For Immediate Release
For Immediate Release Yesterday afternoon Kate Osamor MP was announced as the newly elected Chair of the APPG for Eritrea. Kate brings her experience as Shadow Secretary of State for International Development and as long time

For Immediate Release
Yesterday afternoon Kate Osamor MP was announced as the newly elected Chair of the APPG for Eritrea. Kate brings her experience as Shadow Secretary of State for International Development and as long time Chair of the APPG for Nigeria.
The reformed All-Party Parliamentary Group for Eritrea has a total of 18 members, including first time MPs and one who started first as an MP in 1979. The group benefits from the experience of three former Foreign Office Ministers, including Harriett Baldwin who was Minister for Africa until late 2019, as well as members of the International Relations Committee and other regional and topical APPGs. With members from Labour, Conservative, Scottish National Party, Liberal Democrats and Green Party the APPG for Eritrea covers every political persuasion in Westminster in both Commons and Lords.
The APPG has already spoken to the UK Ambassador to Eritrea and has invited the Eritrean Ambassador to Parliament for a frank private discussion on areas of concern and potential cooperation.
Since reforming after the election members have met to discuss the possibility of a delegation to Asmara and have started to formally review the benefits of diplomatic engagement with the Eritrean regime. The APPG is looking at taking a comprehensive look at the UK’s relationship with Eritrea, including the possibility of increased cooperation on international development and the actions of the Eritrean embassy in the UK. The APPG has also invited Human Rights Watch and academic experts on Eritrea to give evidence in Parliament on indefinite military conscription in the next few weeks. The officers hope to begin formal hearings in an enquiry on UK/Eritrean relations in the near future.
Chair Kate Osamor, Formerly Shadow Secretary of State for International Development
co-Chair Thangam Debbonaire
co-Chair Baroness Goudie, Advisor to the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security
Vice-chair Baroness Anelay, Chair of the international Relations Committee
Vice-chair Harriett Baldwin, Minister for Africa 2018-2019
Vice-chair Lord Alton, Member of the International Relations Committee
Vice-chair Stephen Doughty, Chair of the Somaliland APPG
Vice-chair Flick Drummond, Chair of the Women, Peace and Security APPG
Vice-chair Philip Hollobone
Vice-chair Lord Chidgey
Vice-chair Fleur Anderson
Vice-chair Mark Pritchard
Vice-chair Bishop of Salisbury
Vice-chair Theo Clarke
Caroline Lucas, Leader of the Green Party
Lord Luce, Former Foreign Office Minister
Laurence Robertson, Chair of the APPG for Ethiopia and Djibouti
Patrick Grady, Former SNP International Development Spokesperson
Hdrisuehalalmariet January 24, 2020
This is a break through for Eritrea , for Eritrean justice seekers and a heavy blow to the impostor isaias afewerk and his cabals. We must take advantage of it. And I hope similar pro Eritrea organizations will mushroom all over the world, including USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY etc. Of cours the success will depends on our farsightedness identifying who our real enemies are……within and without…….. and on consolidating all of effort towards uprooting them for good.
rezen January 24, 2020
Subject: “For Immediate Release Yesterday afternoon Kate Osamor MP was announced as the newly elected Chair of the APPG (All-Party Parliamentary Group) for Eritrea.”
Commentary, 23 Jan 2020
I have an HONEST problem with the announcement.on the above subject. Permit me to be naive and ask the a) b) c) d) of my confusion.
a) Is the above mentioned APPG a solution to the Eritrean problem?
b) Will APPG ‘convince ‘ Issayas to hand over his power?
c) Will APPG hand over FREE ERITREA to the people of Eritrea?
d) Will APPG build a democratic platform for the people of Eritrea to build their own Eritrea, in their own dream?
I am confused! The gallant, well known, Eritrean Liberation Fighters of ‘yesteryear’ are still alive in the minds of all Eritreans, though at the threshold of the beginning of old age. In tandem, the people of Eritrea are still hungry for independence and liberty to forge their Life in their own dream and ways of application >>> unless we fall into the colonial cruel psychological trap that says that Africans cannot help themselves, more than just mere existence. It is colonialism at its highest cruelty and criminology over a decent people of Black Africa. The basic criminology of colonialism is still intact but the methodology of the application is refined. So much so, the cruel treatment of Africans and the damage that has been done upon Africa itself is still the same. Name me two “developed” African States, deeply dedicated for the benefit of the African people.
