Fetsum: Eritrean opposition forces under examination
Fetsum: Eritrean opposition forces under examination In this topic, I tend to discuss the opposition forces with the very limited information I came across the media. I apologize ahead for my ignorance and please make sure
Fetsum: Eritrean opposition forces under examination
In this topic, I tend to discuss the opposition forces with the very limited information I came across the media. I apologize ahead for my ignorance and please make sure you understand that this is only my subjective input based on a limited knowledge as good as yours is. The reason for this being the weakness of the opposition forces in the areas of effective communication with the people through the INTERNET if not through direct contact. I feel like I am imagining their existence and substance for we have not seen them around in person to consider them reality, nor could we get enough information about in the Net to confidently discuss them.
The fact remains, however, that while the confused opposition forces keep on worthlessly sitting everywhere, Tesfamichael Kidane statistically argues; “Even now, look at how the well planned work-in-progress of slowly de-populating Eritrea. According to the UNHCR, Eritrea is hemorrhaging of its youth at alarming rate of 1500 per month” and asks; “At this rate, what is going to happen in two or three years time? Who is the dictator preparing an empty Eritrea for?” and concludes;”This is what an enemy does. It is so appalling that we don’t even have a plan to reverse this dangerous trend.”
It is said that we have over 30 groups in the opposition camp out of which 13 of them belong to EDA. The rest should be everywhere, I guess! The extent of distance between the people and the forces does not allow one to figure out anything about them. The atmosphere has been very dull and motionless: they don’t tell out anything worthy about what they do in the name of the people nor has there been any visible action that justifies their value vis-à-vis what they claim they represent. In short, they “represent” us without contacting us and we feel their presence in our imagination.
I don’t think anyone can confidently tell the number and the names of the opposition groups: EDA, however, appears to be a collection of the most influential groups to my understanding, (with a little reservation here to be clarified in the go) although it also suffers from ineffective communication/creativity induced isolation from its people and the universe at large. We have not seen EDA’s leaders in person nor is there adequate information about it in the media. EDA has so far drastically failed to impact the society and to impress international politicians for reasons I can only guess: at least lack of leadership and intellectual capacity. There may be highly educated Eritreans in EDA that I respect for their academic achievements; but they could not intellectually impress the people and the world yet to get attention from international politicians sitting all these years in Ethiopia, the best US ally in the continent, in Addis, the capital city of Africa or the home of African politicians (may be with the most powerful US and European Ambassadors) as well.
Let me start from the EDA (Eritrean Democratic Alliance) and probably move one more step ahead. That is as far as I can go in this subject because of nothing else but ignorance.
“The Eritrean Democratic Alliance (EDA) is an Eritrean opposition umbrella composing of 13 political Organizations. It uses all the available means of struggle to topple the current Eritrean regime. The names of its member organizations are as follows [and] The EDA Charte also states that the EDA respects the autonomy of the member organizations which occasionally results in dynamic tension among them.”
