and precious diamonds of sayings, proverbs and
stories which can impress the world culture. I was expecting an intellectual
challenge from you :but sadly ended up with nonsense academia. There is a difference
between the two.
There is a basic rule for a learned person. Do not insult! Do not undermine!!! do not lie!!
You can be jealous of her qualities! you have the right to be angry and irritated : tough.
Learn from the way she speaks, challenges, and fights. The YOUTUBES are full of evidences showing her fearless nature of analysing issues, compounded by linguistic fluency and heart and soul penetrating capability to win arguments. She stands firm and neck high to defend the values, mission, objectives and and constitutions of the Eritrean National Conucil for Democratic Change. There is no nonsense in her vocabulary. Help her if there something you can, otherwise you ….
She is a woman of ELF parents. She is the Deputy Chair of the biggest umbrella organisation.
She works day and night to help Eritrean. She is also pan – african activist who fights for their justices. Simple demand : assist her in her struggle. If you cannot : keep out of her way!! stop nagging and undermining. Our daughter is precious to us : we do not want her be provoked unnecessarily!!1
There are a number of Eritrean Women who have emerged to high level of responsibilities to fight for their people in the land, sea, and in scary places. Many arrogant men try to undermine their contributions. It is high time you should learn to respect. Whoever Acts with Respect Will Get respect.
One of the most interesting contribution of Deputy Chair during the Lempadusa disaster was the translation of Mr Taddese poem “TAKE MY BODY Home” into several languages including German, English and Italian : no body asked her to do so!!! It is her dedication to the Eritrea cause.
I am obliged to trust that you are not going to launch unprovoked attack again.
Good wishes
Michael March 6, 2014
what a great article dr.Tadios! Wi can not change the past but we can change the future of our people and our bloved coutry if we take the right decisions now.
I agree with you that power blongs to the Eritrean people.
B. March 7, 2014
Lieber Tadios,
zunächst einmal vielen Dank für Deinen Artikel!
Dann hätte ich eine Frage:
Kann es sein, dass Ihr von United for Eritrea Euch zu wenig für Interessierte außerhalb Eures Bekanntenkreises öffnet? Ich habe mehrfach versucht Kontakt aufzunhemen, um mich zu engagieren, aber keiner hat sich zurückgemeldet.
Ich finde dass sehr bedauerlich, wo doch jeder Einzelne von Bedeutung ist, um “change” zu ermöglichen.
Viele Grüße
Rahman Salih March 7, 2014
Dear Tadious,
Thanks for your article, though I have great concern on its presentation,
style, relevance and strategy.
First and foremost, it is overloaded with a lot quotations of internet extract
of alien cultural roots. It’s purely acedamic. Nobody understood what message
you want to pass. The second point: you seem to be threatened by the power of the
Eritrean women. The unprovoked attack that you unleashed on the Vice chairman
of the Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change was vicious, vindictive and
childish. It showed your weakness, arrogance and lack of political maturity.
All of us have limitations, and we can only learn through constructive criticisms : not through baseless blame and allegations. According to my understanding, she is one best Erirean women emerging leaders. There is something that you could learn from her, as much as she can.Continue …
from yow.
Learing is mutual.
Rahman Salih March 7, 2014
Dear Tadious,
Of course, we do not expect a lot from you because you are more
a person of chemicals and solutions rather than social science.
I assume that you may be good in your field. the big issue of
concern is your presentation of the case, Great communicators are
capable of delivering complex issues in a simple, plain, clear and
bright. The strength of the Vice Chairman of the National council
is her capability to attract heart and mind, her articulation of the case,
and her fearless character. She is a hardworking mother of great talents,
a respected teacher of great admiration> You can learn a lot from her.
Please, the essence of politics is to be careful how to talk and use words.
On this,you to have failed to understand. Sorry try to learn from her.
Rahman Salih March 7, 2014
Dear Tadious,
There another point in life. If you draw a sword : a sword will be drown aganist you.
Learn to be constructive. The reward is massive. and Play nasty game : the possibility
of being outsmarted is huge. The consequence is fatal.
The way you planned your article is self – defeating: to become tall by smearing people,
possibly bribed by the enemies of the ENCDC. How dare you equate two diametrically opposing systems? Who are you serving now? Try to learn not undermine people!!!
The Vice Chair of the Bayto is a strong woman with a lot of admirers!!! Debate your case with her face to face in the public! then people will know who is who?
Strong women are always a threat to weak men. They are a threat to you,and your likes.