Fetsum: Light inside the Vaccaroian movement of unification; FINAL
Fetsum: Light inside the Vaccaroian movement of unification; FINAL This is my last article on Vaccaro’s recent message and please enjoy it! Vaccaro: “ተበግሶ ኩሉ ህዝብና ብሓባር ኢድ ንኢድ ተተሓሒዙ ነዚ ብኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ ዝምራሕ ዘሎዲክተታራዊ ስርዓት ጉሒፍካ ኣብ መቓብሩ ድማ ዲሞክራሲያውን ፍትሓውን መንግስቲ ንምትካል ዝዓለመኢዩ። ኣብቲ ኩሉ ክሳብ ሕጂ ዘካየድኩዎ ሰሚናራትን ምደረታትን፣ ጻዋዒተይ ኩሉ ኤርትርዊ ነቲ ኣሎና ዝብልዎፍልልያት ኣወንዚፎም ሙሉእ ጠመተኦም ነዚ ዘሎ ስርዓት ምእላይ ቀዳምነት ክህብዎ ይግባእ ኢለ እየ ዝአምን።ስለዚ ኩሎም ፖለቲካውያን ውድባትን ሲቪካውያን ማሕበራትን፣ ውልቀሰባትን ፖለቲካዊ ፍልልያቶምብዘየገድስ ናብቲ መሰረታዊ ሃገራዊ ድሕነት ከቕንዕ ይግባኦ።” Comment: This is exactly what we have been working on. To my understanding Vacarro wants to

Fetsum: Light inside the Vaccaroian movement of unification; FINAL
This is my last article on Vaccaro’s recent message and please enjoy it!
Vaccaro: “ተበግሶ ኩሉ ህዝብና ብሓባር ኢድ ንኢድ ተተሓሒዙ ነዚ ብኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ ዝምራሕ ዘሎዲክተታራዊ ስርዓት ጉሒፍካ ኣብ መቓብሩ ድማ ዲሞክራሲያውን ፍትሓውን መንግስቲ ንምትካል ዝዓለመኢዩ። ኣብቲ ኩሉ ክሳብ ሕጂ ዘካየድኩዎ ሰሚናራትን ምደረታትን፣ ጻዋዒተይ ኩሉ ኤርትርዊ ነቲ ኣሎና ዝብልዎፍልልያት ኣወንዚፎም ሙሉእ ጠመተኦም ነዚ ዘሎ ስርዓት ምእላይ ቀዳምነት ክህብዎ ይግባእ ኢለ እየ ዝአምን።ስለዚ ኩሎም ፖለቲካውያን ውድባትን ሲቪካውያን ማሕበራትን፣ ውልቀሰባትን ፖለቲካዊ ፍልልያቶምብዘየገድስ ናብቲ መሰረታዊ ሃገራዊ ድሕነት ከቕንዕ ይግባኦ።”
Comment: This is exactly what we have been working on. To my understanding Vacarro wants to unconditionally unify Eritreans for democracy irrespective of their differences. He defined two important points here: going for fundamental change in Eritrea targeting the system as a unit and acknowledging the independence of groups and parties in the opposition camp and encouraging them rather to unite in getting rid of the system as the main priority of the people. I applaud brother Vacarro for this success because any Eritrean has the right to form a political group or a party and that right must be protected by law. This unity, however, must be led by a higher authority that can transit Eritrea to democracy. This authority is what they call TRANSISIONAL GOVERNMENT in political science. If this is so, the unity against the regime must then be temporary with full right of the members to diverge in post-Afwerki Eritrea for democratic election. Although Vacarro is now coming closer to the solution, I still see problems from the phrasing. More strongly expressing his belief on this idea and his plan to follow that rout in principle would serve his cause better than just stating the idea as being the best solution in his opinion. He should confidently communicate this vision and make it clear that that was the only solution for the Eritrean problem because there is nothing else to entertain in this resistance unless told otherwise. For what I know, all the groups and parties have been claiming to stand for democracy but none of them came with a clear picture as to how to effectuate it. EDA appears to have tried this rout by collecting 13 political parties but has so far been a disappointment to the Eritrean people. Vacarro is now focusing on doing this more effectively and he should then be more assertive in expressing it. He deserves full support from the EDA members because there is no conflict of interest between the two elements of the resistance in this particular experience. Therefore, all of them should accept his proposal without a problem. I am saying that WE NEED AN ASSERTIVE LEADERSHIP from Vacarro on this matter and a positive reaction at least from the EDA to succeed.
