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“I will take this country down as I put it up”….Isaias Afewerki

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  • Desta Mebrahtu June 7, 2014

    Why not posted my Comment
    My comment was not posted. I guessed the comments hurt isayism and undermine chauvinism of Eritreans

  • wedi reality June 7, 2014

    tesfay temnewo is hade lekibat, he leaked akeles asss,,undermines other regions to get attention. Infact adhanoms was better, cus it was based on fact.

  • wedi reality June 7, 2014
    • i and i June 12, 2014

      when was the last time Eritrea was up.

    • Simon G. June 14, 2014

      And you are the product of UoA? Your classmates must be ashamed on behalf of you.

  • mela June 8, 2014

    andebrahan, haile menkerios, alemseged tesfay seraye eza b iseyas enatewaredu lkie kem kalot awrajatat bluxat zkefelet awaridkuma! sma atfikumo. nskum keyteweledkum kiterfu nerukum. abotatna ziwedekulu hizbi bsenkikum nmeswatom kua meswati mkuxar abyuwo. abzi zemen wra wra tmhrtkum tetekimkum ab lieli resa abotatnan adietatn teshkalilu alekum. seraye kea bsenkikumn bsenki tom iseyas ak tuf inabelelom chamu zlhsu zelewu tewelado serayen tewarida. mesta zteseweu deqi seraye kibexhakum iyu. zoba hiray tebahilna bsenkikumn bsenki kemakumn. Biteweded Abraha gn 5 milyon iyu. ade welida tmken. deqi seraye ina mbal gdefwo. adi yeblkumn. hatela ikum nskum.

    • Mahta June 8, 2014

      Mela, you forget your medication today or what?

      • mela June 8, 2014

        this is the only time i remembered taking my medication if you really want to know. from now on i will always remember. you know why? because andebrhan, haile and alemseghed have gone too far. they have destroyed my seraye’s reputation. seraye is the land that produced Weldeab Weldemariam and Biteweded Abraha. they are the true sons of seraye. the other 3 on the other hand are good-for-nothing individuals who give a shit about their people. seraye is meant for producing GREATNESS. it is a beautiful land of the wise and articulate people who know how to be and what to be at any given moment. they are proud people. they are not like the 3 who are below the dead.

      • mela June 8, 2014

        don’t forget your areki, mahta.

        • Mahta June 9, 2014

          Mela, it is all depends in how you see it. Since those people were not elected by people of Seraeye, they only represent themselves not the whole region!

    • INDEPENDENT SLAVE June 8, 2014

      Mela use Tigrinya letters please .On my mom’s side I am Seraye & I do not want them to be on the wrong side of history.Try to use “lexilogos Amharic keyboard” please.

  • Teclay June 8, 2014


    What is a dead man? As for me a dead man is a one who doesn`t see his future or anyone who doesn`t have a say to his own life .
    For those of you who still believe Ghedli was right.I recommend you to hear in you tube ” interview with veteran fighter Ymane T/gergish”
    Yemane said among many others:
    -In the party congress the participants of the congress asked Isaias if they were dying in vain ?
    -Yemane said his own Brother Mehari T/Gergish die in vain like many others .
    Listen the interviews (1 -!1) specially those of you who are still in love with Ghedli. After listing the interviewees you can reach the conclusion.This is of course for those who have sense and brain not head .

    • TwoWayStreet June 8, 2014

      To say Ghedli was right or wrong, first you have to know what the objectives of Ghedli were. The main objective as most Eritreans know is “to liberate Eritrea from Ethiopian colony”. So the objective was fulfilled, Eritrea is an independent country now. So on this front contrary to your analysis, Ghedli was right. You can criticize individuals leaders, criticize some Ghedli tactics, strategies or policies, but not Ghedlis ultimate objective and its result. And now you are saying “Dead people who can not see their future”, I just wan to remind you once more “Eritreans saw their future as an independent state, long time ago, fought for it and accomplished what they wanted. Again you can criticize how things are going after independence, but you can not throw big words that even you can’t understand.

      • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis June 14, 2014

        Eritrea was not colonised by eritrea, eritrea can not colonise eritrea.
        Eritrea was colonised by itzlisns , britsh and arabs.

