Fetsum’s article
Fetsum: Is Wedi Vacarro running his head ahead of his tail? Is he doing things faster than his objectiveThis article will share my views on whether Wedi Vacarro’s head (Strategy) is well synchronized with his

Fetsum: Is Wedi Vacarro running his head ahead of his tail? Is he doing things faster than his objectiveThis article will share my views on whether Wedi Vacarro’s head (Strategy) is well synchronized with his tail (tactic) to achieve his objective. I will try to present my thoughts about the way the movement has been going and its missing links in relation to its potential appearance to succeed.
First, back to the forum:
Meretse Asmelash: Dear Fistum: Many of us have started to worry what exactly is going on with him. Indeed, having different seminaries at different cities, nations, or around the six continents for that matter is very essential and no one can deny that. However, despite of its importance (seminar after seminar) he simply does not have the luxury of time on his side. Besides, I for one believe every movement be it old or new needs to leave some type of a footnote on the ground where it walked, stood or rest for traceability. Authors who wish to sell their newly published books sign their books for their readers. Singers as well as all companies who have new products for the public hand out their samples and leave information where you can contact them. Wedi Vacaro’s voyage seems to lack that. Hence, if he wants to accomplish his good-hope mission he needs to sit down, work on his road-map, and go from it. Otherwise, if the current time persists down the road it is easy to be tripped and fall down forever without knowing what exactly happened. BTW whatever he is doing I wish him a good-luck.
Comment: I agree that Wedi Vacarro is working hard for his philosophy more than any opposition group and the EDA combined but there is no doubt that he could have done it a lot more assertive. I sometimes see it as a very exciting movement without a cover in the back. As a character, the brother has the material and charismatic capacity to change our situation, but tactically, he appears to be a political adventurer in the fast lane with a lot of voids behind. His movement lacks a concrete road map to Asmara. Nothing is in writing so far and he has not taken the initiative to meet genuine Eritreans for unity as long as my knowledge is concerned. I think these factors at minimum should have been considered prerequisite for his movement way ahead before he started his tour internationally.
The question is if he knows them (genuine Eritreans) or not: I cannot answer this with complete confidence but I know that any person who reads and researches or uses other applicable sources would know who is who in this resistance. Nor do I believe the very hard working and dedicated organizers of his speeches and events had keen interest to make this possible despite my weak expectation from them, in fact none. They were supposed to give him information about dedicated individuals in their communities, only in vain! Experience says that they have served the resistance more than most of us and got it here but they were never willing to interconnect activists and introduce them to each other for obvious reasons beyond this discussion. This is simply the Eritrean mode of activism to my understanding and we will continue paying dearly for this destructive negation like Eritrea has been paying for the regime’s mistake in this regard. I see clear similarity between the opposition and the regime in wasting resources because of greed and fear. Whatever he is doing, I wish him the best like you.
MightyEmbasoyra:“I am just being curious here but Ato Fitsum was writing many articles on “Unity” way before wedi Vacarro’s tour on unity. Did wedi Vacarro at least sat down with Ato Fitsum to talk about it? I would expect it that would a no brainer to do. Did wedi Vacarro add anything new that we haven’t heard or read on those many articles by Ato Fitsum? Or it is just Ato Fitsum initiated and wedi Vacarro tries to implement it.”
Comment: Thanks for asking and here is the answer from global point of view. This is not about who started it or not to me but how we could succeed using all elements of unity and other available resources efficiently. My brother has the potential to be the champion in this connection and this would be wonderful to see as long as we create a condition where our people can peacefully live in their country at the end of the effort.
Unfortunately, the answer is NO and I don’t think it will ever happen with him and the opposition group leaders. Independent minded individuals scare Eritrean politicians (all inclusive) because of many factors I leave for you to figure out. Although I don’t think these factors affected how he did his business in his tours, I have been convinced that there is unbelievable amount of negativity within ourselves to the point we cannot work together for the same cause with substantial love and brotherhood. We suffer from jealousy, greed, denial, ignorance, hasadnet, fear, low self esteem, etc. intensely. EGO has psychologically damaged the Eritrea confidence and the backward culture did its toll in parallel with the unexpected hopelessness at home for some brothers and sisters in the struggle to avoid getting help from our collective talents. The groups insulate themselves effectively that no one can penetrate their circles. No one could force the self in and they block it on purpose in spite of deep urgency to do so. Do not expect any group in the resistance to include people like me in their activities and I strongly believe that the Eritrean case will be resolved one way or another without our direct involvement and that I will continue my life in the States until I die.
