HERE AND THERE FROM THE FORUM By Fetsum Abraham//4/16/2013 Shewit: “Fitsum; No wonder Eritrea is where it is now with citizens like you. Empty bravado, limitless hate, delusion of identity, self inflated ego like yours seems to speed
By Fetsum Abraham//4/16/2013
Shewit: “Fitsum; No wonder Eritrea is where it is now with citizens like you. Empty bravado, limitless hate, delusion of identity, self inflated ego like yours seems to speed up the burial of your fake nation”
jonah: “Border conflict are natural occurrence in Africa [] Nigeria and Cameroon. So, what is different in erit/ethio case? Ethio has continued to function normal and focusing on what is best for its people largely. Eritrea on other hand has been in stand-still or jumped into Foxhole and looking for an enemy at every side.
Belay/Shewit- With Eritrea been a fake country. I don’t think that is something Ethiopian feel. Maybe some Ethiopians and if that is case so what? There is nothing fake about Eritrea- it exists – make sure that you go to AU in Addis Ababa- and tell those Kenyan, Nigerian, Ghanaian- there nationality is fake. You can go the United Nation and also tell the Croatian(1992) or Slovenian(1990) or Serbian, etc.. that they are fake also…This is comedy.”
Me: Ethiopians’ desire to see Eritrea within their country is not new but a natural feeling of some people in our situation. It will continue to exist without any effect on the sovereignty of Eritrea. That is why I like Johnas’s confidence in “so what?” In so saying, the entire world cannot change the Eritrean independence let alone someone in deep “fake nation” fantasy.
Further, Ethiopians have shown that they can live without our ports like the 47 other countries in the world. They cannot own ports because they do not have any but they have the right to use their neighbors’ including ours. Therefore, I sense brother Belay is advocating for unity through this indirect message. Relating the Eritrean situation to the consequence of its independence vis-à-vis the Ethiopians denies Belay’s Eritrawinet with confident and clear state of mind, leaving him in permanent insecurity for the rest of it.
Contrary to Belay’s mindset, we need a constitutional government, strong economy and intellectual; capacity to be fit enough to defend ourselves from any potential threat in the future, making the dictatorship a double sword in our quest for a confident society in Eritrea. We cannot afford external threat and internal dictatorship simultaneously; we need freedom in order to challenge external forces logically or militarily.
Zola: “Dear Titsum, as a concerned Tigrian, I read the article closely and found it largely balanced and well articulated. Indeed, Eritreans, with a right cause, earned their/your independence and I respect and always appreciate it. we as Ethiopians/Tigrians feel uncomfortable when it come to engaging with Eritreans. Many of here in Tigay believe that we, as people, basically did nothing wrong to Eritrea to deserve such a huge hatred as it is today in many Eritreans. We therefore tend to be suspicious of any possibility fair deal, at least for some foreseeable time.
Me: Brother, thank you for participating: the feeling is in both sides because many Tigreans feel negative against us too. Our meeting point to solve the problem is admitting its existence in both sides. I think the Eritrean and Tigrean grass-root masses have close to nothing to do with this and let us not give the few narrow-minded people from both sides a chance to destruct out historical attachment as people of the same roots. The good thing is that many Eritreans in Diaspora respect the Tigreans better than in the past, more than what the Tigreans think about it (Seriously speaking). The so stated hatred is mainly contained within the Afwerkists in Diaspora (such as Sophia Tesfamariam and government infiltrators acting activists) and that negative energy is dissipating fast as a result of increased awareness of the Eritreans. Work on your community to this end and we will continue working on ours to improve the situation and I guarantee you brother, not to worry about this feeling if you convince yourself on our capacity to do it. Activists like you and me should resolve the issues from neutral point of view for the sake of our people. Please see what Zebib wrote in response to Dawit’s fascism and have the gut to condemn the fascism in Shewit to be equally effective. We should together isolate the elements of hate in both sides by working hard to this effect within our communities.
I, however, agree with you that the wounds suffered by the two societies will take a while to heal but let us start the journey together.
“The hate/war propaganda that the regime in Asmara has been blowing for decades meant that a great portion of the existing generation in Eritrea is more militaristic in thinking disillusioned in orientation.”
Me: The forced militarization of Eritrean youth and denying it education have been the sources of said disillusion but this will also die with Afwerki, it is only a matter of time.
“I strongly oppose your argument for Eritrea to get Badme while you yourself admitted that Eritrea invaded the place in the first place. I don’t think any lasting peace would be achieved, even if the Government in Ethiopia would forsake Badme for peace, as this won’t be just. I leave your assessment of the Weyane of today to yourself.”
