Fetsum: The moment of truth for Africans in China
Life teaches a lot, people say all the time as human experience rationalizes the saying for everybody to accept without hesitation. Who after all expected the Eritreans to be in this situation decades after independence
Life teaches a lot, people say all the time as human experience rationalizes the saying for everybody to accept without hesitation. Who after all expected the Eritreans to be in this situation decades after independence and who can possibly understand our failure to date fighting for freedom with unified resistance with all our exposure to democratic societies and the problems going on in the society?
I was riding for hire from DC to Dulles International Airport in Virginia with a young man from Seralleon driving the shuttle bus where we started conversing in the way about life in general and our continent in particular. He was a frustrated African that lost faith and interest returning to his motherland after sixteen years of life in the United States. Few words into the discussion, he caught me by surprise saying that he thanks God for creating White people without who the world would be in total destruction. He was thankful of them for “giving us home and work, allowing us to raise our families that our leaders denied us without any provocation no matter how they mistreated us during colonialism”. He said “African leaders were selfish that don’t care about their people except their pockets but white people worked hard for their societies to achieve the amazing developments we witness in their countries through rotation of the mind imposed by constitutionally limited terms in power”. Yet “Africans destroy what colonialism left behind with their dead minds that can no longer produce anything after more than 8 to 10 years of politically running their societies and still refuse to move on leaving their posts for new leaders”.
In his analysis, the white people understood that a leader may need 4-5 years of power to introduce his/her vision and another 4-5 years to implement it in action. They understood that the mind literally dies to produce anything new after two terms of political power and established laws that replace their leaders by other fresh minds through democratic election. Ours, however, kill their societies by permanently gravitating to power with their dead brains.
Sure was the brother correct when you see leaders like Mugabe that has a problem standing still continue running Zimbabwe with nothing to deliver anymore. At more than 90, he keeps on draining his society thinking he will live forever when in fact he is physically and mentally done in the face of reality.
In our case, the most ridiculous dictator still dreams of running the country for 25 more years and beyond coloring his hair and mustache like his role model Mugabe after literally killing it in the last 25 years of terrible leadership. This guy is brain-dead by now that cannot even deceive the people through false promises as he used to do in the past, the reason he did not promise anything in his latest speech to the exhausted people herded to the stadium to watch him in disgrace. Yet, he boasts to stay in power for life and continues destroying the poor people that loved and worshipped him with stronger commitment for the heck of devil’s advocacy. It was after observing these parasites that the brother from Seralleon had the audacity saying that; “it was hard to prove the African Blackman was equal to the Whiteman although I have no doubt that God made us equal”. The expression reminds me the moment I was walking with my Dad in New York City once upon a time in the eighties when he asked “etom merahtnas abzido metsiom yifeltu?”. I answered saying, not only did they but some of them even lived and went to school here; and he immediately asked “aykenun diyom bejaka?”
It was after my recent awareness of the depressing situation of our refugees in Baltimore City that I arrived in Beijing for the first time to witness the healthy looking Chinese youth enjoying themselves in a social bar that I was suddenly colonized by excruciating emotion thinking about the fate of the Eritrean youth in the recent disaster in the seas. My first impression was simply beyond my anticipation: I just could not help sadly meditating on the successful result of serious education in more than 2500 Chinese Universities in contrast to ours where the desperate kids were intentionally denied education for life in asylum by the heinous dictator and useless politicians in the system.
Sitting down in DOWNTOWN BEIJING keenly observing the Chinese and their development, one can only wonder how they managed to technologically catch up with the west shortly after the death of Chairman Mao. The Chinese people may not be proud of their freedom of speech but they individually have food and shelter for basic survival. One testifies that he has never witnesses interruption of water and electricity in Beijing, a home of 23-26 million people in the last ten years of his living in the city. The modern high rise buildings are beautiful, the Vegas looking lights mesmerizing, the infrastructures and roads well maintained and still developing. Business opportunities are high for people who can afford it and everyone is clean, works, strives to compete through healthy relationship and creativity. Although the people appear to have been programmed to substantially focus on their individual lives, they also seem to protect their society and its dignity with the same degree of concern to be able living peacefully without crimes and any form of shortage of material goods and basic necessities. How ever the regime does its political performance in the country immaterial, it has managed transforming about 300 million of its people to middle-class status just in the last few years of its leadership alone.
