Thanks Hani Mihretab.
Yes! It’s time for channge!
Yes! It’s time to change diablos Isayas’s fag by our liberation flag!
Yes!It’s time to change the tyrant Isayas’s zobas by our historical provinces!
Yes!It’s time for FREEDOM, Liberty,EQUALITY and JUSTICE!
Yes! It’s time to liberate our land and our people!
Help enrich discussions and make constructive comments. We hope you stick to this pen name this time round and abide by Assenna guidelines. If any thing negative happens on your part, remember that you will be banned.
Semhar December 31, 2014
Thanks Hani Mihretab.
Yes! It’s time for channge!
Yes! It’s time to change diablos Isayas’s fag by our liberation flag!
Yes!It’s time to change the tyrant Isayas’s zobas by our historical provinces!
Yes!It’s time for FREEDOM, Liberty,EQUALITY and JUSTICE!
Yes! It’s time to liberate our land and our people!
assenna December 31, 2014
Help enrich discussions and make constructive comments. We hope you stick to this pen name this time round and abide by Assenna guidelines. If any thing negative happens on your part, remember that you will be banned.