Me: you will be surprised how immaterial Badme is compared to the big stake for the two societies. Personally, Badme’s Tigrawinet or Eritreawinet does not matter as much because the people of the village are related to each other one and would only want to live in peace either way. The fact remains, however, that Ethiopia and Eritrea went to court on Badme and other issues with agreement to accept the verdict unconditionally. This reality will live forever and the case is closed by international recognition of Badme’s Eritrawinet. ONE DOES NOT GO TO COURT ON THE CONDITION OF WINNING for this nullifies the concept of justice all together.
It is true that we invaded Badme and ignited the war but the event precedes the international court procedure by which Badme was found to be Eritrean; there is no relationship between both events. Ethiopia can temporarily hold Badme illegally at the expense of peaceful coexistence but this cannot go forever. Further, being just is accepting the agreement you made on the conflict and its verdict, and I have no idea what Ethiopians expect us to do in this situation.
I am, however, confident that we will settle the case rationally with any Ethiopian government in democratic Eritrea for at least the following reasons.
1) As much as Ethiopians feel they can survive without Eritrea (proven) Eritreans will continue surviving without Ethiopia (proven even under this dictatorship) but rather more efficiently in democratic Eritrea through free business economics using the coastal lines, fisheries and mineral resources while focusing on educating the society as the primary goal of the nation.
2) The RED SEA is the busiest sea rout in the world and therefore Eritreans can develop the ports and islands to accommodate the traffic and the potential tourism industry to sustain the nation’s economic demands, meaning Eritrea can generate income from other sources than Ethiopia. Afwerki’s policy is the biggest obstacle that could not prove this hypothesis.
Emiru Isak: “Brother, You have come to your senses now. It seems you have taken notice of some of the criticisms you got last time. But you have missed one thing in your analysis: What shall you do if the Ethiopians won’t give you your badme back? It seems you don it understand why Ethiopia doesn’t want to do that or you don’t want to discuss it because of fear of backclash. In that case you are decieving your self.”
Me: Thanks for your input but I do not remember any criticism that influenced my last article. I hope you will read this to grasp the consequence of your subjective mentality that does not represent the interest of Ethiopians collectively, but I cannot see peace without Badme in Eritrea.
“The Tigrians consider Badme as legitmatley theirs as you considert it yours. That will not be changed by Algeris agreement or by discredited judges at the HAgue. So consider other options rather to solve the empass rather than singing old song. .”
Me: It will change. It is not whether the Eritreans or Tigreans think about the ownership of Badme. The issue is that Ethiopia lost it in court and must give it up. Your “by Algeris agreement or by discredited judges at the HAgue” is an emotional discharge than lacks rationality on the subject, let alone to impress the universe. The case is not between the Tigreans and the Eritreans but between Eritrea and Ethiopia and you need to understand this first and convince yourself that abiding by the law on Badme is the only solution to the stalemate. I am sure the new Ethiopian government knows this very well specifically for the following reasons:
1) The Weyanes after all had accepted the verdict but procrastinated it through the DIALOGUE FIRST approach to keep the political power under, until now. It could not have survived the political environment of the time: this screened excuse does not work today: It can no longer keep the Weyanes in power.
2) I don’t think Ethiopians will scarify peaceful coexistence and mutually benefiting economic development for the pride of 6% of the population (if we stretch the issue and assume this matters to all Tigreans which I do not think so). Any Ethiopian government cannot survive international resistance on the issue in democratic and peaceful Eritrea because the so far dormant collective Eritrean intellectual mind can challenge this issue easily.
The catch:
I see two important effects concerning the Badme saga on the development that a non-Tigrean head of state runs the country today:
1) The return of Badme would not affect the value of Tigreans (psychologically) in all aspect of the sociopolitical relationship. It would be effective without compromising the Tigrean pride, sense of patriotism, etc. because it would be done without the responsibility of the TPLF. Meles’s vision here vindicates the Tigreans from the fate of Badme in view of Ethiopian politics.
2) The return of Badme would not affect the current Ethiopian government in its current ethnic composition since it did not sign the agreements concerning the issue with Eritrea. Therefore, the Ethiopian government can easily give Badme to Eritrea based on the legally abiding verdict that the new leaders have nothing to do with directly. Meles’s vision thus, vindicates the new politicians from taking direct responsibility as well. I think he was intelligent to arrange the situation as such before he passed away because he knew the eventual return of Badme is legally, rationally and strategically inevitable.
