From the forum: Meretse Asmelash: ‘Wedi Vacaro is simply hope of the oppressed. Many Eritreans have come to admire his courage, honesty, self-confidence and beyond all trust to go through all his voyage/our voyage. I pray for
From the forum:
Meretse Asmelash: ‘Wedi Vacaro is simply hope of the oppressed. Many Eritreans have come to admire his courage, honesty, self-confidence and beyond all trust to go through all his voyage/our voyage. I pray for him to stay the course until we come out on the other side. One thing for sure is he needs us and we should be ready to tell him that we are with him.”
Comment: well said brother Meretse and thank you.
Dawit Meconen; “I have been reading Fetsum’s inputs for relatively long time and I have never felt comfortable with his analysis, which seem to tally with that of woyane, whom he had never criticized for reneging the Final and Binding decision of the EEBC etc. bla bla bla..”
Response: when is your next psychiatric appointment on Weyane paranoia? Someone suggests you be called David Mikkinnen from now on because it sounds sexier. Another dude said we should call you Bible or Kuran McEnroe because Dawit means the Bible or the Kuran in GEEZ. Which one do you like best?
Michael Ghebre: “He has done much productive work than all the opposition groups put together within a short period of time. Anybody can claim, probably with absolute sincerity to be a zealous opponent, but a much more significant question is this, what kind of regime is proposed to establish in place of the present one? There are those who think that if the current leader was killed or escaped, then democracy with free speech and free election would miraculously appear fully formed. Many people are deluding themselves if they think that getting rid of one tyrant will stop the problems in Eritrea today. No one knows exactly what the future holds.”
Comment: One that refuses to learn from past mistakes is doomed to repeat their consequences sooner or later. Thank you for this productive contribution. That is why we need to clean up the committees so that significant work towards democracy can start before something takes place in Eritrea. But only the naïve think that we can achieve democracy without extremely working hard before it is too late. The political situation after the regime can only be controlled through a Transitional Government: what else then? It took the Somalians over 20 years of chaos to see the light with this road. Nothing else worked for them except this.
hmm: “To me you sound like the Monkey or Ali Abdu sucking up to PIA and encouraging him to take undemocratic actions to clamp down dissent. You are a dangerous individual, I advise Wedi vacaro to stay away from you if he wants to get acceptance from the mass”
Response: I will ignore people with pen-names from now on because there is no reason for them not to come out in the open if they are for real. No more masks in this forum except for this time. I guess the truth hurts. You want us to silently look a problem within the committees like we used to do with Shaebia and you know the result. You want us to be navigated by the same individuals that failed to move the struggle forward without any creativity (no action till now in DC, where most Eritreans live in the west). You want us to tolerate the spoilers within the movement that cannot take independent position without instruction from their bosses in Addis or elsewhere (we have proof for this here in DC). I don’t work like that; I come at your face directly!
You come here out of the blues to suggest what you suggested most probably because I exposed what is going on. Are you part of the spoilers to react emotionally as such? Everyone in DC area knows that we don’t have a committee because of internal sabotage and you want us to shut up. We were not stupid back in the days, only went on with self-deception for “ANCHIWA TIHLEF MIENTI MOGOGO”. The Afwerkis took maximum advantage of our unconditional obedience and we know what they did with it. Those days are gone: There is no Anchiwa to give green light for the sake of mogogo but rather RATs in the mogogo to clean out immediately for this movement to succeed.
I think you should come out on the open so that we know who we are talking with instead of acting up pro-resistance behind a mask. You know mine: prove that you are not a RAT by exposing yourself in this forum.
You are right saying that I was a dangerous person but only intellectually and spiritually, and not to the movement but to the RATs.
As usual, opinion differences take place on a new movement but the truth comes out a winner at the end because BETRI HAKI TIKETIN EMBER AITSBERIN. The enemy’s BETRI has broken apart several times to turn into ashes but we are confident on our spiritual purity to believe ours will stay intact forever! I am sure EZIWIN KISIGERYU BIMENFESAWI SIRAH that is why they call it STRUGGLE!
My mom was from Akeleguzai and my dad from Hamsien folks briefly telling you my story to hit a point. The line-of-sight distance between the two places cannot be more than 5 kms, though my dad as a young boy had to travel from home about twenty kms through gravel roads to checkout a young girl in her village around Dekemhare that he ended up marrying to collectively produce me in Ethiopia as a matter of destiny. Neither did my parents choose having me in the form I came out to be, nor did I decide to be born Eritrean from my family. They did not even have an idea about my gender let alone my looks and health situation when I was purely residing inside my mom’s womb without identity and religion. It was accidental to both sides of the duality.