    • INDEPENDENT SLAVE June 8, 2014

      Dearest Nephew Teclay ,

      The problem is not the intellectual ability to deferentiate between right & wrong.
      The problem is ,instead of thinking as free people ,thinking as SLAVES /NIGGER mentality.
      That is why I scream ,our enemy is not Isaias ,Wedi Gerahtu ;The Alcoholic Tegadelti..But The Gedli that we invented because of our Nigger mentality.
      Until these people get their head straight ,they will always think like Slave Niggers b/brown Niggers !!!

      • Teclay June 9, 2014

        Independent slave / Rahwa

        Thanks for the term “SLAVES /NIGGER mentality” You got the answer which i failed to find it .I have asked my self how can an educated person support this idiot and Empty Idea ? The answer is what you said

        Our sister Rahwa said ” bgedel da shew ilka xdef mber ”


  • rahwa June 8, 2014

    you are dead man talking teklay. what do you know about ghedli? bgedel da shew ilka xdef mber! adgs kab mimata mgutata. nskan yosefn klte zombies nay seb zekonkum nay adgi ikum. bzaba ghedli da nmen ika kitnegro nska mhiteno? take your nonsense to those who are trying to cheat people by pretending to stand up against tyranny but are in fact standing up against our people and our unity by doing all they can to distort our history. brainless monkey!

    • Genet-orginal June 10, 2014

      My sister, those Ethiopian mainly from Tigray are here to have fun, on the expense of Eritrean suffering. They are giving bad name to the majority of Tigray people. Tigray people who are in Tigray are not our enemy. They are proud Ethiopians and they should be. But there is this small group of people who don’t fit well in either group(Eritrean or Tigray/Ethiopian). Those are the people who were born and raised in Eritrea from 100% Tigray family or half/half. Socially, they are as asmerino as can be. But there something missing from within. The reason for their dysfunctional behaviors is probably due to two things: social and/or psychological. TO me, any body who is born and raised in Eritrea are Eritreans. If a person in this situation doesn’t feel that, then the problem is from within. The identity crisis is the main thing. It is within the individual, how the person feels about his being, regardless of what other people say or do. This person is going to go to a great distance to justify his/her feeling is due to other people’s action. How many times do we hear, this subgroup speaking of other Eritreans as “arrogant”? Nowadays many, many, many times. This subgroup forget that if one said to other person, “you are arrogant” then, he/she is feeling inferior. No one is going to say to somebody else “you are arrogant”, without the feeling of inferiority.

      The Eritrean people have been very kind to the Tigray people, who came to Eritrea for a better life or after committing capital crime in Tigray. No body bothered to give Eritreans any credits for their kindness. This subgroup is biting the hand that feeds them. If you ask this group if they want to go to Tigray and live there, they won’t, because socially they are not comfortable. So, the dilemma is not to Tigray people, but to Eritreans. We like it or not, we have to deal with this subgroup one way or anther. This subgroup have so much animosity toward other Eritreans, they are not even satisfied in the current condition other Eritrean are. As far as I am concern, if you are born in Eritrea you are Eritrean and you have a responsibility to Eritrea and Eritreans. NO but, No if. What we are seeing now, this subgroup behaving in the most selfish ways you can imaging. They are showing no reservation for the well being of the Eritrean people. Their main target is “ghedli”. Ghedli is their enemy. In their mind, ghedli is the source of their anxiety. It is difficult for them to understand Ghedli was supported by the majority of Eritreans. It was witnessed by the whole world. That will never change for Eritreans. No process in this world is perfect. Eritreans’ case is no exception. Ghedli brought an independent Eritrea. Therefore, Ghedli achieved its objectives. Eritreans, we are grateful. There are people who say this independent is not working, without lifting a finger to help fix it. If you are taking it down from within, or you are not trying to fix it, how can you say with all certainty, it is not working? From the people who are saying Ghedli was wrong, I haven’t seen any body’s post that indicates a person tried to help the Eritrean independent to work. If any body is not comfortable with the Eritrean independent gained via Ghedli, then you can go to Mommy Tigray. No body is holing you back. For your own selfish comfort, it is not right to drag us to the idea of Tigray-Tigrinya. Tigray is not an independent nation. It is not up to Tigray to make that kind of move. Therefore, for the subgroup who is entertaining this idea of Tigray-Tigrinya, it is not going to happen. I say pick one and give it a rest. And take it easy people. That is my honest opinion.

