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Fetsum: My subjective view on the Vacarroian philosophy of unification 1

Fetsum: My subjective view on the Vacarroian philosophy of unification 1  ‘Nine members of the Eritrean National Football team, including the head coach Mr Omer Ahmed and team captain Haile Goitom abandon the dictatorial regime in Eritrea

Fetsum: My subjective view on the Vacarroian philosophy of unification 1
 ‘Nine members of the Eritrean National Football team, including the head coach Mr Omer Ahmed and team captain Haile Goitom abandon the dictatorial regime in Eritrea seeking political asylum in Kenya.’
Comment: How many defections does it take for the system to understand that it is no longer welcome by the people to run the country? What should be done by the planet to make the dictator understand that he has to go ASAP? Four national soccer team defections in a row in a short time and this record breaking legacy does not crank the tranquilized mind of the dictator yet. The question is if Eritrea will ever think of another national soccer team hereafter!
If it does, I think Eritrea should make a soccer team out of its ministers and advisors to return home after games. Yemane Charlie and Wedi Efrem are too short for a goalie and the monkey is too paranoid to catch a hard-kicked ball. Wedi Gerahtu can certainly use that head for testata if he still has something left inside to understand his responsibility. Usman the dancer having a problem standing on his feet because of alcohol abuse and Kisha unlikely the right choice because of overweight, one wonders if the president himself should be the next goalkeeper of the national team to avoid another embarrassment in this case.
On the Vacarroian philosophy of unification
As you know, our country tremendously suffered because the regime drained the collective Eritrean intellectual brain and the resistance missed the opportunity of using this potential to the cause. The time has come, however, for this most important element of our society to take charge in leading Eritrea to democracy and peace (whether we like it or not).
The good news says: “Dr. Tewolde Tesfamariam (Wedi Vacarro) accompanied by Mr. Michael Ghirmay Andegeorgis of Eritrean Law Society met with United States Department of State Officials on Monday November 19, 2013 in Washington, DC.”
Comment: This is the way to go Folks and this was what the resistance has been missing from the let go. It is only through intellectual driven professionalism not through nationalism and emotional attachment to the past that we can get attention from important politicians around the world. Governments and politicians have no time for disorganized groups that do not meet the standard professional substance and strategy to communicate with. They have criteria (academic and professionalism) that they use as reference elements for communication. They also expect a visionary strategy to give you a chance.
Wedi Vacaro went to them with the two requirements at least partially fulfilled: a qualified professional lawyer brother Michael Ghirmay (from the Eritrean Law Society) who can talk their language and a visionary STRATEGY (Unconditional Unity to demand the president Afwerki’s resignation from power); and the US state department opened the door for him to address his issues.
Vacarro did it again: ዶክቶር ተወልደ ተስፋማርያም (ወዲ ቫካሮብረቡዕ (12/04/2013) ኣብኒውዮርክ ምስ ላዕለዋት ሰብ መዚ ኣብ ቤት ጽሕፈት ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኒው ዮርክ ከይዱ ከምዝተዘራረብተፈሊጡ::
What does this mean? No society can move forward without its educated members and practical strategy at minimum. An educator teaches students on his/her expertise, political scientists and Lawyers best lead a nation politically and diplomatically and applied scientists, Engineers and skilled technocrats help it better in technologically oriented projections. Religious leaders and traditional/cultural values help in their capacities while the military is best run by people educated in the field. Although, leaders can come from other academic backgrounds, they cannot survive without utilizing educated members of their societies according to their academic backgrounds.
Brother Vacarro, however, unfortunately missed the most momentous diplomatic opportunity of meeting international leaders in South Africa (on the Mandela event) in the name of his people with or without the EDA. My follow up article will discuss this in detail including the question it raised in my mind on the INTELLECTUAL QUALITY of his advisors.
My understanding of Vacarro’s unity initiative:
Objective: I have not seen it in writing yet and I hope they will give us something to read about it soon but the Vacarroian philosophy of unity looks like more of moralistic in his view rather than something targeting political power in future Eritrea. Wedi Vacarro has clearly said in his US tour that the objective of his drive was strictly to unify all Eritreans for eventual democratic government in Eritrea. There is no political ambition in this drive and he does not appear to belong to any one of the current political parties and groups in my understanding. In one of his answers to a question concerning the EDA (Eritrean democratic alliance) Vacarro said that he did not consult it about his activity. Clearly, he did not have to and there is no reason for him to have done that ahead of his tour needless to say that his activity was none of EDA’s business (with respect).
I assume that he has a neutral position on all opposition forces and I think this is why the drive has a chance to succeed specially in the condition it clearly articulates its objective to the public as soon as possible and that it uses the cream of the society to accentuate its activities.
The question is if the drive was well organized with clear tactics and strategy ahead of its departure out of its home base in Italy: Here is my thought on this:
Strategy and tactic in view of my understanding