We first saw each other the day I was born, the moment they discovered I was male and destiny stigmatized me with the Eritrean identity by association to the yet, accidental identity of my parents to live this life as such ever since. The rest is up to how I decide to live my accidental being and intentionally shape up my perception of life in my adult life out of my cumulative experience! One becomes one by accident but shapes one’s outlook of life by option: You become a healer or a menace to society; a freedom fighter or a RAT by choice!
As it goes, the human brain has made human beings capable of landing in the moon and precisely understanding the nature of the universe through technology and science. This capacity was impossible without education and a collective brain power under the rule of fair law.
I feel sorry for the haters; for the brothers and sisters trapped in the darkness of the SELF (Anninet): ethnicity and power to the point of limiting their infinite brain potential within few kilometers of their accidental geographic identification. Sad that they compromise universal humanity for their narrow and selfish agendas at disastrous expense of their own communities! Nothing can be more tragic than seeing a person building one’s concept of existence on one’s involuntary identity that withers away few years ahead! I feel sorry for people that contaminate their spiritual purity with personal issues by being biased towards their ethnic origin or religious affiliations inherited from their accidental parents. I feel sorry for people that let their minds controlled and manipulated by their bosses to only reflect their ideas upon instruction!
A dependent and destructive mentality as such tends to feed a child from one’s community leaving another Eritrean child starving alone because the later came from another community few kilometers away or from parents with different religion! Yet the sinner warships God or Allah and prays to land in heaven or Jenna at the end of life! What a sufferer of ego, waste of the mind; how unhappy and spiritually decadent!
A spiritual mission can be spoiled by egoist individuals. It was with this understanding that the Music Composer Quincy Jones put a big sign that reads “CHECK OUT YOUR EGO” at the entrance of the studio where the best international musicians recorded the song “WE ARE THE WORLD” in solidarity with the humanitarian activities globally going on in the 80s to help the starving Ethiopians. We need to arrest our ego to help our desperate people through genuine unity. We need to exit out of our ethnicities and religions to impartially and compassionately help our people out of this dictatorship. This is not the time to grudge it out against each other but to forgive the past and do the right thing to make a difference in our motherland. Let us follow the right direction to democracy: Let democracy and unbiased justice mediate our ethnic or religiously affiliated differences!
You will be surprised how badly ego can destroy a person and a community through. The best example of such a person is the Explosive Sufferer PIA (my expression of people who destroy society in the process of destroying themselves). Let me quote something from my upcoming book SPIRITUAL ENGINEERING ‘Human life is a duality composed of the inner self and the ego. Ego is the inductive energy to the perception of the self as a distinct entity from the rest, the metaphysical driver of a person’s acute self-obsession, the absence of accurate knowledge or the presence of chronic ignorance of the true nature of the Self. By approaching life from individualistic point of view and relating everything to the Self, ordinary human beings suffer from emotional distress throughout their segregated existence. They deny themselves the freedom of endless opportunities for joy. The “distinction” denies them equality, reducing them to a minute fraction of objectivity. They then face drastic ramifications in terms of stress and fear, particularly of death. The more they cling to themselves, the stronger their ego, the deeper they privatize things, the greater their fear of death, and the more dependent their self-understanding, decisions and actions on the influence of the fear.’
Do you know that Albert Einstein refused to be the president of Israel in protest of the Jewish state’s mistreatment of the Palestinians? The pacifist scientist states that; “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty”, said delusion being a derivative of ego!
Attachment to the Self is killing the spiritual content of some of our brothers and sisters in the resistance. I think the greatest cause of human suffering is forgetting that we all will die soon and that our identity lasts as long as we live, none otherwise! One bypaths this truth when the EGO dominates one’s inner self and continues to suffer for life as a result! Otherwise, a person lives a simple and happy life doing something good to society and passes by peacefully.
kifle Nerayo February 3, 2014
Dear Fitsum
Thank you for this elating comment for those who are less aware of their individualistic view towards their fellow men, indeed are biased. I hope they get enlightened by your superb comment which perfectly relates to our perennial predicament as people of one country. Please, I urge you that you need not be deterred from contributing similar enriching comments towards both our struggle as a whole and understanding of each other to get the over-due sense of unity to fight our enemy at home. As ever, I thank you very much
Zufana February 4, 2014
Kifle Nerayo
Super comment. I could not put it any better brother.