EDA’s activities in February, 2014: ጋዜጣዊ መግለጺ ማእከላይ መሪሕነት ኤዲኪ |
ማእከላይ መሪሕነት ኤርትራዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ብፖሎቲካዊ ውድባት ክካየድ ዝሓገየ ምምክኻር መድረኽ ብድሕሪ ምውድኡ፡ ብ19 የካቲት 2014 ዝተጸወዐ ህጹጽ ኣኼብኡ ብዓወት ዘዚሙ። ኣጀንዳናይዚ ኣኼባ’ዚ ኣብ ውጽኢትን ውሳኔታትን መድረኽ ምምክኻር ፖሎቲካዊ ውድባት ዘተኮረ’ዩ ነይሩ።“ማእከላይ መሪሕነት ኤርትራዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ቀሪቡ ንዝነበረ ኣጀንዳታት ብዕምቀት ድሕሪምምይያጥ፡ ኣብ ውድባውን ሃገራውን ዞባውን ኣህጉራውን መዳያት ዘቐረበ ገምጋማት ኣጽዲቑ።”
Question: What were the agendas in detail? What did you discuss and what did you conclude with said h said success? What are the things you opposed and those you approved? ኣብዚ ኣኼባ’ዚ ማእከላይ መሪሕነት ዓሚቕን ጠቓምን ልዝብ ብድሕሪ ምክያዱ፡ ብውጽኢት ናይቲ መድረኽ ምስምምዑ ኣረጋጊጹ። ንመላእ ፖሎቲካዊ ውድባት ዝጥርንፍ ሓደ ሓባራዊ ጽላል ክምስርት ኣብስምምዕ ምብጽሑ፡ እዚ ሓይልታት’ዚ ይኹን ህዝብና ዲክታቶርያዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብምውጋድ፡ ፍትሓዊ ትጽቢታቱ ንምርግጋጽ ንዘካይዶ ዘሎ መስርሕ ቃልሲ ተወሳኺ ሓይሊ ምዃኑ ኣሚቱ። ካብዚእምነት’ዚ ብምብጋስ ከኣ፡ ማእከላይ መሪሕነት ኤዲኪ፡ ብመሰረት እቲ ዝተወሰነ መደብ ሓደ ሓባራዊ ፖሎቲካዊ ጽላል ብቅልጡፍ ንምምስራት ዓቕምታቱ ዘይበቕቕ ምዃኑ ኣረጋጊጹ። ኣኼባ ፖሎቲካዊውድባት ኤዲኪ ናብዚ ኣገዳሲ ስምምዕ’ዚ ንምብጻሕ ምስ ካልኦት ኣቦ-መንበራት ውድባት ዘካየድዎ ኣውንታዊ ልዝብን ዝተጻወትዎ ዓቢ እጃምን ናእድኡ ኣቕሪቡ። Comment: “ብውጽኢት ናይቲ መድረኽ ምስምምዑ ኣረጋጊጹ።” Sorry but I cannot understand this! “ንመላእ ፖሎቲካዊ ውድባት ዝጥርንፍ ሓደ ሓባራዊ ጽላል ክምስርት ኣብ ስምምዕ ምብጽሑ፡ እዚ ሓይልታት’ዚ ይኹን ህዝብና ዲክታቶርያዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብምውጋድ፡ ፍትሓዊ ትጽቢታቱ ንምርግጋጽንዘካይዶ ዘሎ መስርሕ ቃልሲ ተወሳኺ ሓይሊ ምዃኑ ኣሚቱ” Question: Is not the EDA ““ንመላእ ፖሎቲካዊ ውድባት ዝጥርንፍ ሓደ ሓባራዊ ጽላል”? What is EDA then if not this? It sounds like the EDA is remaking itself in this expression. Nothing is clear Sirs and Madams! EDA “እዚ ኣብ ሃገርናን ወጻኢን ዝኽሰት ዘሎ ዘቤታውን ዞባውን ኣህጉራውን ዝተቐላጠፈ ምዕባለታት’ዚ፡ ንተዓዋትነት ጉብኤ ምውሓስ፡ ኩሎም መሰረታዊ ኣካላት ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ኣብ ሞንጎኣቶም ዘሎ ህልውጸገማቶም ክሰግሩን፡ ኣሰራርሓኦም ከመሓይሹን፡ ምሕዝነታዊ ሓላፍነታዊ ግደኦም ክስከሙን፡ ግድነት ይገብሮ። “ Question: What are you talking about saying ““እዚ ኣብ ሃገርናን ወጻኢን ዝኽሰት ዘሎ ዘቤታውን ዞባውን ኣህጉራውን ዝተቐላጠፈ ምዕባለታት” or what are you implicating through the phrasing? For what we know, the most effective mass movement (ምዕባለታት) today is that of the Vacarroian movement which cannot be ignored by any sensible organization without facing serious damage. Can the EDA specifically spell out its position on the Vacarroian unity movement or it will fool itself bypassing it through indefinite and generalized statements as such? You sais “ኣሰራርሓኦም ከመሓይሹን፡ ምሕዝነታዊ ሓላፍነታዊ ግደኦም ክስከሙን፡ ግድነት ይገብሮ”, but can you specify what you mean by this statement so that we can understand you? Like what and how?