      • nmeharhaki June 10, 2014

        Genet original
        I always wonder on ur writing. You jump to insult to many many personalities. e.g “If a person in this situation doesn’t feel that, then the problem is from within. The identity crisis is the main thing”. with further explanation. What is wrong being born from an Ethiopian father and Eritrean mother or vise versa. Can you explain to me. I believe there are very few individuals whom can misconduct, but the majority who are creating mess to the country are the so called TSURUYAT Eritrawuyan behalti. So pls do not be offensive.

      • Hagherawi June 12, 2014

        Genet-Original, sister you said it all. I agree to most of what you said.
        It’s true that there is a Tigrean element or Eritrean of Tigreyan origin, that is trying to use this unfortunate situation created by dictatorship in our country, to discredit ‘Ghedli’ and consequently condemn the very idea of independent Eritrea.
        Anyone who calls Ghedli, a movement of ‘Shifta’ cannot be Eritrean. There is no way we can tolerate that, because it’s a matter of being Eritrean or not. This is not about ELF/EPLF or any other organization for that matter, ‘Ghedli’ is

        • Hagherawi June 12, 2014

          Continued from above …

          This is not about ELF/EPLF or any other organization for that matter. ‘Ghedli’ is about the will of Eritrean people to be free from colonial yoke of a jingoist neighbor. Eritreans did not die for a political organization but for freedom of their country and people. Neither Ghedli nor Eritrea are perfect. We are like any other African country, we have more or less the same sort of problems. Get me an African country that is not suffering from internal conflicts, due to mismanagement of it’s diversity by self-serving political elites. Eritrea is not going to be part of any neighboring country. No amount of conspiracies or propaganda will push us to entertain such ideas. We are not going to be second class citizens in Tigray or in Sudan. We want live in peace in our own country and extend hands of friendship to all our neighbors.

          • selamawit2 June 12, 2014

            Hagherawi, well said.
            They are surely paid puppets. Everything they try to spread can only help DIA…

          • Genet-orginal June 12, 2014

            Brother, Indeed Hagherawi!
            Ill-advised people with ulterior motive are telling Eritrean people, they never existed as collective people, rich with religion and culture. They are using the opportunity of poor gov of Isayas who is the great, great, great nephew of Yohannes IV the Tigray. The Biher-Tigrinya existed for centuries fighting, off occupiers and invaders both through the Red sea and through merb river. The merab river has been a natural border between Tigray and Tigrinya people and all Eritrea. What I want to say is the PFDJ government doesn’t define the Eritrean people in any shape or form. This “Tigray-Tigrinya” concept was conceived in the 1970, when TPLF was confused with what to do with its objectives. Our Ghedli had its clear objectives which was independent Eritrea. I see, some people are still holding on to that dream, even if the Tigray people are well off without having to deal with “Tigray-Tigrinya”. It is clear, TPLF got an end-result that never thought was remotely possible. On the Eritrean side, the hopes and aspiration is crushed. Now, we have some shady people telling us, we are nothing. The confusing part is instead of Eritreans asking for the “Tigray-Tigrinya” idea, it is the other way around; Tigray-conacted people are beating us to death, unless we agree with forming of “Tigray-Tigrinya”. Thank You, But no Thank you!

