Fetsum: The liberation struggle of Amete and the donkey from Halima and the camel
Tewolde Reda: “Instead of Eritreans learning from their difficult past, TETSELILOM” Comment: Indeed, TETSELILNA: we did not learn from the problems of division and eliminating one another during the struggle that unnecessarily made us dearly pay for 30

Tewolde Reda: “Instead of Eritreans learning from their difficult past, TETSELILOM”
Comment: Indeed, TETSELILNA: we did not learn from the problems of division and eliminating one another during the struggle that unnecessarily made us dearly pay for 30 years as we find ourselves greatly divided refusing to unite on common grounds. One thing we should have learned from the rugged liberation struggle was how to love one another and protect each other from any adversity through tolerance and compromise. Instead, we are watching each other divided in tens of groups leaving the people helplessly suffering under the brutal dictator currently punishing the society without any contender. Even worse, we forgot the priceless sacrifice of our people to the extent of betraying each other through hatred and unfounded vengeance based on religion.
Quote of the moment: “ሎሚ ጉምብሕ ጉምብሕ እንተዳኣ ኢልና፡ ጽባሕ በጠበጥ ኢና ክንከይድ።” we are not ready for the challenges we will face after the dictatorship and I am not sure why the civic society cannot see this coming. It is getting late day by day and I cannot imagine the consequence of our recklessness in this regard.
Agazians: “What were you old crook doing in Mekelle for a long time as an orphan? Are you denying having been a drug dealer that spent years in prison for it? Anta welfare survivor Hadami from meda! Bla blab la!”
Response: I thank God for blessing me to live in America for about 40 years without welfare dependency, clean record and higher education. I have professionally worked for over 20 years in different faculties of the society. I respect the Tigrean people in general and actively supported their struggle that consumed my most precious friends since childhood. I am a dignified product of my lovely hometown Mekelle who can only identify myself as Mekellino. I would not change my upbringing with the beautiful Deki Mekelle for anything. I talk Tigrigna and slung it exactly like them because I am part and parcel of the phenomenal society that I love from the bottom of my heart. I would do anything to pay back to the people of Mekelle as a person from Eritrean heritage for what they gave me through the years as a member of their family. I, however, know that my love for the Tigreans and Eritreans should not motivate me to advocate for their unity but for their peaceful coexistence and cooperation with their states-quo intact.
I have never been a member of the EPLF but definitely a strong sympathizer all the way to the end. I know I was in Maetot in the liberated areas of Eritrea until the time of independence where I found myself in Asmara about two days after its liberation in May 24, 1991 with the dignified members of the struggle and the Eritrean people at large. Although I entered Asmara with a Kalashnikov and Tegadalai image, I have never had a chance to fire a bullet against the enemy. This is my story ladies and gentlemen and accept it or keep on deceiving yourself.
Every human behavior or emotion encapsulates cause and effect. Agazianism is the effect of self hatred, fear, bias and extra narrow nationalism that segregates a significant portion of the people because of religion. People of the same roots and nationhood may sometimes clash in terms of religion and ethnicity and sometimes struggle for religious and ethnic equality but they defend their nation from external threat together. I have never heard of a group trying to break away from its ethnic group because of religion like the Agazians want to do and I believe this is the only scenario of its type in history.
Clearly, hatred emanates from being mistreated; from insecurity and jealousy, otherwise in the absence of tangible reason which by itself blossom from inferiority complex, which further originates from fear; anger and vulgarity being the most obvious symptoms of hatred. In our situation, there has never been a problem between our Christian and Moslem communities that can agitate people to grieve against one another for what may have taken place by few individuals in isolated events that do not represent our society over all. Those who suffer from inferiority complex attack society based on minute and insignificant happenstances that took place in the past. Of all the vulgarities some sufferers of the syndrome direct towards our Moslem communities, hate stands in their back door, vengeance in the window and fear at the front door. Apparently, the cause of the Eritrean struggle was independence, that of the Tigreans was secession and that of the Ethiopians was democracy but the cause of Agazian revolution in my judgment revolves around three fundamentally abusive and senseless points detuned from reality.
