Have your say: Is safe exit to Isayas of Eritrea worth considering?
The recent Gambian crises has been a good lesson to many Africans and should be debated throughout the continent. The reason this needs to be debated is the continent is facing with aging authoritarian leaders

The recent Gambian crises has been a good lesson to many Africans and should be debated throughout the continent. The reason this needs to be debated is the continent is facing with aging authoritarian leaders who cling to power and are insecure, and fear of retributions from the people or their opponents once they leave power. If we see African countries from north all the way to south, it is full of authoritarian regimes from Albert-Bernard Bongo of Gabon, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, Idriss Deby of Chad, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh of Djibouti, Denis Sassou Nguesso of Congo, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, Omar H.A. Al-Bashir of Sudan, Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Paul Biya of Cameroon, José Eduardo dos Santos of Angola, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea, Paul Kagame of Rwanda,Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, Salva Kiir Mayardit of South Sudan,
Jammeh of Gambia came to power through a military coup and cling to power for centuries and even used to boast by vowing to reign in power for a billion years. Jammeh like many other African leaders has deceived his people by pretending as a religious figure, who has a higher calling to save the Gambian people, but he had no internal convictions nor any moral compass to lead people.
In Africa, the authoritarian leaders fear election and election related processes like implementing constitutions and abiding by rule of law. Some entertain their humble people by conducting an election dramas and often succeed in doing so. But for some leaders those types of snare tactics won’t work and even costed them a lot, losing their long lasting reign and is a live trap like what happened for Gambia’s president. Often those leaders conduct non-transparent elections either to legitimise their continuity in power by seducing poor people or due to the pressure from international communities to do elections. Jammeh also conducted those elections for any of those reasons, however, the recent election was not like the other once. Immediate after the election he conceded defeat, without realising he is in a big trouble and it is going to cost him his billion years reign. Similar elections in several African countries ended up manipulated by the ruling regimes either during voting or counting and they guarantee their continuation in power by intimidation and use of force.
Gambia’s recent election was a different one Jammeh was not able to manipulate the result, who knows he was busy collecting the gold and silver of the country and did little attention to the developments in the election processes. Here comes a million dollar question to all Africans; can an authoritarian ruler leave power peacefully?
Or is it worth considering a safe exit for all the exciting dictators in Africa for the sake of peace and to avoid bloodshed, displacement, and more social crises that come with unseating them militarily? Gambia’s recent events teach us a lot, and the regional group The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) leaders should be applauded for their effort and for trying all windows of peaceful negotiations. If it was not for the wisdom of those leaders the country could have ended up in a disaster and in a lot of bloodsheds.
The safe passage to president Jammeh was a good negotiating deal and resulted in immediate peace and hope among the people. Though some still disagree on the deal and may choose to see him caught in Gambia and put in jail. After noticing all the atrocities and human rights abuses and selfish desires of these dictators one cannot deny the voice those who oppose the deal but we need to thoughtfully examine the consequences if not succeeded. History thought us a lot, in many African countries a military intervention or military coup to unseat an authoritarian ruler have had a negative outcome with the emergence of either of the following; a new young brutal dictator, an authoritarian party, or a family member of the ousted dictator his son or daughter or brother. Hence what had happened in Gambia can be agreed as a good deal to the Gambian people they are left with a democratically elected president and, peaceful transition leaving aside the issue of emptied banks. The question comes how much can we compromise?
My main idea as the topic shows is to invite everyone who reads this small introductory article to come and discuss/debate an important issue that affects all Eritreans. The topic is;
“Is safe exit to Isayas and his accomplice worth considering for the sake of peace?”
Let us discuss and debate and brainstorm our thinking now as this will happen sooner or later.
We cannot avoid history and what happened in Gambia or other African countries will happen to us and a sense full discussion without emotion could save us a lot.
Thank you
ኣርዓዶም January 24, 2017
its good to have this method, but in African particularly in the horn African, they are all dictators, so who can unseat them !
the Gambians are lucky, Ethiopia its self has no interest in our country or people, because they themselves are waiting to see failed Eritrea, in this case, they are seeing a failed Eritrea and they want it empty people. so we are not lucky, we have no brothers as the western African did to the dictator. we are unlucky to be brothers of Ethiopians.
they are just watching idle and never want to interfere, thus its not good for them, but hope that other countries might come to rescue us.
