Ethiopia embarks on ambitious roadmap to further the protection of refugees
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 28 November 2017: The Government of Ethiopia today formally launched the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), effectively paving the way for the implementation of the nine pledges it made at the Leaders’

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 28 November 2017: The Government of Ethiopia today formally launched the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), effectively paving the way for the implementation of the nine pledges it made at the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees in September 2016 in New York.
Through the pledges, which serve as a vehicle for implementing the CRRF in the country, Ethiopia seeks to promote refugees’ self-reliance through an improved and sustainable response that combines wider support to host communities, furthering peaceful coexistence and inclusion of refugees into national development plans.
Ato Solomon Tesfaye, State Minister at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) reconfirmed the government’s commitment to a significant shift in the way it responds to the needs of refugees, including a gradual transition from a camp-based protection model to supporting refugee directly within host-communities.
“The Government of Ethiopia, while maintaining its doors open to refugees, envisages to gradually put an end to the encampment policy in the next ten years and progressively advance the out of camp and local integration options”, he said, calling up on the international community “for its renewed firm commitment to maximize its support for the realization of the nine Pledges”.
Ethiopia is one of the 193 UN Member States that adopted the New York Declaration in September 2016 and pledged to undertake a number of policy measures to transform the lives of refugees including though the expansion of its Out of Camp Policy, issuing work permits and other vital documents to refugees and allowing them to engage in gainful employment, including through job creation in its industrial parks.
Mr. Daniel Endres, UNHCR’s Director of the CRRF Task Team, said CRRF has already started transforming the lives of refugees in Ethiopia as witnessed by the increase in the overall school enrollment rate of refugees and the issuance of vital documents, including birth certificates to refugee children. “The pledges Ethiopia made and the actions it’s taking today are exemplary and inspire many African States,” he said and added that the country needs to be supported to realize its ambitious objectives.
Representing the donor community, H.E. Mr. Michael Rayon, the US Ambassador to Ethiopia, described the launch of the CRRF as a significant milestone and pledged on behalf of the US government and the donor community to support the government and UNHCR in their effort to implement the pledges.
The launch event at the Hilton Hotel in Addis Ababa was attended by representatives of a wide range of stakeholders, including refugees, government line ministries, diplomatic missions, humanitarian and development organizations as well as UN agencies who all voiced support to the initiative and expressed readiness to help Ethiopia and UNHCR and its partners successfully implement the nine pledges.
Ms Ahunna Eziakonwa-Onochie, the UN Resident Coordinator in Ethiopia, congratulated the Government and UNHCR for successfully launching the CRRF which serves as a vehicle for implementing the government’s pledges. “Ethiopia’s practical pledges are proof of the fact that generosity has little to do with wealth but it only needs a big heart.” She also pledged support and commitment on behalf of the UN in Ethiopia.
Working under the overall supervision of the Office of the Prime Minister, the government has developed a road map to guide the implementation of the pledges and a Steering Committee set up to oversee the process. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and the Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs co-chair the Steering Committee together with UNHCR. The Pledges are in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Ethiopia’s second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTPII).
The CRRF was adopted within the framework of the New York Declaration, where endorsing States reaffirm their commitment to the rights and obligations of refugees under international law.
Currently, Ethiopia hosts some 890,000 refugees, mainly from South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea and Sudan.
Source: Relief Web
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Danilo November 28, 2017
ሓንካስ እንክሕግዝ ለመንትን ተለመንትን ይመዝዝ።
k.tewolde November 29, 2017
The plan is finally coming together.They should absorb the ones in Israel facing deportation also,their integration will be easier than in Rwanda.It is a grand scheme purported way back to annihilate the true Eritrean identity,you just have to read between the lines.Generosity and big heart!!!!??? who’s is talking..
amanuel December 1, 2017
I hear many say eritrean identity, but no one explains what that identity is.
Ofcourse if ethiopia grant full citizenship to eritreans who flee the country, eritrean independence will be meaningless in the future. At same time eritreans will definitely have more freedom than we have as an independent state. Our Independence actually is a jock, do not u agree? If my corpse can not be barried in eritrea can i call my self eritrean. No. If i can not visit my birth place can i say i have any right as citizen? No. I feel more proud to call my self ethiopian than american-after all we are born as ethiopians and assumed eritreaness due the blunder of mengistu. The only thing i hate is to be forced by iseyas to be ethiopian.