The first says; “some individuals burnt Christian books once upon a moment in the Eritrean experience”. The question is who were they and how many books did they destroy and how may they relate to our peaceful Moslems in different areas of the country? Did our Moslems overall have anything to do with those responsible for the event and were they aware of it during its actuality? Can the accusers tell us the title and the author of at least one of the books in this category instead of monotonously crying books, books, books and yet, books? Can the lost books be re-printable like other books? Am I responsible for what my grand father might have done in the past and should I and all the people of Hamasien be punished for it? I have never seen him by the way except in two pictures to the best recollection of my memory! So where is the beef for this allegation and who cares about the few destructive individuals claimed to have burnt said books with undisclosed titles and authors from the amazing haters in the face of last century’s 100 million innocent victims of religious and ethnic violence all over the world? Why are they so attached to the books while commonsense says they don’t read books based on their behaviors and thin outlook of society?
The second important cause for Agazian revolution is the expression “Sehabi Gimel”. I personally thank the peaceful animal for having been an effective servant of the struggle. I hope it will remain being the symbol of our society’s perseverance because of its efficiency, endurance and power needless to say it deserves it and has been used by all Eritreans despite religion and ethnicity. Now, when you recklessly abuse society you must welcome abuse from the other side of town because everything is a function of duality. If pulling the Gemel for survival is a crime, should pulling the Donkey be exempted from this classification? Should the Agazian community be glorified for traditionally being “Sehabti Adgi” in this crazy comparison with our colorful Moslem communities condemned for being “Sehabti Gimel”? interestingly, the mind is composed of the unconscious, the sub conscious, the conscious and the super conscious like the one owned by spiritual teachers such as brothers Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer and the Dalai lama. While the other forms of the mind reflect the superficial contents of outlook, the unconscious goes deeper representing its true nature by psychological consensus. In this situation, the disease unconsciously stigmatizes religious connotation to the two animals where the Gemel becomes a Moslem and the Adgi a Christian. This bizarre religious identification of animals is the original creativity of the haters in my opinion because I cannot imagine any community in planet earth ever entertaining it in the history of human experience. In my case, I rather pull the Gimel than the Adgi based on its advantages in contrast but will the Agazian revolution also liberate the donkey from the camel?
The third important motivation for their cause revolves at the “Wedi Halima” expression that unconsciously implies their pride for being “Wedi Amete”. I am sorry to get into this nonsense but someone has to tell them one way or another. I love the two names equally but if I have to be forced picking one by some unfortunate circumstances, I would not hesitate identifying myself as “Wedi Halima” because it sounds more universal than Amete in my judgment. One cannot disrespect and refuse accepting Halima without disrespecting and rejecting his mother, though; once again because of the law of duality. What is even more interesting here is the extended form “Wedi stinky Halima” which further gives the disease another contradictory dimension in view of reality because hygiene is a mandatory requirement in Islam to the point a true believer must come out of the rest room substantially clean if you know what I mean. The crisis should then be an unconscious radiation of inferiority complex by the haters that conventionally have poorer cleaning procedures in contrast. I, therefore rather be “Wedi Halima” in view of hygiene than hating my mother by hating some beautiful mothers in our society.
Now, how do you profile haters? They are angry in temperament. You evaluate their words in a paragraph and isolate them if they vulgarize about 50% of their words. You also detect their questions as in “Once again, pathological and serial muslim liar/cheat, why all the freaking fake acts??” You must be a genius if you can understand this question!! How about “What have you got to hide or cover by disguising under different names, your past crimes against our Christian Eritrean people??”. Now, you must be a wizard to get this one right! Yet, check this out; ”Now, amanuel aka Nahon, Sol, Almaz, Arma, Duri Mohammed, Hamid Ibrahim, Khalid, Mohammed, Aba thimmer, keshi mars, Wedi Hagher (wedi mushmush rootless Yemeni nomad saHab gimel), Wedi Halima savage evil Arab slave dog, stinky Saho whore snake/rat, barbaric ELF mendef terrorist jihadi beast, Abdurobo TeraAraA, comedian Ali (the former Iraqi defense minister) and so on……I let you attack useless and confused Michael mercilessly with your savage ELF cockroaches riffraffat group so as to get him sorted out but don’t you ever think that you are smart or you are getting away with your garbage ELF shits. I am watching and waiting for the next article to come really hard on you and on your other terefmeref goHafat ELF mendefat. In short, Michael deserved to be slaughtered by you lot.” One can only wonder on how and who wired their unique brains need less to say the words come out of the best minds of the movement that appear in the forums hoping to lead a utopian nation one day after the graveyard.
Their emotional and terrified consciousness cannot allow them to rationalize objectively because they cannot coherently communicate with any sensible human being. They are something else, the best example in our region of what an unobserved mind can do to human beings, very good entertainment and psychological material to society. I just wish Ammanuel Eyasu understands their importance in this regard and stops kicking them out of the forum! Please don’t deny us a little pleasure, brother at this time where nothing is going on in the other side of the fence.