K. A February 3, 2014
You look like Isaias’s right hand man.
You are a loser. Time is not with you any more. Stop your useless articles.
MightyEmbasoyra February 3, 2014
K. A.
You still haven’t learned yet. May be after you read the whole book will start to understand. Lose your ego.
Zufana February 3, 2014
It seems like you are a lost cause, too far gone. You just exposed yourself that you are one of those disconnected/lost Eritrean. K.A stop shenkolol mibal.
Logo February 3, 2014
Very interesting, I like it!!!
ogbai February 3, 2014
Not Mr.Fetsum, but I amn’t sure about you that for you didn’t tell us who you are. No more don’t tell but tell tell in a free world you are free to tell. Isaiass’ idea don’t tell is about the time of the past. It was for some hidden perpuse. Please Stop nonesense critisizem to such honest and open people that they share their idea and identity in a good way. I believe him that he is Eritrean not by choice by nature.
Zufana February 3, 2014
Dear Mr Fetsum, I felt you didn’t have to go to that much details about your background. However, as usual job well done and message passed efficiently indeed. Most of all great responses to the two that is to dawit m and hmm. Ato Meretse Asmelash’s comment was excellent indeed. Mr Fetsum as you know the core evil drivers of the regime are really few (at home and in diaspora)when one gets down to it. It is the so called oppositions RATs within that are the most dangerous and time wasting, and these few but noisy RATs have a history to take a flight than the fight. And i also hear things are going much much faster than anticipated with brother/father Wedi Vacarro’s movement. God bless you brother.
Zufana February 3, 2014
Dear Mr Fetsum, I felt you didn’t have to go to that much details about your background b/c so far your work(actions spoke louder than words).
MightyEmbasoyra February 3, 2014
Nice comment, Zufana.
MightyEmbasoyra February 4, 2014
It is not a problem telling Ato Fitsum where is from. I can understand why he mentioned it, and then people can concentrate on his writings. I can also understand if he doesn’t answer to people who uses nicknames (I am one of them), as long as he keep continue writing his fine articles.
Zufana February 4, 2014
Dear Mighty shukor, I absolutely agree with your comment. However, no matter what, these people would never concentrate on his brilliant writings. The great/legend manager(Sir Alex Ferguson) of my beloved Manchester United Football Club used to call the supporters of Manchester City Football Club as the noisy neighbours from the hell and these few from the so called opposition are the same old noisy RATs from the hell.
MightyEmbasoyra February 4, 2014
I conquer and thank you!
belay nega February 7, 2014
Dear Mighty
It is not a problem telling Ato Fitsum where is from.”
He[Fetsum] is still way way from impressing the owners of mountain Ras Dashan, because the unique selling point of those area is “ROCKS and MOUNTAIN”
hmm February 3, 2014
I prefer to stay anonymous for now to protect a soft target in Eritrea. I must have gotten under your skin since your response was rather lengthy. My fear is your comment to Wedi Vacaro contradicts his message of unifying Eritreans. If he acts on your advice, he would turn in to another disgruntle opposition leader and people will stop following him… For the sake of the struggle, I advise you stay away from him so he can continue to do what he started (waking up the sleepy heads)… Don’t sabotage his well meaning efforts by encourage him to join your committee of cyber warriors.
If you really want a quick progress, give up your comfortable life in America and pick up arm to free our people. I will be the first to follow you. Eritreans are waiting for that brave leader to lead the fight against the tyrant. We are tired of cyber warriors and paper tigers.
Tes February 4, 2014
Dear Fetsum,
Great article as usual. Dawit and Hmm won’t deserve any reply because they are HGDEF zombies here in disguise. Dawit is consumed with hate of Tigrawet and in every Article his job is to derail from the topic’s issue. Even If you say there is not rule of law in Eritrea he would come with boundary Commission bla bla or boundary issue or because of woyane. Dawit obsessed with woyane and Ethiopia and he believes every thing ills in Eritrea is because of Ethiopia. Having said that there are many of them in this forum and the best solution is to ignore them.
As for those RATs I think they knew their time is approaching and will come in different form and colours. They will come as concerned citizens and pretend as change seekers. For them the status quo is fine because they will lose the hand out they get. Deep in their heart, it is none of their problem what is going on in Eritrea. So those who care and strive for change should ride carefully to achieve their goals.
