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HERE AND THERE: Dedicated to President Afwerki’s said grandma Medhin

HERE AND THERE Dedicated to President Afwerki's said grandma Medhin By Fetsum Abraham • • REMINDER •

Dedicated to President Afwerki’s said grandma Medhin
By Fetsum Abraham


• It so seems like people are reading the articles and responding as well but the way we are communicating does not make sense for the most part. This forum should help uniting us by being tolerant to other ideas and it should not separate us at all. People differ in opinions and they must be respected for it. We can not reject ideas and abuse people because we do not agree with them. That is what we are trying to change in Eritrea. Our success in having freedom at home depends on how tolerant we are with each other. We need to check out our ego and humbly accommodate all ideas if we can. That is the concept of democracy and we should apply it if we genuinely fight for it.
• The issue boils down to why we want change in Eritrea? The answer may be to democratize the country and to be governed by law. To have a neutral justice system and a Constitution. If this is our political philosophy, we must practically live the philosophy.
• At minimum, democracy means tolerance of opinions; to respectfully challenge ideas with ideas. In my observation from the responses to my articles, some of us have the tendency to read something between the lines and conclusively attack someone by assumption. We need to stop doing this because it does not help our goal. Try to take the words as they come and stop picking negative stuff out of them to assault others based on how you interpret them. This is the president’s style of communication. Mr Afwerki has in few occasions personalized questions in publicized interviews. He, for instance once accused the Aljazira Journalist of serving the interest of the west when she asked him questions related to democratic election, prisoners, and the refugee crisis in our country. She was just doing her job professionally but he called her a messenger of the CIA and abused her in public. This practice is against the concept of democracy and we should stop following it in favor of standing for our rights to express our individual opinions on anything. We can not have our thoughts respected while disrespecting other views for this is like having a cake and eating it too: asking for justice from the international community while killing it at home! I bet this sound familiar!
Further, you can not fight for the cause of democracy if you dwell on HAIMANOT and AWRAJAWINET. You are actually serving the dictator if you do so. That is what Afwerkism wants you to do by deliberate national policy. Please refrain from this destructive energy that does not help the progressive mission in the ground at all. There is one concept of Eritreaness: to be part of that society by blood or by concept. When one bleeds of injustice in any Eritrean region, all Eritrens from all ethnic groups should feel it as a family. The only reason Eritreans achieved their independence is because they challenged the problem together as a family. Our diversity is the strength of our united nationhood. We can not achieve anything good in Eritrea fractured with religious and ethnicity oriented mentality. Remember that you are heading on to a democratic society and you shall get ready for it practically: let us promote democratic values by communicating in a democratic fashion! Ignore those who infiltrate to provoke division based on religion, ethnicity, etc.: please do not miss the focus, which is a UNITED FRONT that comprises different ethnic backgrounds, outlooks and beliefs.

• Another disappointing interaction in the forum aims at preaching the notion that the president was a non-Eritrean who was grand-mothered by a woman called MEDHIN BERAD. I found this extremely uncivilized and annoying folks! because it takes a lot of positive energy out of the real issue on the ground; a reckless effort against the democratic cry of the Eritrean people that gives Afwerkism another day of life. We have to be civilized if we say we were fighting for a civilized government. Accept Afwerki as an Eritrean because he is one. Where is the beef otherwise? Do not waste time and energy on this garbage because you can not change that; nor can you convince people that he was not, needless to say that it does not matter at all. The question is not his identity but his unacceptable leadership. Attack the problem directly without diverting the issue. This should be the case in dealing with all the people in his political circle in my opinion. I do not know about you but to me, the Kishas, the Monkeies and all other individuals in the government are Eritreans by historical and circumstantial objectivity. Please try to focus on the Eritrean quest for freedom and constitutional rights in order to expedite the answer.

• Further, Afwerki’s grandma has nothing to do with what her grand son chose to be as a person. She is after all an innocent sufferer of the pain induced by Italian and Ethiopian colonialism respectively in terms of Racial and Ethnic Apartheid like all Eritreans in her generation: a sufferer of Afwerkism, an equally destructive socio-political philosophy that denied her people the freedom of peaceful survival in the mother land like the colonizers vis-a-vis her generation.