Good luck with your efforts but you cannot effectively communicate with the people this way. We have a problem understanding you because of your information censorship, weak, narrow and unconventional style of communication. The least you could do was writing your messages in the standard universal language English but you cannot even do this to reach out your few pages worth of messages. I found these latest EDA activities important to discuss the topic that will progress in time and see you soon.
ahmed saleh March 2, 2014
Brother Fuzum
There is no single ignorance on your article , you spoke the mind of confused people like me
who couldn’t understand the present Eritrean
politics which pushed concerned nationals to the side to find ourselves on limbo position . And the formation of various political group as we called ” NAY POLOTICA HASHEWYE ” has to
do with the negligence on the people’s plight to
prolong the suffering under the regime .
Pointing fingers on each other while monsters
chased them out to destroy the rest inside the
country doesn’t give satisfactory excuses to get
acceptable . It is time to take action because time of talk after tall start to wear our patience.
Zufana March 2, 2014
Mr Fitsum (Kuburn Futuwn Haw)
Thank you as usual for your informative article. Those who can’t remember the past are condemned
to repeat it. All the problems that we see, the problems that are crippling us can be described
as a tag of war between those who struggle for a “complete liberation of Eritrea” and those who
struggle for the “reformation of the regime”. Until we sort out this dilemma, we will be busy
going round an empty circle. My personal choice would definitely be a complete liberation of Eritrea
as it is a complete waste of time to reform PFDJ and DIA.
selamawit2 March 5, 2014
Dear kibirte 🙂 Zufana,
right: some seek the “reformation of the regime”, some seek a “complete liberation of Eritrea”.
but the second agenda should be described more differentiated for there seem to be very different agendas behind this general phrasing:
Complete liberation of Eritrea
– due to create a democratic, independent Eritrea (that’s what i think the majority of us wants)
– to turn back time till the age, when Eritrea was NOT colonized and to create a bigger Ethiopia
– to produce a situation where Ethiopia has access to e.g. the Eritrean coast, with or without the will of the eritrean people (i ignore this group, because they don’t care about our people – same like DIA/PFDJ)
If the Assena community represents the position of the so called oppositions and also pseudo oppitions, that’s is what I read here – sometime directly, sometime between the lines!
Me personally, I belong to the big majority which wants an independent and democratic Eritrea.
But (maybe because i grew up i Europe) I of course “feel the pain” that colonization brought to to the world, to Africa and to the former Ethiopia. But as time passed by (124 years) and this two party of former Ethiopia developed more and more very different “souls”. The only choice now is to create a new peaceful and sympathetic relationship between neighbors.
It is maybe similar to a couple who was forcefully divided e.g. by war and then they meet decades later, each one of them with complete different experience in his/her live and they come to see (or one of them), they can’t fit anymore.
The only thing they can do is to reprocess their different courses of life and to stay/get “friends”.
if you see it historically) it is and stays very said, but it is reality!
Abraham Haile March 3, 2014
Spot on, Brother. I don’t think they know what they represent, if they do, I never saw them doing productive things like representing troubled Eritrean people in Diaspora, arranging a broad conference to discuss the plight of the so called “their people”, never dispatch their annual activities in a brochure or magazing mode for broad benefit of the people they claim represent. I could be EX- EPLF or ELF member but that would never meant to be that they represent me. The whole opposition claimant do not even have more than 100, 000 members for them to claim that they have a decent number of members.
What we need is a consistent democratic dialogue to decide how to lead the opposition people against the regime. We have groups or parties but loosing the nation gradually. Do we first look after our groups or prioritise the country before any other interest. Every one of us want to see the change but we lack know how to unite the people like wedi Vaccaro doing, he needs a helping hand. Let us add up to it to become something rather than empty.
