Fetsum: Afwerki waiting for his Karma while Andargachew Tsige facing his in Addis
Fetsum: Afwerki waiting for his Karma while Andargachew Tsige facing his in Addis I have yet to come back and finish the ongoing discussion in the last few forums. There were questions we asked that remained
Fetsum: Afwerki waiting for his Karma while Andargachew Tsige facing his in Addis
I have yet to come back and finish the ongoing discussion in the last few forums. There were questions we asked that remained unanswered by the few fundamentalist Moslem elites. I also feel there were few distortions of facts intentionally written to confuse the vulnerable sect of our society that must be clarified for the record. But, let us take a break for now to see what is going on!
What you do in this life is what comes back around
Watch out your ego don’t let it sway your mind
Without fairness; solid spiritual ground
Ecstatic existence is an allusion of your mind
The news of Andargachew’s arrest came at the time the Eritrean president is sued for crimes against humanity by a Swedish law firm and beyond. It appears the seemingly omnipotent Eritrean president that once was unstoppable abuser of humankind is about to face the international court for crimes against humanity. Afwerki is about to pay his karmic consequence sooner than later!
Eritrea president targeted by new Swedish law; 2 July 2014
“Swedish law firm reports Isaias Afewerki and several ministers to the police for crimes against humanity. Several top Eritrean leaders have been reported to the police for crimes against humanity by a Swedish law firm, as a new law took effect enabling such crimes committed anywhere else in the world to be prosecuted in Sweden. The report lists a series of alleged crimes including torture and kidnapping, and targets Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki and several of his ministers by name.”“This is not only symbolic. We believe there are legal grounds to prosecute the people we have named,” human rights lawyer Percy Bratt told the AFP news agency on Tuesday. The legal move, the first of its kind in Sweden, was filed the same day that crimes against humanity were introduced into the Swedish penal code. The code enables judges to prosecute crimes regardless of where they have been committed or by whom.”
Pope Francis gives his full support for Dawit: Pope Francis gives his full support to the international campaign for the release of Dawit Isaac, the Swedish-Eritrean journalist who is imprisoned without trial in Eritrea since 2001. ”I send my blessings and greetings to him and his family,” the Pope said in an exclusive interview with Expressen.
Dawit was a Swedish Journalist that fathered few children in Sweden. He was arrested by the Eritrean government when journalism and freedom of speech were legally practiced in the country. No one ever saw Dawit since 2001 and his parents died in Eritrea without having a chance to visit him in custody.
Afwerki’s verdict on this brother and his family was simply brutal and cruel. Afwerki sacrificed the entire Europe and many international humanitarian organizations through this heinous abuse of humanity that has gained international attention today to the point of the Vatican’s support for unified international solution to the problem.
Way over due of course that the world waited too long for action on the fate of Dawit Isaac but we welcome this development with extreme humility. This is a very good development that can burn the dictator if we enhance it further through demonstrations all over the world. Justice must be served on the condition of Dawit Isaac’s disappearance since 2001 under the offense of the Eritrean regime.Afwerki should one day be forced to face the court with his dogs similar to the fate of his friend Chares Taylor of Liberia.
Who was Andargachew Tsige? Andargachew Tsige was and is the Chairman of a group called Ginbot 7 (there are two groups with this name) working hard to disturb the democratic journey of Ethiopia and our resistance for freedom and democracy with his partner Berhanu Negga from within Eritrea.
How do they survive without international support? First of all, these opportunist Ethiopians have no military skill or dedication and talent to lead an organized force capable of fighting the Ethiopian government. They are mainly supported by the most arrogant and anti-Eritrean individuals from the old Amara Neftegna community that lost the trust of the Ethiopian people currently doing excellent without them.
In “Eritrea provides Ethiopian opposition group Ginbot 7 with $500,000 – ST6/13/2013”;(Sudan Tribune)
“The Eritrean government has offered $500,000 to Ginbot 7, an exiled Ethiopian opposition political organization designated by Ethiopia as terrorist entity, according to a report on a US-based Ethiopia opposition media outlet. In an audio recording of an interview with the group’schairman, leaked toAwrambatimes.com, Berhanu Nega admits that he received the funds. Ginbot 7 often uses Eritrean media as well Amsterdam-based opposition channel, EthiopianSatellite Television (EAST) to broadcast anti-regime campaigns.”
Comment: No other government or organized external group supports the Ginbot 7 except the Eritrean government. They don’t even exist in our region (Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, etc) because they are considered anti peace by the governments in question. The money that we could have used to develop power plants in Eritrea was given to the anti-Eritrean forces that have been uselessly parking in our country mimicking a “strong force” that terrorizes Ethiopia, trying to interrupt the fast development of their country and of course protecting Afwerki as much as possible. The rigid, humorous, slick and charismatic Berhanu has been anti-Eritrean independence throughout his political career; since at least 1975 when he was a member of the toothless EPRP (the way the only political group in the region that has not yet finished studying the Eritrean question 22 years after our independence). So has been his partner Andargachew Tsige! Research says that they only survive of our wealth provided to them by the Eritrean dictator. I can bet the image freak and street-smart Birhanu used the money to chill in NYC bars and restaurants with his admirers (a little business on the side under a relative’s name as well), needless to expect that Andargachew should also have gotten his share of the money for his activities that so far never crossed the boundary of the two countries.