I met some Africans here from different backgrounds that were equally caught by surprise as to how the Chinese made it to this level of technological, economic and social development. Conventionally comparing Africa to Europe, the US and Australia and feeling the void was something normal for Africans but doing it in contrast to the Chinese, however, brings out their inner feeling for melancholic confession about their shame of being from the continent that staggers despite its wealth and potential just because of extraordinary failure in leadership. They were expressing it in different ways, sensing the pressure of inferiority complex in relation to the native people across the table enjoying each other with noticeable confidence and dignity. I could not help wondering what they were thinking about us!
The reason is crystal clear because the Chinese people were a third world society few years ago that went through extreme political control like most people in contemporary African history while the difference they made in their society is hard to deny even with extremely biased state of mind. Their technological and economic progress could have been ahead of their mental transformation but there is no doubt that they are proud people that made their country the second largest economic power in the world. And the pollution in Beijing may frustrate some people in its confinement, but no one can deny it was the reflection of the country’s ever increasing factories and industries that are now manipulating international business with similar capacity as that of the most advanced countries in the world.
One can not help vividly seeing the inferiority complex Africans suffer in contrast, witnessing the people with standard third word mentality succeeding with this extent of impact while countries like Eritrea with 5-6 million people continue failing with all their resources, potential and manpower as a result of parasitic leaderships that neither have the creativity or tendency to imitate other societies nor would they leave their people alone with their stolen money after decades of fruitless and oppressive governance. To me, it was better being an African in the US as a member of the Afro-American community that achieved respect at least from artistic, athletics and academic points of view. Confronting my Africaness in China, nevertheless, was as painful as it can be, as I felt naked without any shield in terms of the comparative elements of society for civility and respect. It even felt worse being Eritrean. I felt like the people were watching us, the Africans with humiliating classification of humankind. It was indeed a testing moment of truth that clearly reminds an African in that situation how in the world one can possibly justify equality to the native Chinese around.
Yet, one of the Africans in the crowd had the gut complaining about racism in China as if he earns equality without showing anything to that effect. Should the Chinese respect the Africans that did not earn it by respecting themselves through hard work and education because of terrible leadership? Should they really consider us their equals knowing Africans are failing themselves today without a justified excuse many years after overcoming colonialism through remarkable sacrifice of human and material resources? What does he think I wrote my book “The Curse of Being and Living It” for? Was not it because I felt the agony of being an Eritrean from the dark continent and suffering the consequence of living it specially after the promising independence that unexpectedly went down the drain for a reason beyond my capacity to fully understand? Only did I wish he knew!!
The truth remains that we Eritreans are far, far behind most Africans as terrible as their collective condition remains to be. We cannot compare with West Africans and fellow East Africans in everything let alone the probably more advanced South and North Africans except for our empty pride and rigidity devoid of any sensible substance. How we can change our situation given the alternatives hereon provided by our political activists is a question every Eritrean has to seriously confront, and it is clear that I have chosen the GLOBAL GRASSROOTS movement as the best solution in my opinion. But we can not face the world confidently and we will keep on being undermined any moment we flush that passport in any situation and place around the globe. I hope we will do the right thing in the near future, but for now, this is the Eritrean story that I pray for God to help us change as soon as possible!!!
Berhe Tensea June 7, 2016
Thank you for this wonderful and informative article. The Chinese government is very flexible and has encouraged a slow transition to market economy, to compete globally.
The Chinese economy has resulted in many miracles and in the future I think its GDP surpass that of the USA.
Eritrean economy is controlled by one man and few clueless bandits, and our GDP is the lowest in Africa. The average income estimated by experts is about $30 per month only.
The regime doesn’t release economic performance of the country to avoid shame.
Eritrea under PFDJ is just a banana republic with no hope at all.
PH June 7, 2016
There are always rule & low in the west.presidential term is olso limited un like in Africa as you said Mr futsum .if we have to compare our selves with cinese however we eritreans are very small in number.been so,un lucky to feed our selves,live in peace, practice behaviour of well being and so on.we are not lucky too by our near by & those we have trusted leaders. or is it ours as a people worse less.
