Fetsum Abraham: An Open Letter to Ato Kubrom Dafla
Fetsum Abraham: An Open Letter to Ato Kubrom Dafla Dear Ato Kubrom; I have been keenly following your activities for several years and have reviewed your very impressive resume in Assenna. Apart from your contribution since the
Fetsum Abraham: An Open Letter to Ato Kubrom Dafla
Dear Ato Kubrom;
I have been keenly following your activities for several years and have reviewed your very impressive resume in Assenna. Apart from your contribution since the struggle for independence, your most recent stunning victory over Higdef in Holland was a crowning jewel needless to say that your presentations at Radio Erena, in Paltak Rooms and other venues were equally significant to our struggle for freedom in Eritrea. I believe you scored big time and congratulations!
Recalling your dialogue with GI in the past on what method we should use to tackle the problem at hand as you stated in your recent interview with Amanuel Eyassu, and still recalling that the engagement amicably ended up without agreement, few important issues still remain obscure in my opinion that I feel productive sharing with you in this opportunity hoping that you would read this friendly letter with an open and positive mind.
Brother, I heard the impressive interview with keen interest and appreciate your capacity to calmly and eloquently address your upcoming extended tourism to discuss your plan for the Eritrean people. There is no doubt that the long document you prepared to share with the people must have consumed substantial amount of your time, although I cannot comment it on in this communication without carefully reading the material which I hope you will release soon. I, however, feel that you have not clearly explained what exactly it was about and what the final upshot of your tour may be. I can only hope that the purpose of your effort would be stirring up Eritreans in the US to wake up and save their people and their country, similar to what the late Wedi Vaccaro did after the tragic Lampedusa incident. Although you realistically said that GI’s grassroots movement would take a long time to accomplish, I hope we don’t have difference on the fact that it is the best way of empowering the people through which everlasting remedy to the Eritrean dilemma can be secured given we all nurture it together into a potent force that we expect it to be. In the flip, the time it takes to accomplish success depends on how intensely we participate and how much we work for it.
As you know, an everlasting solution to any social problem takes a lot of time to effectuate but the end result is always rewarding. The GI community clearly understands this reality, yet prefers doing it instead of taking a short cut that can eventually fire-back against the society as witnessed in many similar countries around the globe. Truly though, I cannot think of a short cut medicine to our problem considering the scattered resistance that remained ineffective for many years as of today; one thing we learned from the experience being none of the old methods we used achieved freedom and justice in our country. It is not only because of absolute pessimism on the opposition camp’s capacity to bring a solution that we took another path to freedom but also because we think it cannot bring lasting solution beyond overthrowing the regime at maximum stretch even if it makes it. We simply don’t want to experience another dictatorship in our country and the only guarantee to this effect is empowering the people to liberate themselves through nothing less than SECULAR DEMOCRACY. We cannot wait until the regime falls to work for this since human experience tells it loud that the cost of facing the future without a pre-arranged mechanism was dictatorship and it takes many years to remove it from any society conditioned as such. Any short cut to get rid of the problem will, thus make us dearly pay in the long run unless we solidly prepare ourselves through the mass movement at this slack time in the spectrum.
What we are missing is having legitimate leaders who can effectively represent the Diaspora Eritreans opposing the current regime responsible for destroying our country and subjecting our people to immense suffering. We need grassroots-based Global Leaders who can speak, act and represent all of us with one voice. With this understanding in between, I am hoping you are in the US to support GI’s efforts to empower the grassroots movement so that Eritrean justice-seekers in the Diaspora can expedite the process by following what their brothers and sisters did in the UK. I am hoping that you will encourage them to get organized, form their own local baitos and elect their local leaders as soon as possible. I also hope you will be an example to others by taking the initiative to form a baito of Eritreans in your locality, Holland. Leaving whatever we did in the past aside, I have no doubt the Eritreans in Holland will elect you among their leaders given your caliber, impeccable record, dedication and experience. And this will pave the way for you to be elected among the legitimate Global Leaders anticipated to come up with effective strategy to end dictatorship in our country and, in fact we encourage you to do so.
As for your said 70-page action plan, which is great, I believe it will make it easier for the elected Global Leaders to start with a document that they only need to refine. This will be the greatest contribution you can make to save the Eritrean people once and for all.