He should have also said that he will do what he believes is right and spell out his method of reducing it to practice rather than just saying “ስለዚ ኩሎም ፖለቲካውያንውድባትን ሲቪካውያን ማሕበራትን፣ ውልቀሰባትን ፖለቲካዊ ፍልልያቶም ብዘየገድስ ናብቲ መሰረታዊ ሃገራዊድሕነት ከቕንዕ ይግባኦ” without stating how. It sounds like an advice instead of a concrete plan, thus a little shaky in confidence. The brother has to be fully confident on his vision for others to follow and for his mobilized mass to impact the effect. He should feel confident on our cumulative intellectual capacity to write the vision down and on the resistance overall to reduce it to practice. The intellectual community in turn should lift Vaccaro’s confidence on this issue by taking initiatives to contact him if possible.
እዚ ማለት ግን ነቲ ዘካይድዎ ዘለው ስርሓት ከወግድዎ ኣለዎም ማለት ኣይኮነን። እንታይ ደአ ብሓደ ወገን ነቲዘካይድዎ ዘለዎ ፖለቲካውን ሲቪካውን ስርሓት እናካየዱ ምስ ኩሉ ደላይ ፍትሒ ኢድ ንኢድ ተተሓሒዞም ነዚጨፍላቒ ስርዓት ናብ ምውጋድ ከተኩሩ ኣለዎም። ኣብዚ ከነጽሮ ዝደሊ ዕላማ ናይ ሓድነት ንኤርትራውያንንፍትሒ ምንቅስቓስ ከም ፖለቲካዊ ውድብ ስልጣን ንምሽማው ኣይኮነን። ዕላምኡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ለውጢኣምጺእካ ንናይ መጻኢ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ፖለቲካዊ መስርሕ ንምጥጣሕ ዝሕግዝ ስርሓት ምክያድ ኢዩ።
Comment: Vacarro further clarifies his position on the topic saying that the groups will have their political independence intact going into this temporary unity against the regime. A correct and very promising development in my opinion that guaranteed the forces the security of having equal significant in relation to one another in the coming Eritrean experience! This is a very important move that the opposition forces cannot reject without having a hidden agenda. No offer can be better than this to anyone in the opposition camp. They should now help this man accomplish this mutually important and equally inclusive drive. The least they can do is sending him solidarity messages individually or collectively through EDA’s central command. Since Vaccaro is a neutral force in the struggle, they can as well use him as the temporary leader of the all inclusive resistance until we manage to complete the democratic process through said transitional government of Eritrea. This can make it faster indeed, needless to state that he has worked and mobilized enough to be the most popular person in the resistance on top of having had no political ambition in future Eritrea beyond “‘changing the situation in favor of democracy and moving on”. In my opinion, he deserves it as one of the qualified individuals in the scene.
A central command is then necessary to do this and it should be a TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT that we have been fighting for through many articles at Assenna. With solidarity from the opposition forces and vibrant individuals in this movement, there is no reason we cannot now enter the stage of defining a temporary constitution that justifies the mandate for the movement to lead the nation with representatives from all political groups in the resistance only until a democratically elected government is established in the country. Once again, I am not saying Vacarro is the only person qualified to lead the so being discussed transitional government of Eritrea; I am only saying that we can entertain this as a possibility if he is willing to do it, for after all that spot is only temporary and open to any capable Eritrean in the resistance.
This appears that said would be transitional government’s immediate role in our situation should be normalizing the Eritrean domestic and external issues and managing the society until the democratization process is over (3-4 years or less). The best scenario would be for all groups in the opposition camp and specially in the EDA to accelerate this opportunity by involving their own individuals to be part of the GOVERNMENT. The brother should then focus on individually inviting the leaders to back him up in forming the transitional government through direct involvement in the process. Vacarro needs solid individuals to handle his diplomatic effort on this issue and should from now on prosecute tasks based on premeditated schedule and work-flow oriented project management. A given task should be promptly complete at a given schedule and publicly announced in the media then after until we get everything patched up for the final move. This will help Eritreans to focus the development with justified expectation and intensified interest.
