Hakeem the wise one
In the city of Bhagdad lived Hakeem the wise one, and many people went to him for counsel, which he gave freely to all, asking nothing in return. There came to him a young man who

In the city of Bhagdad lived Hakeem the wise one, and many people went to him for counsel, which he gave freely to all, asking nothing in return.
There came to him a young man who had spent much but got little, and said, “tell me wise one, what shall I do to receive the most for that which I spend?”
Hakeem answered, “a thing that is bought or sold has no value unless it contains that which cannot be bought or sold. Look for the priceless ingredient.”
Young man asks, “but what is the priceless ingredient?”
Spoke then the wise one, “my son, the priceless ingredient in every product in the market place is the HONOR and INTEGRITY of him who makes it. Consider his NAME before you buy it.”
N.B. author unknown .
Next, I will share with you what a Name meant to Shakespeare.
Contributed by Hatsey Egziabher
k.tewolde February 3, 2016
This article must be coincidence,a couple of days ago I was discussing the difference between wisdom and intelligence with a friend,they kind sound synonymous, but they are totally different in content. While most wise people are intelligent,a lot of intelligent people are not wise.Wisdom is deep,abstract,infectious, and most of all priceless.We need a lot of it in our quest for justice.
umer salih February 3, 2016
Allah yirhamo Hakeem was a wise man.
AHMED SALEH !!! February 3, 2016
And the priceless ingredients of products insider human being is
his/her integrity and honorable reputation . In Eritrean case we
were stupid enough not to consider Issayas made unworthy products
before we buy it . Now either to eat it or throw it away become difficult decisions to take unless somebody come with alternative solution .
Berhe Tensea June 26, 2016
Honor and integrity is completely the missing ingredient on the greedy and coward generals.
The in name only generals and officials need that ingredient, although it is to late for them to correct their historical mistakes that will go from generation to generation.
What shameful legacy are to live behind for their grand children and great graet grandchildren..
Cowards will remain cowards and die a coward too.
Death to Iseyas and the old cowards that bow on his knees.