Fetsum: Afwerki regime takes asylum at MESKEREM
Fetsum: Afwerki regime takes asylum at MESKEREM Back in the days, EPLF’s offensive at Afabet against the Nadew Ezz terrified the Derg to the point of voluntarily withdrawing from Tesenei, Barentu and Aqordat to form what

Fetsum: Afwerki regime takes asylum at MESKEREM
Back in the days, EPLF’s offensive at Afabet against the Nadew Ezz terrified the Derg to the point of voluntarily withdrawing from Tesenei, Barentu and Aqordat to form what they used to call GINBAR KEREN in defense of the city. The rest is history. Today, history is repeating with the remaining few Eritrean Web Sites that unconditionally have been serving the regime under its direct control.
After the most popular websites (Asmarino, Assenna, Awate, Dequebat, etc) rejected the regime through the years BIDHO went on for a while until it run out of steam and disappeared. It is nowhere to be traced in the INTERNET according to my research after unconditionally hurting the society for many years.
The regime survived only using the DEHAI community ever since until last November, the month DEHAI went for meditation retreat without any sign of recovery.
DEHAI issued posts everyday since its birth way back in the early 90s or earlier: it issued about 46 of them between November 1, 2013 and November 8, 2013 for example averaging close to 6 posts a day for that frame of time. It has, however, been paralyzed since Friday, 8 November 2013, the last time it posted something on the website. It very much appears as if DEHAI is either in the process of dying or has already died out of the scene.
The desperate Afwerki regime is today taking asylum at MESKEREM for survival. The “first opposition website” has now become the only and the last site aggressively working for the dictator God knows how much he is paying it for its service.
The problem is that the regime and its supporters can no longer excite their audiences because there is no creative mind out there, the reason they desperately ridicule themselves repeatedly.
There is no doubt that the Vacarroian movement has already shaken the regime into desperation. People no longer appreciate unconditional servitude after seeing the light through the movement. They start realizing that the regime is dying out and thus staying away from it in favor of the resistance. DEHAI’s silence after the first week of November at least confirms to this postulate.
To their embarrassment, the best creativity the minds of the regime and MESKEREM as a media can produce is the following nonsense on Wadi Vacarro.
ክንደይከ ይደፍር!ነታ ባንደራ ኤርትራስ ናይ ኢሰያስ እያ። ክብል።
ብድዓ ሊረስ ኣብ ልዕሊ ባንደራ ኤርትራ? ህዝቢ፡ ባንደራይ ኢሉ ዝሕበነላ፡ ኣብ ሓጎሱን ሓዘኑን ሰላማዊሰልፍታቱን ዘንበልብላ፡ ኣብ ኒው ዮርክ ወግዓዊ ቦታኣ ዝሐዘት ባንደራና፡ ወዲ ቫካሮ ናይ ኢሰያስ እያክትጎሓፍ ኣለዎ ኢሉ ከብቅዕ ዝሓቶ የለን፧
ብድዓ ሊረስ ኣብ ልዕሊ ባንደራ ኤርትራ? ህዝቢ፡ ባንደራይ ኢሉ ዝሕበነላ፡ ኣብ ሓጎሱን ሓዘኑን ሰላማዊሰልፍታቱን ዘንበልብላ፡ ኣብ ኒው ዮርክ ወግዓዊ ቦታኣ ዝሐዘት ባንደራና፡ ወዲ ቫካሮ ናይ ኢሰያስ እያክትጎሓፍ ኣለዎ ኢሉ ከብቅዕ ዝሓቶ የለን፧
Comment: I feel sorry for the makers of the story for thinking that they can challenge the Vacarroian movement through this trash. What an intelligence and creativity? So low in substance, a rational mind cannot waste a second entertaining it though I am doing the opposite to expose the poison MESKEREM brought to the table.