Berhe Tensea November 29, 2017
K. Tewelde.,
The Eritrean identity is being attacked by Iseyas and PFDJ, The grand scheme may be supported by the Woyane indirectly to weaken Eritrea and its people so that we will kneel down to Ethiopia, so that his dream will be realized .
One has to look at the so called Agazian movement, who is supporting them? What is their main policy ? Why are they trying to create a new nation or a country?
The Eritrean identity is under tremendous attack from outside and from within..
The day and night of Woyane dream seems the outlet to the sea and Iseyas,”s dream is to join Eritrea to his homeland or to his dreamland of Ethiopia..
Eritreans who are too emotional by nature are unable to understand Iseyas’s motives.
Eritrea is getting depopulated very fast and unable to feed it people and with a crippling economy, that can be easily overrun by Ethiopia.
The worst enemy of the Eritrean people working overtime to destroy it before he dies and or before the people are awake from their deep sleep.
People must wake up before they are forced sing mama Agazian Agazian or Ethiopia in the near future.
To Iseyas and his supporters Eritrean martyrs mean nothing with except of being bridges to the grand scheme .
We need to wake up and smell the coffee, than cry and blame . Eritrean Muslims, who are getting used to frighten Christians so that they will act against their interest out of innocence and ignorance,
Death to the Tembenay and his Agazian movement.
Soyra November 29, 2017
Bibis Tensae, kelbi Bedouin-Rashayda Arab, wrote,
“Death to the Tembenay and his Agazian movement.”
Who is bending for his savage Arab masters? Who is burning and hating Tigre Tigrinya languages and history to import alien Arabic? Who is trying to Arabize Eritrea?
Did the proud people of Temben and the gallant Agazians burn and hate their Tigre languages to become fake Arab slave Abids? Who did?
Agazian is our ow noble identity, history and heritage.
Simon G November 29, 2017
Berhe Tensea,
Yes, Death to the Tembienay and his Agazian movement!
The Tembien boys in Eritrea and the Woyane from the other side are working hand in hand to kneel down Eritrea. Those idiot Karneshim colonels and Generals have failed to realize this. That’s is the truth.
SImon G. (aka Mighty Embasoyra)
Berhe Tensea November 29, 2017
The Bedewien /Rashaida is were and are Isyas’s friends for a long time. .The Rashaida and Iseyas are both inseparable mafias.
The Rashaida were the tools of Iseyas and have acted as a hit men in Sudan of the mafia both.
The Rashiada kidnappers are always tipped or informed in advance about Eritrean youth about to cross the border. Ond after they capture the victims, ransom money is paid in Asmara by many and in Israel by others.
Iseyas’s generals who work glove and hand on this Satanic business are the main beneficiary .
Death to Tembenis of the mafia regime and the confused dreamers few puppets the Agazian,
petros November 29, 2017
Berhe Tensea; You can run but you can not escape. There has never been Eritrean Identity and there will never be one in the future Period. The restoration of Great Tigrian Identity is being sought by the young generation of Tigrians on both sides of Mereb. Leave the matter to those who live in their ancestral land as you have volunteer denounced it in favor of other nationality. the Sabotage of Amara, Europe and UN and most of all 30-years of Shaebya lie will be buried for good! It is real it is coming!
Danilo November 29, 2017
Petros, you dream but you can not realise. As the matter of fact, Eritrea is a member of UN equally as your mamma Ethiopia. .besides, you can’t question or lecture about identity. If you do, cross the border. also make sure have exit with out return.
petros November 29, 2017
Danilo; It is not me or you who will decide- It will be through referendum of the population– “ Do not you wary, ሸባት መባት ፣ አረጊት ወዲ አረጊት- ነውራማት ዕባያት አስመራ ወለዶ ኢሳያስ “ ነቂዝኩም ስለዛለኩም ኣብዛ ዓለም የለኩምን- ምስ ሀለውለው ሀሰትኩም ኣብ ስደት ናብ መቃብረኩም ኢኩም- ነዚ ቅዱስ ዕለት ኣይክትሪኡን፡፡ east German was Member of UN too but had unified with west German, as at Now 98% of Tigray and Kebessa youth will vote for Merger. Where will you escape from the will of Majority. In the next 5-years there will be great progress to that end- After all, you are in exile with a foreign Citizenship.