ብሓጺሩ “ ሓድነት ኤርትራውያን ንፍትሒ“ ዘይፖለቲካዊ ናይ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ምንቅስቓስ ኢዩ።
Comment: This organization potentially reads to me like the Transitional Government of Eritrea and is more than welcome. The organization may be in its early stage with a lot of rooms to develop in time (very short time) but it can end up becoming so said government if it does its responsibilities promptly and efficiently: This is up to Vacarro and I pray for God to help him on this!
Question: Is my understanding of the ሓድነት ኤርትራውያን ንፍትሒ as being the potential transitional government of Eritrea correct (at its earliest stage/not developed to qualify for one yet)? If not, what may it precisely be? We have to correlate what we say with internationally accepted expressions to avoid confusion. What is the role of this organization and what practical steps is it contemplating to apply for success? It sounds good but obscure so to say. Can Vacarro clearly tell us what this organization is supposed to do and how it sees itself in relation to the traditionally understood concept of TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT? Is it something that will organize a transitional government of Eritrea or it is potentially one in the condition it satisfies the requirements? The quicker we understand what it may be, the better we can help out modifying it or navigating it full speed ahead. I expect the brother to take his time concentrating on this so that he can teach us all through his speeches as soon as possible. I advise brother Vaccaro to confidently specify the role and the nature of this organization because we have been eagerly waiting long for something like this and this is the right time to do it.
ዛዕባ ናይ ወጻኢ ዝምድናታትና ድማ ምስ ኩለን ሃገራት እንገብሮ ዝምድናታት ናይ ሓባር ጥቕምና ንምድንፋዕኢዩ እምነተይ። ብፍላይ ድማ ምስ መሓዙትናን ጎረባብትና ሃገራት ኣብ ነንሕድሕድና ብምክብባርን ልዑልነትንሃገራዊ ሓድነትንናን ብምኽባርን ኣብ ነንሕድሕካ ውሽጣዊ ጉዳያት ዘይምትእትታውን ኢዩ። ብወገነይ እቲህግደፍ ዘካይዶ ዘሎ ናይ ነብሰ ተነጽሎን፣ ንሃገር ጎዳኢ ዝዅነ ተግባራትን ከምኡውን ኣብ ናይ ካልኦት ሃገራትውሽጣዊ ጉዳያት ኣቲኻ ጦብላሕላሕ ማለትን ህውከት ምፍጣርን ኣጸቢቐ ኢየ ዝኹንኖን ዝቃወሞን። በንጻሩንሕና ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ምስ ኩለን ሃገራትን ብፍላይ ድማ ምስ ኣብ ጎረባብትና ዘለዉ ኣህዛብን መንግስትታትንብናይ ሓባር ተረድኦ ጌርና ናይ ሓባር ጥቕምታትና ምምዕባል ኢዩ። ንሱ ድማ ናይ ሓባር ሰላምን ቅሳነትንምእንቲ ክፈጥረልና።
Comment: This sounds very much like the normalizing process brother Yosief Gebrehiwot was talking about in his articles (discussed in my past articles). ሓድነት ኤርትራውያን ንፍትሒassumes to normalize the situation at home and with our neighbors based on our national interests. This is very good and promising. I believe the priority of any transitional government should be normalizing the situation at both ends of the fence se except that I am really confused about how this new organization conceptually relates to the conventionally understood transitional government as I discussed earlier. We need to learn about the difference between the two abstractions for us to help more effectively.