In conclusion; I must apologize for delaying discussion on Petros Haile’s ideas of solution because of the important questions forwarded by few Tigrean brothers in the forum on Badme (I could not ignore them). Thank you
ghezai April 17, 2013
you are the best .kmaka kulu egbero
fithawi April 17, 2013
Your answer is to the spot, clear and logical!
Our internal differences can’t change our common interests. We respect and value our neighbors, but they have to know that we won’t sway from our stand /implementation or dialogue to come first is another topic/. We are eager to come back to normalization, for sure as they would, but never to happen at the expense of our legitimate interests. It is clear cut, implementation of court verdict. There is no question on that matter, Ethiopian authorities know it well as our Tigrian brothers know it better than any other. When and how to implement it is another issue.
Back to our internal politics, we need to put aside our open accounts with our neighbors and proceed with implementation of our constitution to democratize our country. All excuses to delay or to keep it stand still is by no means unacceptable.
fenkel April 17, 2013
Fitsum I am proud of you for exercising you right to comment without no fear about your country’s political journey through this difficult and testing time. You might not be 100 % Wright on your assement but for the most part you make sense in majority topics you cemented so far . Most of all you are jenwin , because you writes what you feel about our beloved country honestly with no political motive but love to exercise the right given by our hosting country USA God bless . Can you imagine if you done this in our beloved country where our heroes gave us to practice this wright . By the way I like your writing because it is simple in vocabulary , messages and commonsense . Most of all you donot have political goal but tell the truth through your experience on the journey to words the formation of rule of law , respect of. Citizen right to live with out fear and most of all a wright to write and express your feeling this was all given to us by our heros through independent but taken away . Those who try to discredit you are simply against their interests and the interest our fallen heroes that gave us this Wright !!!! Fitsum keep it the same simple if tbe donot grasp it let tbem go
where EPDJ is let tbem enjoy life under EPDJ.
Robel April 17, 2013
Ay Fitsum,
Trying sooo hard to hold on to the fantasies and illusions of “Eritrea”. As much as you/Eritrea deserves its independence, you need to critically analyze what mistakes were done on your side in the last 50 years and accept them as you want Ethiopians to accept your independence. Then why hesitate to build a relationship with Ethiopia? which is the best strategic partner with Eritrea. This empty “Teraerae” will not benefit Eritrea as we can clearly see it. Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it ! so even the so called independence should be a fair game if you want to build a sustainable and socio-economically developed Eritrea. As for Ethiopia, I think not using the ports of Eritrea actually is working to her benefit by controlling the delusional people and rendering them irrelevant. So go ahead and pick you games carefully.
Beraki Yohannes April 17, 2013
I think you should come to the point and try to challenge Mr. Futsum’s argument rather than divert his intention. I don’t think he is fantasies under the illusion of Eritrea. He is however; put his analyzes in a rational manner in which the two countries can live in peace and harmony as well as in building co-existence and mutual respect. By the way Eritrea got its independence since 1993. Nobody should ask Ethiopia to accept our independence again and this should not be with in your discussion point. The point was supposed to be how we work together in social, political and economic cooperation as good neighbours. I think you should articulate on those points not in recognition of Eritrean independence or whether Badme should be granted to Eritrea or Ethiopia. This old fashion emotion was already pass.
Zeray April 17, 2013
You mentioned “50 years of mistakes” but I am not sure you have the full picture.
If we start to count the mistakes of the past on both sides we will never be able to move forward. As people we have the propensity to remember or get reminded of what was done to us. I am sure you can come with a list of mistakes that hurt Ethiopians. But if you open your mind and begin to get informed about what Ethiopians did to Eritreans, I know for a fact Ethiopia will never be able to repay Eritreans. Few examples, the indiscriminate Massacre of Wekidiba, Asmara, Keren and in many Eritrean lowlands by the Derg and the various raids and massacre in the lowlands during Haile Selassie era are only a few examples. All these atrocities created decades of resentment in the hearts of Eritreans. However, many Eritreans now are willing to dialogue, to heal the wounds and move forward without denial of history and without compromising their sovereignty . I think you need to understand and to understand you need to engage and dialogue. This type of healing benefits Eritreans and Ethiopians and those brothers and sisters of mixed blood. Think long term brother!
Embasorya The Mighty April 17, 2013
Robel? A Tigrayan named Robel is very strange! Many Tigrayans have Amharic names.
abe April 18, 2013
like Belay Nega
Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013
No, like Abebe (aka Zenawi).