I can tell you that exclusion or discrimination pattern was a very hard pill for me to swallow at first as a member of the AMICHE community with a slightly different mindset but I am comfortable with it now because that is what it is and how it is going to be. Eritrean politicians do not even encourage you to contribute for their advantage at all: They simply do not acknowledge your existence because of deep rooted inferiority complex, rigidity, pretension, bias, empty pride and arrogance, again based on my experience!! Brother, you said “I would expect it that would a no brainer to do” and I agree in view of many societies including the Ethiopians but not in view of our politicians.
In so stating, I had deep interest to meet him in person in DC for few minutes; I could not. But I did remind him during his speech about these issues within about 2 or 3 minutes as one of the questioners in the event: the fact that all doors have been closed to genuine Eritreans for unity and that we have been segregated from actively participating in the resistance by groups and individuals that tend to monopolize it completely. I seriously warned him to be careful about the committees and that independent minds would better serve the struggle neutrally and expressed my hope for inclusion in his movement. I also reminded him that we were tired of splitting after meetings with no follow up assignments ahead because of lack of leadership, strategy and mismanagement. I had further written an article ahead of his arrival in Assenna for a chance to meet him in the process (you can go back and see it) and the important of independent minds in the committee. That was the maximum I could do within my capacity to get a minute of his time in privacy and it did not work. As usual as it has always been with other scenarios, the organizers did not want to see this happen and they kept him private within their circle away from other genuine Eritreans until he left the city and that was it. Was I angry? Not at all because who am I anyway to feel that way? I could only get angry if I saw myself different from other Eritreans, which I don’t. Was I disappointed? Yes I was because we could have exchanged ideas and introduce each other for further contact and cooperation.
Based on my observation and experience, the Eritrean opposition leaders (the young and the old) do not want to attract people like me into their resistance and I don’t see any difference with Wedi Vacarro. He is part of the culture that denied us to interconnect and work hard for our people with maximum closeness. Like all others in the category, he came from the culture where the president came from, the reason the opposition is weak and ineffective, I have no idea if this had something to do with it. That is why I did not care much about it. In fact someone told me that they most likely consider me a threat rather than a comrade and I believe it: I have seen enough signs of it in this journey. They see things in terms of competition rather than relationship for a common cause. They deny someone’s talent because of fear and tend to kill it instead of taking advantage of it. They see everything in terms of how it affects their popularity/image and personal interest and tend to discourage you away through many tactics still based on my experience. Isaias does his isolation in terms of MIDISKAL and these poor brothers do it in terms of IGNORING, UNDERMIMNG and DENYING. I have never met any group or individual in this category, nor have I ever been invited to share my opinion in any meeting conducted in Washington DC or elsewhere in the world. It is business as usual: about whom you know rather than what you know and what you can do for the cause and I am living with this reality minus resentment. The more I see them doing it, the more disgusted I get and the stronger I want to stay away from them. I have given up to the point I don’t care meeting them or even seeing them anymore because they do not excite me intellectually and spiritually.
I have no energy to be part of their intrigues and zigzags thank God I have no political or material motive in this resistance except humanitarian to let their weakness affect my life. They can do what they want to do with their thirst for power and attention, but I know I will individually struggle as much as I can from distance until something takes place in Eritrea. It is my spiritual duty to serve for universal freedom and justice and that is where it stops as far as my ERIRAWINET is concerned in this life. As a result of this choice, I am living a peaceful and stress free life under the spiritual guidelines of Buddhism. I, however, will most likely remain here in the States for the rest of it because I don’t think I can live happily and safely in Eritrea after the regime dissolves out of the way, should I stay alive until. I don’t trust the politicians at all!!!
Meretse Asmelash: “ Dear MightyEmbasoyra, I guess Fistum’s initiative is the same like yours and mine. You know the Eritrean politics is very complicated. When it comes to the Eritrean politics someone could come to this world, grows old and die before he/she knew a bit about it. I guess it is the nature of Eritrean politics. For this reason, with a little help here and there we taught wedi vacaro could do the job. Because he seems he got the qualification. But regardless how good is someone it is mission impossible without the help of others.
Regarding your question: I only have the same observation when it comes the realtionship between Fistum and Wedivacaro. I hope wedi vacaro moves the right direction.”