ኣብ ዝሓለፉ ኣዋርሕ ኣብ ዝተፋላለዩ ኩርናዓት ዓለም ምስ ብዙሓት ኤርትራውያን ተራኺበ ዘትየ ዝዝከር ነዚተጀሚሩ ዘሎ ናይ ሓፋሽ ምንቅስቓስ ዕዉት ንምግባር ድማ ተራዳዲእና ኣሎና። ብወገነይ ምስ ሓፋሽ ህዝብናምርኻብ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ምስ መራሕቲ ሃይማኖት ምስልምናን ክርስትናን፣ ምስ ምሁራትን ዓበይትን፡ ከምኡውንምስ ገዳይም ተጋደልቲ ናይ ተጋድሎ ሓርነት ኤርትራን ህዝባዊ ግንባርን፣ ምስ ናይ መዲያ ሓለፍትንክኢላታትን፡ ምስ መራሕቲ ማሕበር ደቂ ኣንስቲዮን ከምኡውን ብቐንዱ ምስ ማሕበር መእሰያት ኤርትራውያንተራኺበ ዘትየ ኢየ። በቲ ዝሃቡኒ ሓሳባትን ለብዋን ብምምርኳስ ድማ “ሓድነት ኤርትራውያንንፍትሒ“ ዝብል ናይ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ምንቅስቓስ ሕጋዊ መጸውዒ ሒዝና ንክንጎዓዝ ተሰማሚዕና ኣሎና። እቲምንቅስቓስ ብብዙሓት ፈቓደኛታት ኤርርትራውያን ግዜኦምን ክእለቶምን እናአወፈዩ ዘድሊ ምድላዋት የካይዱከም ዘለው ክሕብር ይፈቱ። እቲ ዘድሊ ምድላዋት ምስ ተወደአ ድማ ናብ ህዝቢ ክቐርብ እዩ።
Comment: Very good news and I wish you good luck as we wait for the final output of this sacred mission. I congratulate you my brother for achieving all these goodies and I thank the people working on this project ahead of time. But I modestly warn you to immediately start directly communicating with the groups and parties during the development period of your vision through the people directly involved in your project to save time and to maximize efficiency.
We are talking about two mutually inclusive or interdependent tasks that should go in parallel here (full development of the vision AND working with the opposition groups). One does not have to wait for the other and the two tasks must be performed simultaneously. Creating a good environment in the opposition camp cannot wait for the full development of this project. That slack time must be used to develop a good relationship with the EDA members and other important groups in the opposition camp so that the necessary understanding on the vision will be substantially secured by the time the project is fully available. Both have to synchronize: This is a basic Project Management principle that directly applies to the challenge at hand. The people helping Vacarro in this mission should then produce the transitional formula of our society in the near future while Vaccarro starts working directly with the forces.
As I mentioned earlier, there are scholars working on this in the US and we like to contact the Vacarro group for discussion. We cannot afford to work separately now and I hope Vacarro understands this very well and acts on it soon. It is a simple division of labor where the brother concentrates on consolidating tight understanding with the opposition camp elements on the formation of a transitional government and the others concentrating on researching and eventually completing the transitional formula as soon as possible for public opinion. If we work together in this project, we can complete the two tasks towards the end of the year and hopefully enter 2015 preparing ourselves aggressively working on DIPLOMACY with international forces and entertaining our options of removing the system as a unit; with or without violence. This is a critical stage where we can formalize our existence as fully organized political entity capable of managing the Eritrean situation in post-Afwerki Eritrea and start talking to international politician for recognition and assistance using our Lawyers, Political Scientists and diplomats. I cannot tell you how long it would take us to take care of our business at home then after but I can assure you that it won’t be long. The regime will start falling at a faster rate and the rest will be history soon similar to the destiny of the Ethiopian Army after our struggle took care of the NADEW EZZ (Afabet) in the late eighties.
ብወገነይ ካብቲ ኣብ መጀመርታ ዝገለጽኩዎ መትከለይ ሓደ ሕቡር ሃገራዊ ናይ ህዝቢ ምንቅስቓስ መስሪትሪካነዚ ዲክታተራዊ ስርዓት ኣሊኻ ሓደ ደሞክራሲያዊ ቅዋም መስሪትካ ዲሞክራሲያዊ መንግስቲ ንምትካልኢዩ።እተን ክሳብ ሕጂ ተቛቒመን ዘለዋ ውድባትን ሲቪካውያን ማሕበራትን በቲ ዝመስለን ኣገባብ መንነተንዓቂበን ምስ እዚ ናይ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ምንቅስቓስ ድማ ተሓባቢረን ንጡ ፍ ሓገዝን ምትሕብባርን ክገብራ ጽኑዕጻውዒት የቕርብ።
Comment: This call will be more effective if Vacarro invites each one of the opposition leaders in public creating a scenario where the people openly monitor the development specially the responses from the leaders. I believe expecting the leaders to take their initiative positively in responding to the call is naïve in my opinion. It did not work in the past and may not work this time. Vacarro should do the invitation directly to each one of them so that he can materially prove to the people as to who may support the idea or oppose it. This will give us the chance to embrace or isolate an opposition group based on the responses.