Why do they hate our Moslem communities anyway? Because they hate themselves. They have no love to give, they just ain’t got it! Are they really concerned about the Christians to the extent of aiming at liberating them from whatever? How can they love us if they hate themselves? They are using us to shelter the incredible inferno killing them alive from within. But why do they fear the Moslems without any provocation? Because of the chronic inferiority complex torturing their souls; they are threatened by the natural existence of our peaceful Moslems, although they cannot violently supplement it because of fear. It is a miserable life that sacks to the limit ladies and gentlemen, and I don’t think there is a medical remedy for it except the only possible exit which non of them have the gut to execute: Sartre calls it suicide! This vindication of course exempts our beautiful, innocent and vulnerable kids in the group not only because we love and care for but have the responsibility to save them from the haters in the leadership of whatever Agazi is all about.
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Fetsum abraham March 15, 2018
My dear k. Lol. I was expecting something else like rebiptising them in debredamo. U are insane bro unless u come up wiz anozer deal. Will give u anozer chance to change ur verdict and pls deiver it wiz a little more compassion but what do u thing ahmed saleh and simon g should do about them?
Simon G. March 15, 2018
Brother Fetsum!
እዚ ሽላን ‘ዶ ገለዶ ኢሉ ዘዕገርግር ዘሎ ሃመማ: ሰትዩ ዝሰኸረ ኴኑ ‘ስመዓኒ። ‘ምበር ኣልኮላዊ መስተ ተዝጥዕሞስ neutralize ምገበሮ ኢለ ይሓስብ።
Simon G. March 15, 2018
I meant ሓሬት ሰትዩ ዝሰኸረ ኴኑ ‘ስመዓኒ
shilan March 15, 2018
TsaHitsaHi bojbaj Zgeremo HatellaGuzetay poisonous SNAKE, are you stll fighting for the independence of our “HatellaGuzay” with an Arabic language and savage evil Arabic flag???? And is your lemanit HatellaGuzay mother still in Tigray refugee camps beggaing for recycled cloths and left over barbarian dogs food while you are still a vaseline boy?
shilan March 15, 2018
Mushmush aregit lemani/beggar scavenger in savage evil mosques, you can scavenge as much as you can fucking swallow it but you not fooling anybody old convicted drug dealer criminal garbage. They rightly say once a beggar convicted criminal then always the same old beggar convicted criminal mother fucker beast. You need to freaking find a REAN family and life you shitty SOB.
shilan March 15, 2018
My comment was meant for the old convicted criminal ghetto brat USA drug dealer crock called Fitsum and not for the HatellaGuzay poisonous snake Suleiman Gereaneniya.
Simon G. March 15, 2018
You should patent your invention of HatellaGuzay!
shilan March 15, 2018
Wedi ayte Gereaneniya poisonous HatellaGuzay shit snake, ROT in your stinky garbage poverty-stricken HatellaGuzay shitty.
k.tewolde March 15, 2018
I am being lenient,the alternative would be grotesque especially for the decaying carcasses like shilan. As for brothers Simon and Ahmed, don’t know what they have in store. Fitsum, look what their boss did to our people!!!
shilan March 15, 2018
Wedi Hirkam son of bitch scum bag, it is what have the barbaric evil savage Islamic ELF mendef done to you (damaged you beyond repairs and for life) that we are really sorry about. Wedi Komarit Amete hooker, you went to bloody medda looking and in search of your savage evil Yemeni dog father who was paying your Komarit mother Hirkams and free shopping at his jihadi criminal shop but as you bloody failed so disastrously in finding him you instead found savage Rashida wishimatat and you have been working as their savage trafficker”ab enda kolalit/kidneys busibness”. Wedi Hirkam scum bag, just ROT in your vicious diKhala Islam HELL where you belomg with your hooker dog mother and the savage evil muslim dog father.
meretse March 16, 2018
As usual, thank you brother Festum for writing an alarming article. To be honest such an is long overdue.