Solomon Seyoum June 7, 2016
Dear Fetsum.
Racism is a terrible evil. it shouldn’t exist under any circumstance..It is quite unfortunate that you didn’t condemn racism right away;… you should have made a differentiation between the terrible racism- which should n’t happen under any circumstance-, and the bad politics and economic of Africa and Africans- which can’t and mustn’t be a source of racism.
I can understand that some- Chinese amidst them- look at Africans down…But Africans have every right – or gut- to complain about rascism.
Solomon in Belgium
fetsum abraham June 7, 2016
Hi Solomon
Dont u think every human being exposed to racism naturally condemns the act directly or indirectly? I am sorry u missed this basic human nature for u to accuse me of not condemning racism, needles saying i don’t have to say it because it is obvious and I believe in action that significantly rectifies the problem, though racism is inherent to human beings and nothing can eradicate it from the face of the earth. I hope u are part of the global initiative to change the situation of Eritreans but if you are not yet one of us, can i challenge you about what you are doing in this regard and what you may be waiting for to carry your individual responsibility making a difference in your society so your people can be as dignified and respected as the Chinese and other people in other dignified societies? Will u only condemn racism and stop there or u will go further to put your words in action? As for condemning racism, i congratulate you but i don’t think it is enough without action and I urge you to be practical and join the grassroots movement unless u are actively participating in other form of activism towards the same cause of freedom of the Eritrean people. I leave that to ur intelligence to figure out and thank u.
Solomon seyoum June 8, 2016
Hi Fetsum
My concentration was on the issue of racism, and only that. I have made my point.
Now to something else, which may make your day in China or elsewhwhere a pleasant one. Here it comes………., I am a member of a grassroot movement in Belgium, which is perhaps the best exemplary in Europe or in the whole wide world..( you see..I am doing my part or responsibility…horahora)
Fetsum, I am going to wake up, and have a breakfast..I will then start writing on the exemplary grassroot movement; I hope it will be posted this week..it is a movement without written rules, and all types of Eritreans are members of. ( the article may hopefully assist in one way or another..and lead to the Global platform of grassroot movements, which must also minimize the political liability of the very many political Eritrean organisations in post-dictator Eritrea.)
Have a good day, Fetsum
Solomon in Belgium
Solomon seyoum June 7, 2016
Dear fetsum
I understand what you are driving at…but it is unfortunate that you failed to make a differentiation between racism- terribly social evil, which must be criticised at all times-, and the bad politics and economic of Africa and its people- which may lead to inferiority, but which can’t and shouldn’t be a source of racism.
Solomon in Belgium
fetsum abraham June 8, 2016
Mr. solomon, if you understand what I am driving at, what is your point? Again figure your problem out Mr. Solomon but I don’t think your appearance in here makes sense to me because acting smart and sheer arrogance to communicate in exaggerated format does not solve anything. what is your solution for racism against Eritreans not only because of their color but their all rounded performance? how about convoluted racism ( black against black) within our society like some of us against our Kunama family? I am sorry u failed to understand the message all together focusing on the most elementary reality that I tried to transmit for the sake of ego, at least in my opinion.