ክቡራት ኤርትራውያን ደቂ ሃገር ኣብዚ እዋን እዚ ኩነታት ሃገርናን ህዝብናን ብፍላይ ከኣ ኣብ ልዕሊመንእሰያትና ዝወርድ ዘሎ ግፍዕታት ኩላትና ንስሕቶ ኣይመስለንን። እሞ እዚ እንዳርኣና እንታይ ኢና ንጽበዘሎና? ሓድነትና ከነደልድልን ኢድ ንኢድ ተተሓሒዝና ነዚ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ጨቋኒ ስርዓት ክንኣሊዶ ወይስከምዚ መዓልቲ መዓልቲ ህዝብና ብፍላይ መንእሰያትና ብጀልባታት ኣብ ሓደጋ ክጓዓዙ እንዳርኣና ዳግመላምፐዱዛ ኢና ንጽበ ዘሎና? እዚ መልስን ሓላፍነትን ንነፍሲ ወከፍና ይገድፎ። ካብዚ ብዘይፍለ ከኣ፡
1, ኣብ ሙሉእ ዓለም ተበቲኖም ዝርከቡ ስደታኛታትና ናይ ኩነታቶም ምክትታልን ምምሕያሽን ናይ ንፍሲ ወከፍና ሓላፍነት እዩ።
2. ድሕሪ ምውዳቕ ናይዚ ዘሎ ስ ርዓት መነባብሮ ጀጋኑ ሰራዊትና ይከኣሎን ዋርሳይን ንምጥጣሕ ምስ ዓለምለኻዊ ትካላትን መንግስታትን ካብ ሕጂ ጀሚርና ልዝብ ከነካይድ ኣሎና።
3. ነዚ ዘሎ ገበነኛ ስርዓት ኣብ ናይ ዓለም ቤት ፍርዲ ገበኛታት ንምቕራብ ምስ ናይ ሕጊ ክኢላታትኤርትራውያን ንላዘብ ኣሎና።
እምበኣርከስ ድሕነት ህዝብን ሃገርን ልዕሊ ኩሉ ስለዝኾነ ነዚ ጀሚርናዮ መሪር ቃልሲ ክሳብ መወዳእታምእንቲ ከነብጽሖን ናይ ሓዋሩ ራህዋን ቅሳነት ሃገርናን ህዝብናን ንኸራጋግጾ፣ ሓቢርና ክንቃለስ ንኩሉኹምደለይቲ ፍትሒ ደቀባት ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ዘዘሎኹሞ ሃገራትን ከተማታትን ቀጻሊ ኣኼባታትን ምንስቓሳትንናይ ሓድነት ኤርትራውያን ንፍትሒ ንኸተካይዱ ጻውዒተይ የቕርብ።
Comment: We should take Vacarro’s appeal seriously my dear people and we should carry our individual responsibility on saving our society at this desperate time in experience. I believe that specification (2) can only be accomplished if we finalize the vision procedurally coming out with a concrete documentation that we all agree upon at the end of the effort. We cannot penetrate the international community without a written documentation minus embarrassment. Said documentation should then precede our contact with the international community as a matter of necessity
As for (3) I do believe our people have a criminal case against Mr. Afwerki that can only be resolved in the International Court. I welcome this specification without a second thought.
In conclusion, Vaccaro can accelerate the momentum by establishing direct contact with the EGS scholars and involving in what they may be currently doing about what they promised to deliver since their last symposium in Virginia (developing a transitional formula for Eritrean democratic experience). By the same token, there is a small group of scholars including me that is determined to develop such a formula specifically using the Accra Peace Accord for the transition of Liberia to democracy that he should pay attention to. Folks, there is no reason we cannot develop a final output from all these efforts soon. The on-going activities that can define the future of Eritrea and his recent message happen to be a perfect coincidence based opportunity that we cannot afford wasting and we should do our best in our part to get this done given Vacarro’s flexibility and genuine interest to resolve the Eritrean crisis minus personal interest.