2013Forto2013 April 17, 2013
We need a dozen people like Mr. Fitsum. Educators, analyzers and above all honest and self confident. Thanks.
Asmara3 April 17, 2013
Funny hat,
You are inching slightly in the right direction now. Good, may be your ignorance started to dies with the ex-Woyanie leader. Or maybe you are not afraid of the Woyanie anymore, now that you believe Woyanie is done. In any case, regarding the border issue and the court’s decision and what Eritrea’s stand should be, well, you are starting to think like us, the hagerawyani and of course like the Eritrean Government. Good. You are still miles away from the truth and you still are looking over your shoulder, but good.
Now, let me guide you a bit, so that you would not shy away from talking the truth next time (it is ok, you can do it gradually). Consider the following two facts. One is what the Eritrean government and the Eritrean people believe, and the second one is a collection of things you stated above:
1) “Eritrea was just on the verge of taking the first steps towards democracy (it already had a ratified constitution, a free press proclamation) and that the Ethiopians (Weyane) interrupted this process. Meaning, democracy was around the corner before our progress was interrupted”
2) “….you need to understand this first and convince yourself that abiding by the law on Badme is the only solution to the stalemate…”
“….so far dormant collective Eritrean intellectual mind can challenge this issue easily….” By issue, you mean Woyanie’s in obedience to justice regarding the border issue
Now, join the two and try to come up with a logical conclusion. The following will help you
1. The Eritrean government already have indicated its good intention before the war (before 1998)
2. The Eritrean government is abiding by law and on the right side of justice when it comes to the border issue
3. As the border issue is legally solved by an international court and as our border is delaminated, however virtually, the actions of woyanie can only be expressed as violation of Eritrean sovereignty
4. As there is no going around the border ruling, Woyanie’s intention goes beyond just being about Badme. Meaning, there is an actual external threat the government and the people of Eritrea are claiming. Particularly seeing in the light of: woyanies intention of chocking any Eritrean economic activity, initiating and working on sanctions, threatening, albeit indirectly, the mining companies, crossing on other side of our border and violating our sovereignty again and again. Woyanies intention of adding the Assab and sea access, with the border issue and under the dialogue, is also an indication of a threat on Eritrea. As access to sea is a BUSSINESS ISSUE, OR BUSSINESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TWO NATIONS, and not political or border issue. Therefore, knowing Ethiopia’s hanger for the sea outlet, the intention of the stalemate is crooked and is a threat
5. The right thing to do is fend off the foreign aggression together, then hold the Eritrean government to finish what it started before 1998, as the border issue and also Woyanies aggression is a legitimate excuse. It is legitimate, because the above facts (1-4)
6. The intellectuals you mentioned above therefore have to focus on the foreign aggression and also removing the legitimate excuse – they have to work hand in hand with the government or independently – in forcing Woyanie to abide by law. remember, whenever you talk about the so called opposition (30+ ha!) you suggest they should hold their differences and join force now to over throw PFDJ, by the same token, why don’t you all burry your grievance that you might have with the Eritrean government and work in full force against the foreign aggression?
Asmara3 April 17, 2013
Here is another one you have to see
“…… we need a constitutional government, strong economy and intellectual; capacity to be fit enough to defend ourselves from any potential threat in the future…”
“….. We cannot afford external threat and internal dictatorship simultaneously; we need freedom in order to challenge external forces logically or militarily…..”
And see It in light of this: You can postpone your internal staff, but you have no control over an external threat. Meaning, the external threat would not wait for you until you put your house in order. What you have to do is, join force to fend off the external threat, and postpone (Not forget) your restructuring- until a favorable time, or until the external threat is no longer a threat to the whole you -Or until you get a breathing space.
Genet April 18, 2013
Asmara3 April 18, 2013
Which one of the two idiots (genet,ghenet) are you again?
It is hard to reply to either of you, I mean I am talking out of respect to you. Because I can not reply to your nonsense with out addressing your stupidity.
Genet April 18, 2013
Asmara3 or what ever your name is
You have a lot of damaged nerves to call any one idiots or stupid. Where can I start, to let you know that you are the perefect dead zombie. You are effectively hypnotized to no return by PFDJ operative. If you are not a dead zombie, you would not be ok with our peopel living in a miserable condition. You would not be ok with Eritrean mothers losing their children senselessly. Our mothers are begging on Asmer’s street corners because they can’t feed their children any longer. Our sisters are coming home with their beautiful faces discolored, with a child with out a father. What the dictator and PFDJ doing is the death of our mothers and fahters. You are doing the dictator’s and PFDJ’s dirty Jobs to prolonged our peoples’ suffering.
