In Pictures: A Boat Carrying 450 Refugees Mostly from Eritrea Captured by Libyan Army
Google Translation: A boat with 450 immigrants on board captured by the Libyan army on Monday, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa while trying to travel to Europe Illegally. Large part of the immigrants are from Eritrea, although some

Google Translation:
A boat with 450 immigrants on board captured by the Libyan army on Monday, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa while trying to travel to Europe Illegally. Large part of the immigrants are from Eritrea, although some were from Syria and Palestine, including women and children.
Yesterday at least 40 migrants drowned off the coast of Alqrbula Libyan town 50 km east of Tripoli.
Click for more pictures: Libyan army Captured a boat carrying 450 migrants
Tes May 15, 2014
You asked me if change is necessary in Eritrea? Of course change is no necessary but it is long over due. It is not only change bur complete change. Eradicating HGDEF from its root. Never to appear again in any form or color. I don’t believe in reform or cosmetic change.
How I think it will come? Very good question but difficult to answer. But I think starting from myself we need to to some serious soul searching.
*Why are we in this mess and continuous humiliation?
*What is the core problem for this slow distraction?
*What is the reason we have not manage to establish a government accountable to us?
*Who should be the owners of the destiny of our country?
*How on earth allowed unstable almost clinically mad person to lead and have supporters.
Unless we define critically the core problem for this current miseries we see in our eye unfolded then I am afraid we will left with nothing to salvage. Our problem is not accept our failure and do something about it. There are many blaims out outsiders. I don’t blaim the junta but the people especially those who should know better. You see the dancing with murderers and rapists. No shame whatsoever. Our young sisters and brothers are leaving in drove encountering enormous challenge in their way out. They still they don’t have choice but to run out to where ever into any where. They find out there is nothing worse than home. Rather than asking our self what make them to choose this rout? Oh how could they get in to death? why they don’t fight in their country. Well they were born in the time of darkness under HGDEF. They completely confused unequipped to solve their problem. They don’t know their right, they were told where to go or live. They were robed their child life.
The only solution I see possible is to encourage the opposition rather than undermining them for underachieved.
Join them in try to input you own way of engagement. From side standing as observer don’t expect miracle. The nation is for everyone, not for one zone or people. It is for all of us and each of us are responsible to work for better tomorrow. The old guards are out dated and out of the modern horizon. They are stack at Ghedly and they will die at Ghedly without free themelf.
Tamrat Tamrat May 15, 2014
Wisdom learnt and from experience:
1) The diaspora hgdef are so agressive in approching any New commer and by hook or Crook make them hgdef supporter or at least the ‘silent majority’ while the opposition are so divided and they want to be politically correct in all aspects. (remember New Commers are voulnarable both economical wise and the burden they carry With them so they can be easly scared and manuplated, i am saying this from my first hand experience). Imagine all hgdef translators all over the world and ask yourself if they are loyan to their profession for isayas. This is just a trivial example.
2) Hgdef uses religion as a dividing instrument. This is Dangerous but at the same time it shows desperation. (1991 more than half a million muslim and christian Ethio-eri praid and the reslut the thousands journalist from all corrnors of the world who came to report one of the worrest civil war in addis and Asmara live ‘dissapointed’. Those mulsims and christians they did not goo to war but praid and their pray saved Our lives while one bbc journalist lost his life while he wanted to broad cast live the the blast of largest Warehouse of tones of explosives in the middele of addis). So fight religoin based devision amongst eritreans.
3) The majority and dynamic part of Eritrea are under 35 years. And these People dont know the potential Eritrea has. The only thing they have learnt through pfdj propaganda is that how Ethipians colonized Eritrea and ethio soldiers rape their sisters and mothers, burn their houses, moved all the factories to Ethiopia and thanks to pfdj Eritrea is much better now than 24 years ago. So tell hgdef to stop bitting a dead hors but ask what has hgdf done to Eritrea lately? The exodus could have been a vacation trip to Ethipia at least if hgdef has done its work. Eritrea’s and eritreans potentrial have not touched to any positive endavour.
4) In 1990 many ehtiopians includding me thought that derg was watching us 24/7 but we found out only on 1991 that it was a bluff. So informe eritreans home, hgdef is only bluffing after all, the soldeirs families belong to the majority and when the worrest day come they choose their Family not this looser or hgdef members.
selamawit2 May 15, 2014
first of all i regard it as a development that you at last this time aswered my question.
“But you and the others who are funding the trip of the slaves want to be and traffickers have completely undermined our efforts to cartel the barbaric nature of the trafficking. You and those who support and fund the exodus of our people continuously have been telling eritreans to ignore the message and not listen to those to the real stories and pictures what exactly could happen to them.”