Yodit Habtetsion January 24, 2017
They didn’t just jump and helped Gambia. They helped them because they knew there is someone who can take the power. The problem is with us, we have to organize and have atleast temporary leader. They cant take risk for other people’s destiny if they dont prepare themselves their own leader.
eri January 24, 2017
Ardom kkkkkkkkk
You make me laugh snack
Only our sworn enemy from tigray (DEMEGNANA)wich intervention against our people and country .
the Gambian was puppet for the west like TPLF so it was decided he have to leave as for THE CRIMINAL TPLF who killing thousands and thousands of innocent civilians and even by any miracle a treat against eritrea happen who will dare as long we eritrean are alive.
Issayas afeworki forever
Really January 24, 2017
is it worth considering a safe exit for all the exciting dictators in Africa for the sake of peace and to avoid bloodshed.
Really ? I mean really really? Are u seriously asking us or them dictators?
Haile stupid Drue January 24, 2017
He is asking you no body will ask the Lion he can step down any time he feels no body will make him
Sol January 25, 2017
Your imaginary lion will be turned to a rat of dirt very soon.ز
andom January 24, 2017
He ls asking u and me if we are ready to allow iseyas to leave eritrea. That means, if a situation is created where by he is very close to loosing power but can still cause some bllodshed. It is tempting to continue till he is captured or killed or fled the country. Ultimatelly, when they reach that stage they will always flee the country anyways. The only reason why i would let them go to exile
Eyob January 24, 2017
It’s obvious we all want DIA go. But it take the contribution of each citizen who wish to have a better country. Specially those who has captured the chance of being heard like yourself (Assena) let your ego go away and open up for a group work and you will see how fast we can accomplish more of a victory.
andom January 24, 2017
Group work is indispensable bro. I could not agree more.
andom January 24, 2017
What an interesting topic and question to ponder! Well some one has already commented that our case is different from that of gambia, uganda, and almost all the others. If there is a sham election although very disappointing and an insult to the people of that country and africa, it is a begining or call it a transition to democracy. Forexample, ethiopia conducts ellection. That means apart from the rigging by weyane, it has moved long way in the direction of democracy. There is ellection means Opposition parties are allowed and criticism are tollerated. In this case the leader can even stay if they admit defeat. In this regard most of the dictators mentioned are different from ours and depending on the type of crime committed they may want to be given safe pass to exile. Back to eritrea, our ” liberator” has committed lots of crimes andis not under pressure internally that can force him to accept ellection. He will not tollerate criticism or opposition. This will only push eritreans to consider other optios like coup or assasinations. If these dictators want to leave safely though i think it would be wise to grant them a deal to leave the country peacefully and let them live disgracefully in exile and rot there. The good news though is people of africa are fed up with these dictators and will flush them out one by one. Kenya, egypt,tunizia, gambia, zaire are examples. So to answer ur question mulugeta, if iseyas who is the worst criminal of our time, if he wants to leave eritrea i would agree with granting him safe pass. I however understand the feelings of my fellow eritreans who want to see him locked in containers in wia.
Hailu January 24, 2017
Hard and bitter to swallow but a preferred solution
This safe exit argument is especially relevant in the contemporary international system, in which dictators are not necessarily ‘safe’ internationally or domestically after they lose power.
Is it worth considering? Yes, any alternative that minimizes or avoids death is a good solution. The consequences of war is what we Eritreans know from wholeheartedly and we do not wish to anyone any more if that is a choice given to us.
However, this is a bitter to swallow solution cos many will not be able to accommodate it for they have witnessed untold crises and atrocities that has been committed by the ruling regimes.
As Eritreans often we alienate ourselves from the recent of Africa and loose the benefit of being what happens in Africa is also our legacy and we cannot leave far from it.
If I have to see it with my broad perspective and open mind it is a good deal and let he safely exit with whatever he collected and leave the country and its people in peace.
peace to Eritrea and its people.
eri January 24, 2017
It worth the criminal tplf regime handout the power to the people
A minority can not rule 100 millions people ,he is a great danger for tigray people the amhara and oromo will skin them alive for what woyane did to other, please all of tigray save your failure ruler
andom January 24, 2017
Kemey hadirkum….entatie nzerie alena.
Milikit himam riesi eyamo mihret yerwridelki eri, kubroum or gual amete.
eri January 25, 2017
Ayte adgom
I was nice to you because assena care for you.