Folks; the tragic downfall of Afwerki should have caught his family by a melancholic surprise. They should really be disappointed by how he turned out to be more than the ordinary Eritreans. The brothers and sisters in the family must be metaphysically disturbed about his situation, at least in my opinion. I feel sorry for them from heart for losing the opportunity of enjoying their brother’s anticipated progressive leadership with maximum respect and love from the people forever. Unfortunately, life does not go according to the plan; the president sadly cut it short for them and of course for all of us. Afwerki disgraced his siblings and they deserve sympathy and love rather than abuse. They are Eritrean victims of the system like all of us in the family, ladies and gentlemen! Please be careful with your words my fellow Eritreans! you do not want to hurt a broken hurt. Stop insulting them through the terrible expression for the sake of compassion and fairness.

• There I see another disaster in this style of addressing an individual. By calling the dictator “WEDI BERRAD” you are undermining your intelligence and insulting our poor people who make a living through the profession of KUMIRINA. KUMIRINA is a job that poor East Africans are circumstantially conditioned to do to support their families. There is nothing wrong with this folks! and you should stop this negative attitude towards our people specially the hard working mothers. They did not chose to be KOMARO for heavens sake! they were forced to be by unfortunate causes and effects of survival. REMEMBER that you are trying to change the economic situation of our people through this resistance and you can not contradict the mission by rejecting our people based on economic class. Grandma Medhin, assuming she is real is our mother like any other Eritrean mothers. She deserves love and respect from all of us.

In the mean time, I feel sorry for the innocent grandma abused left and right by some irresponsible Eritreans. I feel sorry about the unprovoked assault of the users of the expression against the poor woman who has nothing to do with Afwerki’s spiritual decadence. I feel sorry for Afwerki’s brothers and sisters who share her for a grandma to be in this terrible situation because of their brother. You can not pretend fighting against poverty in your country and contradict yourself by doing the opposite; nor can you challenge it by humiliating its victims. You need to live your outlook practically if you want to make a difference in the society; with all respect to you my dear Eritreans! You are exposing your grandmas for abuse by abusing somebody’s grandma. In light of my humble appeal for respect to humanity; grandma Medehin has become my symbol of compassion to abused people without provocation like Dawit Issacc has been the icon of my resistance against Afwerkism. It is with this vision in mind that I decided to dedicate this little input to our innocent mother Medhin.

Review overview
  • motbinor February 8, 2013

    I really don’t have a problem with his grand mother Aday Medhin Berad she has nothing to with the way he is destroying Eritrea. Isias Afewerki (I don’t consider him as a president) is destroying everything the family structure, education etc what he brought us destruction to our once proud society. The strange thing is he wrote a letter to UN about human trafficking were the fuck was he all this time many Eritrean went broke to pay the Bedewin and many Eritrean died for nothing an Eritrean person will never do all this crime to his own people so we start to ask questions if Isias really Eritrean and to me his not he is Ethiopian who is trying to destroy Eritrea he doesn’t care about anything so stop blaming Sudan or Egypt for your problem.

    Human trafficking start in Eritrea if you pay $5000.00 US they will pick up from your house & drop you in Khartoum and to poor Eritrean they sold their body parts what a shame.Enough is enough

    • belay nega February 8, 2013


  • belay nega February 8, 2013


    • fetsum abraham February 8, 2013

      Hi belay;
      I believe what u said partially. Thanx

  • GULLIBLE PEOPLE February 9, 2013

    Respectable Brother Fitsum,

    Putting lost in tradition challenge aside ,I hope I have the ability to translate it to give the same sense as it does in Tigrinya, Here we go.
    I respect you ,you try to reach to everyone ,regardless of level of consciousness or even humanity.Keep it up.Intelligent people present their ideas simple ,straight forward & understandable by as many people,as possible.That is you Fitsum.