Meretse Asmelash March 3, 2014
It had been a long time now since I read once the Red Book of Mao Tse Tung. The content of the book is very much parables or short but descriptive stories. Somewhere in the middle of the book there is the story of three domestic animals a dog, a rooster, a and a donkey. The dog always barks at night, the rooster crows, past midnight, and the donkey brays at dawn
Meretse Asmelash March 3, 2014
Sorry to all readers.I pushed the wrong button while I was writing the story.
…..despite living under the same roof and hearing each others voices everyday, they all come to pass before understanding each others voices. The story ends by saying: the main root cause of their problem not having a common language.
In these case, the so called opposition organizations had been living for decades wrestling each other totally forgetting the cause of their existence. At this point I do not even think that they have the slightest idea which direction to turn. For many they have become a painful memory.
Now the bottom line is: should the animals stay home because the shepherd is sick ( ጓሳ እንተ ሓመመስ ኣሓዶ ዓዲ ይውዓላ).
I think, now, the only option we have is to stand up and do our part. In my opinion, we have to turn our back to these motionless organizations; and support the new public independent movement (wedi vacaro’s). Together we can do it. We all know nothing stands against a united force.
Brother Fistum, Ahmed Saleh, Zufana, and Abrahm Haile all thank you for standing for the right cause in a bold way.
belay nega March 4, 2014
ሓው መረጼ
“አብ ልዕሊ መቃብረይ እትበቊል ዕንባባ: አይትሽትተንን ኢያ”
‘ዝመምርሒኡ መንእሰይ ለብዘበን: ከዳኸመካ እዩ::
Zufana March 4, 2014
Meskin belay nega: Kindey Kifli ika timahar? You are a serial loser.
belay nega March 5, 2014
If you are too ugly for a second hand marriage, you have a choice to change your sexual orientation.
I really wonder what you have to do with Eritrean issue, after you praised the poem of sye who literally undermine the Eritrean martyrs.
MightyEmbasoyra March 5, 2014
Sometimes I think Ato Belay And sister Zufana are in love. With my usual low IQ, I could be wrong though.
selamawit2 March 5, 2014
belay nega, be aware – you are exposing yourself while you talk/write:
– you think you need to be pretty to marry a second time!
– you think you know the orientation of people you don’t know
– or if the second point is not the case, you think if you change your sexual orientation (in all “directions”), you will automatically have better chance to find some one to marry.
this is are very unique advices – ‘sounds like speaking from your own experience.
selamawit2 March 5, 2014
p.s. sorry demo.archive.assenna.community, but i couldn’t help answering belay nega the way he is able to understand it.
Zufana March 5, 2014
Belay Nega,
If you are a human being then you definitely need a brain enhancement. However, if you are a taking pig
then you simply need a matching mate to play with in your bush/zoo park. I believe it is for someone like
you that they call “kab dembellas nab dallas” that is “tir elka okiyale”. What a real waste and loss.
With age comes wisdom and honour in a normal and advanced society. However, for some weirdos and outcasts
this is not applicable at all as they live in their weird and fantasy world. Your cheap and pathetic character
assassination on our victims of the regime is quite unacceptable. Last time round you were acting irresponsibly
against Kubur Jigena Abo Ato Tesfay Temenewo and this time again you were at it against the poorest victims in
our society who are the young/meneseyat. In short, you don’t have to put people down in order to build your own
stupid ego. Unlike you a coward who bends with every direction of the blowing wind the rest are really heroes.
By the way, when are going to come out of your dark stone age and rigid mentality? People have moved on while you
are still stuck in the old days. Stop acting as a wise man with your one/two lines cheap pathetic jokes/cracks.
You really made me laugh with your desperate and wild comments about ‘ugly for a second hand marriage’! I still
can’t figure it out as to what you are on about and i simply say to you “where is the evidence ” poor belay nega!
Zufana is simply in the top class of Halle Berry ( a lot younger though), ‘the natural and organic black beauty’.