      • asghedom June 13, 2014

        Genet- original
        there is no Tigray Tigrigni or else. look it is an excuse to create confusion. No one knows the exact meaning and geographical definition. If you ask any Tigrian about the issue of Tigray -tigrigni he don’t understand it , he don’t have even idea.
        Tigray Tigrigni , comes more clear and clear when the British have occupied Eritrea.
        who emphasize this idea is Mr. Woldeab woldemariam and some Eritreans but tigrians .
        In tigrai or in the mind of Tigrian people there is no this country or geographical boundary. If you ask some one where is the boundary of this area no one can give the exact position , they will tell you Eritrea and Tigray and some one can you give an approximate boundary that even himself he don’t know.
        I want to tell you one history, while I was in Asmara between friends we were talking about Petroleum and we were saying Eritrea was full of Petroleum. and we were asking our self way we don’t extract it the answer was Saud Arabia don’t want because we are in lower position and if we extract it Saud Arabia will have not any more Petroleum for this reason they don’t want to accept to extract it. the same description I heard it even from some Somalia brother the same description. Somalia have a lot of Petroleum but the Saud Arabia don’t want to extract it because we are lower respect them there for all the Petroleum will come to us and they will not any Petroleum.
        Look In Asmara , and Mogadishu had the same vision who propagate this idea I don’t know but myself I was thinking was true and was angry with Saud Arabia.
        I am telling these tell , how people can invent and tell things which never existed and they take it as true history , and these tells some one can take advantage and continues to emphases the idea.
        I am assuring you in Tigray there is no the word Tigray Tigrigni excepted Tigray and they include Eritrea. these is because before Egyptian invasion and letter the Italian invasion the Tigrians fought for their independence their region and they have decimated any enemy who desire to occupy them and the high land of Eritrea was a battle filed .
        they decimated the Egyptians of Mohamed Ali of Albania who was ruling Egypt on behave of the Turkish ottoman empire has been completely dismissed by the powerful Tigrigna speaking and they kicked them until Kassala.
        the same people have repeated it with Italians in Degoali near Massawa. But even in the resent Eritrean liberation the tigrians have contribute a lot to win the war against the Derge who was completely well armed. these can tell us the unite of tigrians is power. whether we like or no the tigrians was very cloth to the Eritrean revolution and support it military and politically.
        the blundering Politic of EPLF and the people Koboro and Mesonko could not understand this Brother hood , instead he start to insult the Tigrians. Know Eritreans are drunker as usual on Tigray tigrigni another Hateftef.
        so who is emphasizing these tigray -Tigrigni are only Eritreans who lost their identity and history. You speak the same language, you eat the same food , you wear the same cloth, you have the same culture and history, and to create confusion we are creating new history that we can’t answer even a simply question who we are.
        Eritreans identity crises is very deep , but they fail to analyze it properly.
        I want tell one thing , Eritreans never helped Tigrians in contrary for their stupidity Eritreans has been bourdon for the Tigrians since time.
        when you say we have helped them, what do you help them, because they was working in Asmara, and helping the Eritrean farmers and watching their cows and cattle’s. A normal person appreciates hard worker people. Actually most Eritreans are working the worst work in every part of the world , should they be insulted of their work.
        these time we are all Kedemt should some one insult us for our work. we are cleaning house , we are assisting old people in very bad condition which other people don’t like to do it.
        there is no Eritrean of tigrian origin , there is Eritrean of tigrian origin , your assumption is wrong , go ask your origin , ask your father and grand father you will se where you come from and you fill shay for it?

        Genet Original we are as Italians say ” siamo nella stessa merda” so don’t be proud of yourself by confronting yourself , after all they demonstrated us that they are very capable people and believe me you are even capable tooif you stop to reason as arrogant Eritrean

        • Hagherawi June 13, 2014

          “there is no Eritrean of tigrian origin , there is Eritrean of tigrian origin , your assumption is wrong , go ask your origin , ask your father and grand father you will se where you come from and you fill shay for it?”


          Are you saying Tigreyans are the center and Eritreans have no identity ?.
          Please have some decency if you are left with any …

          • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis June 14, 2014

            HAGRAWI ON

  • rezen June 8, 2014

    Subject: ““ I will take this country down as I put it up” Issayas Afewerki” by Eritrean Association for Justice (EAJ). Source – Fithi Magazine Issue #2

    The article is interesting, though the subject matter is very well known – at least for the last twenty years. In any case, however, coming from such respectable Association, it could have been comprehensive and deeper than the cursory treatment of such important subject matter. For what it is worth, I wish to comment there upon in brief itemized format:

    1. “Is this real?” >>> i.e. referring to the quotation in the title.
    Yes, it is real! And at the risk of displaying my audacity, I agree with Charlie Chaplin – though I would have preferred for the EAJ to quote an indigenous wisdom without arching to Great Britain.