Danilo November 29, 2017
Petros, are you kidding or dreaming? As your grandmothers on vacuum ambition of non achieved in our generation. I think you are talking about referendum against valid referendum. If you do it with five person’s you lost already. Don’t you ashamed ruled again? It’s up to you dead already! But we know you very well. Let sign your president of evil “Tesfatsion “while passes the red carpet, then our children will deal because we leave our step print! On it before he does.
amanuel December 1, 2017
It does not bother me to call myself ethiopian. The name eritrean has so far offered me nothing but misery by crocodiles iseyas and his ignorant illitrate generals. That being said i would not vote for unity so long weyane flouts the verdict about badme.
Berhe Tensea November 30, 2017
You must be a Woyane orAgame ,as what pfdj say day in and day out in its mass media and many comedies..
Peros please right your phone number and e-mail so that I can contact you , then we will see who is going to hide?Nay
Agamino, I wish you good lick and to find the opportunity to visit Kola Tembien the birth place of your relative and angel Iseyas.
There will be no place for Agazian now and forever, except Eritrea.
You narskha get lost to your Kilte Awlaelo,or quiha.
The real and proud Tgryans at the sametime will have nothing to do with and likes.
Petros November 29, 2017
Berhe Tensae; Do not you think Issayas the Tembien is 1000000 times more brave than you? How can you down Look issayas from your hideout in the US or Europe. in 1998 you were proud of him( Issayas as symbol of Eritrean bravery) because you thought he was lifting you to a higher state but upon realizing it was day dream, you want to retire him to Tembien. If you are real Eritrean and Issayas is foreign agent why do not you go back home and pay the ultimate price to rescue Eritrea?
haki November 30, 2017
The danger for Eritrea to exist is not from Ethiopia but from the arabs,The arabs are encirciling the region from every corners and unfortunately our moslem brothers and sisters feel emoboldened by this movement,case in point is the recent unrest in Asmera.And if you go to their web sites they are openly insulting the religion of the Tewahdo and the tigrigna are a lier arab dog.It is the Kebessa people leaving Eritrea in a mass and the demography of the country soon will change and the moslems will have the upper hand and tigrina people will be history in Eritrea .And Eritrea will be arabized.mission accomplished for you, arab dog.This is what you have been dreaming all along since you migrtaed to our region from the Sudan or left behind by Egypt or the Ottomans or the Jebelis from Yemen like the current bogus 9th ethnic group of Rashaidas(human traffickers and human organ harvesters).And concerns about the Agazian movement it is a movement born out of the current situation facing the Tigrigna people.And unlike yours ,you arabdog this movement is home grown with the mission to save the Agazian people from annihilation by Arabs and moslems and PFDJ.and concerns about the tembenay ,i doubt about his origin ,if i am able to judge him by his actions he is not related to any Tigrigna people south or north of mereb.When he needed the tigrigna people ,he used them as cannon fodder and when he did not need them he is driving them out of their habitat.. to be scattered in all corners of this planet ..Now the arabs in Europe are calling as gypsies kkkkkkk and this whole unholy thing has been befallen on the Tigrina people bear the finger print of Isayas Afowerki and his arab masters.