The satanic soul responsible for this childish mess seems to be surprised when they asked ኣብኒው ዮርክ ወግዓዊ ቦታኣ ዝሐዘት ባንደራና፡ ወዲ ቫካሮ ናይ ኢሰያስ እያ ክትጎሓፍ ኣለዎ ኢሉ ከብቅዕ ዝሓቶየለን፧
The reason we did not question him on this is because there was nothing to ask about for a rational commonsense (all the audience in question). There were over 300 attendants of his DC speech and none of us found this nonsense worth entertaining and asking for in front of the Lampadusa disaster still fresh in the mind. We are not destructive elements of the society like you and your regime. Vacarro said nothing wrong about the flag that the cornered government and the anti unity forces are crying about.
What is interesting is that our brothers and sisters in the wrong side of history don’t even have the capacity to create what they have been saying about the flag in relation to Vacarro forget about being compassionate to the victims of the dire situation. They borrowed it from the diehard Shoa Amara group vis a vis Meles Zenawi on his said expression “Bandera Cherk Naw” in response to the headache they were giving him for power. It did not work for them then and it will not work for poor Meskerem and the regime today.
What is a national flag by the way?
“NATIONAL FLAG: a flag serving as a distinctive emblem of a particular nation; one so designated (as by custom, decree, or law) in distinction from other flags of the nation serving other purposes. “ The definition says that a national flag is nothing more than a nation’s unique identification compared to other flags used for other purposes (such as a referee’s flag in soccer). People in fact have been burning flags to protest against injustice in many countries of the world. “Flag Burning is a patriotic act done by people who care deeply enough about our freedoms to challenge the government when it becomes a threat to the people. Patriots who love America burn flags“: American activists burned their flag in protest of the Vietnam War for instance. Today people burn paper flags for convenience.
The value of a national flag is proportional to the welfare of its people. The moment you undermine the people, you have effectively destroyed it out of your spirit. The government is to blame for the flag’s negative symbolism by standing the worst dictatorship in the world. Our flag under this regime is a symbol of exodus, slavery, death, ignorance, misery and suffering but I am sure we can make it the symbol of freedom and prosperity through UNITY for us all to give it maximum love and respect.
The Eritrean flag to me is nothing more than identification and I respect the people’s welfare more than the flag and I don’t mind burning it to protest the regime’s crimes against the people. This government cannot defend the value of the flag that it undermined through absolute oppression, nor is the flag important to the regime that goes full speed ahead to destroy the society it represents. Yet, it pretends as if it cares about it! Crying for the flag now does not save the enemy out of its graveyard and keep on crying while the resistance moves forward under the courageous Eritrean brother Wedi Vaccaro.
From the forum:
First of all I support brother Vacarro and I believe I am one of the hardest working individual trying to make him successful through full engagement at Assenna. All the people trying to make me look like I was against him cannot quote a sentence in my articles that imply negativity towards his movement.
My inner feelings tell me that the regime knows that Vacarro cannot succeed without modifying his movement and I partially agree. It, thus, will try its best to create friction between us so that we can stay quiet instead of telling him what he should do to succeed. The regime does not want us to work for the Vacarro movement because it knows our collective ideas will potentially make him stronger. I suspect some of the individuals that are working hard here to make me look against him with nothing to substantiate from my articles were agents that want to create division between us so that the movement fails. Please keep alert and fight back the infiltrators by demoralizing them out of here.
There should not be any room for them (from the government or the opposition forces) here to divide us: Do the best you can to strengthen the Vacarro movement through genuine participation if you want justice and democracy in Eritrea. Admire it for its strengths and criticize it for its weaknesses: the rest is mere pretention caused by fear, greed and insecurity that would exasperate the condition of our people for generations to come.