I would like you to take time out and seat in a corner and think what happen to our country. How did we get here? What went wrong? After paying dearly with our brothers and sisters lives, how did we get under a toxic PFDJ system? In stade of prosperity, our people are lining up in a street for bread. In stade of law and order, our people have been treated like wild anmials. At this time our nation is a tragic hitrory of East Africa. Our freedom has been hijacked by the dictator and PFDJ. Our people have been fleeing the country they love because there is nothing worst than to live in a cuntry without a constitution. with your help, the dictator and PFDJ are not only destroying our present but stealing our future. Next time, you try to call any one idits or stupid, look at a mirror and the idiot will look back at you!
Until next time zombie, have a wake, wake day?
kidan abrha April 17, 2013
issais was digging deep hole for eritreans for the last 50 years, still foolish eritreans are following him digging big holes for their own siters and brothers. the donot listen learn and how could they know they are bleeding their people and country.
Dawit Meconen April 17, 2013
The following is Fitsum Abraham’s quotation from a hate monger of Eritreanism and the view he expressed about it:
“…….The hate/war propaganda that the regime in Asmara has been blowing for decades meant that a great portion of the existing generation in Eritrea is more militaristic in thinking disillusioned in orientation…….”
“Me(Fitsum): The forced militarization of Eritrean youth and denying it education have been the sources of said disillusion but this will also die with Afwerki, it is only a matter of time……”
Before I express my view, let me also include woyane’s expressed vain hope, and that is: …….When Eritreans of the 1960 generation die out,Eritrea will be extinct….
Fitsum Abraham endorsed the hate monger’s view of Eritreanism that the Eritrean young generation is “militarized and disillusioned” and capped it with the vain future hope of woyane….”….this will also die with Afewerki, it is a matter of time……”.
The fact that Fitsum’s assertion matches that of woyane with the regard to the future of Eritrea is not an accident. The following facts bear that out:
1.He endorses woyane’s precondition, negotiation, for implementing the Final and Binding decision of the EEBC.
2. He discounts the five years Italian rule of Ethiopia as insufficient to qualify the country as Italian colony, knowing full well that the king had fled and sought asylum In Europe, the military completely shattered and many of the feudals were under Italian payroll service.
3. However, he is very enthusiatic to characterize the strategic withdrawal of the Eritrean Defense as defeat inspite of the fact that withdrawal was orderly, leadership intact and all in their own country, completely unlike that of the defeated Ethiopia
4. Fitsum discounts the woyane border instigations, such the wanton killing of Eritrean military officers, the deportation of Eritreans from Badme, the tempering with the border posts, the wanton altering of the Eritrean Map, embossing huge junk of Eritrean land in the newly printed Birr etc.
5. He rationalizes that ownership of Badme does not matter as long as the people are ok. This smacks the fiction, ” The rooster and fox”
6. He eulogizes the dead Meles success in Ethiopia and Tigrean pride and patriotism while he denegrates Eritrean as ” Militarized and Disillusioned”.
7. The Meles Constitution for Ethiopia says among others,….Ethiopian ethnic groups have the Right for self Determination up to cessation… But Meles’s response for the Oromo and Ogaden quest to realize their Constitutional Right was with bullets, Machine-guns, incarceration etc. For twenty one years, still running, Ethiopians have been subjected to brutal Ethnic Apartheid, in which a mere 5000,000 ethnic population held in utter subjugation over 90,000,000 population. Paradoxically, for Fitsum, Meles is a saint.
8. let me cut it here for now.
Patriotic Eritreans:
Is Meles what Fitsum Abraham Would Have us blieve? Absolutely not. Let the blood of EPRPs in 1977, and OLF in 1991 speak
Did woyane defeated the EPLFs as Fitsum would have us believe in the 1998 war?
Absoutelty not. Let the Eastern European Mercenaries speak
Are we “militarized and disillusioned” as Fitsum would have us believe?
Absoluteltly not. Let the unimplemented Final and Binding decision of the EEBC of 2002 speak and unravel who is running away from International Law, woyane. And who runs away from Law but the disillusioned and bandit.
Does woyane owe its current political position to itself as Fitsum would have us believe?