I would’ve normally said that you are what in amharic say “asadagi yebedelow” but in your case it is not asadagi yebedelow but hgdef ab sahel yebedelow. Last but not least, when you fight with a pig you both get dirty, but the
pig likes it. Now guess what??? who wants to get more dirtier? If you want to come with more craps then i would be
more than happy to give you more of your medicines. Let’s no have more childish & absurd reasoning and conclusions.
Meretse Asmelash March 5, 2014
Brother Nega,
I guess I know where you are coming from but before I go too far I would like to ask you one question. How did you find the article? As usual if you are too shy to give a straight answer just throw one more word. Trust me! just one word would be enough for me to solve the puzzle.
belay nega March 6, 2014
ሓው መረጸ
“I guess I know where you are coming from but before I go too far”
አቱም ተባሃሂልና አታ ምብህሀል ነውሪ!
Meretse Asmelash March 7, 2014
ኣቶ በላይ እሞ ኣይሓዝካንን። ኣነ ብኣድናቖት እየ ሓቲተካ ኔረ። ብሓጺሩ ሪኢቶካ እዚ ዝስዕብ’ዶ ኣይኮነን፡
ሓው መረጼ
“አብ ልዕሊ መቃብረይ እትበቊል ዕንባባ: አይትሽትተንን ኢያ”
ዝመምርሒኡ መንእሰይ ለብዘበን: ከዳኸመካ እዩ::
……እታ ንሙልእ ዙርያኣ ጥዑም መኣዛዊ ሽታ ክትልክ ዝጸንሐት ዕንባባ ኣብ ርእሲ መቃብር በቝላ ጸንሐት። እተን ኣዋልድ ከኣ ንዓኣ ንምርካብ የማን ጸጋም ይብላ ከም ዘይጸንሓ ኣብ ርእሲ መቃብር በቝላ ምስ ጸንሐተን ቀዘዝ በላ። ዝብልኦ ጠፍኤን ተዓንዘዛ ብዘይካ ብዘይካ ሓንቲ ጓል…..እናበለት እተዘንቱ ናይ ልበ ወለድ ዛንታ ካብ ዝጽሕፋ ልዕሊ ዕስራ ዓመት ኣቕጺራ ኣላ (1992)። ብልክዕ ከኣ እታ ዘስፍርካያ ብቝሊ ሓሳብ ምስታ ጽሕፍቲ ስለ ዝተጋጠመት እየ ሓቲተካ።
ዝኮነ ኮይኑ ኣቶ በላይ ኣበሃህላይ ትስሕቶ ኢካ ዝብል ግምት የብለይን። ኮይኑ ግን ምስ መጽኢ ወለዶ ኣይትበኣስ። ከምቲ ንደቅካ ተክብሮም ከምኡ ከኣ ንካልኦት ኣክብር። ዅሉ መንእሰይ መድከም እዩ ዝብል ሓሳብ ይትረፍካ። እታ ጽሕፊ’ውን ከምኡ ዝብል ሓሳብ የብላን። እዚ ዘሎናዮ ግዜ ከኣ ፈቲና ጸሊእና ናይ መጻኢ ወሎዶ እዩ። ናተይ ይኩን ናትካ ጊደ ሎሚ እንተኪኢልና ጥዑይ ምክሪ እንተሲኢና ከኣ ኣጆኩም ክንብል ከሎና ጥራሕ እዩ ዘጸብቅልና። ሓንሳብ ትፈኹስ ሓንሳብ ትከብድ ንምንታይ?
Dawit Meconen March 3, 2014
“…..don’t think anyone can confidently tell the number and the names of the opposition groups: EDA, however, appears to be a collection of the most influential groups to my understanding…..”
The above quotation is indeed an affirmation of my impeccable assertion that had recently blown off your woyane cover.
amir azmera March 5, 2014
If EDA appears to be a collection of influential group, can you justify your argument by telling us what they have achieved? No matter what level academic credentials they possess achievement, from the perspectives of their political purposes, is the only yardstick that measures that they live up for the common good of the Eritrean people. Futsum is wright in the sense that they live in isolation from the people they hypothetically represent. Let them come out of Adis, if they have the freedom of movement, and orient themselves with the people in Diaspora. Piles of articles on the internet would not render any benefit both to EDA and the people.