An extensive effort like yours, of course comes in a package deal with different rumors and opinions of the people and I hate to believe those who suspect thatyou are touring the US to recruit members for a new party that you are planning to lead. I seriously hope not, but if this is the mission of your effort, I sadly want to tell you that it is a big mistake. This is not the time to create a new party, we already have too many of them beyond the small society can endure. Not only Party No. 36 would add to the fragmentation and confusion of the opposition groups but also would elongate the agony of the people contrary to your assumption that it would affect the situation otherwise. It would be a serious problem to the badly needed unity of the people against the enemies, further contributing to the compulsive failure of the Eritrean resistance because of untimely division.
Dear Brother;
We should say enough is enough to division and focus on unified action. The enormous price we paid as a result must transform us in favor of what we have not tried yet; grassroots based unity for global leadership. The people don’t have interest in expanding the current political jam but rather in shrinking the existing many to reasonable dimension that the society can rationally manage. They are calling for temporary unity at this point in experience where anything else failed to resolve the issue at hand. We have the responsibility to energize the unity drive going on in Europe which has become the strongest momentum in today’s resistance against the dictatorship. Although you may form your own Political Party (only if this is the case) using your right, the priority of the people at this moment is grassroots based global leadership that badly needs educated and experienced people like you to accelerate. Organizing the existing political parties and creating new political parties can keep on going but only on secondary level of the struggle because we have to empower the people first to have the capacity of helping the political parties’ possession of power through democratic election.
I believe you can form and organize your political party and simultaneously support the grassroots movement to empower the people. To the alternative, you can assist the grassroots movement using your popularity and experience and pave the way for your goal of democratically “leading the nation” after we succeed removing the regime (again only if this is the goal). But I don’t think you will be effective only focusing on forming a new political party at this point in time when the majority is tired of division and asking for unified action against the dictatorship; yet through bitter experience of the past. Let’s first democratize the country, and then you will have your day to form a party as the best choice in my opinion, when Eritrea becomes a truly multiparty democratic country. Our ACTION PLAN is after all open for modification such that the restriction on GI members to only play their role of facilitating the process of global leadership can be lifted for those who want to politically lead the nation upon democratic election, although I don’t know anyone in the GI community interested to go beyond facilitating the process as part and parcel of the people. Therefore, you can achieve whatever you want even better by offering your resources and concentration on its success, specially in the place of your residence, Holland where our brothers and sisters there are trying their best to duplicate the successful UK experience. Once again, I am not saying that you are trying to form a political party but only sharing my opinion on the matter in case what few people told me to this effect was correct.
Please seriously think about it and good luck!!
k.tewolde June 23, 2017
The problem is not forming or organizing a political party which is a norm in a free and democratic space,it is what you do with it.Are you going to be a mere social gathering spreading disdain and paranoia or use it as an effective tool of fostering unity and cooperation among broader spectrum of social and ethnic groups including all stake holders to bring about a fundamental cultural,systemic and social change and free the Eritrean people from the yolk of tyranny.Multitude of political kiosks doesn’t scare me a bit,it is an experiment,but did it work? what did we learn from it?if we did,what are we going to do to remedy it? or are we going to stay on the experimental stage forever?May be all of us the base and the activist leaders need a comprehensive workshop or education in a political science institution.As far as I am concerned,we ain’t got what it takes yet.In the mean time,lets keep practicing,Mr.Kubrom’s initiative is a bold one as long as he brings everybody on board.
k.tewolde June 23, 2017
In other words,HGDEF is old,and outdated,archaic demagogue that feeds of societies rusted,leaky trash can,its system is squeaky as the structure from the Gothic empire with king Dracula at helm,if we can’t beat this system at this stage of the game……we ain’t got…….
adhanom June 23, 2017
I always read your articles and comments eagerly b/s U are always to the point. But i feel like u are trying to preach the most potent way of bringing democratic change. Unfortunately gi movement is also a threat to those who feel are entitled by god to rule over the people. Although i appreciate ur unrelenting effort to appeal to those who brought us ” freedom” and thus believe they should rule, i am of the oppinion that the gi should rather channel its energy to organise local elections and move on without them. Power is always with the people not with them. That being said we will welcome their scattered, ineffective contribution. If we (justice seekers) contribute 5 dollar a month can help do a lot.