There is a strong sign of confusion that can potentially divide the Eritreans because of the void created in the Vacarro movement in the areas of literature. As good as it is, it lacks clarity: Wedi Vacarro should as soon as possible prepare his program and immediately make it available on line for us all to understand what is going on. He should clarify his tactics and strategy in writing ASAP because there is no material on this to date for one to precisely understand what it is all about.
For now, it looks having the following strategy and tactic
Strategy: To change the government in Eritrea
Tactic: By means of unified action: To this effect, Wedi Vacarro said that he wants to make Eritreans collectively demand the dictator’s resignation behind international support. I think this specification is very important for us all to understand because I believe it represents the fundamental foundation of his philosophy.
Narrative: To have a collective national voice in favor of the Eritrean dictator’s resignation:
In my opinion, this brilliant idea is original and the inventor deserves a lot of respect from all of us. It is a peaceful movement without restriction to any other means of challenging the disgusting Eritrean regime.The strategy in my understanding comprises the following important implication: It is not by any means a political party or entity aiming to replace any one of the opposition forces for future power grab in Eritrea. Therefore, all opposition forces have nothing to be threatened about and all of them should accept it as a potent energy to their struggle for freedom and democracy in Eritrea.In the flip of the coin, all Eritreans whether disappointed by the opposition forces or not should be careful not to antagonize with any group in the resistance. Leave the parties and groups alone and try to attract them rather than repel them because they collectively are a very important element of our struggle for peace and democracy in Eritrea.The target here must be maximizing the NUMBER of Eritreans supporting this drive. The involvement of Eritreans from all schools of thought is then necessary for success meaning that all Eritreans should be individually welcomed to join the drive irrespective of political affiliation to any one of the opposition forces. Wedi Vacarro did the right thing leaving the committee-organizing procedure for the respective communities to mange in almost all his US tours. He had no directives or instructions in so far as the qualifications for committee membership were concerned. As a result, it was open for any interested Eritrean to join the committees. In DC for example, one was controversially formed by independent minded and politically affiliated individuals. I do believe that DC could have elected more qualified individuals to be more effective but the fact remains that the hardest working individuals are now in the committee. The situation has for the first time in the resistance created a good environment for independent minded and politically affiliated individuals to work together for unity and this is wonderful.There is a lot of hard work ahead for these dedicated members of our community and they have many ways they can get help from qualified Eritreans in the metropolitan area if they decide to do so. We will see how effectively they utilize the available resources (artists, intellectuals, the youth, elders, churches and mosques, etc) towards UNITY and I wish them good luck. At minimum though, we expect work to be done one way or another in the following areas:
a) Organizing debates between Eritrean intellectuals to upgrade the consciousness of the community
b) Trying to organize people according to their education and profession
c) Periodically informing us about their activities at least once a month through all available media (opposition websites, etc)d) Organizing fundraising events and artistic events to give our community alternative entertainment venues to that of the regime.e) To never expect direction from Vacarro for action. The committee should be creative enough to do things independently for the community.f) It has to have close contact with other committee members in the country and beyond and reveal the activities promptly without distortion. The theme by which the committees will work for unity should be identical to avoid misunderstanding in between. g) The committee members must realize their responsibilities and perform accordingly to attract more people into the movement. No excuses for inactivity here because they have willingly accepted their election to relentlessly serve the community and they must do it.h) Most importantly, the committee should organize an independent advising committee from the educated members of the community to consult on relevant issues beyond its control.
With all this reminders in mind, the DC community should unconditionally support the committee and we hope to see this in the near future. The brothers and sisters in the committee have been working harder than most of us for change in Eritrea and they deserve respect, love, and full cooperation from us all.
Vacarro’s missing link and RADICALISM
It seems like some Eritreans understand Vacarro’s initiative as an exclusive move that does not include or that disqualifies the opposition forces while some others take it as a substitute political movement to all opposition forces in the resistance. Lack of literature on the Vacorrian philosophy of unification is the cause of this confusion in my grasp. This confusion has caused some sort of RADICALISM within the resistance to my observation: some Eritreans are showing the tendency to reject the opposition parties and groups in favor of the drive completely missing the point and indirectly working against it. I warn everyone to work hard against this dangerous and destructive misconception to save the movement.
Remember that the initiative aims at integrating everyone into a common resistance to get rid of the regime. This position equally acknowledges and respects the existing opposition forces without considering anyone of them as mandated by the people they claim to represent. I believe this is the correct way of handling the situation for unity is not achievable by means of excluding the opposition forces that have been fighting the regime individually for a long time. This idea will divide Eritreans and can only cause disaster in our society.
see you soon