Dawit Meconen February 4, 2014
Genuine Eritreans,
Fetsum’s response affirms my case against him and thus I will stick with my counsel that Dr. Tewelde Tesfamariam must always disregard his unsolicited advice.
Yes, as I have said in my input before Fetsum has made some changes but since he equated my unswerving position against woyane as paranoia, his changes ought not to be taken seriously but as sly bent to deceive and mislead.
Woyane is occupying our territory in breach of international Law; Deported Hundreds of Thhousands of law abiding Eritreans from every corner of Ethiopia in worst gruesome manner, expropriating their properties and banks accounts, separating infants from their mothers, sick people from their medicine etc. and sealing their passports in red ink with, Never to Return Again.
Would any patriotic Eritrean , worthy of that name, call a patriotic Eritrean, Paranoiac, for his principled stand against this brutally treacherous , faithless, anti humanity woyane? I do not think so. But Fetsum did just that. Therefore, he must be either woyane lackey or underground woyane, working tirelessly to deceive and mislead the uninitiated naïve Eritrean. Of course in vain.
Let me remind you also Fetsum was lauding woyane’s futile divisive ploy to kill Eritrean unity along demographic lines but Eritrean youngsters quickly woke up to the vicious maneuver.
However, Fetsum is not a lone ranger; he has crowds of gangs, like the so called migtyamba, tes etc… lined up and ready to applaud, to commend and compliment his sly input, and conversely, to portray the input of the genuine Eritreans in negative light. This con artistry is not new but an archaic practiced and still being practiced by the spineless cowards.
In 1976, this evil, treacherous and faithless woyane had put out a Manifesto of Abai tigrai, in which , among other things, unabashedly claimed title to Eritrean land.
Soon after the Mighty EPLFs defeated dergi and its surrogates, the defunct Empire of the Soviet Unions, and installed woyane as head of Ethiopian Government to enact its bidding, woyane forcefully realized part of its Manifesto of Abai tigrai by incorporating Alamata, part of Wollo, and Humera, part of Begemdr to tigrai.
Alamata and Humera are known fertile lands. Now the indigenous population are nowhere to be seen, having been removed by force by woyane. Instead, colonies of tegaru brought from the arid land of tigrai are settling there.
The 1995 through 1998 border instigations woyane carried out along the Eritrean-Ethiopian border was an attempt to realize in full the Manifesto of Abai tigrai Chicken Dream. The reaction of the Sawa Lions however was swift and devastating.
Just as the defeated mengistu hailemariam had to kneel before the Soviet Union leadership to come to his help, the defeated woyane had to kneel before the Western Countries , which responded by sending war loggistics , including sophisticated war planes with their mercenaries and satellites reconnaissance .
Wearing the cloak of the innocent, the evil, treacherous and faithless woyane is spreading venom against PFDJs and YPFDJs, accusing them of anti Eritrean activities, and that it is preaching the false gospel of brotherhood among Eritrean refugees. But what the evil woyane does not understand , or does not want to understand is that its evil action it inflicted on our people speaks a lot louder than its words.
Incidentally, Fetsum is doing the same thing ; sometimes pretending as Buddhist, another time as International Human Right Advocate, other times as Intellectual Giant and Musical Virtuoso. The truth is , he is none of that. He is simply fraud bent to deceive and mislead the young Eritrean into woyane trap, which is virtually a reincarnate of that of haile selase.
Yes, the Eritrean blood the evil woyane wantonly spilled; the Eritrean properties it expropriated in Ethiopia, and in Eritrea–Gash Barka, Tesene, Barentu, Badme ; the Sacred Burial Places of our Martyrs it desecrated, our historical places it ravaged etc. are monuments that will live for ever calling Eritreans for revenge.
And time will come faster than what the faithless and treacherous woyane would like to believe when Eritreans will demand woyane to pay its blood debt. Yes, the skirt of the Western countries within which it is hiding and from which, it is inflicting damages on our people and country will be torn apart just as it transpired and sealed the fates of haile selase and mengistu haile mariam; no external aid remains the same for ever.
Had the faithless woyane spew venom on the Mighty EPLFs too just as it is doing on the PFDJs and YPFDJs ?
Certainly it had. As soon as ELF disintegrated in 1981, the evil woyane, falsely feeling that the balance of power had tipped away from the EPLFs towards itself , had conducted a futile campaign of defamation from 1984 to 1988 to alienate the Mighty EPLFs from its people.