Regarding your question: I only have the same observation when it comes the realtionship between Fistum and Wedivacaro. I hope wedi vacaro moves the right direction.”
Comment: I fully respect his creativity and hard work; and I support him 100% like any other ordinary Eritrean from distance, needless to state that I am for freedom and democracy in Eritrea with honest spiritual commitment for my own psychic gratification. My responsibility here is doing what I can do for the cause within things I can control and moving on with peace of mind. God bless Wedi Vacarro!!I wish the brother the best and I thank him for what he is doing from the depth of my heart.
There is however, a major difference between his philosophy and mine. His philosophy in short is about uniting all Eritreans to officially demand the president’s resignation behind international support and dealing with the process of democracy after the regime ceases to exist. He foresees forming a government after the removal of the regime and expects external support for this cause. The NUMBER of Eritrean supporters of his plan is therefore crucial to attract international politicians into supporting him and he better prove it materially. The committees are at least seemingly supposed to do this job for him in the absence of any written description about his philosophy but I don’t see them helping out by collecting as many Eritreans as possible into the cause in DC (I don’t know how the others are doing) though it is too early to judge. In this regard, the brother should have first organized the committees under this understanding before dispatching them to work with some guidelines, and checking and balancing mechanisms. I don’t think he did this!!
My philosophy is about collecting all opposition groups on equal basis regardless of their political outlooks to form a TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT in absentia and working for international recognition towards temporarily installing it in post Afwerki Eritrea until the groups split into political parties and a permanent constitution is agreed upon. Then of course one of them would win election in Democratic Eritrea to replace the transitional government and run the country under said agreed upon amendable national constitution. This concentrates on temporary unity of all opposition groups for transitional government without directly involving the people but Vacarro’s targets the people in Diaspora (all inclusive) to voice for government change in Eritrea and deal with the rest then after. Mine exclusively focuses on the unity of all organized groups for democratic change in Eritrea and his inclusively focuses on the entire population specially those in the Diaspora to remove the regime by popular demand.
We have the same strategy with different tactics but I believe that he can mix both concepts should he decide to do so and we will see what happens in the future.
Dani:“Fetsum, I could not understand what your message is. I am wondering what you are going to achieve by writing such article. I think you are missing something. I would love you join Wedi Vacaro and fill the missing gap. So please if you can join him to bring down this devil who is destroying our people and country. You have spent so much time on commenting. You must say enough is enough to in action including your confusing articles. Wedi Vacaro is a Hero and he should continue till we bring these criminal self appointed regime of Gug Mangug.”
Comment: I wrote that article to share my personal view and nothing else for. Yes Wedi Vacarro is a hero and he should continue the struggle till victory. I am sorry for my confusing articles. I, however, cannot join Vacarro without his invitation nor could I force myself into his movement bypassing the timidly tight organizers of his events that privatized him in his tours. Vacarro does not know me as long as I am concerned. I don’t even think he has ever read my articles on unity. I hope the brother has collected other Eritreans for help but I do not exist in his mind to “fill the missing gap”, my capacity to do this immaterial. I can only wish him good luck from the periphery.
Hitzit: “Dear Ato Futsum:Thank you and you deserve admiration for your time for offering your feedback. On the issue of secession though, we have to be very objective, not subjective per se. People can belive secession as a concept, but in our case we cannot afford to entertain the idea of secession when the unity and solidarity of all Eritrean citizens opposition and civic groups and individual politicians are prereqisuite to fight the dictatorsip. To me it is like putting the horse behind the Wagon. Every standing issue can be resolved within the frame work of future democratic Eritrea. Democracy is not applied in the same way in different societies. The demoracy that is practised in Europe is not the same like the one in North America. Each country is free to tailor its democracy to suite to customs and cultures of that country, provided the people of acountry agree upon.”
Comment: I do not think any sane Eritrean supports the secession of any region in our country but you can only assert your position of unity through unconditional equality of all Eritreans and democratic rule. Minus that, you can neither stop the tendency of separation nor can you justify your objective of unity. We have nothing to fear here if we unconditionally support each other and install genuine democracy in our country: the society can challenge any separatist movement only under these conditions needless to say that education (literacy) will take care of the rest.
Is Wedi Vacarro doing things faster than his objective? Is he running his head ahead of his tail?
