Fetsum: The immediate challenge of our struggle
I was getting a bit frustrated by the brief silence of OUR VOICE after elevating the Eritrean hope for freedom in multiple controversial but down to earth appearances. The video-graphic exposure of Professor Araya Debessay
I was getting a bit frustrated by the brief silence of OUR VOICE after elevating the Eritrean hope for freedom in multiple controversial but down to earth appearances. The video-graphic exposure of Professor Araya Debessay at Assenna, however, changed my helpless and impatient state of mind on what to do and think next about the Eritrean people’s basic question of freedom. I don’t know how fast and efficient we will make it but an opportunity for success has been created by the best cream of the society at least from the angle of definite-science intellectualism if not from that of socio-psychological. Time will tell about the other intellectual elements in this drive, just a matter of patience.
In this struggle of the Eritrean people just for MINBAR as safe if not as well as any other animal in the planet, in the situation where the Eritrean concept of human value has depreciated to nothingness, to the point of a victim artist described the situation of our people as MINBAR ZITEKELKELE HIZBI, one has to be ashamed for life to passively watch from distance what the Professor offered in his modest speech needless to say that there may never be a better opportunity to rectify the surprising darkness we Eritreans came across after independence. The era of experimentation with ideas is over, so is the era of killing ideas with personal hang-ups and shallow penetration of our burning wounds and their practical remedies. The privilege of articulating the tragedy at hand with nothing to offer for solution and revolving in endless political freeway should be replaced in favor of a concrete solution hitherto offered by the dignified Professor suspected to be one of the creators of OUR VOICE.
There is no doubt that we are sick of injustice and brutality at home; and betrayal for self-interest in the opposition. We just don’t have any excuse left to flirt with the regime or with most of the opposition parties and the so called BAYTO anymore. We can‘t drop lower than this rock bottom position for there is no more space to move downwards. But we can resurrect with this opportunity if we play our role individually. Let us please choose life instead of death in this critical stage of the fight where the enemies have finished digging their own graves and the opposition parties boxed in their petit personal differences seemingly abandoning the struggle to this level of fruitlessness; as the good professor testified in his historical speech. Let us help ourselves by helping the initiative as much as we can and regain our country and freedom from one of the most absurd dictatorships in history.
The question is what the outstanding challenges we must immediately tackle ahead were! I close this input strongly reminding the extreme importance of synchronizing the two outstanding drives of our struggle for freedom and justice in the next appearance with the UN. I am talking about the elements in the UN activities on the dictatorship and OUR VOICE’s preliminary output of activities. The Eritrean elements managing our human rights related grievances parallel with the UN commission on Eritrea have done an excellent job getting the mater to this point where the UN may deliver its verdict in June or July 2016. It is far ahead of OUR VOICE in efficiency and achievement because it started its work ahead of the group. But OUR VOICE must try hard to catch up with the UN event next year to have a paralyzing effect on the dictatorship. It has to start work immediately to show the UN something politically tangible sitting side by side with the Eritrean crew that represents us in the charge on Afwerki’s crimes against humanity.
There is no doubt that something will be accomplished then by our family members navigating our humanitarian case against the dictator, but will not be the ultimate solution with the political void remaining a void. Our challenge should then be not to appear in the UN with the political void intact and leave the scene only with its verdict on the question of humanity expected to be in favor of the struggle for such a success cannot change the situation of the country alone without a solid political punch from the creams of the society. We cannot afford missing the opportunity of convincing the UN that we were ready to politically replace the dictatorship with its help and OUR VOICE carries the maximum responsibility in this regard in my opinion.
To crystallize it, I hope our intellectuals will expedite the political task to at least accomplish it partially if not completely within the promised frame of time. This is the moment to start the practical stage of the first phase of the unification strategy towards the so promised COUNCIL. Our people will then be represented in the UN in the two dimensions of the pendulum (politics and human rights) and the world will have no choice except fully supporting us in getting the parasite out of the way. We are waiting for your direction to help out and please accelerate the momentum through frequent appearances as much as possible and good luck!
AHMED SALEH December 4, 2015
Brother Futsum
Finally you showed up again . Nice to hear your voice .
negash December 4, 2015
Futsum now i start to appreciate you as good and honest Eritrean. At least you can understand the situation. As hard working as you are as Amanuel Iyasu don’t loose hope please fight for OUR VOICE. It didn’t took you long to see the right thing. I am becoming hopeful when I see Eritreans with open heart and honest who try to help our people.
I. Mohammed December 5, 2015
Dear brother Futsum,nice to hear your voice after some times of disappearance.The Voice of the oppressed is drumming from corner to corner in all parts of the world. We have seen it in Geneva followed by the New York public demonstrations. Our people’s awareness for democratic change have reached to the maximum point. What it lacks is an organisation and a dynamic charismatic leader.The call of professor Araya Debesay should be followed by other Eritrean nationalist intellectuals found scattered all over the world.This is the time for united action.I thank you again for your struggle and tireless efforts that you are doing to bring justice, peace and democracy for our people. Let others follow your good example.
josef December 9, 2015
What is your opinion of Mederkh movement and connecting Araya Debesay with that organization(COUNCIL).. or bridging the gap.
fetsum abraham December 9, 2015
Dear joseph, it would be fantastic in my opinion. Would help z styuggle a lot in many ways
Duri Mohammed December 10, 2015
Excellent article. All Eritreans should have the same frame of mind. Hope so