Finally, I had to analyze the message before brother Vacarro arrives here so that we can be in the same page during the coming discussion. We warmly and optimistically welcome our brother’s arrival here. May God keep him healthy! In the mean time I encourage readers to freely suggest, criticize, analyze and modify the contents of the three articles overall so that he comes here aware of your concerns. This is the most important time for people to participate and I remind you this in case you don’t understand. This is not the right time to keep quiet in the forums because your input is necessary for effectuating our theory in its current or in modified form. Please understand that you don’t at all have to agree on my words if you are saving your contribution not to disappoint me for being against them. We will suffer the same problems we suffered in the past if this is what is going on. This would be against democracy and free mindedness that we have been writing in favor of for a long time. Your silence on this issue is destructive…PERIOD. Please openly participate without inhibition (SIKIFTA) if you want to make a difference. This is an opportunity for you to tell us how to communicate with Vaccarro during the Independence Day or you must wait for his next appearance God knows when. Please cease the moment and don’t kill our exhausting efforts through silence. We cannot do this alone without your opinions. END
Efrem Mengisteb May 5, 2014
Dear Futsum. What a conclusion. I absolutely agreed on what you articulated throughout your writing. I have been atttened the London meeting yesterday that formed permanent committee which consists 9 qualified and committed individuals who are capable enough to materialise the objectives of this popular movement with their counterparts in the globe. I hope we will see soon a bright start to finish the task based on collective engagement.
We also need to work with the committee closely and support the move in all aspects.
God help our nation!
fetsum abrahamt May 5, 2014
Dear efrem;
We have been closely following the London election process and I am very optimistic about what you are telling us here. That is the only way to go my brother and I think we are packing it now. I hope the DC situation will also change like in London so that we can accelerate the resistance to success. Thank you
rezen May 5, 2014
“accelerate the resistance to success”
Dear Fetsum,
You don’t mean that!
fetsum abrahamt May 5, 2014
of course I do my brother.
Eritreawit May 6, 2014
I think some times you belong to “Asmarino.com “so pesmistic. only pointing out the negative. Down with hidden enemy of the people.
Genet-orginal May 9, 2014
Well, welcome back. “You don’t mean that!” What is that all about???
let's stop being everstone! May 5, 2014
Dear Fitsum,
your skill is well noted & go ahead…
Vaccarian movement, by working hard & basing on the following view:…በቲ ዝሃቡኒ ሓሳባትን ለብዋን ብምምርኳስ ድማ “ሓድነት ኤርትራውያንንፍትሒ“ ዝብል ናይ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ምንቅስቓስ ሕጋዊ መጸውዒ ሒዝና ንክንጎዓዝ ተሰማሚዕና ኣሎና… They have already found the KEY.
So as you said Vaccarian movemen deserve & able to hold a TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT
No offer can be better than this to anyone in the opposition camp. They should now help this man accomplish this mutually important and equally inclusive drive. The least they can do is sending him solidarity messages individually or collectively through EDA’s central command.
Thanks again
Meretse Asmelash May 6, 2014
let’s stop being everstone!
Dear commentator, since the beginning of the Eritrean opposition movement we had no lack of holy names, dreams but holy actions. I also don’t think people would care more if the name of any trustworthy organization is “Shekelokovangshey” (ሽከሎኮቫንግሸይ); probably one of the longest names I ever heard. Any name is shinny at the beginning. It is like the color of an infant– shiny, lovely, beautiful, attractive, etc. As the time passes and the infant starts to grow, its shiny golden color baby like skin starts to fade and its true skin color kicks in slowly. Hence, if an organization have good dreams (visions) which intends to interpret them into actions first and foremost it needs to lay down its plan with transparency. We wish to have this or we wish to have that alone is not enough.
Wedi vacaro says: After I talked to some professionals, elders, religious leaders……. I’m convinced to stay “As is”. In other words I chose to be a glue. well, if it works try it. Why am pessimistic? Because, from own experience I have seen no “CRAZY GLUE” works with those organizations.
fetsum abrahamt May 6, 2014
Brother Meretse;
Can you please bless us with ur wisdom a little more clearly? I am sure you have a good point to share but please simplify it for us …I had a little hard time understanding your message brother!
Meretse Asmelash May 8, 2014
Well! brother Fistum, you’re absolutely right to say:…”I had a little hard time understanding your message brother”! Brother Fistum may be I’m lost too. If you have to ask me to give you one good reason why I’m lost, I would have say to you – It is not me; it is the blue color of the sky stupid that I see day in day out. But since you insisted let me shade some light to my previous comment. Wedi vacaro, seems to be convinced by those individuals who met them here and there and told him that he could not afford to have a new political movement; this is of course according to his communique. Without trying it and giving it a shot he proclaims my movement is non-political. Non political? How is this possible?, saying YES to SOUL!! BUT NO to BODY? Here, I believe there is a room for someone to say gimme a break. Is this another type of hearts and minds philosophy ? separating soul from a body? If carrying a slogan in the streets “The DICTATOR MUST GO”, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” isn’t politics then what is it?