    2. Identity crisis of Issayas Afewerki
    No, he doesn’t have it. He knows very well who he is.
    3. “I will show you! I will take this country down as I put it”
    And true to his word he did it, during a long process that started well before October 1966 following his failure in his first year university education when he fled to ‘meida’ rather than to face his successful academic friends. Issayas is extremely self-centered person, which makes him dangerous! And it is proved. In my rubbish and shambles of files I found the following that I wrote:
    Issayas Afewerki Abraham, the self-appointed President of the country, is a loner person – all to himself , for himself , with an extraordinary ability to use others to reach his goal. He is the most focused person to his goal – nothing seems to distract him from his goal. He never trusts anyone. And his seemingly inexhaustible energy to drive forward seems to come from his deepest hatred that he harbored on Eritreans, based on growing-up experience!!! In any case, there is no question that he is a gem for sociological/psychological studies by competent scholars (if there are any).

    4. “EAJ [and] the Eritrean people should not take Isaias’ words lightly”
    The suggestion, though noble, is like running to a shelter after the end of the rain! The damage to Eritrea has already been done. Again to my shambles of file:
    A 21-year old, first year college drop-out made history for his own when he left to the field in October 1966 and triumphantly returned in September 1991 to become self-appointed President of Eritrea and ruled it under his iron hand for the last 23 years – which hapless Eritreans celebrate as their INDEPENDENCE DAY! They even graced HIM with their enthusiastic welcoming reception on his visit to New York City, United States of America, for the Annual UN General Assembly where 5,000 (yes, five thousand) of them gave him reception in his honour portraying themselves as his loyal subjects. Issayas Afewerki Abraham may be laughing every night before going to bed about the extraordinary naivety of the emotionally-charged Eritrean people – including the highly educated and renowned Eritrean scholars with enviable degrees on every subject imaginable under the sun.
    The 70-year old Issayas Afewerki Abraham, having brought down Eritrea, not only on its knees but, flat under his feet, has enough of pathetic Eritrea. It is a feat that escaped Emperor Hailesellasie and ruthless dictator Col.Mengistu Hailemariam of Ethiopia. It is a phenomenon!

    5. “leave [the subject] to Psychologists and Psychiatrists.”
    It is superfluous to say that there are multitude of books and documents on the subject matter around the Globe. Eritrea and Issayas are too insignificant to be used as a study case. Of course, in unforeseen future, Eritrean renowned psychologists and psychiatrist may come along to use Issayas’ brain as their laboratory guinea pig and contribute new knowledge to the world!!! Wishful thinking is free.

    6. “We do not think that the Eritrean people fought for a deserted Eritrea without people”
    It does not matter! Eritrea is heading to disintegration as a result of its own ‘homemade’ cancerous diseases of religion, provincialism and racism. Eritrea needs no outside enemy; it is its own worst enemy. The various commentaries are testimony of the deep ailment of Eritrea.

    7. “a person who cares about the Eritrean people and also have Eritrean blood can have such lack of compassion to humanity”
    Wow! You are joking!? You can’t be serious! Issayas Afewerki does not care (never did, and will never care) about the Eritrean people. He has already demonstrated his hatred.

    8. “Eritrea is becoming a failing state, and its people becoming endangered species ”
    Eritrea is already a failed state by any measure. As to the “endangered species” perhaps you could use another terminology to express what you have in mind. Eritreans, though emotionally charged to their disadvantage, will flourish wherever they may be around the Globe. In all truthfulness, without appearing to be excessively emotional, Eritreans are known as hard working people, intelligent, entrepreneur in any field of endeavour, and above all they are extraordinarily dedicated to their Family. “endangered species” can hardly apply to Eritreans.
    The problem of Eritrea is to find “The Handle” of machinery for peaceful coexistence of diverse societies under democratic governance by themselves; for themselves. Can they? Unable to do so, history will repeat and Eritrea will find itself, once more, under the tutelage of external forces. And it has no body to blame but itself.
    The End.

    • Teclay June 8, 2014

      Well said brother,but i doubt if the blind nationalists can understand what a failed state mean.As you know to be nationalist and to preach about nationalism is very is easy.