It is arrogant and negative to prejudge people, the way you did it with me, Ahmed Saleh and a lot of wonderful justice seekers here in this. Why don’t you ask for the informations you need before you judge a person??? Of course only if you don’t gain from a “disturbed” eritrean community… (BTW, you are wrong again with you guessing game)
Also our very first communication started with you prejudging me – do you remeber, we cleared it later (see:
There is two very important difference between you and me:
1) there are 2 as a principle different word-views:
one seeks similarity and one seeks difference. in modern scholarship the second one is know
as unsuitable if you really want to solve problems between people – and well, it is the preferd one by racists and fundamentalists.
I prefer the first and you the second one (see my reasoning below.)
1) i work hard to avoid prejudgement and you seem to love prejudgement. Therefor my further complains on you are based on your own comments in this forum:
you demonize and disprize
– peace activist (e.g. Meron Estefanos)
– intellectuals from other countries who are trying to help eritrea and freethinking journalist (e.g. Emanuel Eyasu)
– eritrean jeberti per se (which is rascism/fundamentalism)
– all (!) moslems (no matter if they are nice or criminals)
and therefore 50% of the ethiopians and 50% of the eritreans.
you want a bigger ethiopia an no eritrea (do you want to operate a religious cleansing and to eliminate 50% of both people???)
– at the same the head of the Tewahdo church Abune Antonios (you say he is a coward. because he braved DIA and is therefore detained???)
– all oppositional groups (anti-hgdfs) – don’t you?
you claim to be angry B/C of the hardship eritreans are going through but you morally beat those kids who are in a bitter state.
Look at the babyface in the midlle of the image: he could have been “stolen” while going to school. it is very painful to imagine what he has been going through. nomatter if he is resposible for his action or not – if you were a brother, you would cry rivers with him/for him. But i think you don’t.
Intead you beat those who are lying on floor. Is this love, botherhood, empathy??? No!
But why do you act like this?
possible answers:
You are
1. a undercover HGF (= snake and dead man walking)
2. an ethiopian underdog as ethiopian don’t want separatists who try to prodce hatred between the large religious groups in their country (= snake and dead man walking)
3. a bull in a china store (than better become human or go to the zoo/wilderness)
4. a traumatized victim who wants to help but is so confused that he produces damages instead of helping (than i wish you and good psychological treatment and time to sort your thoughts and to consider your actions)
i hope you are 3. or 4. willing to learn, like every healthy person does – otherwise you are a hopeless soul.
Tamrat Tamrat May 15, 2014
Samrawit2, i read Denden’s comment and Yours. And i thought you were westing Your time in discussing With him. But after i read all the way through, i say go girl many can get Clear answer how few individual twist Things and make their setanic assersion.
The worrest criminals are People who use religion for their hidden agenda in a country where many innocent blievers who practice their religion more than anything ie Ethiopia and Eritrea. I will be by Your side to fight any one who abuse Our religions be it a prist, imamm, political party or even cyber Warrior.
I love Your thoughly answer to denden and thanks you use Your time.
selamawit2 May 16, 2014
Dear brother Tamrat Tamrat,
“The worrest criminals are People who use religion for their hidden agenda in a country where many innocent blievers who practice their religion more than anything ie Ethiopia and Eritrea. I will be by Your side to fight any one who abuse Our religions be it a prist, imamm, political party or even cyber Warrior.”
You are absolutely right and thank you very much for your dedication and your human and philanthropic kind. Stay tuned, my brother – your dedication is precious for a human and just world!
Wadbahar May 15, 2014
Thank you very much for cooling down and creating the necessary atmosphere for discussions. Now it is easier to identify our common denominators and work out on our differences. It is clear from your answers that both of us want the same thing: a radical change that will ensure freedom, social justice, equality and democracy so that all Eritreans (no exclusions) will live in total harmony and catch up with the civilized world. This is what you, I and others (I am sure all in this forum) want. Why do we fight and label one another? We may differ on how to go along to achieve this. Disagreement here is a sign of diversity that should be encouraged; not hostility. So, we recognize the difference and then we work together to narrow them down.
As regards the solution, there is no formula that everybody should follow. It depends on the objective conditions of the country and how the forces of change forge their relations with one another. But there are certain directions I would like to share with you:
1. The first and is foremost is that we have to see Eritrea within the prism of statehood; not as a statistical figure of about 4 million selfish and independent individuals (each one struggling to satisfy his/her own basic needs by running here or there in any part of the world) with no bonds, common goals and aspirations.
2. Change should come from inside; not through foreign tanks like Afganistan or Iraq. Neighbours could help us but we design our own garments with our own materials. All Eritreans in Diaspora shouldl have a big role too (leave out the details for the time being, Zerzer Kees Yeqadal, as the amhara say).