Review overview
  • Thomas-2 December 13, 2013

    What makes Wedi Vacaros call very important is the timing. His call for Eritrean unity was going parallel to the Lampadusa tragedy. As we know, the time was a turning point to every citizen even those who chose to become blind and deaf while seeing the loss of lives and the country going in pratfall. It is high time that we all unit and call for the withdrawal of the mafia regime. Enough is enough, our country is in the verge of collapse. We need to rally together and take a historical decision to remove the regime which is the cause our misery.

  • aus 17 December 13, 2013

    When you hear nothing is functioning in Eritrea, life is bitter there, sour almost unbearable then we all expect things will soon change, not if but when.
    Good enough of Vacaros initiative per se, however, there are many things to clearfy beforre the big pace ahead!
    We did see layers of movements to replace the regime in case what the expected happens. You can see the Mesfin Hagos groupies calling ex- senior-members of Higdefites, gathering them for the sedond trial. The wedi baatay/Paulos Financing group. With clear agenda.
    And where does Vacaros.. stand.
    Yes, oppositions are suspecting many but the ball is with Vacaros court. If he guards the delicate balance between these issues then there is an open opportunity for success.
    I mean here: inclusive approach, the other half, not only my way the highway which we saw head-speared to a closed end.

    • Suleiman Salim December 14, 2013

      Where does Vaccaro stand? Vaccaro is a useless aregit Ewala. It doesn’t matter where he stands.

  • rezen December 13, 2013

    Dear Fetsum,

    Here is a quote from your concluding paragraph:

    “Remember that the initiative aims at integrating everyone into a common resistance to get rid of the regime”

    Let us make the sentence simple. Suppose, just suppose, the “the regime” simply collaps TODAY without any effort from the “opposition”.

    Does anyone HONESTLY believe that Eritrea is all of a sudden transformed into Paradise?
    Does anyone HONESTLY believe that the generals, th colonels, the foot soldiers would simply show magnanimity and brotherhood and turned into civilized force over night?
    Does anyone HONESTLY believe the inherent cancerous disease of Eritrea (RELIGION, RACISM) would be miraculously heal overnight?
    If all these problems are solved instantenously after the collape of “the regime”, then we are dealing with an entity outside the planet erath.

  • MightyEmbasoyra December 14, 2013

    BTW, isayas is in Kenya to celebrate of 50 yrs of independence. Wouldn’t it make him look more human and smarter to attend The Great Mandela’s funeral service?

  • Truly Truly i say to you December 14, 2013

    Kalighe, your remark is wonderful and very essential in one side! However do not worry that much. As in my above comment i tried to explain it, the key role for regime change in Eritrea, it is not depend on oppositions unity or disunity, even EDA, EPDP (ELF) become unite; as far as the mighty nation not given us green light, i mean since our revolution has not acceptance or support, believe me by our own self will alone; we can do or change anything. But if for instance Wodi Vacaro alone get suportance by powerful nation in a way he started i believe regime change is possible without EDA; EPDP self appointed power hungry oppositions party participation if you like . In other word what i am saying is, the US; UK or EU if will or determine believe or not regime change is overnight possible in Eritrea. they can do it with a little selected determined brave Eritreans, this is the fact. So my pray is Wodi Vacaro to get sympathy and support by powerful nations it is. I come to this conclusion not because i didn´t know let alone we Eritreans unitedly, even a single courageous as can bring regime change or influence everything, if determines to persecute main one or two evil leaders in broad day light like the man of God called Phinehas did it. According the bible report (Numbers 25; 3-9)the epidemic that was destroying Israel was stopped that already 24,000 people killed ,after Phinehas alone persecuted the main two evil leaders was.(Numbers 25; 3-9) But the question is, do we have one courageous brave person in Eritrea, like In Isreal ? No! all we men are turned like women, we all are coward, lazy, selfish, wicked mind, opportunists day dreamers; who love to live long despite poverty and all this embarrassment; without sacrifice who like to see change and have power. Except our late hero Saed Ali Hijay. Atleast he tried his best, even he not succeeded. May he rest in peace!