I am confused and sad. What happened to the ELF, EPLF, and the ordinary gallant Eritreans of yesteryear? We can give an honest answer, unless we wish to bury our weakness for ever. Be that as it may, we seem to be our own enemies with multitude of groups (a figure we tooted a long time ago as equal to 80 – 90 groups, all tooting to be working for the SAME aim – presumably, believe it or not, for the liberation of Eritrea from an indigenous dictator >>> Issayas Afewerki Abrha Miratch. By the way, whether Issayas is an Eritrean, Tigrayan, or any other race is immaterial at this point in time — unless we decide to spend our Life on Planet Earth dissecting the Eritrean people for the establishment of PURITY and UNIQUENESS of ERITREAN SOCIETY. What is at stake at this moment is that a self-appointed leadership is leading Eritrea to destruction in the true meaning of the word. This is what Eritreans should prevent with intensity and rapidity as fast as we can. It is a question of saving “ERITREA” as we know it.
It seems that the famous 30-year war [1961 -1991] for the Liberation of Eritrea is now elongated to almost another 30-year period of struggle of the people , though this time, against an indigenous ruthless dictator. What a luck!!! We can, of course, soothe ourselves in identifying the dictator not as a cruel dictator but as being or not being ‘pure laine’ Eritrean! Such a distinction, however, can only be made comfortable with a deliberate denial of our extraordinary reaction, admiration and reception of our hero of the day >>> Issayas Afewerki in Liberation Day of Sept 1 1991 in Asmara. Do you remember that DAY? In reality, it was a day of climax of the greatest Houdini Act , manipulated by a single diabolical mortal creature, in a time period of thirty-years of deception and maneuvering a society that has gone through extraordinary experience under various colonizers >>> Italy, Great Britain and Ethiopia . Eritrea seems to lack a little shred of luck . WHAT IS NEXT?
If Eritreans living abroad (1) come together as ONE unit, for ONE objective, to ONE Eritrea, for ONE people regardless of religion, region, racial, etc there would be nothing to stop Eritreans from fulfilling their objective. It can be done. The extraordinary achievement of the thirty-year struggle is a monumental achievement that even foes cannot resist their admiration for the extraordinary achievement that has already been done in the liberation of Eritrea. It is up to Eritreans. FREEDOM in UNITY or fragmentation into oblivion. THE END
(1) The referral to ‘Eritreans living abroad’ is — needless to say — based on the fact that Eritreans living abroad have more freedom of action than the Eritreans who exist in prison life in their own HOME COUNTRY.
Habte Hagos January 25, 2020
Dear Rezene
The honest answer to questions (a) to (d) above is no because those are questions solely for the Eritrean people to solve. The purpose of an APPG is to provide a platform where human rights abuses can be debated and issues of priority escalated to the UK government so it can in turn exert pressure on the regime in Asmara..
I suggest you refer to UK Parliament website for a fuller information on APPGs.
rezen January 26, 2020
Thank You very much, Dear Habte, for that succinct and clear clarification. I am on track now. It is that kind of brotherly comradeship and communication ( as well as civilized critique) that we Eritreans should have for a productive output — not insulting each other on the Internet. Needless to say, was NOT created for that demeaning purpose. In my sincere opinion, it is an absolute insult to the name and organization of the website. We should not abuse it; we should, instead, use it for mature discourse for the kind of Eritrea we seemed to talk about, even though our inherent weakness seems to take away the better part of our selves. It is shame on us.
As to the UK government’s intended effort, presumably to help the Eritrean people, I wish them good luck. To be honest with you, Habte, I have my own serious doubt, based on my minuscule knowledge of history — not too far away when the destiny of Eritrea, after the end of Italian colonization, was determined by the UN via British assessment of the situation in Eritrea over a time period of ten years( I think) culminating in the disappearance of valuable infrastructures etc etc . In politics, the norm of ‘decency’ has no place — only self interest. After all, the owner was only BLACK AFRICA — and still is to this Day. As the French saying goes: “C’est la vie!!!! Hence, the past should never be used as a revenge but only as a LESSON for mutual good relationship and benefit. After all, just look around at the population of Eritreans in Great Britain, TODAY.
As to your final point, Habte, I do not really need to go to the UK Parliamentary website. But, THANK YOU.
Rezen. Without the last “e” ha ha ha ha ……..SMILE!!! >>> a necessary ingredient in Life — Kimem’ in Tigrigna.
Hdrisuehalalmariet January 26, 2020
Hi rezen,
APPG is a moral defeat to the impostor isaias afewerk and his cabals, and conversely, a moral boost for our cause. By the way, in case you forget, among the many tasKs of YIAKL is to isolate the impostors from the world stage, and eventually kill them by sufocation. APPG is one sign that the strategy is working.
Again your view on our exposing the impostors as bunches of tegaru traitors is completely wrong, tantamount to tempering with evidence. The culprits must be exposed for what they are. Far and beyond, Eritreans must take lhis experience to heart never to be duped again by these forked tongue people. But why do argue like the so called agazians? Are you? Please explain.