Said March 4, 2014
We like halowlo to dancing around like Tigrigna song I’m back .I was searching for a leader my be wedi vaccaro but I’m fortunately he can not lead Eritra too old and too cranky, and don’t speak arabic not even a good tigrigna but he speak Italian unfortunately the new generation don’t speak that language , so I’m done with man now let us find a wamen or find somebody else from somewhere, we Eritren don’t no how to govern, unfortunately that’s reality.mr.fitsum Hope that you in good healthy.united against dictator.
rezen March 4, 2014
To Mr. Fetsum,
1st. “Apology”:
You have absolutely no obligation to anyone to “apologize”. Any person is entitled to express freely what he/she knows – no more, no less. Permit me to be sentimental for a moment. If fifteen percent [yes, 15%] of the Internet Readership were to be as polite, considerate and respectful to the readership as you are, the dialogue and understanding among Eritreans would have soared so high to a productive level.
2nd. Communication:
This is your main subject in your Article. Communication is the hardest medium to achieve, for many reasons. In any cas, lack of communication is the main source of misunderstanding among individuals, groups, and nations that can drive humanity to destruction. And Eritreans are not exception. In fact, that is the problem with Eritrea. It is legendary truth that communication (specifically written) in the entire Eritrean struggle was (and still ) never crafted for the people. It was only to impress and confuse them with mimicked jargons and endless vacuous pages leaving them without any clue of the intended message. Only the ‘authors’ understand them and lead the people to ……………. I have no heart to finish the sentence. The writers’ mission is only to impress and create followers, but not to communicate with. If you are inclined to research for a book, get in touch with sources in your area and get hold of old writings of the seventies, eighties, nineties and try to understand them! You will have a life struggle in your hands. Perhaps a little anecdote may be in order here: It involves a frustrated Eritrean in one of the weekly compulsory classes conducted all over the world to learn about struggle and revolutionary theories. In this case, it happened in New York City, a long time ago in the struggle era. He was a well known character in his community. No matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t follow the lecture of the weekly Eritrean classes in his area. At one time he had enough; raised his hand to speak in the class; and said this immortal words (translated from Tigrigna and he uses plural pronoun): “We have no clue what you are talking about. Just simply tell us to fight and we shall chop the Amharas in the City”!!!
Now, Fetsum, you have, in front of you, a number of paragraphs that even you cannot understand in your honesty. Where does that leave us? In square ONE, as ever.
3rd. The number of political groups:
“It is said that we have over 30 groups in the opposition camp out of which 13 of them belong to EDA.”[from your Article]. The mushrooming of parties with multitude of acronyms is mind boggling. In any case, right off the bat, would it be conceivable that out of all the opposition groups over sixty-five percent of them may actually have the same political opinion but purposely divided for strategic purpose? Example: When the chips are down and comes to a vote on an agenda that affects their common FUNDAMENTAL socio-political issue, the result would always be in their favour – based, of course, on the civilized democratic system ! Who would fight against ‘democratic’ system?
4th Further scrutiny:
In conjunction with the above mentioned malaise there are other obstacles [call them debilitating cancerous diseases] that keep the people shackled to their parochial prisms: religion, provincialism, and racism. And so Eritrea will keep on with its struggle until it falls by its own weight under external forces in our interdependent world. It is a TRAGEDY. The field is wide open to prove it otherwise, without the need for huffs and puffs.