Here are few examples to this effect:
Abe: ”Dear Fetsum, You need to stop your DESTRUCTIVE critics. I think you are one of those messengers that the devil Isaias is sending to discourse effective and practical action that true Eritrean NATIONALS are taking to dump him and his followers. “Rating: -3 (from 5 votes)
Hagos: “Fitsum, You envy Wedi Vaccaro for the support and respect he is getting. No matter how much you bark with all these nonsense you are writing, you’ll never shine like Wedi Vaccaro who has come forward and is doing something. Keep hiding behind your computer and talk about small time stories that you had in Kessela and dream how you can come to the spot light, in vain. Leave wedi Vaccaro alone!!” Rating: -5 (from 5 votes)
L.T: “Ftisum; Unfortunatly you are unemployed or you have plodding job and this question are you going to respond?you participated in demonstrations and actions and the like as ofton as you could and you are not successful. Rating: -7 (from 7 votes)nakfa: “Professor Fustum Good for nothing, wedi Vacaro came with a blazing gun and now he seems to run out quietly like a rat, so stop worrying too much about others, do your own thing professor!!!!”
Response: The dictators that called people RATs have all been found to be RATs in their holes (Sadam, Kadafi, etc). You can figure out who the next RAT is going to be if you believe in history. I think Wedi vacarro is moving ahead with his gun intact while the regime is now cornered at MESKEREM for shelter. Afwerki is the RAT now compared to Vacarro, the lion.
The naïve individuals in the resistance
Truly Truly: “Fitsum sorry do not be offended, if i say; “my dear you interpreting the politic, from your own tiny world political vision from that you have limited political understanding and knowledge capacity you know” i would say. Actually the point that i am writing you now; i liked to tell you in your past article, but by time to some of the political games that you couldn´t understand before, by time after you understand, i thought you might will change your view , regarding about wodi vacaro to that you talking, i preferred to keep silent. But now again and again because you repeating the same failure analysis, i have something to tell you “
Response: How is your bible reading going?
The smart individuals in the resistance
Rob: “Dear Fitsum, I have an issue and am not very comfortable with the way you have stated, “I have an idea that can turn the situation into a winner. “ Well, first and for most is if you have an idea that you don’t want to disclose it on the web site, then not make a freight but to try to contact wedi vacro by other means. “
Response: I have already contacted brother Vacarro through e-mail and waiting for his response. Thank you for your involvement.
Genet: “Dear Fetsum; I apologize if I came down on you hard. Thank You so much for considering to contact Wedi Vacaro.” Rating: +4 (from 4 votes)
Response: There is nothing to apologize for and in fact it is because of the challenges you brought to my attention with other decent citizens that I did the effort and succeeded in contacting him on line. I hope my initiative will work but you made that difference my dear genet and thank you. I am still waiting for your call!!
aus 17: “Fitsum, you seem to follow Vacarro keenly and wish passionately to share and possibly shape the movement positively. In that I position you as all-including, which is highly demanded positioning at the present. If I were to follow my -feelings that Vacarro may have some rigid frames that prevents him swimming smoothly along the lines of oppositions. If he keeps on, on that line I afraid either we’ll be ignored or possibly attached with some imaginary/factual strings which will not be good at all to his newly born opinion-buildning movements. In my view, you would have been a good link given what you write and advocate is true from your heart and mind and sincere to the mission. We need free minded individuals with intellectual perfume/aroma thus, to lead the public upheaval with intelect, reason and understanding the mosaic values of our ERitrea. We need many who could work outside of the box. Together we stand or/and one hand could hardly clap.“ Rating: +3 (from 3 votes)
Response: Thank you and I agree completely with you. I am sure I can work as the middle man between Vacarro and the opposition camp given the chance but I feel like I want to chat with my brother first about expanding his scope of unification to include all forces in the opposition camp. You can make your idea work only by suggesting it to brother Vacarro through E-mail. In my part, I hope I will have the chance to talk to him and I believe it will take place soon.
think: “Hi Fitsum, I am a bit worried that you seem to have been preoccupied with wedi Vaccaro. You started some weeks back with “comments” on his style of presentation and you went on and on the context of his idea and now you are saying you have a silver bullet to all the shortcomings of dear Vaccaro that can only be told in secret. You seem to have a couple of sentences at the beginning many of your articles and you start to answer readers comment. It seems you lack original idea to present your view as you are trying to hitch a ride with Vaccaro. “
Response: I have my ideas intact and I am working for them with any interested Eritrean there is. I believe I have a silver bullet that neutralizes Vacarro’s miscalculations but I will not say it out until I tell him directly.
