Giessen Demonstration in Video: Fear Has Been Broken..The Tide of Change Is Growing , PFDJ is On The Run – – COMING SOON – For Now Click On the Pictorial Report
Abrhaley E't'iDne October 3, 2011
After Driving 8 hours I was so happy to demonstrate in Newoyk. Now I see in Germany Higdef gave up on HIGDEF. we will are moving fast. Keep it up the good job.
kozami October 3, 2011
“Selling out” is the compromising of (or the perception of compromising) integrity, morality, or principles in exchange for money or “success” (however defined). It could also apply to any revolutionary group originally claiming to fight for the people of a country, but acting rather differently upon coming to power, mostly because the covert goal of the revolution was not to benefit the people of the nation, but for the national government to be overthrown so that the revolutionary leaders could themselves have the perks and prestige of being in power.
Eritrea is now being attaked at will by the world media in the hope that it would create the ground for these rug tag groups of “sellout” oppositions. The Erie people are holding steadfast and Nothing that these nefsehirat can do about it.
belezet October 3, 2011
“The Erie people are holding steadfast and Nothing that these nefsehirat can do about it.”
Incidentally, that’s the same attitude held by dictators and their followers throughout human history. They never see it coming and are in denial to the end. If old history is too irrelevant I suggest you consult events that transpired before Saddam’s fall — his delusional spokesperson claiming his regime was firmly in power while coalition had already taken over the main airport and war planes were hovering over his head. Ben Ali, Mubarak, and now Gadafi follow along the same line as the delusional DIA’s regime. What is clear now is that DIA has successfully painted himself to the wall and there is not way out other than stepping from power volutarily or by force (most likely scenario being the latter). It is of course your prerogative to evade reality on the ground and stick to tired propaganda talking points.
Maazza October 3, 2011
Dear Belezet
I am happy to see you back. I’ve been browsing missing your pen. I was writing my reply to Kozami when yours was posted and part of my reply is so similar to yours it may seem as if I copied. I am thrilled we think alike. Welcome back.
belezet October 4, 2011
Glad to see you too. As the saying goes “birds of a feather flock together” :).
Maazza October 3, 2011
Hi kozami
By your own admission, the world media is attacking not Eritrea but its dictator. Why? I imagine you will answer saying because Isayas is so anti-West. If you say so, it would be a blatant LIE. He is only anti anybody or anything who threatns his grip on power. Remember 9/11 and Ramsfelds visit to our country to discuss fighting against terrorism? In a silver plate, the Bush administration was offered use of Eritrean soil in however way the US deems fit, or almost. His Ambassador conveyed that we have a country with a similar terrain like Afghanistan!! But they figured they were dealing with not a stable personality and declined the offer and opted to do it in Djibouti. Talk to me about Isayas’s anti West stand apart from his rants as a first class demagogue. His real enemy and nightmare is dissent because we want him out.
To me it is clear, the world media sees DIA as the next one to folow the footsteps of Muammar Gheddafi and so they are trying to accellerate his good ridance. They do not, perhaps, want to be caught not addressing the issue as happened in the cases of Ghaddafi, Mubarak, Ali, when the inevitable happens, the approaching exit of Isayas Afewerki.
If it is any other reason, pray speak. Isayas in my opinon lives in the cold war zone, which died in 1989. He thinks as a leader of a country he matters (his failed attempt to meet the powers to be at the UN is a case in point). During the cold war, the west went visibly through ‘shebedbed’, when dealing with two-faced heads of states even if they represented the tiniest country. Their desire to have all countries in their camp was so great, a two-faced player had their undevided attention. Isayas plays that card TODAY and since the world is not divided into two oposed ideological camps as in pre-1989, figuratively speaking, he looks like he is trying to clap with one hand and wondering why he is not succeeding. Today, except a few rullers like ours (Robert Mugabe comes to mind), no right thinking leader in the developing world wants to re-create what was Albania (still bleeding from Hoxa’s madness), or present day N. Korea.
Thank you for defining Hgdef through your own post ” It could also apply to any revolutionary group originally claiming to fight for the people of a country, but acting rather differently upon coming to power, …) although I am inclined to think that it is a cut and paste, a ‘stolen’ item.
Eri October 4, 2011
Please before you comment you have to think two or more times. You have to understand what you said. You level of thinking is so narrow. Please try to read and analized everything in a stable mind/don’t open your mouth like a cow/.Be Be be mature.Writing a full pageit doesn’t means you know/understand/ everything. “yerega wetet kibe yiwetawal “Yiblu
abdi October 3, 2011
Well said,hawey
GOOD MAN October 3, 2011
God said, I am tired of kings, up to my ear the morning brings the outrage of the poor. The only true principles for mankind is justice. Justice may wink awhile, but see at last, because it is the sum of all moral duty. The aim is to give everyone his due and no one shall suffer wrong and that the public good be served.