Absolutely not. Meles and his co. did not go to the jungle of Tigrai to establish themselves as freedom fighters. They came to Eritrean Sahle and bowed to the EPLFs, who, in the immortal generosity of Eritreans, welcomed them, fed them, trained them, armed them and launched them in Tigrai but not by themselves but with leaders from among the EPLFs. However, with all that help, woyane had never been able to exist independently; could not dislodge Derg from Shire and was carried to Addis Abeba piggybacked on the EPLFs. Ask Mengistu Haile Mariam and co. for verification. Read his books. And Now? Woyane is NATO’s Drone, a proof to my assertion.
Patriotic Eritreans:
I am sure you know( fiction) what happenned to the Frog who inflated her neck tremendously to scare other animals like a lion….. bursted her jugulars and died, tragic ending of those who pretend to be… like woyane.
Embasorya The Mighty April 17, 2013
Fitsum Abraham has some kind of interest in Tigray. Business? In-laws in Tigray? If I were Fitsum I would immediately think of teaching position at EIT (Mai NefHi) after correcting my attitude towards Eritrea and Eritreans.
Fitsum, nab lbKa temeles …before it is too late.
Genet April 18, 2013
You forget the part that Mr Afewerki enlisted the newly then Tigrai freedom fighters, to kill our Eritrean ELF brothers and sisters. In return he helped them to get the upper hand in Ethiopia. In return, he is being protected by Tigrai MERCENARY. FOR MR AFEWERKI, IT IS JUST A WONDERFUL FULL CIRCLE.
belay nega April 18, 2013
Ghenet April 19, 2013
Really? Really? Hagos kisha? Monkey? and most of the so called Hagerawi dehnet officers? Isn’t he surrounded by them all. He knows how to handle and manipulate people with conflict of identity!
You are full of contradictions.
In one of you comments you said that we should be grateful to God for giving us IA to show us what being eritrean is. So are you saying that as Melles said Issayas did not full heartedly support eritrean liberation? Are you trying to say that is he telling us that if we are not united to ethiopia this is what our punishment is? Are you pro or against liberation yourself? You also claim that IA is a victim himself? of what and who?
You are confused or you are recruited to confuse others. Now go on and call me names, smart mouth!
Ghenet April 19, 2013
Belay this is what you wrote,
belay nega April 20, 2013
“You are confused or you are recruited to confuse others. Now go on and call me names, smart mouth!”
Genet April 17, 2013
Dear Mr Fitsum
No question you are an articulate individual with excellent analytical mind. I appreciate your brilliant mind even when I disagree with your point.
I disagree with the assertion some people are makeing that Eritrean hatred toward Tigrians and vise versa. I don’t think there is an evidenced that Eritrean hate people in Tigray. or Tigrians hate people in Eritrea. The problem with border issues has nothing to do with Tigrian people or other Ethiopian people for that matter. It is about pure politics. Holding Badme hostage is a ruthless act by the Ethiopian GOV. Again nothning to do with Tigrain people so Eritrean should not have any haterd toward them.
I see that some people here have problem with pointing out the contributing factors of our current situation in Eritrea. Why the PFDJ and the dictaotr are still in power in spit of their crime against our people. Is that wrong to say who are PFDJ operative? who is Mr Afewerki? We the Eritrean people who are opposing PFDJ and the dictator are not calling people “Woyane, agame”. But the people who are in the hate and propaganda bandwagon of the PFDJ and the dictator. Mr Fitsum you may agree with me that we should start profiling people, the PFDJ opratives. I don’t suggest any harm to them but educate them. When there is a problem, you gather data about the problem, then you find solutions no matter how uncomfortable it may be. We should not be afraid to talk about any problem while our people are killed.
Embasorya The Mighty April 17, 2013
What People Think When You Type in All Caps
People who type in all capital letters are often an irritant to others who are reading what they have written. This may not be fair but it’s the case. That’s because there are a lot of assumptions that people make about what it means that someone is typing in ALL CAPS. We don’t have the benefit of being able to read body language when reading something online so we have to do what we can to infer a person’s meaning based just on the words they’ve shared and the way that they’ve written them. We might be making the wrong inferences but there are some common things that we are likely to believe if someone has sent us a message in all caps.
