In Eritrea, a Diver’s Dreamscape
The coral wall rose from the depths of the Red Sea, a vast and multicolor canvas brimming with sea life. I swam alongside it for 200 feet, past tangled branches, swaying ferns and brain-like spheres,
The coral wall rose from the depths of the Red Sea, a vast and multicolor canvas brimming with sea life. I swam alongside it for 200 feet, past tangled branches, swaying ferns and brain-like spheres, and then dove toward the ocean floor.
k.tewolde March 3, 2017
The bliss of this pristine land with its shimmering seashores is off limits for its owners,instead of scuba diving and snorkeling and exploring their own marine wealth,Eritreans are drowning in faraway strange waters and grabbing on to a life line,how do you explain that to an average tourist who you are giving a tour of this barren land? While pondering for an answer,I am heading to the Florida keys for a well deserved R&R and snorkeling that I was deprived in the land that I fought for. Nice weekend folks.
Asmara Eritrea March 4, 2017
A delightful and tragically sad article. By coincidence, I happen to be reading the Good Italian book by Stephen Burke – a story of love, war and finding hope in the midst of chaos in 1930s Eritrea. The similarities between today’s Eritrea and then couldn’t be more striking.
In September 1935, the Italian Harbourmaster for Massawa, having been in post for just over a week, asks his Eritrean Assistant “We have the biggest and best port on the whole of the Red Sea and yet no one uses us. Do you know why?” The Eritrean replies “no, sir, I don’t. The Harbourmaster who prior to coming to Eritrea worked in the port of Genoa says, with bemusement, “neither do I, neither do I”.
That was exactly 82 years ago, and Massawa seems to have been frozen in time. Clearly it would have been easy to apportion blame to the colonial masters then but almost a quarter of century after independence we have no one else to blame but ourselves. Look how far Singapore has come in 50 years. But Singapore has been lucky in having visionary leaders who care for the wellbeing of their people compared to the regime in Eritrea that is hellbent to enslaving the whole population.
We have let a brutal dictator ruin our beautiful country. Massawa is not the only town he has destroyed – there are countless of other towns and hundreds and thousands of innocent lives obliterated.
Let’s collectively cry for our beloved country and start to do something to redeem it from this senseless destruction.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.
senkam March 7, 2017
All what you mentioned is the truth that is out in the open for anyone caring to see. It is strange to find even a single Eritrean with his/her common sense not knowing what is going on in their land. Destruction may be a loose word soon to describe it. One sick and evil person who used all kinds of secretive tactics and conspiracies to stay with this hidden agenda of kneeling eritreans or at least leave them wounded and bruised is still hell bent on his mission. While we are running away to scape his wrath and the fear that grip us afterwards. Fear comes to the equation of life (in the face of what happened in our country) when ones love for living skyrocketed. For if we had prioritize life in dignity we would have faced our fear head on. And, we would be a free, buoyant, inspired people with rolled sleeves working hard towards prosperity and leaving a golden launching pad legacy where the next generation will be launched from to the ultimate prosperity.
Sure we are victims of a system we barely have any knowledge of what it stands for and how it operates ( not even inner circles and secretive party members know, b/c it was & is on one man’s hand). Nonetheless, we have stop crying and complaining. Tears or even prayers don’t bring in solutions like a magic wand. We know this for fact. Lets stood our ground and face our fear. Once we challenged our fear we will clearly see the sources of our misery and tears.. And, NO ONE however intricately woven in their network or monstrous in their arsenal could stand on our way. We are the masses. We can erode public enemy isias temben with our flood of unity.
Asmara Eritrea March 7, 2017
My compatriot, Senkam, I fully concur with every word you write. Your comments are very constructive and encouraging.
Unity is indeed what we Eritreans need if we are going to ultimately have an Eritrean leader. Our country has been misruled by foreign people for far too long and it is high time one of us – a true Eritrean is in power.
Isaias should be brought to justice for the crimes he has inflicted on our people, serve his sentence and then deported to Tigray as undesirable alien at the end of his sentence. That’s the justice I want and countless of Eritreans want to see.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.