This is a hard topic to discuss but important for all of us to be aware of. My subjective opinion on the way the brother is navigating his philosophy says that he is doing it without solid preparation and organizational input. Vacarro dispatched his movement in reaction to the Lampadusa accident and he said this clearly in his speeches. This means he started it on emotional grounds rather than on research oriented reasoning and collective Eritrean brain power. It was hasty, lacks strong intellectual content in my understanding and it will dearly pay the price as a result unless swiftly reconfigured. The question is why I think this way and here are my answers for that:
a) Like I said earlier, he did not present his ideas in writing, the reason people have problems understanding what it was all about. This cannot attract international politicians at all because lack of documentation is the best sign of weakness in intellectual substance.
b) He had no instruction as to how the committees should have been organized, the reason he left it open for anyone to be a member of, without forecasting the possibility of infiltration from both sides of the duality (the government and the opposition). This situation allowed the committees to be dominated by individuals affiliated with certain groups in the resistance including few anti-Vacorrian individuals as well. This is ok though because it would allow different minds to interact and resolve something in unison, but only without grudges and competition and in the condition the committees were not left to operate alone without checking and balancing mechanism from their respective communities. As it stands today, the opposition groups have tremendous power to destruct and paralyze his movement from within. In other words, they can remotely control and even destroy his movement through their people in the committees, and I am afraid the damage might have already been done. The Vacarroian philosophy of unification may fail as a result of internal sabotage from within the committees if it has not failed yet!!
c) It is not clear whether there is a connection between him and the committees and there is no sign of forward movement through the committees to date, my case in point being the Washington DC scenario. We have not heard anything or seen any activity yet from our committee in DC. We don’t know if it is waiting for direction from him, simply napping it out because of incapacity or deliberate sabotage, still giving it the benefit of the doubt because of the holiday season. One wonders on what the next assignment and what the ultimate guideline may be. How are the committees organized to deliver what? There is no information on what they are supposed to do next: Are they totally independent of him or not? Has there been any connection between him and the committees since the movement started?
d) How are the committees everywhere designed to work interdependently? Are they interconnected with each other under a centralized body?
e) There is no dedicated website where we can share our ideas openly to date and I have no idea how Vacarro will communicate with the people and read their minds.
f) There is no information to date on whether he fully supports the EDA and what he plans to do with it and the other groups in the resistance. This is a very important issue he needs to address immediately in my opinion, for people to have a clear picture of his agenda.
g) There is no information as to how he met and what he discussed with the US State Department and the UN and what his challenges had been. Everything seems to be kept in secret and this is not good at all.
h) There is no information as to who his advisors were and no one knows how he continues doing his activities and drafts his plans ahead. On what basis or requirement did he choose his advisors if he did indeed?
i) There is no sign that the committees would involve other minds from their respective communities to assist and everything seems to be back to the old days of stillness (inactivity)
Enjoy the drama without personalizing it
Genet January 4, 2014
Dear Festum
In this new year, I wish you good health, peace and happiness.
Regarding your articles, I always appreciate your insight and thoughtful writings. At this time, you wrote about Wedi Vacaro’s initiative for unity. When Wedi Vacaro called out the dictator to leave our country and people peacefully, he also called for all Eritrean to unite unconditionally. At that time, what came to my mind is you Mr Festum. Because unconditional unite has been your baby. On many occasions, you wrote about the many oppositions’ leaders’ phobia of unconditional unity. Also you called Eritrean intellectuals to get involved, on the behalf of the Eritrean people.
Now, I am a bit troubled about your passive stand in regard to Wedi Vacaro’s attempt to unite all Eritreans. Don’t give me wrong, you have every right to criticize or even to reject the initiative. It is great to point out, all of the weakness and lack of transparency of this movement which appears to be lead by Wedi Vacaro. From your writings and many excellent analysis of Eritrean issues in the past, I didn’t have any impression you are looking for some kind of recognition or power. My understanding has been you just care about your people and the future of young Eritreans. You put out your analysis and your input and what you personally think, about any given issue to let people think critically. There is noting wrong to demand recognition for a job well done. Or even to seek power the right way. The question for you is why do you want be invited to get involved? Don’t you think this is everybody’s business? I think, you are much more influential than the average Eritrean. You should be actively motivating Eritreans to unite. Have you tried to get involved? Have you thought the possibility of some people may get intimidated by you? You said that you couldn’t meet Wedi Vacrao, Have you contacted him via email, when he first came out with his initiative? I know you care so much about the Eritrean unity to get rid of the dictatorial Gov. in Eritrea. Have you made your case, how this unity initiative can be effective by anticipating problems and finding solutions? It is unseemly for you to act passive and to consider to stand on the side, until someone call you to get involved. You don’t need a license to get involved and to save your people and country. With your brilliant analytical mind, you could be a force to be reckoned with. I think, you should get off of the sidelines and get involved actively.