Here are some of the assumptions that people will make when you send them an email (or write an article) that is entirely capitalized:
• People think a message in all caps means that the writer is yelling at them. The traditional thing that “all caps” writing has come to mean on the Internet is that you are doing this because you want to convey a tone similar to yelling. A message or article that is written entirely in capital letters is jarring to look at because we don’t typically receive messages that look this way. This is comparable to hearing yelling when what we normally hear is quiet speech. The message that is sent in ALL CAPS comes across as yelling or threatening. This will often cause people to react to the message negatively out of a defensive posture even if the actual words that are in the message are not angry. The situation is exacerbated when the content of the written piece is negative or angry because this fuels the fire of “yelling” that appears to be going on here.
• People assume that the writer is trying to demand attention. Even if the message of an ALL CAPS piece of writing isn’t considered to be received in a manner similar to yelling, it does tend to create the feeling that the person who has written it really wants to get some attention. This is mainly due to the fact that the writing is different from the norm. The same would be true if the writing were in a very strange font, a much larger size than normal or a color other than black. Often, in writing, we will use bold or ALL CAPS lettering to make a particular point stand out. If we use bold or ALL CAPS writing for the entire piece then we are sending the message that the entire piece should stand out. This can irritate someone who doesn’t understand why you are demanding their attention to this piece of writing.
• People may assume that you have a lack of skill with technology. The standard method of writing online these days is through the traditional use of a combination of lower case and capital letters. If you choose not to conform to this method then the people who read what you are writing may assume that you are not familiar with the standard etiquette of the technology that you are using. If you write in all lower case letters or ALL CAPS then people may think that you don’t really know how to use a computer properly even if that’s not the case at all.
• People may assume that you are an immature writer. In addition to believing that you may not use technology properly, people reading your work may assume that you don’t know the proper methods of capitalization and that this is why you choose to write in ALL CAPS. This can be damaging if you are interested in building up a reputation for your writing. People may fail to take the content of your writing seriously because they believe that you don’t know how to write.
• People may assume that you are lazy. Another reason that someone might choose to write in all caps is that they don’t want to bother with changing back and forth between lower case and capital letters. This can be viewed as lazy by the person that is reading your message.
• People may wonder if you are trying to be a rebel. This is just one of those issues of non-conformity. When you opt to do things in a way that other people are not doing them, you draw attention to yourself. Some of this will be negative attention from people who do not understand why you will not conform to the way that things are done. If you don’t want to be seen as someone who breaks the rules or ignores convention then you shouldn’t write in all capital letters.
Many of these assumptions are probably not actually the case for most people who are writing in ALL CAPS. There may be any number of reasons that you would choose to write in ALL CAPS including simply that you find it more aesthetically pleasing. However, it is a fact that many people will make these negative assumptions about you if you do write emails and articles without using proper lower case and capitalization in your writing. As a result, it is probably best to drop the ALL CAPS writing and write in the traditional form in order to generate more positive online relationships with others. Plus this allows you to really make your point come through when you have something truly urgent to say and you want to say it with an ALL CAPS message.
Genet April 17, 2013
Why is this important to point out? Is this more important to talk about, than talking and exploring solutions about our brothers and sisters who are dying in Sinia? It is clear that you ran out of ideas to defend the PFDJ system; so you are ranting about nonsense.
By the way, CAPS can be used to help read a message easier.
Embasorya The Mighty April 17, 2013
You do not follow the news, do you? What do you think minister Osman Saleh and Yemane Gebre-ab were doing in Egypt?
Ghenet April 18, 2013
Don’t you see? Embasorya is just on of those who try to destruct anyone who participates in serious discussion by changing the topics, cynicism, personal attacks etc.
fetsum abraham April 19, 2013
Dear Genet,
U are wonderful and I like the way you fight the infiltrators in this forum and please continue the fight; u are very important here because u are good at catching them in the first breath. I am, however, confused where our difference specifically is from your comment. Reading u tells me that we are in the same page according to my last 3 articles and this one. It is the Dawits, trullys and the Belays , as u said who hate the Tigreans and not our people at all. I agree with u 100% here unless I misunderstood ur point. Enjoy ur life my dear!
Ghenet April 19, 2013
Hi Fitsum,
Genet and Ghenet! we are physically different people with common goals and common enemies. We both have been commenting on your articles which I loved reading. Genet is a great fighter and she has been doing a good job without losing focus. I applaud her for that.
The spoilers will keep trying to do their job and it won’t be long for them to be unemployed!
Thanks as usual, Fitsum.
fetsum abraham April 20, 2013
Dear Ghenet,
Thank u and keep up the resistance the way u have been doing. Please keep alert for the next topics and continue to input. Thanks
Genet April 22, 2013
Thank you sister. You are an impressive fighter yourself
Keep up the good work.
belay nega April 20, 2013
fetsum abraha
“It is the Dawits, trullys and the Belays , as u said who hate the Tigreans and not our people at all. I agree with u 100% here unless I misunderstood ur point. Enjoy ur life my dear!”