    translated by your´s truly….
    Bro Fitsum ,maybe it is because you look at things positively where you come to posibble happy ending ,I kind of worry.There is a saying in Tigrinya ” to a wise person a valuable advice will add to his/her let me give an example of the subject at hand ,why we Eritreans really the socalled ” Hizbe Tigrinya” have problem with Isaias Tigrawnet…..he was Eritrean until he ” tactically withdrew” from badme & surrounding.Then pow…came Mama medhin Berad supposidely the pioneer of Dimu Dimu breweries…So to put Isaias down we call him Tigraway, not Italian..And PFDJ /Isaias calls us, the individual or disorganized opposition ….puppets of weyane ..Agames. This is like the “N” word.For us ” hizbe Tigrinya”/synthetic Tigrawot, subconsciously, it has been a question of self hatred & denial of identity .It has been separation from ,Getachew Bekele & Ghebreananya…In reality ,Ghebreananya (Tigraway of Tigray) is our biological father ,while Getachew & Bekele are our children who went south with the beautiful language we created, called Amarenya /because it enchantes me (in english)/porque me encanta (en español)/sle zemHareni (in Tigrinya.) .A tigrinya speaker that hates Amharic is like a mother that hates her own child.But ,like I said ,self hatred takes away your soul in point could be the so called Chicanos in the USA..who do not want to be Mexican American & make up an identity..even in prison when an authentic Mexican is detained ,the first prison population that wants to hurm him/her is a Chicano (a synthetic mexican), a Chicano /na..with a made up identity like the Hizbe Tigrinya crap.I am from Hamasien & Seraye..I AM ERITREAN TIGRAWAY . I AM NOBODYS HIZBE TIGRINYA..I FEEL INSULTED …AND IF WE DECIDE TO CALL ERITREA ,SING-A-POOR /SINGAPOUR ,I WILL BE TIGRAWAY OF SINGAPOUR.Ethnic Identity is no multiple choice.National identity yes .I am Canadian & American ,but still Tigraway by ethnicity .It took me forever to comprehend this.
    Just because majority or all people believed in something does not necessarily make it right. Hundreds of years ago people believed that the earth was flat.2000 years ago a son of God ..that fed the hungry ,healed the sick ,raised the dead, made the cripple to walk was sentenced to crucifiction ..They said crucify that mother *****.It was refferundum to crucify Jesus Christ,while freeing a killer thug called Barnabas ,that passed by almost 100% ,the Eritrean refferendum for slavery was 98%.I will not insult peoples´intelligence by connecting the dots.
    The ” Hizbe Tigrinya” subconscious struggle was to prove that of identity denial.Off course it had a noble beggining, when our Abona Woldeab Woldemariam from Adi kilte ,Axum ..conceived the idea of armed struggle in Cairo Egypt was to counter the dirty politics of Hatsie Minilik partition of this 2 tigrawot people..the objective being to strengthen the Tigrawot solidarity in the horn. His comrades some from Kessela Sudan were concerned that Moslems under Ethiopia will suffer ,as they were 2nd class religion /citzens in Christian dominated Ethiopia…it was noble & a fear based on reality moslems were singled out by Janhoy´s Tor serawit for slaughter.Eritrean real reason to struggle changed more than a prostitutes underwear .
    Which colonialist country allows its colony subjects to own almost all buildings above 6 floors??? Transportation be it in cities or long distance trailers ,to be dominated by it´s colony subjects.Almost all coffee shops ,garages..etc. I am not disregarding the I can do attitude of our people…but a colonizer does not make entry to university more flexible to it´s colony subjects at the expense of it´s “real” citzens.IN 1993 ETHIOPIA GOT IT´S INDEPENDENCE FROM AGRESSIVE COLONY SUBJECTS THAT ABUSED THE BREAST OF THE “STEPMOTHER” THAT FED THEM FOR LONG TIME.No more to be insulted Ahya, donkoro….No more discriminating real Ethiopians by hiring only follow colony subjects ,actually from one Awraja.Ethiopia MELES SIGNED FOR ERITREA but THE INDEPENDENCE PART WAS MEANT FOR ETHIOPIA. sorry I am bipolar I can not organize my thinking ,truly.
    However as an Eritrean who loves the people more than the land ,I will be on the side of my people,Eritreans..I just want the bleeding to stop. Eventhough the bleeding was self inflicted ,they are my people ,my people that struggled to pickup a penny stepping on 1.000.000 dollars.I love you all.
    ሕማቕ ማልካ ትሓርዶ ፣ሕማቕ ሰብካኸ እንታይ ትገብሮ ፧ መልሱ ፈሪምካ ት ሰጎ ፣
    ኣየ ወያነ ገደል እናጸደፍካ እንተኣጣቓዕካስ ምሳኻ ኮይኖም ሓጎስካ ይሕወስዎ። ጥዕና ጥራይ ።

    • Fano February 9, 2013

      Gullible – you made a good justification of your stand but would have also been good if you could admit the grave mistakes Ethiopian leaders committed from the time of Menelik II to Mengistu. I doubt you are who you claim you are though I am no one to judge anyone.