3. As the youth (now inside and outside the country) are the real owners of the country (have more years to live), they are the ones who lead (by example and inspiration), organize, and be the first to sacrifice every valuable things (have the potential, energy, and sense of urgency) they have for the sake of change (as they did during the war of liberation). Can the youth inside the country play this role if their sprit and soul are outside the borders? The answer is definitely a very big “NO”. So, what do we do? We help them to cool down and tie their destiny to the country. In other words, we need to convince them that they will only grow within the Eritrean borders and with the Eritrean people. This again means, urging them to stop looking for greener pastures outside the country. We have greener pastures in Eritrea. We have to make them ours (dispossess the gang that now holds the country and its resources). This means in the final analysis: wining political power in the name of the people (reach an agreement on how to do it), dismantling the old regime and building a state for all Eritreans in its place. To do this, the youth have to say, we will die and live in Eritrea, and change it like the US, Canada, Europe …etc. Please remember that the Egyptian youth did not flow (in mass) outside the country, irrespective of the dangers hovering over their heads daily. I am sure, you are following the developments.
I don’t care about the details, as long as we agree on the role of the youth and that looking outside the country for prosperity does not build us a state. These are the points I would like to share, off hand. But I ask you to open a peaceful channel with HMM, Tecle and others too. I assume, you are young (not me) and on the same boat. Thanks.
Haqi tezareb May 15, 2014
ኤርትራውነት፤ ውርደት ሕስረት ዝኾነሉ ዘመን በጺሕና።
ነዚ ከርፋሕ ናይ ዕስራን ሰልስተን ዓመት ባርነት ክምጽኡ እዮም፣
ነዚ ኹሉ ዕሸልን መንእሰይን ኤርትራ ናብ መጋርያ ኵናት ዝደፍእዎ ?
ነዚ እዩ ክንደይ ንብረት ዝበረሰ፧ ክንደይ ወርቃዊ ግዜ ዝጠፍኤ ?
ነዚ ከንቱ እዩ፣ ቋንቋታት ታሪኽን መንነትን ብሓዊ ዝተሃንኮተ ?
ዋእ ነዚ ስርዓት ባርነት ከምጽኡ እዮም፣ ምስ ሳሕሳሕ ዓረብ ወጊኖም፣
ንሃጸይ ሃይለሰልሴ “ፊውዳል ኣድሓርሓሪ” ኢሎም: ዝጽረፉ ዝነበሩ፧
ቀደም ባራዩ ዓረብ “ረኣዩና ረኣዩና” ይብሉ ኔሮም፤
ሎሚ ግና፣ ግዜ “ሕብኡና ሕብኡና” ኮይኑ።
Haqi tezareb May 15, 2014
Here is the video clip of the Eritrean refugees in Libya Arab Jamahirya to watch about the sad fate of the so called “Independent Eritrea” and it young children, soon to celebrate its Day of Slavery, as one commentator said.
Wadbahar May 16, 2014
I did my best to discuss with you without any noise, neutralizing your aggressive approach. I am of the opinion that you know, deep at heart, what some of us in this forum are saying makes sense and that reason dictates that we should discourage the kids from taking the journey of death. However, there is no clear indication that any of us could influence you positively, as if we are in front of a crisis of conception on an issue that clearly affects the fate of the youth and the country at large. As you have abandoned the discussions without giving your reactions to our final interventions, it seems to me either your quit of the discussions is a tacit consent of agreement which you could not admit explicitly, or escape by withdrawal from the discussions, knowing your real size. Finally, I have no other way except summarizing my thoughts to conclude that discouraging the kids from dying in the Libyan Desert, the Sinai Desert, the Red Sea or the Mediterranean will bring the following great advantages to the Eritrean people and state:
1. Humanly and morally, discouraging the kids saves lives from perishing in a very humiliating manner and changes the cheap and the dreadful image we have given about Eritreanism to the world. It also deprives the human traffickers of potential victims that would enrich their lubricant trade, which is the modern slave trade whose worse form is the sale of Eritrean human organs. Is there a greater shame than hearing the talk about the sale of Eritrean body organs and the bargain of its prices in the world market? Legally, discouraging the kids reduces the possibility of such harsh crime.
2. Socially and economically, discouraging the journey to death prevents the loss and the thinning of Eritrean population and its subsequent weathering away. Discouraging the exodus of the youth amounts to the prevention of demographic problems in Eritrea whose impact will linger for decades to come. Here we are talking about the loss of human resources that are the source of all socio-economic development, wealth and prosperity. The demographic problems have already been felt in some Eritrean villages where the burial of the dead in a traditional way is reportedly becoming a very challenging task for the elders who are clearly the only remaining human population. A great number is in Sawa, and the remaining split between those who have already crossed the borders and those contemplating to do so. Is this a comfortable and productive situation for the parents and the country?