5th: “Vacarroian movement” as you put it:
We see the flame everywhere. Only time can tell whether the flame is a result of a very dry wood that dies quickly in a fire place in the middle of a winter or moisten log wood that lasts long, burning slowly and giving the required healthy heat in the house.
fetsum abrahamt March 4, 2014
I have a lot of respect for you Rezen. I have learned a lot in the past from you and in fact been very impressed on how you analyzed the Eritrean society under this regime to the point i shared it in writing at assenna and in words at Teshamo Pell Talk mentioning your name as the creator of that intelligent radiation. You have a special talent to see things deeper than their peripheral makeup but may be a little too philosophical for the ordinary intelligence to grasp. I do, believe, however, we can change the situation now that we are enjoying the fruit of all the efforts by dedicated people like you in terms of better ears from the people. I would love to work with fearless people like you to change the situation and let us do it together with the rest of the family in the forum.
I am honored to know that you read me Sir and hopefully may also get the chance to learn more from your capacity in the future.
You said something relevant to my latest article (sent but not yet out). Wished I had waited a bit until I read this. It is all good though, two minds reflecting their individuality through their respective words but synchronizing to the point at the end of the exchange, brother! Peace for you
MightyEmbasoyra March 4, 2014
All I can say is very impressive analysis!
One of your point that grab my attention the most is that we have “lack of communication”. The first time I have heard it, from another intelligent guy like you (few yrs ago), I was not so sure about its validity. But few days later, I start noticing it (including myself). I think that is huge. Anyone with very good communication skill doesn’t result to fighting. Lack of words to express your thoughts can lead you to be aggressive and/or impatient, then escalates to a much worse than that.
To me, I may sound selfish but this forum is almost an institution of higher learning. Many people are much smarter than me and I take it a personal benefit and thank you!
Genet-orginal March 5, 2014
Dear rezen
You said, “..groups with the same political opinion but purposely divided for strategic purpse?” I think you are up to something and you probably are right about that. Regarding “Vacarroian movement”, are you doing your part to prevent the movement from becoming “very dry wood that dies quickly”? Or are you a bystander who has no stake what so ever in Eritrean issue? I like to ask you questions, becuase I find your input very interesting.
P.s Reg. EPLF/PFDJ’s communication styles, their goal is not ment for clarification but to overwhelm and confuse their audiences. I personnally was involved in challenging PFDJ’s communication style to the average Eritrean. I kept saying, we need to write a message in 4th or 6th grade level. That way people can understand it better, rather than saying too much without saying any thing. Too little information also can be confusing.
Genet-orginal March 4, 2014
Dear Mr Fetsum
You pointed out the most important point of EDA’s golden opportunity to lobby, world’s leaders for the Eritrean cause. I am sure they are smart individuals; I would like to think, they have no reason not to use their chances of meeting and lobbying the world’s leaders. On the other hand, I ask myself, do they have the golden opportunity that we like to think they do? Are they free of Ehtiopian GOv. leaders’ interfering action against them and their cause? Having a close proximity to world’s leaders in Addis Ababa is one thing, but restricted access to the pertain body is anther issue. One way or anther, EDA’s leaders are not communicating. One other thing is communicating to the Eritrean people has never been better. In all honesty, how hard is for any intellectuals to communicate their hard works and plans to the Eritrean people. As Fetsum said, there is no way we will know what is going on with them. That is the trafedy our time.
Mike March 4, 2014
The problem of Eritrea’s dilemma is the diametrically opposed hodge-podge groups who allegedly are fighting for Eritreans namely: the cruel dictator himself, HIGDEF, former EPLF members, former ELF members, Ethiopian meddling using its not too invisible hands to protect itsinterests, clueless youngsters whose only dream is to go the west and live leisurly life of the west and attend when possible HIGDEF kudas, the Internet tigers, so called Muhuran more comfortable under the aprons of their moms/wives and so and so on. Who is winning in this unseemly confused Eritrean situation: the unelected dictator Isaias Afwerki. As long as all these groups are hopelessly disorganized more of the same will continue and it suites the dictator well until the regime of Isaias Afwerki implode. After that all bets are off and more likely we will repeat the curse of Somalia when Siad Barre was gone from the scene: a failed state. Only then people will smell the stench and will do anything to build a democratic prosperous Eritea. In short, Eritrea will have to hit the bottom before it rises from the foolishness of its current dictator and small minded petty opposition lords. God Bless us All.