    • Suleiman Salim December 14, 2013

      semiEka do Truly,

      Meles Zenawi Arifu.

    • Kalighe December 14, 2013

      ” In other word what i am saying is, the US; UK or EU if will or determine believe or not regime change is overnight possible in Eritrea. they can do it with a little selected determined brave Eritreans, this is the fact.”

      Truly Truly

      As long as what happens in Eritrea does not affect their interest, they don’t care much.
      We should not expect others to do for us what is our main responsibility.

  • Truly Truly i say to you December 14, 2013

    Mighty, Isayas is not attend in Mandela’s funeral service, not because he wanted; but because no one sees him as a leader and do not invited it is. Who likes to see bandit at higher respectful ceremony?
    Normaly what to God pleases was this:-
    “It is better to go to a home where there is mourning than to one where there is a party, because the living remind themselves that death is waiting for us all.” says the bible (Ecclesiastes 7;2) But this advice is not to Devil and his monkey advisers, but only to human who have brain only!

    • belay nega December 14, 2013

      [Truly]ቀሺ ሓጥያት

      እወ ን ነጻነት ክትብል ከለኻ አይፋል ን ክትፎ ምዃኑ ከተስተብህል ኔሩካ
      አፍካ ማይ አብ ዝመልአ ን ፕረሲደንት ካብ ምዝላፍ

  • rr December 14, 2013

    My subjective view on his tour is going to disappoint you.
    The one does not exclude the other and the way he has chosen is better way to motivate the mass. I agree that it has to be some sort of plan on how to move on and mobilize large movement. It is needed if you want to involve governments and organisations to work with Eritreans. The majority of Eritreans do not read or seek information directly and get their information through friends and relatives. His way is therefore more effective if you want to have the mass behind you. In the long run there should be written plan and I think you and others who have idea can offer help. The movement will be what we want it to be.

  • abraham December 14, 2013

    it is time for Eritrea to be democratic and I feel and I believe that; the vacarian philosophy is the way that can we succeed . all parties fighting for democratic Eritrea must help and follow politely, they should not feel that new rise of vocaro is not mean to take their unforgettable hard work to improve the consciousness of the eritrean community to identify isaias’s dictotorism and not mean to forget their participation in coming democratic Eritrea

    note to the writer
    I satisfied by what you write and if you can do the same in Tigrigna to be read by all eritrean

  • Semhar December 14, 2013

    As long as the mad dog ድያብሎስ! Isayas and HIGDEF are in Eritrea misery and death will continue.
The only solution is to get rid of crazy mad dog Isayas wedi Medhin Berad, his son, and his blind followers HIGDEF just like the Libyans did to Gadafi, his sons and his followers.
Eritreans should unite and get rid the tyrant mad dog Isayas, his son and his blind followers the HIGDEF.

  • wedi mekonnen December 15, 2013

    Someone backward like wedi vacaro who is calling for ethnic cleansing upto seven generations will not unite Eritreans no matter he speaks to US senators or any one on earth. No one knows his/her roots up to seven generations considering all sides of parents and grand parents and probably wedi vacaro himself would be non-Eritrean with his Italian or otherwise backgtound. No matter what the cause of Eritrea is beyond blood issue. DERG slaughtered democratic Ethiopians on streets DERG was Ethiopian. PFDJ too is not less Eritrean than anyone and presenting it as non-Eritrean is committing an error that can reverse all done to date and that will cross the Mereb. Forget PFDJ; aren’t most butcher generals and colonels of today’s Eritrea from Hamassien/Adi-Nefas? Is the Eritrean problem a problem of democracy under both gedli years (ELF and EPLF/PFDJ) or blood?