      What I think is exected of us is symphaty to the historical and human background of the Ethio-Eritrean issue.

      Menelik II – understandable that Menelik II may have not wanted to confront Italy, a colonial power from Europe. But he committed two mistakes. He signed-off Eritrea in the Wuchale Agreement and begun undermining Tigray. In deed weakening the brave and historical Tigrigna speakers of Eritrean and Tigray could be what he wanted most to consolidate his power in Shewa.

      This must be one of the biggest blunders in the history of the Habesha people. Menelik II and people around might have had more land by pushing southwards but he forgot the repurcussion the problem in the north would bring.

      Then came the adamant Hailesellasie and Mengistu – one demolished the Federal Union of Eritrea wit Ethiopia and the other knows nothing but shooting!

      I think in this regard, Eritreans and Tigreans have done no wrong if they raised for their rights! But each step was followed by blood!

      The people of Eritrea Tigray need understanding and sympathy. They are the sources of the Abyssinian or habesha identity, the religions, the cutlrue, the language, our ancient civilizations and history, the flag, and etc!

      To label the Tigrean and Eritrean people as ‘tegentay’ and ‘asgnetay’, to classify the as enemies of the Ethiopian state while they were the very foundations of it, etc. was all wrong and the source of all the mess we are in!!!

      • GULLIBLE PEOPLE February 9, 2013

        Dear Fano,
        I believe we are almost on the same page…Maybe I did not make up my points clear enough as somethings are implied,..for example do you think I came to the conclusion that I am Tigraway..that I regarded so far from me few years ago.When I indicated the dirty politics of Hatse Menelik matches exactly with what you pointed out that I failed to mentiion…..And Abona Woldeab Woldemariam..tried to do ..what you correctly accused Hatsie Minilik did.
        The point I was trying to make was ,on our part the Eritrean Tigrawot or as falsely baptised “Hizbe Tigrinya” ,subconsciously wanted tyo be non-Agame/Tigrawot & now tha Agames have become the Singapour of Africa we are confused what we stand for ? They are not the people meant to be poor of the poor, they not only spread the policy of prosperity only to poor Tigray but to all Ethiopians ..actually ,to even some neighbours not only used to insult them but fought them with guns to chase them to Addis Ababa in 3 days.
        I concentrate on this part because I want us Eritreans to correct our outlook on things ,buy or rent a conscience ,so that we would have a clear look at things.I WOULD BE THE FIRST ONE TO OPPOSE ANOTHER RE-UNIFICATION WITH ETHIOPIANS.I want Ethiopia to be our refuge & university sponsor until we do our own.It would be foolish for the Ethiopians to change anything ,to the present geographical standing .We should be peaceful neighbours that trade using international laws.
        And brother Fano do not doubt me ,there are Eritreans with brilliant mind ,yet bad English like me.Contrary to popular belief all Eritreans do not think like “herd”. There are about 50 Eritreans like you & I that make sound judjement.
        By t6he way I am not doubting the cruelty done by Ethiopian leaders to Eritreans..except the question comes which came first ,the chicken or the egg..& compared to the crimes being commited by our liberators ,the crimes commited by Derghi look like sesame street show.
        Peace & love

    • fetsum abraham February 9, 2013

      Dear Gullible;
      i would love to personally meet u if posible. It is not really convenient to make successful transparency in this kind of medium. U know my email and pls drop a line of contact to initiate closeness and i will respond likewise. I am sure u can teach me a lot brother!!

      Love u

      • GULLIBLE PEOPLE February 9, 2013

        Brother Fetsum,
        I am flaterred & I know ,I will be the person to learn from you ,I am still in the process of learnning & most of the things were revealed to me through reading & listenning different opinions ,Yes, I will email you.