Justice to all.
GEBAR October 4, 2011
If you have true grit and talk to our freedom fighters , if they give you any credence as their relatives that is..Put them at ease to trust you fully. They will tell you the truth. Their hear is with G-15. Sell out is PIA who could not take strategic and geniuse advise from our heroic leaders G-15 only to do the same 10 years later, except this time he has his tail shoved in his cracks…
Do you know he was completely ignored from the second highest deliberations -Somalia Crisis. He was duly given to speak in Eritrea’s spot(You could do that too if the governoment sent you)…..beyond that he was in the corridors trying to make up for lost time with politically not so significant countries to Eritrea like Senegal. We are strategic country in the world thanks to his sell out and arrogant behaviour he ostracized Eritrea.
A sell out is one who betrays his fellow combatant “Joshua”….. He blatantly lied saying he does not know him. A fighter , an Artist, a Writer and a journalist….. Do you recall Veteran Joshua(God bless his soul) interview the president? Who is the liar ? Who is the sell out?
Please get off the frenzy and drunkness with hype that just does not leave the whole of that new york meeting.
henok October 3, 2011
What a beautiful view to see, Eritrean gather against Isias. Assenna can you please write a description of the demonstration. Where was the exact location? Was the demonstrators expecting Isias to show up. Overall I enjoy viewing the video in fact this the biggest crowd I have seen against Isias.
abdi October 3, 2011
Simple all what you need is slide show option and they will repeat themseleves the way this video produced.
Semhar October 3, 2011
Thanks God!
PFDJ is on the RUN…
Finally the time for change has come slowly but surely!
The youth have now got their voice back.
We should remember our history…
For more than 40 years, the Eritrean flag
has been the symbol of our nation’s strength and unity. It’s been a source of pride and inspiration for millions of citizens. And the Eritrean flag has been a prominent icon in our national history.
Here are the dictators that took down our national flag and replaced it by their own flags, Ethiopian flag in 1962 and Isaya’s flag 1993.
Let’s not fool ourselves by raising Isaya’s flag. We should all raise one flag, our original flag; the flag of our fathers, the flag of our martyrs
Concerned Eritrawi October 3, 2011
Semhar I agree for the most party of your article but I beg to differ on assuming the current flag as being the dictator’s. That is the Eritrean flag and that is the flag our martyrs fought for. Do not give the fight easily. You have to remember all our martyrs no matter which gedli they participated they fought for free Eritrea and after Eritrea were freed that is the symbol of our martyrs’ blood. For this one we Eritreans fought for it and now the dictator is trying to take it away from our martyrs and US Eritreans.
The old one was given to us by the UN.
Let us move on we all are on the same path for freedom of our people
sahel October 4, 2011
I agree with concerned Eritrawi!!!
kozami October 3, 2011
Interesting you say “It is tough luck to be ignorant when you have all the information at your hands” Don’t you know that is exactly stopping these so called “opposition” nefsiherat in their tracks. Once the decision was taken to create a weak power center in Eritrea, by the powers to be, the errand boy of the horn of Africa, Meles Zenawi, was sent on a military mission, that would become one of the biggest catastrophe post WWII era. The errand boy was armed to the teeth with sophisticated tanks and armories’, the cover of full political and diplomatic clout, advanced surveillance on satellite imagery based on real time intelligence. He sacrificed 150,000+ of his country men some as cannon fodders, some as fengi regach (human mine sweeper), others as Aglai (mass grave diggers in a bid to preserve the moral of his troops by preventing the colossal loss of life). A BBC witnessed in one of the fiercest battles to assert the independence of the motherland, the body of a woyane trooper blow apart by a mine and the pieces of what was left of him falling back down on yet another mine and being ripped to fine pieces. 19000 gallant Eritrean Warsay’s and Yekaalo fell valiantly as they rose up for the ultimate price a dear nation would ask. As the military mission proved costly (bordering scandalous) on the one side and logistically untenable (135000 enemy troops surrounded in quagmire in the western low lands of Eritrea) on the other, he was talked into signing a “final and binding” treaty, with assurances that the peaceful government of Eritrea was to be overthrown by other means.
