From the forum: Meretse Asmelash: ‘Wedi Vacaro is simply hope of the oppressed. Many Eritreans have come to admire his courage, honesty, self-confidence and beyond all trust to go through all his voyage/our voyage. I pray for

From the forum:
Meretse Asmelash: ‘Wedi Vacaro is simply hope of the oppressed. Many Eritreans have come to admire his courage, honesty, self-confidence and beyond all trust to go through all his voyage/our voyage. I pray for him to stay the course until we come out on the other side. One thing for sure is he needs us and we should be ready to tell him that we are with him.”
Comment: well said brother Meretse and thank you.
Dawit Meconen; “I have been reading Fetsum’s inputs for relatively long time and I have never felt comfortable with his analysis, which seem to tally with that of woyane, whom he had never criticized for reneging the Final and Binding decision of the EEBC etc. bla bla bla..”
Response: when is your next psychiatric appointment on Weyane paranoia? Someone suggests you be called David Mikkinnen from now on because it sounds sexier. Another dude said we should call you Bible or Kuran McEnroe because Dawit means the Bible or the Kuran in GEEZ. Which one do you like best?
Michael Ghebre: “He has done much productive work than all the opposition groups put together within a short period of time. Anybody can claim, probably with absolute sincerity to be a zealous opponent, but a much more significant question is this, what kind of regime is proposed to establish in place of the present one? There are those who think that if the current leader was killed or escaped, then democracy with free speech and free election would miraculously appear fully formed. Many people are deluding themselves if they think that getting rid of one tyrant will stop the problems in Eritrea today. No one knows exactly what the future holds.”
Comment: One that refuses to learn from past mistakes is doomed to repeat their consequences sooner or later. Thank you for this productive contribution. That is why we need to clean up the committees so that significant work towards democracy can start before something takes place in Eritrea. But only the naïve think that we can achieve democracy without extremely working hard before it is too late. The political situation after the regime can only be controlled through a Transitional Government: what else then? It took the Somalians over 20 years of chaos to see the light with this road. Nothing else worked for them except this.
hmm: “To me you sound like the Monkey or Ali Abdu sucking up to PIA and encouraging him to take undemocratic actions to clamp down dissent. You are a dangerous individual, I advise Wedi vacaro to stay away from you if he wants to get acceptance from the mass”
Response: I will ignore people with pen-names from now on because there is no reason for them not to come out in the open if they are for real. No more masks in this forum except for this time. I guess the truth hurts. You want us to silently look a problem within the committees like we used to do with Shaebia and you know the result. You want us to be navigated by the same individuals that failed to move the struggle forward without any creativity (no action till now in DC, where most Eritreans live in the west). You want us to tolerate the spoilers within the movement that cannot take independent position without instruction from their bosses in Addis or elsewhere (we have proof for this here in DC). I don’t work like that; I come at your face directly!
You come here out of the blues to suggest what you suggested most probably because I exposed what is going on. Are you part of the spoilers to react emotionally as such? Everyone in DC area knows that we don’t have a committee because of internal sabotage and you want us to shut up. We were not stupid back in the days, only went on with self-deception for “ANCHIWA TIHLEF MIENTI MOGOGO”. The Afwerkis took maximum advantage of our unconditional obedience and we know what they did with it. Those days are gone: There is no Anchiwa to give green light for the sake of mogogo but rather RATs in the mogogo to clean out immediately for this movement to succeed.
I think you should come out on the open so that we know who we are talking with instead of acting up pro-resistance behind a mask. You know mine: prove that you are not a RAT by exposing yourself in this forum.
You are right saying that I was a dangerous person but only intellectually and spiritually, and not to the movement but to the RATs.
As usual, opinion differences take place on a new movement but the truth comes out a winner at the end because BETRI HAKI TIKETIN EMBER AITSBERIN. The enemy’s BETRI has broken apart several times to turn into ashes but we are confident on our spiritual purity to believe ours will stay intact forever! I am sure EZIWIN KISIGERYU BIMENFESAWI SIRAH that is why they call it STRUGGLE!
My mom was from Akeleguzai and my dad from Hamsien folks briefly telling you my story to hit a point. The line-of-sight distance between the two places cannot be more than 5 kms, though my dad as a young boy had to travel from home about twenty kms through gravel roads to checkout a young girl in her village around Dekemhare that he ended up marrying to collectively produce me in Ethiopia as a matter of destiny. Neither did my parents choose having me in the form I came out to be, nor did I decide to be born Eritrean from my family. They did not even have an idea about my gender let alone my looks and health situation when I was purely residing inside my mom’s womb without identity and religion. It was accidental to both sides of the duality.
