Human Trafficking, Gravest Threat to Innocent Lives
Some Sudanese states have been witnessing over the last years a threatening phenomenon; missing as a result some of family members while going out to attend school or report to work. To campaign against this human trafficking phenomenon which

Some Sudanese states have been witnessing over the last years a threatening phenomenon; missing as a result some of family members while going out to attend school or report to work. To campaign against this human trafficking phenomenon which has recently developed into trading in human organs, the Sudanese government has taken stern measures. Sudan Vision daily has investigated the issue after contacting the authorities concerned.
An eye-witness tells his tragedy:
Sufian Idris , a child , abducted in 2012, and freed in 2013, told the paper he and other (24) abductees from Ethiopan and Eritrean nationalites were exposed to severe beating and torture at the hands of a gang and transferred to Rafah in Sinai dessert . The gang, according to him, was comprised of Sudanese and other foreign co-partners using modern vehicles and sophisticated arms. The abductees were chained, prevented from performing their prayers and fed on one meal only every day.
Causes of the phenomenon spread
Based on UN reports human trafficking ranks third illegal trade after arms and drugs sales; as far as Sudan is concerned, human trafficking has been has been a big worry to Eastern Sudan states, causing people there to continuously experience a feeling of insecurity. Researchers have attributed the spread of the phenomenon in these states to their extensive desert areas, hence becoming a fertile soil for crime. Added to that, these states neighbor poor overpopulated countries such as Ethiopia and Eritrea, and this has in turn eased joint borders crossing by gangs, together with flow of labor from these countries.
Officials speak
Kassala representative on the states council, Mahmud Mohamed Mahmud, who spoke to the paper, says the phenomenon has become a real security threat to citizens in the Eastern states. Traffickers, he says, have capitalized on the interest of some citizens to immigrate to Europe and Israel via Sinai desert, hence trafficking has changed into trading in humans, to later develop into stealing the internal organs of the abductees. He cited as example the abduction of five students while on their way to school, the abductors pretended to give them a ride. The gang anaetisiced two of the abductees, stole some of their organs, while the other two managed to escape, he said, adding, a family of the fifth paid $ 10 thousand in ransom to free him.
Eastern Sudan call
Eastern Sudan Bni Amir tribe chieftains pointed an accusatory finger at a group managing human trafficking gangs in Eastern Sudan , in coordination with organized groups in a number of neighboring countries. Idris Akkad, one of the chieftains , while receiving returnees from Israel , told them human trafficking gangers have asked for $35 thousand for freeing every abducted individual from the tribe. “We are well aware that these gangs have continued terrorizing the tribe’s members, hence this has affected herding and farming,” he said, affirming they would strike back.
Campaigning human trafficking
The Sudanese parliament has recently enacted legislations to nip in the bud human trafficking in all states. “The law has now been in force, with steps taken to establish human trafficking attorneys in them,” head of parliament committee for legislation told Sudan Vision.
For his part, Director of refugees’ protection at the national refugees’ commission said a joint plan would be implemented by deployment of military reinforcements along borders, saying the commission is arranging for convening of an international conference to reach a common action plan to eliminate human trafficking. He disclosed that 562 refugees have entered the Khartoum state fleeing traffickers.
An eye-witness tells his tragedy:
Sufian Idris , a child , abducted in 2012, and freed in 2013, told the paper he and other (24) abductees from Ethiopan and Eritrean nationalites were exposed to severe beating and torture at the hands of a gang and transferred to Rafah in Sinai dessert . The gang, according to him, was comprised of Sudanese and other foreign co-partners using modern vehicles and sophisticated arms. The abductees were chained, prevented from performing their prayers and fed on one meal only every day.
Causes of the phenomenon spread
Based on UN reports human trafficking ranks third illegal trade after arms and drugs sales; as far as Sudan is concerned, human trafficking has been has been a big worry to Eastern Sudan states, causing people there to continuously experience a feeling of insecurity. Researchers have attributed the spread of the phenomenon in these states to their extensive desert areas, hence becoming a fertile soil for crime. Added to that, these states neighbor poor overpopulated countries such as Ethiopia and Eritrea, and this has in turn eased joint borders crossing by gangs, together with flow of labor from these countries.
Officials speak
Kassala representative on the states council, Mahmud Mohamed Mahmud, who spoke to the paper, says the phenomenon has become a real security threat to citizens in the Eastern states. Traffickers, he says, have capitalized on the interest of some citizens to immigrate to Europe and Israel via Sinai desert, hence trafficking has changed into trading in humans, to later develop into stealing the internal organs of the abductees. He cited as example the abduction of five students while on their way to school, the abductors pretended to give them a ride. The gang anaetisiced two of the abductees, stole some of their organs, while the other two managed to escape, he said, adding, a family of the fifth paid $ 10 thousand in ransom to free him.
Eastern Sudan call
Eastern Sudan Bni Amir tribe chieftains pointed an accusatory finger at a group managing human trafficking gangs in Eastern Sudan , in coordination with organized groups in a number of neighboring countries. Idris Akkad, one of the chieftains , while receiving returnees from Israel , told them human trafficking gangers have asked for $35 thousand for freeing every abducted individual from the tribe. “We are well aware that these gangs have continued terrorizing the tribe’s members, hence this has affected herding and farming,” he said, affirming they would strike back.
Campaigning human trafficking
The Sudanese parliament has recently enacted legislations to nip in the bud human trafficking in all states. “The law has now been in force, with steps taken to establish human trafficking attorneys in them,” head of parliament committee for legislation told Sudan Vision.
For his part, Director of refugees’ protection at the national refugees’ commission said a joint plan would be implemented by deployment of military reinforcements along borders, saying the commission is arranging for convening of an international conference to reach a common action plan to eliminate human trafficking. He disclosed that 562 refugees have entered the Khartoum state fleeing traffickers.
By Hana Abdul Hai,
Sudan Vision
S goitom July 11, 2014
Sudan was ignoring when Eritreans where brutally trafficked and now it affects her national security. The governemnt of Sudan must first clear his corrupt officials to tackle this crisis. The responsible people must face Justice.
amanuel July 11, 2014
Time will come to realize our Histry.Today criminals Play great roll against innocent Brothers and sisters,but we are the witness of tomorrow.
Kombishtato July 11, 2014
The first victims of the Arab human traffickers in Sudan were Christian Eritreans. Then when the Arab Rashayda and Bedouin addiction could not be satisfied, they started to move on the most marginalized and poorer Muslim Sudanese of the poor Darfur and now they have moved on the other marginalized eastern Sudanese of the Beni Amirs. Sooner or later, the greedy Arabs from the richer class will descend to Sudan to buy human slaves as human spare parts from the classes of eastern Sudan as they are already doing.
This is not new. In Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Kuwait the poor immigrant and enslaved or Abeed groups are always targeted as sources of human organ thefts. Then you hear some demented elite but ignorant Eritreans with inferiority complex singing: we are Arabs. as they run away from the Arab world.
ahmed saleh July 12, 2014
Human trafficking and organ harvesting in the region start to get ugly because of the corrupted government’s silent reaction for too long .
People in that region will find themselves in fear and serious daily life conditions unless someone step in to handle this profitable
criminal activities . We read about those Sudanese kids kidnapped on their way to school . But for those Eritreans around the border
nobody say publicly if they faced same fate .
It is in deed too serious and scary .