The other means
Soon after the senseless war initiated by the errand boy of the horn, a group of 30, top government officials and “journalists”, inside the country and a group of 13, aka the Berlin manifesto agent provocateurs, were set in to the task of destabilizing the country. “tetalakina ena”, “PIA tried to hand over Assab” “PIA was corrupt and blown millions $$ in far eastern night clubs” “to the warsays, ab agelglot kitarga ekn”…”meeting with the President to discuss ‘n’himeyo zelena’ issues” ….this of course right after such a massive war post WWII and when the nation teetered on the verge of survival with impeding drought! After carefully studying the matter, the Eritrean leadership decided to put a stop to that kind of adventures in September 2001. Along such action, the network of spy racket in the country war shaken to the core and most of its accessories spat out of the country as a dirt in the mouth.
The other means continues…
After the failed coup in Eritrea had passed, another attack strategy was formulated, this time mostly from the outside. This latest crescendo would see regional strangulation bid “as in Sana forum”, media empires and politicians, financial institutions, NGO’s, diplomats and CIA operatives colluding together to bring down an otherwise peaceful government. Print and online media were used to the full to spew lies after lies. Terms were invented, comparisons made, lists drawn up threats issued,…you name it. The imminent collapse of Eritrean economy, the imminent arrival of a failed state Eritrea, the imminent collapse of Eritrea’s investment sector in minerals, was all forecasted and passed their use by date. The Sana forum degenerated into one staunch Eritrean ally, the other teetering for recovery in a hospital ward (Yemen) and the errand boy playing fly by night terrorist guard dog for a living. The so called Eritrea analysts, Eritrea experts, Eritrea watchers…all were reduced into a meekly “we have no idea what is going on….there is a very clear cut Black hole…” projections. The errand boy, upset by the fact that the promised “another means” hadn’t come to be has since refused to implement the “final and binding” ruling, the symbol of his callousness.
The search for the other means continues…
At the end of ten years of intensive vilification and incessant harassment, Eritrea came out with a population, at home and abroad, firmly behind the government, an economy projected to be the fast growing in the world, home trained doctors, Eritrean gold bullions selling by the tons, dozens of mineral exploration companies falling over each other to invest, food security, no food aid for six years on a row, a cement production of 10000 tons per day…. hence, as a last push for their ‘other means’ design, they have now pulled together a number of “nefsiherat”, who claim to be Eritrean, openly state occupied Eritrean territory is of no value, who believe the Eritrean people should divide up along ethnic lines that paves the way fo afar referendum to re-unite with, and any thing else that would weaken and damage Eritrea is fine by them. These nefsiherat have a brand new strategy that is reminiscent of charismatic Pentecostal sermons….it is happening, there, I see it…there….oooh no ….damn we miss it, type of approach to sabotaging Eritrea. Beyond this lot, I bet my last dime that the “another means” designers will have Nothing to come up with.
abdi October 3, 2011
Hell to nefsheirat,and woyane goytotomn.
Maazza October 3, 2011
Who is being addressed by your above post when you write “Interesting you say “It is tough luck to be ignorant when you have all the information at your hands”?
All Isayas had to do was to sit down and talk in order to avoid the war and shed a drop of blood of his country men and women. HE REFUSED. He would not even answer telephone calls. People are not fools as you want us to believe. History is now being recorded and disseminated in big clear letters as events happen. How many times need I tell you we are not in the 1920s? I was aware of Isayas’s refusal to dialogue as were many fellow Eritreans then and there while it was happening. The guy STILL REFUSES TO DIALOGUE for the sake of the welbeing of his people. If he loved his people and country as he and hgdef would like us to believe, he should EVEN WALK to Addis to speak to Meles so that the contention is resolved and two countries can collaborate towards their goals of development. Until he is ousted from power, Isayas will not budge, he is so eccentric and GETAR.
Its the capricious nature of DIA added to his booze-driven tempermental behaviour that dragged us to a war he himself shamelessly labled as ‘senseless’ after the damage was done. Meles Zenawi, the statesman that he is, tried hard to talk to Isayas, in vain. Our brothers now rotting in jail, opted for diplomacy because their concern not to plunge the Eritrean people into a senseless war was above any other consieration. But, once the dye was cast, they served their country and people with all their might.
Your boring post was not reader-friendly to me and I laboured to get through it. As a matter of fact, it does not resemble to your other posts, which is readable. The contents of your post may have found its way here from Monkey’s office, I mused.
kozami October 3, 2011
zgeremo post#2 or so at the top! is dressed
kozami October 3, 2011
Spelling, Grammar… seem to feature very large in your value system. When I write hurriedly, granted that it would be less clear than at those leisurely times. However, the matter of fact truth is that the concept of grammar is an elitist in its origin. It was set up by medieval English aristocrats to cast the commoners and down trodden ones’ away from their circle of privileged lives. In today’s social atmosphere, such emphasis on grammar would have you come across more of a snobbish than anything else.