Andargachew Tsige, the Chairman of a group called Ginbot 7 has been living in Eritrea for the last four years glorifying the president as the best medicine for East African political problems. He overly admires the dictator beyond the ordinary. In one of his interviews with Ethiopian journalists, he said that the Ethiopian opposition forces in Eritrea were well fed, dressed, boarded, trained and armed to the best capacity of the Eritrean regime and will soon have the capacity to defeat the WEYANE clique dispatched from its base in Eritrea. He admitted that his group enjoyed a 5-Star Hotel standard treatment and better than all Eritrean forces in the country: this should include the Ministers and Generals as well considering the extreme urge of the president to humiliate Eritreans.
The testimony clearly tells that Afwerki was working hard to ignite war between the Eritreans and the Ethiopians through these worthless groups that have no capacity to defend themselves from any organized group in the region. He would then use our kids for another catastrophic war with Ethiopia for the sake of destruction. Succeed or not immaterial, this might be what was going on in his over-stressed mindset I have no idea what may be going on in his current over-terrified state of mind.
Andargachew, a politician who like Berhanu Negga has never taken a position on the Eritrean sovereignty and ownership of Assab has always been a threat to the Eritrean identity.
To this effect, Teklemichael Abebe, says in “Ethiopia: Commentary on Andargachew’s Interview”, November 7, 2011; “When Sisay [the journalist] asks him what their policy towards working with Eritrea, the issue of access to the Sea, and what they give to Eritrea in exchange of the material support Eritrea affords Ginbot 7, Andargachew’s answer is neither convincing nor honest. At best, he defers the answer to future dates by saying that Ginbot 7 does not have any legal or political authorization from the Ethiopian people to act and bargain on behalf of the people and said the ultimate decision will be made by the Ethiopian people. “
The author, Teklemichael Abebe says the following to Andargachew’s wishy-washy position on the Eritrean question: “First, no rebel group, including the TPLF, EPLF or the SPLA came to power with people’s endorsement or approval. That is a rule that applies at peace time and it is something political parties will strive to attain once political normalcy is established in Ethiopia. Ginbot 7 and other foreign-based political parties are operating in an exceptional situation where obtaining people’s approval is next to impossible. As long as political parties honor their promise to validate their actions with popular vote when they succeed in their struggle, they should not fear to declare their positions upfront on issues that are controversial. Furthermore, it is based on their reasoned positions on these same contentious issues that we support or reject them. Avoidance will not help our parties win the people’s heart. Confronting the issues head-on is the best approach.”
Comment: I agree with Abebe fully here. How come a political organization that aims at holding political power in Ethiopia does not have a concrete stand on Eritrea 22 years after its independence? What does “Ginbot 7 does not have any legal or political authorization from the Ethiopian people to act and bargain on behalf of the people and said the ultimate decision will be made by the Ethiopian people” mean and how practical is this specially in our region (poor and uneducated people)? To Andargachew and Birhanu Negga, the Eritrean issue was something open for Ethiopians to decide in the future. You cannot get ANTI-ERITREAN more than this ladies and gentlemen and this enemy was enjoying full support from our government in this mysterious relationship.
Abebe continues; “What is disconcerting is what could happen after that. Are Shabia’s and Ginbot 7’s long term objectives reconcilable? Are there compatible and enduring interests to turn this alliance into a mutually beneficial long term relationship? In other words, can Shabia be a trusted partner in the aftermath of the removal of the Woyane regime?”
Comment: Experience tells that the president cannot be trusted by any political group for anything positive. What is all this activity for? What is the president trying to do here assuming he succeeds in replacing the Ethiopian government by these anti-Eritrean forces under his control? Abebe’s contemplation on trusting Afwerki as dependable partner has been answered today through Afwerki’s quietist reaction to Andargachew’s deportation from Yemen for arrest in Ethiopia. “He was destined to land in Eritrea” when this event took place. To the vicious and heartless Afwerki who kills people including his friends for fun, Andargachew does not exist any longer and life goes on without any drop of compassion to his current condition under the security forces of Ethiopia.
Abebe: “In his ESAT interview, Andargachew has attempted to provide a rather simplistic narrative of why the Eritrean regime could have an enduring interest in the wellbeing of Ethiopia long-term. The story line, paraphrased, runs like this: under the Woyane regime, Ethiopia has fallen under too much foreign influence, rampant government corruption, widespread youth addiction to hashish and ‘chat’, and sexual immorality. Esayas is worried that these bad things will eventually find their way into Eritrea and corrupt the Eritrean government and nation. “
Comment: This was the best answer Andargachew could give to the mysterious relationship between the anti-Eritrean Ethiopian opposition forces and the president. Clearly, a dictator that does not hesitate to destroy a society would care less about addiction and immorality for the audience to buy this excuse. Can you imagine him to be “so worried about this danger more than the staggering economic, social and political ills that have currently crippled Eritrea?”