My next comment is to Mr. No name. Congratulation Mr. No name for going nuts now. Now you are in complete manic–running like a sick fox all around the field. You chose to be wild and crazy: and, the good people had no choice but leave you alone till you waste whatever energy is left in your body. I can’t wish you get well because you don’t pray for it.
shilan March 16, 2018
meretse villager fool Afari/fesawi biafu, what exactly are you trying to say in your ignorant village way, could you please explain it with your boring poems or with village graphs!!!! You must be missing your darling stinky fiancee Halima/Abdurahiman the jihadi muslim murderer!! If it is so painful for you then we could offer you demented old Arab slave dog ahmido salihido as a replacement. But lets also make a collection of decent cloths and a shaving blades for scavenger lemani/beggar crock Fitsum asap just for our tsidikhi/miriKha/blessing from God. As with his mijahadeen/taliban stinky hats he should be able to get replacement in his daily begging business in his savage evil mosques.
shilan March 16, 2018
Addition: mushmush rootless aregit kelbi areb the most ignorant ahimido salihido PIMP
Simon G. March 16, 2018
እንታይ ዓይነት ኦሞ ‘ዩ ኣብ ኣፍካ ቊሒምካ?
ዓፍ-ዓፍ ኢልካ ‘ኳ ዓፊርካ!
shilan March 16, 2018
It is the special stuff made in HatellaGuzay supplied by poisonous HatellaGuzay SNAKES. Sully nebsi, all you’ve to do is fill up a simple form of our independent diQala stinky HatellaGuzay state/nation and we’ll supply you the special stuff on a regular basis, so simple “Zgeremo” tsaHitsaHi hatella.
Simon G. March 16, 2018
ዓፋሪ! ሽላን
ሓተላ ኣግኣዝያን
ፍረ-ኣልቦ ርእሲ ዝውንን
ነብሱ ሓርይዋ ናይ መዋእል ባርያ ክኸውን
ወይ መርገም! ኣይገርመኩምን?
የህተፍትፍ: ይጻረፍ
ከም ሕሱም ይልፍልፍ
ናይ ትሑታት ትሑት: ንክቡራት ክዝልፍ
ምስ ኣእዝኑ ጸማም: ምስ የዒንቱ ዕውር
ሓሕ! ክብል ከም ኣብዑር
መትሓዝ ዘይብሉ ክጭድር
ውዒሉ ይሓድር
መንንት ቅልውላው ቀቲልዎ
ከይሞተ ከምዝሞተ ኣርድእዎ
ዝተረፈካ የለን ኢልኩም ሓብርዎ
ዓለም ብላሽ!
shilan March 16, 2018
simon g aka Suleiman bin Gereaneniya al HatellaGuzat poisonous SNAKE, Zgeremo – ZitsaHitseHo poisonous HatellaGuzay crippled snake, poisonous crocks Embassoyra hatellatat.
Now, back to your pathetic and poisonous HatellaGuzay poem, please we want it translated to our original organic deki Hama chided or deki pure sexy AGAIZIAN “Tigrigna” as we can’t understand your diKhala Tigrigna/Arabic mixed polluted/poisoned with your stinky HatellaGuzay shitty. Let’s also have a poem in memory of your shefatu/bandits savage Arabs foot soldiers sibling who were just used up and disposed in HatellaGuzay as condoms of the barbarian Arabs. You also failed to answer my simple question of how long to go before we make our HatellaGuzay an independent nation with savage Arabic language and evil Arabic flag?? Your savage evil ROOTLESS CANCEROUS Muslims are not fighting hard enough, are they Sully nebsi????
Simon G. March 16, 2018
Take a look at your earlier reply to another like you by the name Lingo. You clearly stated “Eritrean fake independence”
Indeed, indeed brother Lingo, especially when you have the ROOTLESS CANCEROUS Muslims and the poisonous HatellaGuzayat snakes mixed/included in it, it is a recipe for a total disaster as we witness it horribly. Indeed again, if EPLF/PFDJ was evil in its ideology from its conception then Eritrean fake independence would be the fruit of that evil, which is hard to swallow. Isn’t it?Let’s also not forget the deQalu riffraffat deki “mom” korakur mercenaries still fighting for an Arabi evil flag!
…..and now you are calling yourself “original organic deki Hama chided or deki pure sexy AGAIZIAN “Tigrigna””
እንታይ ኢኹም ‘ባ ዞም ዓዲ ዘይብልኩም ደቂ ሓማ ክትኮኑ ትደልዩ?