where do u belong in this resistance for freedom? can u please get to the point instead of grieving my “unfortunate failure to condemn racism” which u totally missed the point about probably on purpose for something I don’t understand? the stage is free for u from now on for this is my last communication with you on the matter that you tried to manipulate into displaying your intelligence out of context. Unfortunately, you displayed the opposite if u understand what I mean, again In my opinion
Final response with respect
“As Eritrean I am offended the Senegalese guy praises white people for their kindness ”
White people(westerners) are worse than Weyane and Ethiopians..let me tell you how white people opressed me that is comparable to the Ethiopian crimes…eg. When I was growing up in Eritrea province the Swedish lutheran mission provided subsideized & free quality schiooling for the poor ,maybe because I come from rich family I my parents paid my tuition.When I was refugee in east Africa european and north American countries through UNHCR (United Nations Higher Commision for refugees ) paid my rent and food.without I could have been in famine…And from the slums of Uganda ,Canadian embassy representative came to Uganda from Kenya and accepted me and my friend for ressetlement in Edmonton ,Canada.When I arrived in Canada I stayed in a hotel with TV and food for few days and then They provided me a one bedroom apartment paid for one year ,gave me money to pay groceries and rent ,free english as a second language…found me a job that was subsidized by the government…gave me free education as a licensed practical nurse ,When I left the hospital I was working I was making $20 dlls/hr plus 28 paid holidays and full benefits….Fast forward a former room mate attacked me based on Awrajawi hatred …an organization called Victim recompensation… gave me $2000 dlls for my suffering for being attacked by my own Eritrean citzen …and then the hospital gave me $2600 dlls for the missed work and the guy who attacked me $2500 dlls ,the library gave me free membership waving the $12 dollar yearly fee…etc
White people are worse than Ethiopians..Remmember the Ethiopians that fed us with subsidized taff ,coffee ,sugar and much more..Ethiopians used to give Eritrean university students $15 birr pocket money that was not awarded to the “oppresive” Amharas..Ethiopians encouraged us to own real estates ,N3 trailer vehicles..etc..PLease do not bring the cruelty of Ethiopians and white people.
While all other people would be grateful for the white people and Ethiopians kindness but me as an Eritrean ,I believe Arab Bedouins are my people while Ethiopians and white people are opressing me..
The brilliant
Mehretu Habte
From Dimbezan
Amanuel June 8, 2016
Your points are lost. Try to rewrite it in Tigrigna- from dembezan add de e e em tehaleb.
wedi Toronto June 7, 2016
Mr Fetsum Abraham, great article as usual and please keep it up brother.
To me brother Fetsum, a third world people can simply NOT create a first world society.
However, the great Chinese people as third world themselves a few decades back are the greatest example to us all third world people that with hard working and neighborly cooperation miracles can be achieved in today’s small world.
Africans or Eritreans in particular should never complain about racism as we are the worst of all man kind
when it comes to racism even to our own dissadvantaged communities. What goes around comes around indeed.
Kidane Beraki June 7, 2016
Dear: Solomon Seyoum
You missed the message,picked up one sentence, and run with it. The message is in the title with the content being motivational speech for us to work hard to catch up with the rest of the world. Simply put, we Africans, with all the natural resources we have, should be in a different position meaning if the Chinese can do it why can’t we. FYI, racism is not limited to color of skin, losers like us Africans, are discriminated against based on economic, education, shallow mentality based on trivial tribalism etc.
Gobo June 7, 2016
You made a good observation. We are far behind in many respects from many Africans. We are devoid people with lots of identity crisis. We are the only people with empty pride and hubris who hated our own history and identity and who have no respect to own past and elders. How else can you explain the burning of Eritrean language the Tigre in the 1970s by the inferiority immersed elite leaders of Jebha-ELF? Worthless people create worthless political identity that is reflected in the slavery in Eritrea and the Abeedsim of Eritreans in the Arab world and the drowning in the sea.
“The truth remains that we Eritreans are far, far behind most Africans as terrible as their collective condition remains to be. We cannot compare with West Africans and fellow East Africans in everything let alone the probably more advanced South and North Africans except for our empty pride and rigidity devoid of any sensible substance”
k.tewolde June 8, 2016
The Eritrean phenomena has blurred the lines between sanity and insanity,reality and fiction,humanity and outright barbarism, rule of law and anarchy,statehood or a conglomeration of gangsters.This nation became a big ghetto where the imbecile pimps only thrive by selling the few possession she can offer, her beauty and her body.She is hell on earth for her true inhabitants, that is why they live her behind in droves surrendering her to the kingpins and their foreign patrons to be raped whatever is left of her.Cry my beloved land! this is not what I yearned when I slipped out my home in that misty autumn night few decades ago to join my comrades who I will never see again.What a colossal national loss.
Kidane Beraki June 8, 2016
Once more, you can change your pen names but still a sadistic and shallow minded. Apparently you don’t get it no matter how everyone ignored you. We Eritreans will built Eritrea on the ashes of Isayas and his stooges including you sadistits.