Bereket November 29, 2017
ኢሳያስ ተጠሊዑ- “ኤርትራ መውፂ ሳዕኒ ዝሳዐነ ሕዝባ ያኣክላ’ዩ” ይብል!– ሀንቲ ሀገር ልዑል ሀብታ ሰብ’ዩ- ልዕሊ መሬት፣ ባህሪ፣ ገረባት….ወዘተ አሜሪካ ኣብ ዳርጋ 500- ሚልየን ሕዝቢ ሂዛ ብዲቪ ቪዛ በቢ ዓመቱ 50000 ሰብ ትወስድ- ብካሊዕ ቤተሰባዊ ስፖንሰር ክኣ ኣሻሃት ታዕቱ – ሰብ ሀብቲ ምኳኑ ስለትፈልጥ ሰባ ታብዝህ፡፡ ስጉዕ ዐዕምሮ ሻዕብያ– መቼስ እታ ፍልጥኡ ካብ ፍልጦ ኢዋሉ ሻሂ-ቤት ሪሂቃ ኣይትፈልጥን፣ ኤርትራ አጽኒቱ በዝሂ ሕዝባ ክንዲ ጁቡቲ ገይሩዋ– ብሶሻል ሚድያ ንወያነ “እቲ ደንቆሮ ሻዕብያ ዝደፍዖ ዛሎ ሽሻይሲ ልዑል ፀጋን ሀብቲን’ዩ” ኢልና ሞጊትና ሂዚ ሰማኢ ዝረከበ ይመስላሎ- በቲ ናይ ሶማል በቲ ናይ ደቡብ ሱዳን ስደተኛ እንዳሀለው ፈሊና ከመይ ገይርና? ዝባሃል ዘረባ ዐብቂኡ- ካብ ካምፒ ወፂኦም ነፃ ኮይኖም ሠሪሆም ኪነብሩ ዝውሰድ ተበግሶ ዛህጉስ’ዩ፡፡ “ተማሃርና” ዝብሉ ሀሱሳት ዳዐንበር ሀረስታይ ትግራይን ከበሳንማ ፖለቲካ ሻዕብያን ወያነን ነፂጉ ንቡር ህውነታዊ መንነቱ ንዋጋ ዕዳጋ ከምዛያውርድ ካብታ ጽባህ ኩናት ጀሚሩ አረጋጊፁ’ዩ፡፡
Almaz November 29, 2017
DIA is a socially sick person he don’t own any human value he is not concerned about Eritrean or Tigray people his only wish and ambition is to stay in power even if only five people remained to guard him and feed him.
Soyra November 29, 2017
I am re-posting Tesfa’s post and dedicate it to our “civilized and Arabize” brothers such as Berhe Tensea and his “intelligent” elks:
ምሓሸና ዶ?
ቆልዑ ትሩቡሊ እንዳኣጓየዩ፣
“ዓብድ ! ዓብድ !” እንዳበሉ፤
ኤርትራዊ ሓሰበ ተዳሂሉ፣
መውጽኢ እንተፈጠረሉ፤
ልቡ ብራዕዲ ነዲሉ፣
“ቋንቋና ዓረብ እንተዝኸውን፣”
ምሓሸና ዶ ?
ካብ ውርደትን ሕስረትን ?
ከምቲ ጠቃር ወርቂ ዱባይ፣.
ቀይሕ ደም ወርቂ ሲናይ፣.
እቲ ሓደ ካብ ሓማድ ባይታ፣.
እቲ ካልእ ልቢ መመዝሒቕካ፣.
መሓውር ከርቲምካ፣
ኣፍ ዓቢስካ ፤ ሎጒምካ።.
ብ ዮሴፍ ገብረህይወት 2013
ትርጉም ዘገንፎ ዘዳግማዊ – ፪ይ
AHMED SALEH November 30, 2017
Please change your nickname to Adi-Ghrat or Tembien that makes a
little sense because people in Soyra (Akeleguzay region) fought for
many years against Ethiopian occupation .
We do not forget the cruelty of Ethiopian soldiers that left scars in those
societies .
Agazian security forces are repeating the same tactics in southern regions
of Ethiopia which you seem to ignore their plight .
Thanks no thanks , leave Eritrea alone . We Eritreans are done with you guys.
Danilo November 30, 2017
Bravo Ahmed, few terefmeref are awaiting grand lesson. Tesfatsion is only a swimmer around condom called tigray -tigrigni till weyanie /hgdef discard him knowing as looser horse. Whow ever, he is comedian enough, handsome equal to isayas for some. Beh. …?
Yemane November 30, 2017
Ahmed Saleh you strayed into some thing you do know or understand. Be assured fascism and cruelty is the trade mark of Eritreans with out exception. We have tones of evidence about the fascist Jebha and the same story with PFDJ thugs too. At present In Ethiopia we do not have some thing near to that. Your hate has blinded your common sense. It is nothing but TPLF negligence of duty that has resulted into riots and deaths. OLF armed infiltrators and other anti peace elements are the cause of the death. No government will seat Idle when shot upon and public properties is set on fire. you claimed we are done with you really ? So who is financing and Arming G-7, OLF, ONLF, ESAT and others terrorist?