Meretse Asmelash January 4, 2014
In your statements above You have raised serious questions. since many of your questions are specific questions crossing the lines someone other than the writer has no benefit for the readers. However, within your statements there are some general lines and allow me to cruise around them.
First and foremost, by now I hope you are aware that Eritrea had and still have many Moses than it can afford. At first they all look the same, talk the same, walk the same, but when it comes into action the story is different. The main problem here is – after time they fell into the hands of wrong advisers.Then the body dies the shadow remains. Isn’t that exactly what happened with the so called Eritrean opposition.
Therefore writing such an article is for the benefit of Wedi Vecaro. In fact, it is a valid advice and a good lesson for him from to learn from outsiders too rather than depending solely on his inner circle or circles.
Remember, ringing bells or carrying bonfires for “unity” did not start with him. We all know when it started. Hence, since many of us are old enough to know what happened in the past, we simply don’t wish him to repeat the same mistake.
Sister Genet, calling for unity anti-authoritarian actions alone could not be celebrated unless it is supported by known pillars. Last but not least, if you believe he is the captain of the ship don’t you think it is time for him to disclose and lead the ship from there?
Happy new year!
Genet January 5, 2014
Dear Meretse
I agree with your point that Eritrea has many useless Moses, who preach one thing but do something else. However, for any movement to succeed, capable people have to be involved one way or another. Any good movements are always at risk for falling in the wrong hands or get infiltrated by destructive individuals. Meretse, Who do you think is responsible to stop, the wrong people from destroying a good movement? If we suspect the Wedi Vacrao’s unity movement is going to be taken over by infiltrators soon or later, what are we doing to stop those people? I don’t think it is appropriate to wish Wedi Vacrao the best of luck, like this movement is his personal project. The problem with us Eritrean, is that we wanted to be asked to get involved, while our people and country are wiped out of the face of the earth. We are allowing evil to prevail than good. We are becoming too passive. My statement is not only for the brilliant mind Fetsum, but for every Eritrean who has a functioning brain. We can’t afford to stand on the sidelines any longer. If a first try to do something is fall, do it again and again. In America, if citizens want something to be done, they wright over and over to their representatives until they listen to them and solve a problem. That is what we need to do, if we want a movement to work. We have to get involved, then good will prevail. Therefore, Wedi Vacoro’s unity movement needs our help. Good and smart Eritreans’ help. Fetsum pointed out most of the problems with this movement. Why not find a way to have Wedi Vacoro to look at it and changes can be made. To me, Wedi Vacoro genuinely wants our people and country to survive this troubled time. He needs our help. It is about our people and country, not about an individual. The many fragmented and weak oppositions groups behaved the way they have, because we allowed them. We forgot it is everybody’s business. We have to push and press hard for a movement to work for all of us sake. It is good to point out a movement’s weakness, but one has to step up to fix the problems. Thanks.
Happy new year to you too!
Meretse Asmelash January 6, 2014
Dear Genet,
Clearly you have said it all. If I have to add some lines I would like to focus on the Wedi Vacaro’s campaign for unity. Since the movement was launched many of us came eagerly, and openly to support it. But, at the same time, since it is a new movement it does not mean that no doubt exists. To make myself clear we hoped that no coiled rattle snakes are nested under his shoes. Second, we wished to see his road map ASAP before any infiltration. So far, we have not seen or heard any, and I hope it will not take him more months to do so. The more he waits the more his movement will be volatile. You and I know there are still many old and lazy lions, leopards, or predators in the den. So, such an article is an early warning for his movement to BE AWARE of its weakness and strengths. I guess it is the nature of politics to know first its transparency and clarity before you support it or you go against it.