It is this kind of understanding that made think then that HE probably wants to act as a mighty glue which might help join the opposition parties together.
If this is a good way to success let’s wait and see.
fetsum abrahamt May 8, 2014
Dear meretse;
I think his non-political implies that he does not have interest running the country through election. I believe this does not stop him from being the leaders of the transitional government (process by which democracy comes to Eritrea). One can cause democracy and move on and another may want to be elected for power through election. i am seeing it through this view because the first can be motivated by spirituality and the second by political ambition. either way, he cannot avoid being political as you said. Tnx
Thanks May 5, 2014
Thanks Efrem for the good News
God bless you
shake May 5, 2014
I agree 100% with brother. Lets have healing dialogue with each other regardless , age, gender, background::
lets close the gates of fear.we all have something to offer.lets not judge each other, when the people that should judged are those, who are humiliating, Eritrean every where.Regardless what their political stands are, none of those opposition parties committed bigger atrocities then the current gangsters.
Yohannes Teclehaimanot May 5, 2014
This is a god sent man ” vacaro”. No doubt this golden opportunity must be seized and a collaborative effort by all eritreans will definitely bring about the panacea for all our ills. It is now or never. Brother Fetsum your timely analysis and comments are indispensable. I hope to see all media to focus on the current vacaro initiative and help assenna in disseminating a timely information to our people.
We now see the light at the end of the tunnel.
ahmed saleh May 5, 2014
Wedi Vocaro’s single handed efforts to
reorganize and rejuvenate the political
for change need a helping hand from
nationals who are capable to bring the
needed assistance to his noble mission.
hmm May 5, 2014
I agree with most of your comments, but I am describing areas of my disagreement.. Wedi Vacaro’s movement will not be served by involving opposition leaders. They shouldn’t be invited to be a partner, his movement will be successful if it continues to unite all Eritrean citizens not focus on partnering with individual opposition leaders. Having them involved will have a negative effect. As the saying goes, you can’t teach new tricks to an old dog.
The Vacaro movement should focus on initiating a massive uprising similar to Egypt. Once we push PFDJ out the door, Wedi vacaro will oversee the transition period by inviting all Eritreans including opposition groups to organize themselves and run for election
Gideon May 5, 2014
Dear Mr Fetsum Abraham,
The greatest risk for poor Eritrea is that when the regime falls, and ultimately all regimes fall,
the government as well as the state fall with the regime, since they are one and the same and there
are no institution to sustain the continuity of the state. The absence of united organization of opposition
forces greatly accentuates the risk of state collapse when the regime falls. The necessity to double our
collective efforts to fight the “culture of fear” and create in its place a culture of openness, tolerance,
constructive dialogue, critical thinking, matual respect and trust. A dialog that lacks civil discourse can
only amount to mimicking the regime’s destructive and arrogant culture and, in the final analysis, will feed
into paralyzing antipathy, cynicism, pessimism and mistrust. With the severely weakened sense of Eritrean unity
and democratic culture, Somalia’s recent history is not a far-fetched scenario for Eritrea’s near future.
Abraham Haile May 6, 2014
Brother Futsum
I totally agree on your conclusion that the Vaccarro Camp should entertain all Eritrean including the opposition group who willingly accept his invitation to participate in these Historic Peoples Revolution (not proletarian movement) meaning the Eritrean Struggle for Justice. But, we also need to remember that this movement is peoples movement who prepared to fight the regime for the benefit of all Eritrean who are suffering under the Junta regime in Asmara. Therefore, all organisations, whether Political or Civic should accept the none conditional situation in the Vaccarro s Camp. I believe we have discussed this on phone and both agreed on a road map and Vaccarro Camp should soon finalize it.
Brother, you doing an outstanding job and I am confident the end product is ticking closer and closer every second. I am choosing a fine place for coffeing in Asmara soon.
Well done Bro
fetsum abrahamt May 6, 2014
Brother Abraham;
Is one of the Cafe’s in Campostato good for you? You must however guarantee me a shot of Whiskey in a bar of your choice after the coffee experience.
MightyEmbasoyra May 6, 2014
I may sound negative here but I really believe Ato Fitsum’s articles pushed Wedi Vacccaro’s process to have some transparency, which is a good thing! I don’t want to minimize the support (positive critisism) he get from this forum as well.