Once the dergi leadership got the wind of the news that the woyane squirrels were no more under the protective wing of the Mighty EPLFs, they quickly dispatched a contingent forces to tigrai that virtually annihilated them. It was after that bitter experience that the meles and his clique , out of necessity , bowed to obediently carry out the orders and biddings of the Mighty.
Genuine Eritreans,
Fetsum and his ululating gangs, mightyamba, tes, belai nega etc. are in the brand of Yosief Gebrehiwet, who profess to be an Eritrean and yet work day and night to discredit the cause and long history of our War of Liberation.
These gangsters are all out here to defraud the young Eritrean into the trap woyane had vainly prepared for our country and people. We all know the nature of woyane , subservient , and as such cannot amount to do such things but its masters can.
We must be aware that the impostor, Isaias Afewerqi , has effectively portrayed our country and people as the enemy of the Western countries with an eye for the Western countries to lavishly help woyane in its agenda against our country and people.
The so called EDA– Eritrean Democratic Alliance–, whom Fitsum support wholeheartedly, are nothing but Woyane Trojan Horses , which underlines his insistence on Dr. Tewelde Tesfamariam to include them.
PFDJs and YPFDJs , with the exception of the tegrau few, are all Eritreans whose stand against woyane has been unwavering, for which they must be commended. The problem I have with them ( the Eritrean PFDJs and YPFDJs) is that they have been virtually spineless when it comes against the destructive acts of the impostors.
However, the appearance of Dr. Tewelde, a former PFDJ, is a harbinger of what is to transpire in the future. As the Commands eventually left Ethiopian colonialism and contributed tremendously to our liberation, so will the PFDJs and YPFDJs. In the meantime, we have two choices, to remain patient and to keep educating them that our struggle is also their struggle.
As House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand, Neither Can We If We Pursue Naively and Blindly The Lead Of Our enemies , who are hyper salivating for us to fall into Chaos. We must not gratify them!!!
Suleiman Salim February 4, 2014
You are a very ugly person. Here is your ugliness:
“We must be aware that the impostor, Isaias Afewerqi , has effectively portrayed our country and people as the enemy of the Western countries with an eye for the Western countries to lavishly help woyane in its agenda against our country and people. ”
“As the Commands eventually left Ethiopian colonialism and contributed tremendously to our liberation, so will the PFDJs and YPFDJs. “
Dawit Meconen February 4, 2014
Sulaiman Salim,
I can intuitively see your face, an Eritrean Christian, veiled with a shroud studded with golden Arabic name, hopelessly attempting to create an illusion that even Eritrean Muslims are in chain with the love of their mortal enemy, the tigrai impostor, Isaias Afewerqi.
This is what our old adage call, mis’teer Derho Tsahtira Tewtse’O but the conniving tigrai impostor has been known for a long time to hunt for shallow people like yourself to serve him loyally in his diabolical deeds against our people.
The good thing is: he is within the preamble of his demise.
Suleiman Salim February 4, 2014
I caught you, didn’t I. yala telafalef!!!
MightyEmbasoyra February 4, 2014
Colonel Dawit,
I think you losing it this time. First, you are sounding like a parrot, repeating the same none sense stuff, again and again. Second, unlike you, I have lost 3 brothers and a sister. You pretend to be an opposition but you oppose all the opposition camps. It is a waste of time replying you and I will put you on ignore – because it is not worth it.
hmm February 4, 2014
You are one confused soul. On one hand you praise PFDJ and YPFDJ but on the other hand you insulted Isayas? What is that about? You are trying to be a double agent? Time is running out for PFDJ whores, the enablers of our suffering. You are doing the dirty work for the tyrant in Asmara..
Metkel February 4, 2014
I second to your comment, hmm. I think this guy is still PFDJ or he is the brother (may be wife) of those criminals (generals, colonels, etc). He is, like you said, a double agent.
hmm February 4, 2014
The way I see it, you are as useless as Dawit, he call us Weyane when we criticize PFDJ and an idiot like you call us Hegdef when we criticize self serving opposition leaders. No doubt, PFDJ is a cancer for our country but the so called Opposition leaders are equally dangerous. They are like a hyena waiting for its turn to feast on our people. What we want is a real change not a replacement of one party by another. We want the change to involve all Eritreans especially the use. Wedi Vacaro message of unification is resonating. His movement shouldn’t be sabotage by self serving opposition leaders.