You know how many times he sensure me for you
By the way ruhus awdamet kalie intay kibil ne hasekha
asgedom January 24, 2017
The difference between Mengistu Hailemariam and Isayas Afewerki is that the latter is evil who is desytroying the social fabric of the people at it s very core and roots.This evil man should face justice in Eritrea for his evil crimes and should not be given a free exit to leave the country.The crimes he has been committing is just to much and incalculable and never seen before such kind of destruction in the peoples entire history.And for this he must pay dearly the price.If we get a chance why should we let him go unpunished?.Even the death penalty for the dictator is nothing in comparison what he has been doing to our country and people.If there is any punishment beyond the death penalty that is what I wish for the dictator.
k.tewolde January 25, 2017
I couldn’t agree more,this Lucifer who assumed the image of our people like the snake in the Garden of Eden has been slithering among us for over five decades and striking with his lethal venom our very finest one by one,letting him walk away with the loot is like offering him a retirement party.My verdict is………………..let’s leave it to the grieved Eritrean people,I don’t want my emotions overcome my prudence.
andom January 25, 2017
It is true that mengistu did not cause this much damage that higdef caused to the country they say they have liberated. We are not taking actions, we are giving up our rights everyday to these beasts. It is to sad to see all tegadeltis side with iseyas instead of their country and people.
eri January 25, 2017
Mengistu was better because your people tigray use to work as informant and milicia for the Derg you guys use to pillage our village when people flee to mountain to hide from airstrick, same as you did in barentu and tesseney and the 80.000 civilian eritrean that tplf expel
You see agamino you exposing yourself.
Issayas the lion of nakfa ,who will dare stand against him
Hagherawi January 24, 2017
If Iseyas was the only problem, a save exit for an old devil would help the country to solve some of it’s problems without bloodshed. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. The big problem is the regime, which is made of people who have been in the killing business for the last 40+ years.
The brutal regime knows very well that neither TPLF nor other countries will help Eritreans to remove them. The interest of Tigray is to see a failed Eritrea, so most probably they will intervene only if Higdef is about to lose power. Tigray is getting a lot of money for hosting refugees, and in their name many young Tigreyans are going to settle in US and study abroad. Tigreyan extremists and some Eritreans of Tigreyan decent, or those who lived in Eritrea, are dreaming to see a completely dismantled Eritrea to replace it with Greater Tigray (Agazian).
Therefore, the big threat to Eritrea is not only Iseyas but his regime and all those murderers like Filippos who are ready to do anything to remain in power. These people may hate TPLF but when it comes to Eritrea, their interests converge.
andom January 25, 2017
U are right there are many acomplices to iseyas but once it becomes inevitable that he is loosing power they are first to run away, b/s they know what can happen to them.
Z, Hagos January 25, 2017
The West African countries are committed to carrying out the outcome of elections in their region. For them, when one enters a presidential race, there must be: a binding agreement to be bound by the election results, constitutional rule, and the person must be qualified for public trust. All these three requirements are absent in Eritrea and above all Isaias is a criminal. As a criminal, Isayas does not qualify even to run for the lowest office. We also know that he will never agree to be a ballot victim. Who likes him. Even Saba, his wife, considers Isaias a non-persona to stay with because he is abuser and cheater.
Therefore, the dissimilarity between Gambia and Eritrea, as the comparison between apples and oranges, the solution should be different. Isaias should be tried for betraying the revolution and the trust put on him by his comrades. Thus, Isaias should be immediately locked up and then tried on the accounts of witnesses. It is up to the victims and the family members whose children were killed at the hands of Isaias to let him have an extra one hour in his remaining days.
eri January 25, 2017
First if you know the word binding tell your criminal tplf to respect the binding Alger s agreement and you will teach us later about west african binding and stupidity
Hagherawi January 25, 2017
Eri aka (Higdef) we want the border to be demarcated and live in peace with all our neighbors. But who is against this ?, who is to blame ?. Don’t tell me Weyane, because they are not the only ones to blame.
The Weyane are fortunate to have Higedef doing for them, what would have costed them a lot of money and resources to do.
Isolating Eritrea and pushing an entire young generation out of the country is something Weyane would not have been able to do, but thanks to Higdef they are enjoying the show while Eritrea is dying.
Higdef is enemy number one of Eritrea.
eri January 25, 2017
You are ridiculous ,your president meles is the cause of suffering of millions in the horn of africa, read wikileaks if you don’t believe me, what do you want pia do when you have this cancer at your doorstep,??the lion of nakfa is working hard to destroy the criminal tplf once he train and finance and take him all the way to adis abeba this backstabbing
by way the youth are still there it’s a new Era for eritrea the end of tplf soon
alem January 25, 2017
Hagerawi u are 200% right.
አርትራ January 25, 2017
“ኣንቱም ደቀይ፡ሃንዛ’ዶ ስልዕ-ስልዕ ኣቢለ ክህበኩም?እ.እ.እወ! ግን፡ኣበይ’ሞ”