Genet January 6, 2014
Dear Meretse
“I guess it is the nature of politics to know first its transparency and clarity before you support it or you go against it” Very true. There is also the new phenomenon of Eritrean psych, a high tendency of paranoid behavior toward any new or old movement for change. We tend to ask who is doing what? rather than asking what is being done and how can we help. We tend to retreat to the back and wait for something we like to happen. For the most part, this behavior came about because of the more than 50 years of delibetrate betrayal of trusts. EPLF/PFDJ’s leaders betrayed their own fighters and the Eritrean people. Today, if you talk to some former EPLF fighters, they will tell you they absolutely trusted their leaders to do the right thing. I don’t think Eritrean will ever trust any one or groups blindly. The drowback of that is becoming a non functional paranoid. Therefore, we, you, I and all the young, young adults, middle ages and old Eritreans have to be actively participate to make sure a good movement for change is not taken down easly. Everything shouldn’t be about power and control. For example, peridodically, I have Eritran high school and freshman college students shadowing me at work, so they can explore career paths. Almost all of them asks as their priority, how much money they will make in any given occupation. My answer each tme has been find your passion. I ask them, what do they like to do the rest of their lives? I let them know the truth, when they graduate with four years degree, for the most part, they have learnd that there is more to learn about the world. If they follow their passion, money will follow. When it comes to our peopls’ issue, it is becoming all about power and control. It is makeing the rest of us paronid. If it wasn’t about the problems with people seeking power and control in any cost, our country could have been free of dictatorship 15 years ago. I want people like Fetsum to cont. wright and educate us what is needed to have a good movement to achieve the desired result. Thanks.
belay nega January 4, 2014
Dear Mighty
“Ato Belay,
Sometimes, it is much better to burn the damn house, if it can’t be fixed.”
The house will be burned either way,by accepting or denying Ethiopians demand.
belay nega January 4, 2014
Brother Meretse
““አብ ሓደ ጽሑፍካ ጽገናዊ ለውጢ ከምዘይትአምን አንቢበ ኔረ” ትብል እያ። ኣማን ብኣማን ማሕላይ እዩ።”
Fundamental change means, changing everything, including the foundation.And as the immediate reason[foundation],for ERITRAWINET to be official is the E.P.L.F,not only the lab technicians but also their production, all the archive should go.Unless otherwise.To this end the outcome will be [ረኪስካ ባራ]
Meretse Asmelash January 4, 2014
ክቡር ሓው በላይ ፡
ሪኢቶካ ንብዙሓት ስለ ዝምልከት ሕጂ’ውን ኣነ ክምልሰልካ ከሎኹ ዝስመዓኒ ጉዳይ ኣሎ። ከይብሃል ክብል ግን ዓዲ ኣይውዕልን።
መሰረታዊ ለውጢ ክብሃል እንከሎ- ኣብ ሓንጎል ደገፍቲ መለክቲ ከተፍ ዝብሉ ቅርጽታት ካብ ብዙሓት ውሑዳት እዞም ዝስዕቡ እዮም። ዸርጊ 1975 ፤ ኣፋጋኒስታን 1973 ፤ ኢራን 1979 ፤ ስማልያ 1991 ፤ ኣብዚ ዝሓለፈ ወርሒ ደቡብ ሱዳን…. ወዘተ። ልክዕ ሓሊፉ’ዩ እቲ ዝከይድ ዘሎ ከኣ ይከይድ ኣሎ ። ኹሉ ግን ነናቱ ኣሎዎ። ውጽኢቱ ከኣ ብመጥበሲኡ( መበገሲኡ) እዩ ዝልካዕ ።
ታሪክ እዘን ብናይ ባዕለን ምክንያታት ራዕ ዝበላ ሃገራት ኣብ ምድሪ እንዳ ኣዃማሳዕካ ፤ ኣብ ሃዋሁው ከኣ “መለበምን ኣይግበርካ መለበምን ኣይክላእካ” ዝብሉ ጮርሖታት ዝሓዘሉ በሉን( lithium balloon) እንዳ ኣንሳፈፍካ ለውጢ ማለ ወይ ከምዚ ሎሚ ቅነ ዝነፍስ ዘሎ “ጽገና” ማለት ከም ናይ ሃገረ ዙምባብወ (Zimbabwe) እምበር ኣብ ዝብል ትሕተ ኣም ምዅዳድ ግዜ ዝሓለፎ እዩ። እዚ ዓይነት ጸዋዒት’ዚ ምስ እዚ ሕጂ ዝከይድ ዘሎ ሓይሊ ለውጢ ኣየሳነን።
እሞ- ሓው በላይን ዝከማካን ምድሓን ኢሰያስ ጽገና እዩ ምድሓን ሃገር ከኣ መሰረታዊ ለውጢ እዩ። ኣነን ዝከማይን ኣብ ምድሓን ሃገር እምበር ኣብ ምድሓን ኢሰያስን ሃወርያታቱን የሎናን። የግዳስ ሓቂ ይጠፍኣካ’ዩ ኢለ ስለ ዘይኣምን ንድሕነት ሃገርካ እንተስ የማናይ እንተስ ጸጋማይ ኢድካ ኣልዕል
ሓውካ መረጸ
MightyEmbasoyra January 4, 2014
“ሓቂ ይጠፍኣካ’ዩ ኢለ ስለ ዘይኣምን ንድሕነት ሃገርካ እንተስ የማናይ እንተስ ጸጋማይ ኢድካ ኣልዕል”. Amen to that, Ato Meretse! Very good advice and hopefully, Ato Belay will take your words to the heart.
