Intv with Journalist Tedros Mengstu – Voice of Assenna
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g January 15, 2012
Eritrea is progressing every second. No more fighting our young brothers and sisters are the future of Eritrea. Stop your nonsense just do your thing where ever you are stop the hate be muture help your country if not go to Ethiopia for free vacation becarful meles might shoot you.
Taddesse T Gebremussie January 15, 2012
You are caward came with your real name as TEDROS do I do if you realy love your country & bleave what you think is right .
Evry Eritrean have the right to his or her opinion abaut our country. I dont heat any body even ISAYAS I was his suporter in the beigning naw I opose his greedy polotics.
Eritrea is first to me.Not the land, the kind Eritrean people who fight 30 years for independence.Where are Eritreans now after 20 years indipendent ERITREA?.
That is my diference with the Dictators,give pawer to the people, let the law to work that is my opinion I feer no body I wanted to see the Eritrean brave brathers sisters die to free Eritrea our patriots vision was not for them self for Eritreans.I felow their step they are real body to me that is why I put my real name except GODi I fear no body forget polotic speak the truth is Eritreans benefiting?. Iam in USA in good life with my children & grand children I wanted all ERITREANS at home families injoy in their country good life Eritrea is reach country in every thing if it have good governament who leason scholars advice that is my diference with Isayas I gave him peace of advice in Nairobi Kenyata Conference center in 1995.If he leason that time Eritrea can be anather country, if Isayas LEASON patriot father WELDEAB WELDEMARIAMS advice Isayas can be respected leader he fel him self, he make to lost our degnity in the eyes of the world.
g January 15, 2012
My point is clear weather you are supporter or opposition stop the nonsense fighthing be mature come on now stay out of trouble and dont put someone in trouble. kab kulu ahlifka mihab newri
remember daniel tewelde and others in awassa they put them in jail for what reason? like you said everybody got his/her own opinion if you dont like someones opinion then you dont have to be in his/her program period. What chage are you going to bring by bothering your eritrean brothers and sisters while your ajenda is different? According to Tedros the meeting was mekete about the ugly sanction and he supports the sanction he should have went to his kind off Eritreans who support the toothless sunction. The demonstration in DC 2010 against sanction was for all Eritreans who are against the sanction so if someone is supporting the sanction he/she doesnt need to come unless he/she is trouble maker like Tedros.
Ghirmay January 15, 2012
The case tedros vs PFDJ gangs is historic. This sends clear messages to all PFDJ thugs in the UsA. If you commit human right abuse to any one like tedros , you will be arrested and face
Texas law : this is not Eritrea and you won’t get away. Those who commit this shameful act have criminal record now and if they commit second offense , they can be sentenced to long jail time and even deportation to Eritrea . The stupidity that you guys learn from PIA is Not tolerated here in the uSa. I admire tedros’s courage; he stood not only for his right but for all Eritreans . tedros : thankyou!
Mr. T January 15, 2012
I have listened the interview, and I believe that the victim, Tedros, is a decent person. After all that ruthless beating, he does not even seem to hold still grudges or hatred against those who had physically attacked him and now find themselves guilty at the court of law. Those who live in a glass house should be really careful not throw rocks around. If they did not want him to attend their meeting, they could have simply called the police to get him out.
g January 15, 2012
the sad thing is amanuel assenna never interviewed daniel tewelde from awassa who according to the oppostion worked hard for the waela amha domenico and his friends in jail and refused him to attend the waela that he spent his time organizing it.
assenna never wrote a single article about Daniel Tewelde.
g January 15, 2012
put him in jail
weredemihret January 15, 2012
PFDG, and spooks like yourself wanted the Awassa walea to be dominated by the incident of brother Daniel. Why??? Not because they cared about might have happened to him but as usall to hijack the success of the waela and divert the attention of folks to gual mengedi.
If in fact Daniel was a victim of politics he has a resource to law to address any injustice against him. You see g where there is a rule of engagement there is a solution, unlike in today’s Eritrea under pfdj.
Mr. g you are a loser the tide of change is against you and your bosses.
g January 16, 2012
No matter what you dont put an Eritrean in danger like they did to daniel tewelde. assenna is probably intimidated by daniel that is why he never even mention his name.
according to wedi Taba he said hanti atsabetika entekosila koriska aytidrbyan eka entay dea mistahanti atsabeti hawiska tishifna silezi daniel wala entetegageye eritrawi silezikone abtihti weyane kiwedik aytidelyon.
Eritrea is progressing every second in the right direction thanks to the determination and hard work of the government and the people. Keep day dreaming about the waela which never had an Eritrean ajenda which was destroyed even before the meeting was started.
Abeden Ni egeda!
Yonas January 16, 2012