We first saw each other the day I was born, the moment they discovered I was male and destiny stigmatized me with the Eritrean identity by association to the yet, accidental identity of my parents to live this life as such ever since. The rest is up to how I decide to live my accidental being and intentionally shape up my perception of life in my adult life out of my cumulative experience! One becomes one by accident but shapes one’s outlook of life by option: You become a healer or a menace to society; a freedom fighter or a RAT by choice!
As it goes, the human brain has made human beings capable of landing in the moon and precisely understanding the nature of the universe through technology and science. This capacity was impossible without education and a collective brain power under the rule of fair law.
I feel sorry for the haters; for the brothers and sisters trapped in the darkness of the SELF (Anninet): ethnicity and power to the point of limiting their infinite brain potential within few kilometers of their accidental geographic identification. Sad that they compromise universal humanity for their narrow and selfish agendas at disastrous expense of their own communities! Nothing can be more tragic than seeing a person building one’s concept of existence on one’s involuntary identity that withers away few years ahead! I feel sorry for people that contaminate their spiritual purity with personal issues by being biased towards their ethnic origin or religious affiliations inherited from their accidental parents. I feel sorry for people that let their minds controlled and manipulated by their bosses to only reflect their ideas upon instruction!
A dependent and destructive mentality as such tends to feed a child from one’s community leaving another Eritrean child starving alone because the later came from another community few kilometers away or from parents with different religion! Yet the sinner warships God or Allah and prays to land in heaven or Jenna at the end of life! What a sufferer of ego, waste of the mind; how unhappy and spiritually decadent!
A spiritual mission can be spoiled by egoist individuals. It was with this understanding that the Music Composer Quincy Jones put a big sign that reads “CHECK OUT YOUR EGO” at the entrance of the studio where the best international musicians recorded the song “WE ARE THE WORLD” in solidarity with the humanitarian activities globally going on in the 80s to help the starving Ethiopians. We need to arrest our ego to help our desperate people through genuine unity. We need to exit out of our ethnicities and religions to impartially and compassionately help our people out of this dictatorship. This is not the time to grudge it out against each other but to forgive the past and do the right thing to make a difference in our motherland. Let us follow the right direction to democracy: Let democracy and unbiased justice mediate our ethnic or religiously affiliated differences!
You will be surprised how badly ego can destroy a person and a community through. The best example of such a person is the Explosive Sufferer PIA (my expression of people who destroy society in the process of destroying themselves). Let me quote something from my upcoming book SPIRITUAL ENGINEERING ‘Human life is a duality composed of the inner self and the ego. Ego is the inductive energy to the perception of the self as a distinct entity from the rest, the metaphysical driver of a person’s acute self-obsession, the absence of accurate knowledge or the presence of chronic ignorance of the true nature of the Self. By approaching life from individualistic point of view and relating everything to the Self, ordinary human beings suffer from emotional distress throughout their segregated existence. They deny themselves the freedom of endless opportunities for joy. The “distinction” denies them equality, reducing them to a minute fraction of objectivity. They then face drastic ramifications in terms of stress and fear, particularly of death. The more they cling to themselves, the stronger their ego, the deeper they privatize things, the greater their fear of death, and the more dependent their self-understanding, decisions and actions on the influence of the fear.’
Do you know that Albert Einstein refused to be the president of Israel in protest of the Jewish state’s mistreatment of the Palestinians? The pacifist scientist states that; “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty”, said delusion being a derivative of ego!
Attachment to the Self is killing the spiritual content of some of our brothers and sisters in the resistance. I think the greatest cause of human suffering is forgetting that we all will die soon and that our identity lasts as long as we live, none otherwise! One bypaths this truth when the EGO dominates one’s inner self and continues to suffer for life as a result! Otherwise, a person lives a simple and happy life doing something good to society and passes by peacefully.
Genet February 5, 2014
Dear Fetsum
As usual very educational article. Thanks.
Regarding people with Pen-names, they are not all misguided. There are many like “hmm” and Who can forget the filthy mouth “Asmara1,2,3” who was on Assenna day in day out attacking any body who has different ideas from his. Most of them are seasonal commentators.
People with Pen-names who have noting to offer to the good of Eritrean society, but full of negative energy and they are reckless with their words; They are quick to attack people personally than discussing the issue at hand. To deal with them, #1 give them their own medicine or ignoring them will do the tricks too. For those good people who like to use Pen-names, they should be treated based on their thought process. Most of them have a lot of good things to say.