belay nega January 4, 2014
Dear Mighty
““ሓቂ ይጠፍኣካ’ዩ ኢለ ስለ ዘይኣምን ንድሕነት ሃገርካ እንተስ የማናይ እንተስ ጸጋማይ ኢድካ ኣልዕል””
ካብ ዝመውት 53 ዓመት ዝገበረ ጉዳይ: ንዝፈጠሮ ፍልሖ ክትቀብር ኢልካ ሓንቲ ኢድካ ምሕዋስ: ነቲ ሬሳ ጉዳይ ንምቅባር: ክልተ አእዳውካ ምሕዋስ ይሐይሽ::
MightyEmbasoyra January 5, 2014
Ato Belay,
The way I see you, you have already gave up on Eritrea. Please don’t. This sad era will pass. Those people who destroyed Eritrea will vanish and our country will be up and running in no time. Please use creativity to dissolve HGDF and sympathizers.
Meretse Asmelash January 5, 2014
Bravo ኣቶ በላይ
ኣነስ ብኣካል ስለ ዘይፈልጠካ እየ ምርጫ የማነይ ወይ ጸጋማይ ኢድ ሂበካ። ምክንያቱ ገለ ሰባት ሓንቲ ኢድ ጥራሕ ዝውንኑ ስለ ዘሎዉ። ንስካ ግን ብክልተ ኢድካ “Amanda” ክትብል እንተሓሪካ ረጎደ።
ኣብ ቀብሪ ምልኪ የውዕለኒ ምባልካ ከኣ ዓቢ ስጕምቲ ዘይኮነስ ዓቢ ዝላ ንቅድሚት እዩ። ሕጂ ግን … …. ኣብ ክሳድ …. ይራከቡ ከይትብለና ደሓን ቀኒ!
belay nega January 4, 2014
ሓው መረጸ
“እሞ- ሓው በላይን ዝከማካን ምድሓን ኢሰያስ ጽገና እዩ ምድሓን ሃገር ከኣ መሰረታዊ ለውጢ እዩ።”
አብ ውሽጢ ሱር ዘለዎ ሕማም ዝነብር ኩሉ: ጽገና ወይ መሰረታዊ ለውጢ ዘይኮነስ “ንዘይትኽእሎ በዓል ነገረይ አይትበሎ” ዝባሃል ኢዩ ፈውሱ::
gidus January 4, 2014
dear fitsum, as usuall I’m writting from Eritrea. to the extent you inspired me in the past, you disappointed me that much. why? because, even you with all you philosophical thinking get to the toxic Eritrean political weakness. leave alone wedi veccaro to do his part under the limit of his ability. remember, every body is different and you should continue your job. we are suffering in Eritrea, and you guys got time for TIRKI-MIRKI at our expense. I hope, next time we will see all of you the diaspora Eritreas avoid character assassination and work together to help us bring Democratic change. good luck
ogbai January 4, 2014
I wrote some comments yesterday in the last Mr.Fetsum’s article. When I came to check if there is any reaction to it this morning. Even my comment is not there I realy don’t know why. Please allow me to say it again if I may. Mr.Fetsum I like you yuor articles in a simple and plain English easy to understand in simple plain English. Inaddition you always has a good points to discuss with. But with all my respect that you and some others like you seams to me that you choose to be a refere in the game of our poletics, instead to be a playes. If you don’t mind I see so many points in your article distanccing from the field of a players to the refering corner. You always mention the importance of Unity in the opposition to speed up the change needed in our country. Eventhough I totally agreed in this point, and I support your ideas. But when we say how to acomplish this noble idea we should practice it in personnel level. My point is I feel like you are distancing your selves from the the ground you were preaching. If we are serious about this we have to knock every door like the Jehovah’s Witnness. And my other point is as we all know this oppostion for changing the system in our country has been going on for long time, and this time is very close to hit its target. Therefore, those who come from the other camp to the same cause asking for change that don’t you think it is appropate to concile and contrbute your talents and efferts in withen in already in the ground? Whats wrong with that.In my veiw it would have been a plus to lend your talent and experience.Ofcourse there is a blame game like why I join them because they didn’t show a progress etc…I would say with out your participation how could they is my answer. It seams to me it is easy to blame some one by pointing fingers on others. Don’t you think it is better to organized first