3. Politically, change will only come if the youth are ready to organize themselves in political work, rallying the whole people behind them and using all resources of the Eritreans in the Diaspora. This cannot be done when the youth have their mind and soul outside the borders, everyone living at the edge of his/her nerves to escape and go to the West, though the journey is a leap in darkness and a trip paved with all ambushes. Do you think the Forto Movement would have failed had the youth spontaneously poured into the streets and organized the people to stand by the side of the gallant soldiers? YES, SPONTANEOUSLY. There are many similar examples in recent world history, but the scope of this comment does not allow. Here I want to show you to what extent the absence of the youth from the political scene is a great relief to the regime.
My final message to you, as an Eritrean, is that when it comes to the mass flight of the youth, you are in the wrong side of history, and that unknowingly or without intention (I do not accuse anyone of treason), you have become a part of the conspiracy hatched by the enemies of the Eritrean people and the Eritrean state by indirectly encouraging or defending the youth to escape, instead of advising them to stand steadfast, confront the dictatorship, bring about its downfall and ensure themselves a decent present and future, while liberating the people from the yolk of the monster and putting the country into the path of modernity. Are the Arab youth better than ours? Can’t ours learn from their courage, consciousness, nationalism, and readiness to die for a better future? Can’t they continue the gallant history of their predecessors who fought for forty years and liberated the country? I challenge you to give me one example of civilizations (Western or Eastern) that was not built by the youth. With this, I end my contributions on the issue of youth flight. Thanks.
hmmm May 16, 2014
Tes is either undercover Ethiopian Weyane or PFDJ weyane, most probably one of the official who make millions by encouraging Eritreans cross boarder. Once they arrive in Ethiopia they will register them at UNHCR and encouraged to pay and smuggled out of Ethiopia. However the name the registered name will be sold to another Tigray boy so he can immigrate to US using a poor Eritrean profile. So this is a business model they have to defend vigorously. The partners in crime are our own PFDJ, they have a fake shoot to kill policy but if you pay them they give you a ride like a diplomat. The Weyane of Ethiopia and the Weyane of Eritrea are working together to destroy our country and rob her of its human resources. Let wake up and fight back people.
Tamrat Tamrat May 17, 2014
‘PFDJ, they have a fake shoot to kill policy but if you pay them they give you a ride like a diplomat’
So you want pfdj to shoot and kill! You souless creature, dont you know the shoot to kill stopped killing because sawa graduates are replacing Your ghedil mercinaries due to dodering age? As the gehdils have solidarity sawa youths have also solidarities, they dont kill their owns.
hmmm May 17, 2014
Tamirat: first of all change your Ethiopian name to Agame name like Meles or something like that. Secondly what I meant was the shoot to kill policy instituted by PFDJ is not really to stop Eritreans from crossing borders. It is just a policy to kill those who cross without paying PFDJ gangs and boarder patrols. Which means those who try to cross without paying can be killed on the spot to set examples for others. We have a MAFIA government and it does what Mafias do for survival. If you pay the base price they will just let you walk on your own but if you pay extra they will give you a ride like a diplomat. That is what I meant you donkoro agame hopefully you get it this time.
Tamrat Tamrat May 17, 2014
I think it is better to be woyane than shabia even from Your wierd formulation. You are upset by Your beloved pfdjs pristigious program is crumbling down in a speed of light. Sorry buddy, you were told not to use Your primitive emotion to lead a land but a simple commonsens based on hundreds years of wisdome. Looser, you blame all the world except yourself. We all have contributed for all the negative influence on both countries one way or other, and shabians share is as huge as an Ocean. Buddy, this is the time to evaluate what you have done, not the time to blame innocent People.
hmmm May 17, 2014
YG aka Tamirat, Denden etc…
I share some of you concern, I fear the disintegration of Eritrean youth is putting the highlanders in a big disadvantage especially if power is grabbed by the Muslim fundamentalists from Awate subscribers who are trying to agitate the Muslim community by telling stories about highlanders abusing lowlanders during Haileselasse. The one good thing about PFDJ is they did not discriminate against one tribe, they abused all eritreans equally (except their crime partners in Rashida) so there is no need to continue talking about the past unless the lowland leaders want to use it as an agenda to divide the people and create animosity.
But another threat is the fact that Weyane is trying to turn Eitrea in to Somalia so they can impose their will unabated. They may have promised you to make you the leader just like the handicap leader of Sonalia who can’t venture out of his own palace. Either-way, those of you who are encouraging the disintegration of eritrea are no friends of Eritrea.
hmmm May 17, 2014
But the biggest threat of all is Isayas and his PFDJ gangs. As long as they are in power things will get worst. The sooner they go the better. We need a leader who is willing to fight and those who are running away will have a purpose to fight for. We can’t fight PFDJ by writing articles, we need to pick up arm and start fighting. PFDJ will not have a single solider fighting for them. The only people who would fight for him are the Tigray body guards in Asmara (dmhit). Every one else will welcome the armed movement to remove the cancer of Eritrea PFDJ.