In conclusion; stay focused and critical to improve the potency and effectiveness of the Vacarroian movement. I have no time to discuss the regime any more, only the resistance. I will keep attached to Vacarro’s movement in my articles and please participate to make a difference. Contact the brother for your concerns through his E-mail redseaeurope49@gmail.com and call me any time you want to discuss things in person at (202) 702-3977. Remember that we are a lot closer to victory and that we need to work harder not to let this slip away or end up another disappointment. You will saw what you plant and we are all responsible to democratize our country through open discussion and participation.
Enjoy the show
Fenkel January 14, 2014
Dear Wedi Abraha How are you and thank you for your timely exposure what I call EPDJ`s Meskerem. We as Eritean Know and relate to the mounth of Meskerem more than any people in this planet because our struggle
to recover the righ to live and prosper in peace started in this mounth !!! However The website that bears this historical mounth name is in a misson to bail out the system that betrayed the gift of our heroes and destroy our young nation every day by the hours !!! We freedom loving Eritreans have to standup and expose
this soldout Website before it polarized our momentum going forward to get rid and save our Nation for becoming another Somalia !! Meskerem HEGDEF Please we sow the same charater assassinations done by your boss
when they arrested and eliminate the G15 our Heroes call them every name . Now we say this to Meskerem HEGDEF
we might be born in the night but not last night !!! Now you trying to use the same technic to destroy wedi Vacaro `s unity pilgrimage by simply saying he is against the Flag !! By the way the Eritean Flag Now Is hand pick by your boss Wedi Afewerki if you want to know !! There was no referendum what kind of flag type the new Eritrea should use , it was hand picked . Get off Wedi Vacaros misson Meskerem HEGDEF !!!
selamawit January 14, 2014
also capitaleritrea puplished an articel called
“Eritreans: Let their voices be heard”.
YONAS January 14, 2014
thanks fetsum,meskerem is hegdefawi puppet,he has been in the front line demonizing ASMARINO,ASSENNA,AWATE and other Eritrean opposition on behalf essayas afecherki,we do not care about Eritrean flag or notional anthem,we only need is constitution and freedom ,burn down the flag to the ashes and the fascists like to wave it around,meskerm son like father, i said this before the shit does not fall far from the butt.
i and i January 15, 2014
is fetsum eritrean? he look like jihadist from sudan. by the way am ethiopian.
abrham January 15, 2014
I Wish you to meet him face to face and to be his right hand
Suleiman Salim January 18, 2014
Fitsum Abraham,
ms Hamassienay tebaIska ms seraye neger aytelEl:: akayadi nay Meskerem wedi Abeyti mKwanu aytresE::
aHwatn azmadn sle zKon’na bejaKa Sela’ti aytebzH::
Tigre January 18, 2014
Sul.sal….( Hama, seraye Akele are one ALIET one people, where are you from???
MightyEmbasoyra January 19, 2014
I would bet Suleman (probably Solomon) is from either Temben, Aksum or Adwa. He is HGDF’s top officials relative. He claims that he is from Hamasien – so does his both, isayas.
MightyEmbasoyra January 19, 2014
so does his *both, isayas – meant to say *boss.
MightyEmbasoyra January 19, 2014
I think Ato Keleta Kidane is trying to respond indirectly to this article in meskerem – seems to defend the website’s owner. How can he defend the pimp, unless he is one of them (the pimps elite club – Sophia/Gideon, T. Aradom/etc.). This old man was working very hard to defame “Alena” about a yr or so ago. He even went farther to tell Alena by stating “how can you attack M. Hagos? He is from your area”. At the same time he complains about “wegeninet”. If that statement was not encouraging to be wegenawi, what would you call it then?
BTW, where is Alena/ I used to enjoy his writings. They were wonderful!
Fiseha Wold January 19, 2014
I appriciate your continuous contribution to end this destructive regime’s rule. Please keep on writing, brother.