      • john doe August 12, 2014

        if your going to call eritrea a “failed state” than what do you call those countries that have prostituted for america and the west? yet she wears prada or in terms of a state has tall buildings? lets get something understood dont use western language as if you have an understanding of it because you are just an idiot. lets be honest, you look like a fool not to those who support aferki, or those who do not support aferki. but to those who have an understanding of the terms your using such as a failed state. you look like a fool to those who actually know what a failed state is, and can explain to you the dynamics of african history beyond eritrea. lets be honest your worthy of moving to ethiopia because that government is a failed state in reality but does not look like it because shes a prostitute, south sudan is a failed state because shes a prostitute, with all the wealth south africa has she is trying to get out of its failed state standings since 1992 because she is fighting the ills that the whites brought over. a failed state is not a poor country yet a prostitute state, because in reality if we are to determine wealth by its actual value africa in general is the most riches continent in the world with its minerals which determines which is wealthy or not or even better in your words a “failed state or not”

    • Suleiman Salim June 8, 2014

      You are an English speaking monkey. Failed state? Bloody stupid!

  • Robi July 28, 2014

    Hi temeramerti tarik mechem hzbi eritrean Tigrayn kfelaleyu elka zeyhseb eyu ms gorebetka tefatitka kea ksab meas zeykewun guday eyu, zkone eritrawuyan kea border ykefetelu tedelyu ms tgray ywaseb aywaseb zdeleyo ysrah nhna zegedsena kuwamna eyu entay ybl zkone merahi Hager not Eritrea kmerih eye zbele mebekolu be abuun adiun kab eritrea kikewun alewo endyu zbil eza huto kea not Issayas afwerki hmam riesi merzen sle zkoneto be mebekolu sle zeyteamamen kem temen zreaye seab kabia kihadim tsenihu hahahahha hji gn tsibuk geru berihlina alo mebekolu kab Tigrayn koinu Temben zbehal adi zemed enda atse Yohannes eyu tebahilu alo kab adiun abuun. Gn n mntay be meninetu zeyhben kalie akerakari huto eyu? Issayas afwerki not wedebat eritrea kenberkikena zeytsearu zeyfeharo gudgad yelen gn haki sierato ala eta zihabia znebere kusli rekisato ala hzbi Eritrea fhiru felituwa alo. Hji keman zmetsie merahi eritrea mebekolu keyetsarena mrhana elina metfiena sltan aynhbon ena mknyatu kab Issayas afwerki temahirna lebimna ena eritrawuyan. Eti ms hzbi tgray zelena senay gurbtinan fkri mwusabin kem kedemna be mkbibar abta merihnetina gn tsiruy eritrawi kikewun alewo merahina. Issayas afwerki gn nay asha asha eyu kemiu hmak mhsabu tenkol ab lieli eritrawuyan tfiat, hji gn weymot elina Alena eritrawuyan sre abotatina atiknaya eta hatsar sren gambalen kndriemeka.guhaf seab eka Issayas nay Tarik Hatela.

  • john doe August 12, 2014

    I love you idiots, you should be not only to be ashamed to call yourselves eritrean, but african, and a human thats striving to see decency in a world full of ills. Lets communicate in an honest format, techniques used here are below our worth, the average is becoming foolish to reality yet entertained by the clowns in the theme park instead of making sure your children are allowed the innocent joy every child deserves. Ignorance is a disease and its starting to become a plaque in most anti aferki fool. Its not in my hand to defend the man, but its in my hand to analyze what i see, am i a fan of aferki to an extent yes, and to simply defend myself its due too his foreign policy. I will say this as well do i see things he needs to change in his foreign policy absolutely yet a fool is a man that does not ponder or sees changes that may benefit its people especially in a country this young. Now i ask, why do you hate Aferki does it outweigh his potential because ill agree with that, but is it because democracy is not present? Lets analyze that, he is a dictator name me a country that is not run on dictatorship to an extent. Ill start with America, its not even a dictatorship its worst its called a state ran by the rich businessman. I dont care what you say your critiques must be valid not only to me but to all with a drip of intelligence, and i must admit maybe sometimes your understanding will fly over my head but to come with accusations such as dictator is as lame as you can possibly get. Now some people are after their intrest so it makes sense but some of you idots just followers and assume your passionate about something you know nothing about and by the time you truly understand you look like an idiot. if your not selfish, be wise, study, not just eritrea, but africa. show me that you can connect your reasoning with something of the past, it is safe to say that most cant, and it saddens me that eritreans are becoming more ignorant, foolish, and selfish. grow up, you guys did not die for nothing, but our parents, and uncles did, and some of you are just plain idots so your just a lame excuse for life. but those who truly want change comment with intelligence not a slave.

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