ኢሳያስ ጌርዎ ኢልኩምሲ: ዝገረም ‘ዩ። በጃኻትኩም ዓድኹም ኣይትንዓቑ። ክብረትኩም ዓድኹም ዩ።
‘ቲ ሓም ምባል ንደቂ ዓዲ ግደፈሎም። ተምቤናይ: ወዲ ዓድዋ ደኣ በል። ቅንዕ በል: ኣይትድነን። ሓበንካ መንነትካ’ዩ።
shilan March 16, 2018
Wedi ayte Gereaneniya HatellaGuzay poisonous SNAKE, if you could only bloody learn about your stinky poisonous HatellaGuzay history/tariKh you wouldn’t be asking or pointing a ridiculous and pathetic question. Did you bloody know that it was the savage evil Menelik that sold you with port Assab to fascist Italians for peanuts that is for a few lousy guns and bullets?? Suleiman/sully nebsi, if it wasn’t for the nefiTam/hodam savage Amara king Menelik you would still be part of your Tembein – Tigray and Ethiopia. But it is a life long curse to have you the poisonous HatellaGuzeyat snakes and the ROOTLESS CANCEROUS Muslims part of poor Eritrea. Long live DIA and the brilliant deki Hama “chededat” & deki beautiful organic Habesha Christian AGAZIANS. Swallow the bitter pill sully nebsi! As always I won’t be charging you for the free history education!
shilan March 16, 2018
correction: please read as “chidedat” deki Hama tsaEda of course.
Asmerom March 16, 2018
Brother Tesfai,
You made an excellent point and observation and thank you for your positive contribution brother.
You see Fetsum’s toilet roll kind long and repeated articles don’t have any higher purposes, the higher purpose
being about convincing others or readers by the power of logic and facts. They are only meant to sooth emotions
of the support camp that is the riffraffat left overs of the corrupted criminal ELF murderer, runners {Hademti} jasusat.
He {this fraudster USA ghetto brat so called Fetsum Abraha in America but used to have different name in Mekelle}
lied and exaggerated things by choice and once you know that he has no problem to lie or exaggerate because of
his urge to defend the culprits his bastard criminal ELF murderers and blame it on the victims, then he is NOT a
person to be trusted or taken seriously. He can enjoy massaging the ego of criminal ELF murderers and robbers
but it ends there for him the sad lonely miserable fraudster loser.
Asmerom March 16, 2018
Brother Shilan, you ask in your comment for help {of recycled second hand cloths, shaving blades, replacement mujahadeen/taliban huts/taqiyah, very kind of you brother
But why should we help a convicted criminal crock and ghetto brat fraudster who has never held a proper legal job in his sad loser life. He has been living on handouts all his crock sad life.
shilan March 16, 2018
Brother Asmerom the great, yes I am asking all those things for the old crock lemani/beggar Fitsum Abraha out of pity, that’s all. I don’t feel from what I see on his poor appearance that he is getting enough handouts from his savage evil mosques. May be the savage muslims found out that he is an opportunist diKhala beast scavenger.
meretse March 16, 2018
Leave my x-fiancee alone. Hat’yat keyKoneKa. Oh my Good! I forgot.. You are living in he’ll already. Pls no news from hell.
shilan March 16, 2018
And any news from “lavitta” jihadist Halima/Abdurahiman from the vicious Islamic HELL then? Why can’t you bloody accept my offer of evil savage ahimido salihido PIMP as replacement to your stinky fiancee Halima/Abdurahiman murderer terrorist???? After all they are all savage evil muslim vicious beast who come from their garbage shitty vicious Islam HELL. Suleiman bin Gereaneniya could also help you with his vaseline boy job as a temporary comfort/relief, of course.
shilan March 16, 2018
meretse the villager fool, just some additional info/offers, you know that savage evil aregit mushmush rootless kelbi areb ahimido stinky salihido is very experienced and too good at bending (even with his severe dementia and blocked up Akhriya’s/Yemenis fagnatura ass/backside). He is also an expert on sucking and massaging so you’d be at safe hands to overcome the loss of jihadi stinky Halima/Abdurahiman terrorist murderer. Alternatively, we could also offer you SOB wedi Amate Komarit – wedi Hirkam scum bag, barbaric evil Islamic ELF mendef whore mouth Khaliffa bin teKebre for your speedy recovery and remedy.
Last but not least, just out of curiosity and for our record purposes, was your stinky jihadist Halima/Abdurahiman also village Fedayin???? I still admire her very wise grand mom for spotting that the Asmelash Gojamiye Hamiyen family were just trouble and pains of poverty-stricken lementi/beggars. So meretse fesawi biafu, Cheer up and be happy criminal savage ELF mendef Fadayin murderer. You also still have “amanuel’s” other Halima sisters on offer!
shilan March 16, 2018
please add and read as: mushmush rootless aregit kelbi areb ahmido al savage salihido PIMP.
