In Pictures: A Boat Carrying 450 Refugees Mostly from Eritrea Captured by Libyan Army
Google Translation: A boat with 450 immigrants on board captured by the Libyan army on Monday, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa while trying to travel to Europe Illegally. Large part of the immigrants are from Eritrea, although some

Google Translation:
A boat with 450 immigrants on board captured by the Libyan army on Monday, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa while trying to travel to Europe Illegally. Large part of the immigrants are from Eritrea, although some were from Syria and Palestine, including women and children.
Yesterday at least 40 migrants drowned off the coast of Alqrbula Libyan town 50 km east of Tripoli.
Click for more pictures: Libyan army Captured a boat carrying 450 migrants
Lilay May 14, 2014
ሎሚ ክሃድም ክብል ሽግር ዝረኽቦ ኤርትራዊ ኣይደንጽን እዩ። እቲ ፍታሕ ህዝቡን ሃገሩን ከናዲ ወላ ን መስዋእቲ ዚቅረብ እንተዘይኮይኑ። ስራሕ ወድ ዓሊ ምሳሌ ኣለና። ካብ ኣብ ሰሃራን ባሕርን ብላሽ ኣብ ሃገርካ ብኽብሪ።
sami May 14, 2014
abe dege selezeloka eka eti hezebi lebi zeyetesemee seb eka abey aloka ? nay hezebeka hiwet rea. fetehi kerekebu wetsiom enetay emo eza baheri nebezuhat yehewatena wehita. haki tezareb esek abeti nesatom zelewo konka reayo
m May 14, 2014
thank u,you are are right,we die fornoting
m May 14, 2014
thank u ,you are right we die for nothing
sabina May 14, 2014
sami May 14, 2014
kabeti mewedaeta zeyebelu megezaeti wetederena enetay emo kegeberu eway yehwatey bezi zekewen zelo hade ewan fetehi kemetsee eyu. atum atakaeti neti haki fetehi tezarebu aletenet deyu kalee ayetekemenan eyu be shem seweat zelagetsu nay gezae reesom zedelebu zelewu eti hiwet zetekefelela hager waga kekefelu kelewu nehezebom fetehi elom eyom tesewiom eneber kab gezaeti nab megezaeti kesageru ayekonun befelay bekankaka megezaeti eway betaemi eyu zehezen abe adi zeneber zelo hezebekum reayu abe dege koneka metekae ayekonen wey kea bealat koneka metekae ayekonen hezebeka yetemey alo bezegerem hiwet eyu zeneber zelo semae nay hezebeka lebi. ne haki dew bel
Ahhhhhhhh May 14, 2014
I have a polite question to ask to the so-called sons of Bitch “Teghadelti”. What was your goal when you waged that cursed “ghedli”? What was in your mind? What were your dreams??????????? Can you tell me you sons of bitches? Do you see who is leaving the country? Look at the photos above and others of Eritreans fleeing the country. It is the generation that came to this world after the cursed day of so-called freedom. It is kids, young ladies and boys. It is the new generation. What good have you brought to Eritrea? Can you tell me SOBs??? So, your dream was to annihilate any Eritrean generation that comes after you in order for you to or at least for you few comrades to lead a lavish life in Eritrea? You brought this catastrophe to the Eritrean masses. So, I challenge you now “teghadelti”. I challenge you. As you brought it, you need to solve it. Otherwise, history will judge as the most abominable criminal creatures in the history of Eritrea. Wise, far seeing and elderly Eritreans had told you at the right time then that what you were doing was a tragic mistake. But, you as stupid, idiots and childish as you were, you did not listen!!! Now, look where we are!!! Look at the photo above and ask yourself what you achieved out of that cursed “ghedli” of yours you SOBs. You destroyed my land!!! my people!!! my pride!!!
selamawit2 May 14, 2014
Denden, you write
“we should start Gifa(roundups)across the globe to deport eritreans to the frontier and marching them to salvage eritrea and in no time the bastard dictator leader of rashaida and budowin will ask for mercy or completely forget about Eritrea just do your daily life.”
As you say, you were an eritrean, would you than be the first to be dported to eritrea?
or are you such a hero that you will go volutarily?
Do yu have the guts to answer my question this time – i guess not!
Teclay May 14, 2014
Sister try to read Dendens message between the lines, i mean try to understand it.
But your answers to M was really interesting , i can not help laughing
selamawit2 May 15, 2014
Teclay, thank you for your advice but i am not prejudging Denden.
I read his comments very carfully and i came to see that he is against evrybody who cares for eritrea (amanuel Eyasu, Meron Estefanos, (all!) oppositional groups, many wonderful justice seekers her in this forum etc…)
The question is: what is his agenda (BTW, i asked him before but unfortunately he didn’t answer)?
A bigger ethiopia which is 100% christian? Oh sorry, it would be a smaller ethiopia than for he wants to send 50% of the ethiopians and of the eritreans to saudi arbia…,-)
Hzbawi May 14, 2014
Wake up Eritreans, for the right of your victim people who is dying everywhere inside out.
Hzbawi May 14, 2014
Wake up Eritreans, for the right of your victim people who is dying everywhere inside out. Let we all must have fulmination for change. We need to be one
Abi May 14, 2014
those people are mainly from adi grat northern Tigray and some are from central Ethiopia… they have been advised to say that they are from Eritrea so that the west can accept their refuge statute.
dan May 14, 2014
Aye beal wedimedhin berad sham for us shame for our country gn nay Edkum ktfdeyu mukankum fletu
dan May 14, 2014
Shefatu marahti eritrea ata kurub nay gorrebetkum ethiopia keman ayknakumn dfae kitkuetu 23 amet halifu