As to PIA refusal to go to peace, nay….tell that to the people of adi grat who were told Eritrean planes dropped bombs that they could neither hear nor see, in order to launch aggression. Tell that to EBBC who closed shops in utter frustrations from the errand boy’s refusal to accept what he signed for. Tell it to 70000 Ethiopians of Eritrean origin who were treated in a repugnant way, too sick to fathom. Tell it to the Eritrean people who know that PIA accepted the Hanish settlement despite the errand boy offering him full military support and apparently enjoying western support! Nefsihere Maaza, we are well versed in dealing with the errand boy and his tricksters, nothing under the sun is new.
Tsahaye October 4, 2011
The only problem I have with you is your pen-name which does not seem to describe yourself. You are an eloquent individual who seems to go to a great extent to convince the tragic OOSUB and woyane’s internet agents. Unless you create a detour, your tireless discourse with these grown up and anonymous men, some of whom present themselves as female, will eventually wear you out.
Let me give you my one cent worth advice. Trying to reason out with an individual who carries an enormously inflated ego and thinks he/she is bigger than life is a futile exercise to say the least.
Eritrea has three groups of enemies who are all hell bent to to making it a failed state for the benefit of the woyane barbarians. One group is represented by the ruthless PFDJ regime, the second is the obvious woyane barbarians, the third group is known as the opposition which includes the religious fanatics, the ethnically oriented warlords and the tragic OOSU.
May God save Eritrea from PFDJ’s dictatorship and woyane’s barbarism.
belezet October 4, 2011
“….Eritrea came out with a population, at home and abroad, firmly behind the government”
Not that I expect you to give a straight answer, but what parameters do you use to measure the support of a nonvoting population?
GEBAR October 4, 2011
Kozami knows the fact that If PIA and cohorts were confident they would have made this seminar open as in 2001, where 15,000 people greeted him….now hush hush selected and bused around like Zemach from DC to New York and not even a 5000….our pupulation in DC only is over 50, 000 leave alone USA and Canada.
Kozami knows if this was kep open to the public without selective invitatoin bused to New York, there will be only 5000 deserters of Sawa screaming…..
Bidho!!!, Bidho!! Let him come back and let us have the same whole of his visist in the 2000s …we shall see then, …..I guarantee you it would be Breaking News in the world…
Eritrea still loves and needs you though, there is no need Mukzam….
“Confidence is the name of the game- EPLF until the 1991….
gobezay October 4, 2011
forget voting the people in Eritrea can not even join the orchestrated demonstration to support the governoment in Asmara.
My parameter for voting is you need to draped traditional and debate on the law of the land open and fare…do you know, even when the Italians ruled Eritrea there was no sheriff or police man in the Eritrean villages. My parameter is simple electing people by law of the land not law of PIA which is lawless. PIA told us we need forty years….come on the British so impressed even helped to write the law of land(higi Indaba) and put it writing….we do not need outisde help to be democratic….we just need to understand who we are….and not COMMUNISM game of Higdef. Are we that backward we need another forty years. It is an insult to our martyrs.
Sam October 3, 2011
Truly, all DIAs followers have either got to be blind, or have convinced themselves that they are blind, by shutting their eyes so much, because their faith for DIA is blind.
ተ.መድኅን October 3, 2011
ንልቢ ዘለዎ ከስተውዕለሉ ዝግባእ፡ገለ ካብቶም ሰኦኣብቲ ህግደፍ ” ገና ክትጠፍኡ ኢኹም ” ዝብል ቃል ኣድሚጹ።
Eritrea October 3, 2011
Dawit Tsehaye,
I am sure you are one of the zombies with no brain cells to think and ask. May god help you acquire some basic intelligence. It is tough luck to be ignorant when you have all the information at your hands.
Cau zombie hawey
This was one of the best simple comments I have seen a bother offering the other brother but you Kozami you should fill a Shem of your self to ignore the young Eritrea suffering.
kozami you took all this time to write PIA propaganda, I am sure you are the second zombie. check the facts from the young Eritrea in Sudan, Israel,Uganda and South Sudan ext. or the interview of the PIA on YouTube, he got stack with out answer to the facts on the ground so he keep saying it is the CIA CIA CIA ……………….
but good-luck brother until you learn the lesson of PIA the hard way with you family you will never understand the issue, but it will not take long as you know PIA.
Temesgen Medhanie October 3, 2011
Back in the days, as Isaias was scratching his head to find a word to hurl at the Opposition or Weyanes, he came up with “Janda”, “Kedemti”, “Tetelakeity”, “Esubat” and of course, his zombies followed suit and they started parroting the insults in their long and mundane articles and diatribes. And after almost six or so years in a repose or hiatus, Isaias has come up with a new one, “Nefsiherat” where his zombies are parroting it as if there is no tomorrow. What a pity!!!