adhanom June 23, 2017
(Corrected version)
I always read your articles and comments eagerly b/s U are always to the point. But i feel like u are trying to preach the most potent way of bringing democratic change to those who do not believe in democracy or sloughtered it. Unfortunately gi movement is also a threat to those who feel are entitled by god to rule over the people. Although i appreciate ur unrelenting effort to appeal to those who brought us ” freedom” and thus believe they should rule, i am of the oppinion that the gi should rather channel its energy to organise local elections and move on without them. Power is always with the people not with them. That being said we will welcome their scattered, ineffective contribution. If we (justice seekers) contribute 5 dollar a month can help do a lot.
alem June 23, 2017
If he wants to be ellected by grassroot movement we can certainly ellect him b/s we believe he can contribute posotively. If he wants to recruite us to be members of his new party, we are fed up of parties and party polotics. He needs to learn that he needs to be ellected inorder to lead us. Not the other way round.
Henock .hagos June 23, 2017
go to hell
senkam June 23, 2017
Forming a party is not a problem in itself. The question is what are you going to do with it. As we have seen so far of parties, their only members are their founders. They seem to have the philosophy of ‘better to wait lined up in the queue for whatever fortune the future holds’ or some even took it as a profession. This scenarios by no means however make us to give up all in parties. If someone came up with functioning party, i.e. that reaches all citizens and mobilizes to our cause with a seemingly working programs; it will be able to energize those who were looking for a ground like that and even stir those that hang up their boots for a good while. Any one who is able to galvanize the majority of the diaspora justice seeking mass and make them bind to the functioning program they nucleated will without a doubt win the trust of this mass, And, will lead to growing followers with people asking to share their part in the outlined programs to expedite its fruition. There is no magic rule. a political party has to do to gain followers. They have to go out and reach the subjects with their program. The people weigh, judge and decide to follow or turn their face. Its almost weird to hear the existence of more than a decade old political parties with no followers. We have to update our inventory of political parties. There are only few with only few members in them. The rest are dead and discarded for good. Its incorrect to mention more than 30 political parties just to spice up our argument to discourage the idea of having another party. We are still looking for the one, two or three meaningful parties through which we want to run our cause and experience multi opinion and ideas.
Z June 24, 2017
Dear Fisum
Very timely & I admire your humble way of presentation.
1. Mr. Kibrom is telling us just follow me I have solution; saying I am better than the other poltical parties
2. His action plan kept secret WHY?
3. Diserapating HIGDET meeting or conference doesn’t mean it is success; probably youth might agitate to do more ilegal demo. that might cost thier future.
4. His resume rather his experience is part of the dictator regime by implication how can public will trust.
5. Over time Eritrean in diaspora SYSTEM dominated by individuals at the end individuals becomes bigger than insituation as a result we fail to.built trusted system bigger than our challenge
On the other hand
1. GI initiative from public to public; guided by urgent call after getting full support from public followed by action plan which fully public participated
2. Gi temporary platform facilating process that make public to take thier own ownership
3 GI action plan clary subdivide by phases. First phase strengthening it’s functional teams & other internal preparation; secondly publicity & third outreach to create local bioto; which GI right now at the ground
Great work Fisum for your effort publishing every time GI momentum
k.tewolde June 24, 2017
I understand the concern,as brother Fitsum put it,’….recent stunning victory in Holland…’ we shouldn’t look at every endevour with suspicion,the man(Mr. Dafla) haven’t started his planned tour yet.Lets engage him,listen to his action plan and how he is going to execute it and with who. Isn’t this what the people were yearning for from this docile opposition camp,a catalyst! That is what I think he is,a fire bomb.The GI community should welcome his vigor and find ways to incorporate their grand scheme to bring about a seismic jolt to get the masses to flex their arm in unison to action. Like 2 chess players watching each others move,that what we’ve been doing all along to no avail.We need to break the stalemate,it is eating our people away,we can’t afford it anymore unless we are working covertly for the enemy we presumably fighting against.