Andargachew once “asked the Eritrean president about the future relationship between Ethiopia and Eritrea” and that the president answered that the “sky is the limit”.Apparently, the idea of unification should have been encapsulated with this infinite phrasing to my understanding. It was with this reality in mind that we warned the mercenaries in Eritrea to vacate before facing their fate under the peace loving people of the universe. They did not listen and they are today facing the consequence in practice.
Recent News to this effect: Yemen Unlawfully Deported Andargachew Tsige, June 27, 2012; Press release (London) “An exiled Ethiopian opposition leader unlawfully deported by Yemen back toEthiopia is at risk of mistreatment including torture. Andargachew Tsige is secretary-general of Ginbot 7, a banned Ethiopian opposition organization, and was convicted and sentenced to death in absentia in separate trials in Ethiopia in 2009 and 2012.”
Comment: If I had a chance to be Ethiopian for one minute, I would have classified Andargachew a terrorist in view of the Ethiopians but he was certainly a mercenary in view of the Eritreans. “A mercenary is a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict and is “motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party.” Further, “a mercenary is essentially motivated by money, the term mercenary usually carries negative connotations.”
The next question is if a mercenary group as such is protected by international law! To this cause, research says the following:
“International treaties established to control the use of mercenaries include the Additional Protocol I and II to Article 47 of the Geneva Convention (1949), the Organization of African Unity (OAU) Convention for the Elimination of Mercenaries in Africa (1972), and the International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries (1989).”
Andargachew and his partner Birhanu are therefore terrorists to the Ethiopians and Mercenaries to the Eritreans. Andargachew has become a prisoner in Ethiopia for terrorism, needless to say that we should also press change on his Mercenary status in Eritrea.
The common denominator of all Ethiopian groups in the country including the DEMHIT is “anti-Eritrean sovereignty”. None of them has a clear position on our sovereignty. All of them are bandits only supported by the unique dictator in the region. As far as the Eritreans were concerned they have full right to destroy the parasitic forces without any protection from the UN and I think this would be their ultimate fate in Eritrea should they decide to stay Mercenaries in our country until the resistance succeeds.
Interesting in this event was that the entire universe was against the dictator and the bandits he accommodates in Eritrea. The Eritrean regime was silent about the situation because it knows its destructive mission to the region and that no one would care answering anything to Eritrea any longer. It simply does not exist in the universal political pool any more as everything it does was taken for granted as being anti humanity by objective consensus.
In so stating, we have warned all mercenary groups in the country to leave the society alone before it is too late. We warn them again to leave us alone or face the consequence. They need to know that the universe is against them and that the falling dictator cannot protect them anymore. In the mean time very few anti democracy and anti Eritrea Ethiopians had a demonstration in DC on July 8th against the terrorist’s deportation and I hope they enjoyed the show. They were few in number and all looked old and tired like the Eritreans in the HGDEF’s Bologna Festival.
As for us Eritreans, the action was appropriate and timely: We have no conflicting interest with the Ethiopian regime on this account and I close this communication congratulating the People of Ethiopia and Eritrea and reminding the remaining mercenaries in Eritrea to think about their destructive mission and learn a lesson about their inevitable future from the Terrorist/Mercenary Andargachew Tsige’s predicament!
Assenna July 14, 2014
Dear Hmmm don’t you worry. It was a technical problem. From now on though dear commentators including you Hmmm, you will have to think before you write comments that in anyway shape or form insult Eritreans, Eritrean identity, ethnicity, culture, religion and languages. Assenna is not to be used by people who have radical agendas, be it Islam or Christian. Those who refuse to follow these rules will be banned. We need to be constructive. Thank you.
hmm July 15, 2014
That was not a technical difficulty I am sure of that, you banned me while allowing others like Sikuf to continue insulting the author (Fitsum.) That was not fair. First of all I have never insulted any one so the threat was not even necessary. The only people I criticized (rather harshly) were the radical Muslims, Weyane and PFDJ. Please be specific which group you don’t want me to criticize. When you claim to struggle for democracy, you have to demonstrate that in your actions as well. Banning people for expressing views is a violation of freedom of speech. Wasn’t that the reason you left Eritrea? because you couldn’t express your views because of PFDJ censorship?
AHMED OMER July 15, 2014
This is good decision and thanks alot
Salam July 15, 2014
Thanks Assena that’s what we all Eritreans need. There should no room for those who tried to disrupt our Eritrean Unity
sikuf July 15, 2014
I am not wrong i am riht 100%,just i want to inform the writer to stop writing about Eritreans. This is no the right time. He trying to divided our people by religion and ethnic so again and again stop writing other ways halengi sewara newih eyu take care and you ll be leave in the dark for the rdst of your life if you are not stoping. Rel alert, red alert
Paradiso July 15, 2014
sikuf, This is what you wrote:
“sikuf on July 13, 2014 at 6:52 am said:
You are double agent we know you finaly. Please stop writig about eritre and. Before we take action.”
tisha July 15, 2014
You are right sukuf, halengi sewra newih eyu. For those who tried to divede our nation stop writng About Eritrean issue, we are going to solve our problem. And this is not the right time to write this issue.