and to walk to victory? In my opoinion Most of the people were serving the dictator for long time. Eventhough, they broke with him. That it seams to me they are afraid to join the other camps except few of them. The other sad side of it is even refused to organized themselves in very good way. We are witnnssing eating up each other. What a concident. If they are blaming the old camp. Honestly we like to see them better organized if they have better ways of moving toward. I am sure we might joined them or it were easy to to talk to them in organized way. In other way we may think may be this is the work of the dictator to weaken the opposition. Don’t forgett he is our main enemy. But I see none of the above. All in all this good for the dictator. We like it or not no one can win with out a good organized matter. Can I added som example: In a soccer game you need a good players and you buy them or train them at the end you have to bring them to the field in Organized manner of course with a good goalie, defence, middle field, and forwards, even after these all work you pray for victory. Because the other team could be a challeger too. At the end Mr Fetsum, Wedi Vacoro and many others to follow. Lets united our efferts and knoweldge not as individuals but as team players. And getting a good players not to be only refers and contators from the bench. God bless us all.
Genet January 6, 2014
Dear Oqbai
Your comment from 1/3/14 is there. I can see it. You may need to check your PC. BY the way, I agree with your point.
ogbai January 4, 2014
I am sorry make som correction on my spelling please instead contators “comntators” and please don’t be get old I am strees out of memory.
dehab January 5, 2014
Brother Fitsum you always inspired fellow Eritrean and i enjoy your writing as you put it “slightly different mind set” you are not alone brother but my question to today is why do you think Brother Wedi Vacaro attracted more Eritrean on his tour of unity?
belay nega January 5, 2014
Dear Mighty
“The way I see you, you have already gave up on Eritrea.”
I cannot afford to miss an understanding and tolerant person like you.
belay nega January 5, 2014
Brother Meretse
“ኣብ ቀብሪ ምልኪ የውዕለኒ ምባልካ ከኣ ዓቢ ስጕምቲ ዘይኮነስ ዓቢ ዝላ ንቅድሚት እዩ። ሕጂ ግን … …. ኣብ ክሳድ …. ይራከቡ ከይትብለና ደሓን ቀኒ!”
As for a professional prostitute, V.I.P may mean [VERY IMPORTANT PU..Y],you have all the right to exercise your perception the way you want.Though you are wrong.
Meretse Asmelash January 6, 2014
ሓው በላይ
ብግምጣሉ ደኣ ተረዲእኳ እምበር ኣነስ ካብ ሓልዮት ክልተና ተበጊሰ እየ “ጽሉል ንጽሉል ኣብ ክሳድ ጸጸራት ይራከቡ” ከይተብለና ዝበልኹ። ንስካ ግን ግደፍ ኣብ መደበረይ (ጸጸራት) ክትኣቱስ ብጥቅኡ እውን ከይትሓልፍ ምባልካ ኣማንካ ሓወይ! ኣማንካ!!!
ፍቱግ ጡጥ ናይዚ ሓወይ/ሓፍተይ ወጊኡኒ ኢልካ ትምጎት እንተኮንካስ መን ክረትዓካ?
MightyEmbasoyra January 7, 2014
Ato Belay,
Thanks for your generous reply and likewise.
Do you know that you and Ato Meretse have so much in common? My comment may seem off to either of you but you do. I will hopefully clarify it in few months but for now, all I can say is that I am taking a course and you guys are both the instructors.
Happy New Year!
Meretse Asmelash January 8, 2014
Dear Mighty,
Good luck with your course and thank you for your kind comments.
belay nega January 9, 2014
Dear Mighty
Thanks for paving a road of exchanging ideas between me and brother Meretse.
Meretse Asmelash January 6, 2014
Dear Genet,
I love your paralytics and couldn’t agree more.
Meretse Asmelash January 6, 2014
Correction: please read as I love your analytical (type error)