        Thanx Bro. My hat tips off for you.

    • fetsum abraham February 9, 2013

      Brother; thank for the emaculately articulated love through your unbelieveble talent of expressing emotions. Wow! I was touched deeply by how u penetrated my soul to captivate me to ur intellegent radiation that followed up after. I would love to meet u remotely or closely to learn ur view on this matter if u give me achance!! Pls drop me mail if u may

      Love u mon
      egent m;


      • belay nega February 9, 2013


  • beleza February 9, 2013

    ሕማቕ ማልካ ትሓርዶ ፣ሕማቕ ሰብካኸ እንታይ ትገብሮ ፧ መልሱ ፈሪምካ ትሰጎ ፣
    ኣየ ከዳዕ ሰላቶ ገደል እናጸደፍካ እንተኣጣቓዕካስ ምሳኻ ኮይኖም ሓጎስካ ይሕወስዎ። ጥዕና ጥራይ ።
    ዝኣረገ ብዕራይ ናብ ኢንኮደ
    ዝኣረገ ኣቅሓ ናብ ማይበላ
    ዝኣረገ ኣመራርሓ ናብ ኣስፒዳለ
    ዝኣረገ ስርዓት ናብ ኣርታዕለ

  • michael February 9, 2013

    i am an eritrean cityzen and why we eritreans have not come togethere and make off the dictator regime .why we are in so many separte parties please make them as one nation

    • fetsum abraham February 9, 2013

      It is getting there; just continue to involve


  • Forto Nikulugiziye February 9, 2013

    beleza!! excellent!

  • Neguadi February 9, 2013

    The author seems to forget that he is dealing with the world of politics and is giving a morlar sermon like a like a saint. People are made in their homes and trust those who close to them because they share someithing in common by reason of where they come and hail from or just because they are friends or relatives. Isaias’s citizenship or that of any other Eritrean is not the subject of debate here. What is at question is that Isaias seems to be making the old Ethiopian motto: “We need Eritrea and not its people”. Now,one can say that Isaias is ruling Eritrea and exterminating its people because he wants to fulfull the “we want Eritrea and not its people”.

    Isaias is a megallomanic despot who wants nothing but rule both Eritrea and Ethiopia by joinging them in some manner to appease his patrons and clients. So, he has DemHit, Kinijit around him from Ethiopia proper and the Kishas, Monkeys, Kassas, and Charlies serving him in his mission of destroying any Eritrean opposition to his dictatorial rule and he best way ot to do that is by killing Eritreans to submission. The trusted ones do the killing and the idiot serve him thinking that he has the interest of th Eritrean people at heart. That is the easiest way of destroying any Eritrean opposition to his evil agenda and that he may have a dream to rule both Eritrea and Ethiopia by joining them together.

  • Marsa gulbub February 9, 2013

    Brother Fetsum,I am curious I just want to know more.
    1.what is the different between falling in love with afewerki and loving Eritrea? there any kind of cult going on our people to ward Esaayas. come any Eritrean who try to challenge essayas’s mistake consdered like evil?
    4.why are not most of out poeple talking their mind?
    please make me fever in you next article to write about this.

    • fetsum abraham February 9, 2013

      DEar Marsa
      I promise to address these question in the next article and the latest in the next next.Please follow my coming work in here.

    • fetsum abraham February 9, 2013

      I w2ill discuss this in mails if u do not mind. Pls send me ur email and I will send u what I think. I also have a book on this i want u to read.
      Love u

    • belay nega February 9, 2013

      AS PEOPLE we still have the choice either to go forward or backward. BUT I GUARANTEE YOU P.E.A IS A VICTIM LIKE ME AND YOU.

  • MONIKA February 9, 2013

    Brother Fitsum
    I like your article.It is educative. We Eritreans should behave in a civilized way.There should be no room for discrimination of whatever race,color, creed or sex.
    All people are born equal. Let’s argue on issues.

  • Senait February 9, 2013

    I am enjoying your writings. Keep them coming. Grandma Medhin’s full name is Medhin Ma’Ekebai. She hails from Seraye Awraja according to my sources.