Thanks for sharing your Eritrean background. Although I believe We don’t have to explain to any Eritrean which tiny village our father or mother are from, or we are from, your history is the Eritrean experience. When I was a teenager, my father had a discussion with me regarding my background. Because I grow up outside of Eritrea, I always believed, just being from Eritrea is what I need to know. My father explained that I have connection to the three Aworagas in Eritrea. Nothing change because I was told this part of my history. We Eritreans are unfortunately limited to the Net sharing ideas and supporting each other, rather than getting on the ground and executing action plan based on our individual profession or skills. I think Wedi Vacoro is opening a chance for us to get involve with our full force for a positive change. I am very optimistic with cautious, Eritrea will not end up as what happened to our neighbor Somalia. I believe Eritrean are decent people and with hard work, good will prevail over evil in our country. Again thank you Fetsum for sharing.
Genet February 5, 2014
cont. I can’t wait to read your new book.
hmm February 5, 2014
“They are quick to attack people personally than discussing the issue at hand.”
Were you talking about your self with the above statement?
How do you define your actions? you are insulting me for what?
For criticizing Fetsum’s messge to Wedi-vacaro?
By the way, I didn’t to intend Fetsum personally; I have a lot if respect for those who stand up for their beliefs. But I am afraid you haven’t even read my message because you are too quick to defend your idol and attack any one who criticizes him. You remind me of the zombies who say esu nhna nhna nesu…
Suleiman Salim February 5, 2014
geli’om deqiska ‘nkeloKa HaridomKa kKedu ‘yom:: zerebaKa kulu nay halayat ‘yu:: zombi ‘nkeloKa ngoytotka zombi ilka aySrefn ‘yu:: baAl nska SeyeQti Alyet iKum tbehalu::
Genet February 5, 2014
Dear hmm
You are the one telling people to stop expressing themsleves. You are advising people to stay away from Wedi Vacaro. You are calling people who are here to express their thoughts as “Cyber warriors, and paper tigers”, while you are actively particepating yourself. Most of the time people who call people “cyber warriors and paper tigers” are not happy about the free flow of information between Eritreans via cyber. Why? I don’t know. If we were in Eritrea, Isayas will make sure cyber is jammed well. I don’t think it is right for you to tell people to stay away from Wedi Vacaro. You do have the right to ask what they have to offer to Wedi Vacaro’s movement. Wedi Vacaro needs every Ertreian with good intenstions to help him. Wedi Vacaro is doing no other oppostions ever tried to do. That is speaking directly to Eritrean people. When one speaks to others, that means he/she is open to ideas as well. Don’t believe challenging Wedi Vararo’s movement on issues is going to hurt this promicing movement. I believe only a movement with hidden agenda will be afraid of well intended chalenges. More ideas will lead to solve more problems and covers more grounds. It is like doing brainstorming to find good solutions. You ask, “How do you define your actions” #1 here on the cyber, you and I to agree on a common ground, that is to work on our unite. #2 Every body, who wants a better change in Eritrean to start working in his/her community to share info. And encourage Eritreans to get involved in their country’s affair. Not Every Eritrean is able to access the net and obtain info. Therefore, print out informations in Tigraya and Engilsh and circulate at coffee houses where Eritreans are regulars. #3 Let us start with ourself, Let us walk the talk. please, let me know if it is not clear. FYI, never my intention to insult you personally.
hmm February 5, 2014
I am not a new convert as you implied, I have always despised PFDJ but I also never trusted the opposition leaders. For me they are both two faces of the same coin.
PFDJ is responsible for the horror in our country, and must be eliminated by any means necessary. But I don’t want the void to be filled by self serving agents of Weyane who are openly discussing the introduction an ethnic and religion based society in Eritrea. Nothing good comes out of such philosophy. It is very dangerous just as dangerous as the PFDJ criminals.
What we need is a united Eritreans front that works to unite the people under one flag. We have to reject any plan that will divide us and break up our unity. It will only serve our enemies and their agents.
Suleiman Salim February 5, 2014
anta KRIMINAL tbehal nsKa iKa:: “an Ugum ‘ye, Ugum sle zKonku nezi nEritrea atriru bSfuf agebab Hizwa zelo mengsti ySel’ ” gda zey tblena::
mengsti afriska ‘ntay iKa ktgebr tdeli zeloKa anta adgi? ‘ti Hangolka ayHasbn dyu? kan kf’at gbri mHsab natey ilka Hizkayo? Mengsti Eritrea AdKum hneSun Halwun ‘nte bele kemey gierka kem bedeln gfEn gierka twesdo?