Genet April 22, 2013
Dear Mr Fetsum
Yes, there are two Genet(s) one Me “Genet” and one other wonderful Ghenet. We both have a great deal of concern about our country’s present situation as well as the unknown future. I am sure Ghenet would agree if I say, I would rather make a real difference in my peoples’ lives by participating in their daily lives. But I can’t, because the dictator won’t allow it. In the meanwhile, I will try to continue deflate the PFDJ propaganda balloons.
Thank you for the kind words Mr Fetsum.
I read your well written articles with a great appreciation. I have read your response to the person name “Zola”. You said, (…let us not give the few narrow-minded people from both sides a chance to destruct out…..)In realty it is not about few narrow-minded people, for the past 15 years, it has been used as a full scale propaganda techniques. On our (Eritrean)side the impact is great because it is prolnging our peoples’ suffering. I am asking you to not simplify this issue. When people put themselves in a leadership position, they have an obligation to explain themselves. It is a matter of respect to the people they serve. Any Eritren who is asking, who are the people leading our country? is not because of narrow-mindedness but a sincere quesion.
The dictator and his supporters did their homework. They used the divided and conquer strategy to undermine any opposition’s voices. They have been deceiving the Eritrean people that any second guessing the dictator is being “Woyane, Agame” Is this sound familiar to any one who can read or heard the story from his/her father and mother or grand-parents?, It was used used by king Haile Selassie. They deceived our people by divided and conquer between religions. Who ever said I am for independent of Eritea, he or she was labeled as unchristian. The dictator and his supporters have out smarted the oppostions in public relations. The oppostions are anemic. They want the Eritrean people to figured out themselves and just follow them. They don’t understand that they need to work hard educating us (Eitrean) and help us to make a sound decision. They don’t understand the Eritrean public. While the dictator and his supporters are beating the hate drum calling any one who question them, “Woyane, Agame,…), the oppostions are holding their meetings in diaspora at a Tigrain restaurants. They (oppostions) failed to understand PR (public Relation) 101. Therefor, they end up validating the dictator’s ill-advised message of hate. As far as I am concern, it is not narrow-mindedness to question one who is lableing you/me as “Woyane, Agame”
Mr Fetsum
I would like you to be sensitive to our peoples’ pain and suffering; and please keep it to your self the notion that he (Mr Afewerki) is “Iconic leader”. Whether he is iconic or not time will tell. At this time, we don’t know the whole story. All we know is he is a mean spirited SOB. Mr Fetsum, please don’t give me wrong, I am not asking you to not exercise your freedome of speech. But Just be sensitive; You like it or not, you are influential person; don’t forget, many people look up to you. Thank you for your response and the kind words. Keep writhing and I will keep reading.
Zerai April 17, 2013
Ethiopians and Eritreans are brothers. No body can change this. All those commenting are not people’s representative. Many irrisponsible bad mouthers cannot represent people from either side.The positive sign from visionary leaders like late PM Meles Zenawi has shown many positive signs like admiting over 2200 Eritrean youth from the refugee camps to Ethiopian Universities. Ethiopia is progressig well without Eritrean ports, ofcourse, Ethiopian exports and imports are increasing by atleast 20-25% every year. Eritrean ports would have been better suited as outlet but in the absence of these Ethiopia has many options to name but few Port in Kenya north of Mombassa, Lemu, jointly developing be governments of Kenya,Ethiopia, and S.Sudan. They can as well use the ports of Berbera annd other Somali ports. But I have no doubt in my mind when possible Ethiopians would prefer to use Eritrean ports not only because they are suitable but common future. I am Eritrean living in Ethiopia as invester and have many tigrean friends and other Ethiopians who feel the same. Like some comments above almost evert Ethiopian has no desire for Eritrea to incorporate to Ethiopia except the sick diaspora oposition.
Asmara3 April 18, 2013
That is funny. As if we cannot smell your woyanies ass from far.
Now let us pick this “….Ethiopians and Eritreans are brothers…..” and discard the rest of your crap down the drain.
Get this:
If you think Eritreans are your brothers – tell your government this “Get the hell out of Eritrean sovereign land. The court already decided and the border delaminate, hence Woyanie, be reasonable and abide by law.”
Then come back here and check if you are brothers or not.