Lingo March 16, 2018
Shilan nebsi, we should get one classy poem of “miQuzam” for Halima from villager fool.
shilan March 16, 2018
Indeed, indeed brother Lingo, but let’s hope it would only be short and sexy!! Otherwise, he’ll bore us to death with his boring too long village poems. Let me also remind the villager fool that “amanuel” the savage evil Saho whore snake/rat can always be reached at his Afghan hiding snake holes/sands.
Danilo March 16, 2018
ሹሉ ነብሲ፡ፈሲ’ኮ ወዲእክና።ካብ ኩሉ ዝገርመኒ፡ዝተጸርፈን ዝተሃርመን ልዋም ለይትን ብሩኽ መዓልትን እንዳኣስተማቀረ ስለ ዝጸረፍኪ ጥራሕ ድቃስ ሲኢንኪ’ምሽ? ወይ ሓፍተይ ሹሉ!ካን’ሰብ የብልክን ድኺ?
Danilo March 16, 2018
ኣበይ’ዲኣ ኣለኺ ሹሉ?ሓኪም ስሓ ተረኪቡ’ድዩ? ይግበረልኪ!!!!።
Asmerom March 16, 2018
Dear brothers Shilan and Lingo,
You seem to worry too much about the villager fool Meretse about his sweet heart Halima or Abdurahiman fiancee!
But you should be worrying more in a kind way about that fraudster crock Fetsum Mohammedin finding his Halima.
You see brothers, from what we can see on his disgusting lemani/beggar/scavenger face he is the one who desperately and urgently that needs a woman (even a jihadist murderer muslim killer woman like Halima) to feed him and to dress him properly like a human. Too many years of scavenging in mosques and USA ghetto bins has not helped him at all. So your urgent efforts and attention should be on finding the mujahadeen/taliban Halima for the fraudster crock Fetsum Mohammedin of no fixed address, no fixed/known religion and no known job or country.
Grar March 16, 2018
tesfay, your post makes to think what Eritrea is thought to according to some twisted and inferiority laced elites that I would like to quote you below for young Eritreans to read them carefully.
1. “There is a simple answer to the above raised question: the measure of “Eritrean identity” has always been how much one is willing to renounce (or “sacrifice”) one’s own, both in terms of one’s own heritage and one’s own people, for the sake of the elite’s “Eritrea”. Notice that this is a strange kind of sacrifice, for it asks one to sacrifice nothing less than the real Eritrea for an alien one that the elite wanted to construct. When pushed to its logical end, this would mean that at its sacrificial most, one has to be willing to “sacrifice” one’s identity for the sake of that alien “Eritrea”!
To grasp the severity of this disowning phenomenon, try to imagine this impossible scenario: a Tigre-speaking Muslim elite loudly entertaining of having Tigre (alongside Tigrigna) as a national language. He would be immediately branded as a traitor to the Eritrean cause, as the Muslim elite saw it then and see it now, for it would derail their colonial aspiration (under its Arab grab). That means that he had to disown his mother tongue if he was to be accepted as a true Eritrean by his fellow elite. Or, if we put it in the language of the culture of martyrdom, he had to be willing to “sacrifice” his mother tongue if he wanted to see the kind of alien “Eritrean identity” that the Muslim elite wanted to construct come into fruition.””
Grar March 16, 2018
tesfay, you made me think below and ask “why do some elites hate themselves so much, they will do anything to distance themselves from what is their own languages and heritage? Do these people have the courage to see and face themselves in the mirror?
2. “In fact, there is a vivid example from Jebha’s past that depicts how far the Muslim elite were willing to disown their own in order to embrace the “Arab heritage”: they burned all books written in Tigre at mieda! If this evokes the image of the medieval world where books of “heresy” were burned, it is because the very idea of writing books in Tigre was taken as heretic to the Arab project! The fear was that if Tigre-speaking masses began to read and write in their language, they might not be willing to give it up for an alien language, thus derailing the Arab colonial aspiration of their elite. Even the idea of Tigre as a written language coexisting with Arabic was too threatening to the Arabists; they thought that this coexistence would only come at the expense of the hegemony of Arabic. According to them, talking in their mother tongues won’t take them far enough from the habesha world they wanted to distance themselves from; that is, languages like Tigre (for the Tigre-speaking Muslim elite) and Tigrigna (for the Tigrigna-speaking Muslims) were and still are too close for comfort. That this linguistic disowning also afflicts the Kebessa elite can be seen from asking this question: why is it seeking such blatantly alien language as Arabic is not seen as un-Eritrean, while a Tigrigna spoken with an accent becomes an immediate suspect amongst them?”