Meretse Asmelash February 5, 2014
First, let me borrow a couple of sentences from a book which I read years ago. In it, it says:
“If you would like a suggestion on how to start bothering people with your greatness, I would advise to just continue telling the truth more”. And, it continues-“If no one is upset with what you are doing, you are probably not expressing yourself fully”. Hence, after I read your article what else could I say? except I could not agree more. Brother Fistum, thank you for writing such an appealing and inspirational article. It was the lack of such transparency which brought our beloved to the total darkness. We understand that no one can change the past. I believe we can face the future by acting what is right today. In this case- based on your experience, knowledge and understanding you have every right to advise anyone, be it a leader of movement(organization), youth, grassroots, ….you name it for only one purpose; WE DO NOT WANT TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN. No more green light for the rat or rats. By now, we should have learned a good lesson from the wisdom “prevention is better than cure” and I hope the good old doctor (Wedi Vacaro) is listening to your advise as well as to the valuable comments. We are are part of his good movement and he needs to pay attention to the outer circle too.
Brothers and sisters, finally we are approaching toward the intercalary month ( or according to Geez calendar-Pagumain). We all know what we do during this transitional month; stay clean for the new year, new era, new time. For so, isn’t that exactly what brother Fistum is talking about? How on earth can we go against an idea which warns stay vigilant?
Hay! by now, may be someone is whining stop asking too many questions or else. I don’t blame him or her if he/she has an answer to my last question.
At present time could see so many locusts in nature flying here and there with PAINTED BUTTERFLY WINGS? Did hear their whistle as they fly around “WE ARE THE BRIDGE”?
Really? Since when? This is why we should all stay vigilant. Let us all tell to such individuals or group thank you but not thank you and we are ready not be fooled twice.
Last but not least, brothers and sisters the so called “BRIDGE” is the time intercalary month Pagumain) and not dirty individuals.
Finally, yes finally, the so called we are simply a bridge movement please do not provoke Wedi Tuhabo. ጽንብላሊዕ … ኣትያ ደሓን ትእቶ has nothing to do with locusts or with painted butterfly.
Genet February 5, 2014
Meretse Asmelash
Well said? such a smart man.
The key statement is “stay vigilant” The most important lesson in life is to learn from past mistakes. We have to make sure checks and balance is all intact. Thanks.
Meretse Asmelash February 5, 2014
Thank you for your encouragement sister Genet.
ክቡር የክብረካ መጠነ ነብሱ!
Suleiman Salim February 6, 2014
MereSe nay Woyane l’uK ‘yu::
Suleiman Salim February 5, 2014
“My mom was from Akeleguzai and my dad from Hamsien folks briefly telling you my story to hit a point. The line-of-sight distance between the two places cannot be more than 5 kms, though my dad as a young boy had to travel from home about twenty kms through gravel roads to checkout a young girl in her village around Dekemhare that he ended up marrying to collectively produce me in Ethiopia as a matter of destiny.” — Fitsum Wedi Abraham
belay nega February 5, 2014
ዳዊት መኮንን ከምኡውን ቱርሊ ቱርሊ
ንፕረሲደንትን ንመንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያን ዝጸልኡሎም ምኽንያት: ብሰንኪ ክልቲኦም ክትፎ ስለ ዝሰአኑ እዩ::
MightyEmbasoyra February 7, 2014
Ato Belay,
I agree with you on this. Also, it is funny 🙂
Zufana February 7, 2014
Ato Belay Nega, really good one about the kitfo. Rukus Keshi Hatiyat truly truly HGDEF and the little colonel of shuk dawit m are two of a the same kind and should be looked as hopeless comedians. As you know it is the same old story with colonels and keshitat which is they go from place to place (they immigrate) merely for their big tommy and hence well known as hodamoch.
Truly Truly i say to you February 7, 2014
Ayte Bela Nega, like your name indicated you all time are only thinking about food. As about to your concern neither me nor brother Dawit by no means could we have a deficiency of Kitfo, let alone now from we living in comfort area, thanks God! even when i be living in your miserable country,if that is the case you evaluating people. You poor soul, if you think we are here day and night for hoping to have Kitfo like you assuming, that means we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world. But we are here sleepless, like we had the opportunity, because 90% of both nations citizens let alone to have Kitfo with luck of daily bread because we seen when starving and this matter because it disturb and oblige us it is. Understand?you fool!
By the way i never hate both nation people, but the reason i hate both leadershipment is instead using their diversity for good, both Isayas and Woyanes (one side of the same coin) just to harm specially Eritrean people they abusing power it is. For most Woyanes and all Amharas, instead seeing Eritrean live in peace and comfort, it is known as they preferring if Djibouti-ans or Somalians live in prosperous. This is why from their jealous behavior they preferred 1, 5 billion dollars they enforcing to pay for port taxes to Djibouti, instead by bilateral relation both they help their suffering people. If this matter you think, is not disturbing, that means you have to be a saddest jealous person like your ancestors.