Yemane November 30, 2017
correction ” some thing you do not know”
AHMED SALEH !!! November 30, 2017
Ato Yemane
I was a child to understand the suffering of my people on 1960s and 1970s until SEWRA ERITREA took control of entire rural regions outside the cities .
Incase of Ethiopian social crisis it is your business either to deny or
admit the atrocity committed by AGAZI security forces . Humans with
common sense judge fairly between wrong and right without biased
conviction . And if others are fascists why not your WEYANE crimes
became unaccounted . You called political parties of Amhara – Oromo …… etc terrorists . You better refrain from such language .
By the way who are haters in this forum that offend my country and its
people in general ?
Do we express hostile terms toward Tigay civilian population unless you want defend Weyane at the expense of HGDF ?
If you couldn’t recognize that WEYANE and HGDF are two faces of a coin ? Enjoy stone headed drama from your safe corner .
Simon G November 30, 2017
Brother Ahmed,
He is trying to confuse with my nick and also hoping to create some division but it won’t work.
meretse November 30, 2017
ጽቡቕ ግበር ንመን ? ንማንም!
ጥዕምቲ ! ግን ጹቡቕ ጌርካ እትክሰሰሉ ግዜ ከኣ ኣሎ።
ሓደ ግዜ ክልተ ፈለስቲ (monks) ብሓባር ይጓዓዙ ነበሩ። ኣብ እግረ መንገዶም ከኣ ክቖርጽዎ ዝነበሮም ዓቡ ሩባ ነበረ። ነቲ ሩባ ክቖርጹ እናተዳሎዉ ከሎዉ ፡ ኣብቲ ገምገም ሩባ ሓንቲ ጽቡቕ ክዳን ዝተከድነት ጓል (ሰበይቲ) ደው ኢላ ረኣዩ። እቲ ሓደ ንምንታይ ኣብቲ ገምገም ሩባ ደው ኢላ ከምዘላ ሓተታ። ንሳ ከኣ ኣነ ነዛ ሩባ ክሳገራ ዓቅሚ የብለይን ፤ ግን ከኣ ክሰግር ኣሎኒ። ዝገብሮ ስለ ዝሓርበተኒ ኣብ’ዚ ገምገም ሩባ እንሆ ዶው ኢለ በለት። ንሱ እንተኾይኑ ሽግርኺ ንዒ ኣነ ሓዚለ ከሳግረኪ ኢሉ ሓዚሉ ኣሳገራ።
ብዙሕ ከይከዱ እቲ ሓደ ከምዚ ክብል ወንጀሎ – እዚ ሕጂ ዝገበርካዮ ጌጋ ምዃኑ’ዶ ትፈልጥ ክብል ሓተቶ? ናይ ምንታይ ጌጋ? ነዛ ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ሓዚልካ ኣሳጊርካያ። እወ።
ነታ ጓል ከተሳግራ እንከሎኻ ከም ዝተንከፍካያ’ዶ ረሲዕካዮ ኢካ? ኣይረሰዕክዎን ግን ኣነስ ጽቡቕ ግበር ንመን? ዝብል ጥቕሲ ዘኪረ ኢየ ፈጺመዮ። ኩሉ ከኣ ኣብ ቕድመካ ኢዩ ዝኮነ። ልክዕ ፡ ኣብ ቅድመይ ምዃኑ እንድዩ እቲ ጸገም። ዝኮነ ኮይኑ ዝፈረዱ ይፍረድዃ ኣነ ሓራ ምእንቲ ክወጽእ እዚ ሎሚ ዝገበርካዮ ናብ መንበረ ካህናት ከብጽሖ ኢየ።
ተመልከቱ ፡ ጽቡቕ ምግባር እውን ከም እትክሰስ። እቲ ሕቶ እዞም ዓይነት ክስታት እዚኣቶም ቁንዓት ድዮም?
ሰኣን ኣዛውሮ ዝለዓሉ ሕቶታት ….. ? ? ?
Simon G November 30, 2017
ሓው መረጸ
ቀኒኡ: ንሱ ዘይሓዘላ ከይከውን? ቅንኢ’ኳ ንገለ ሰባት ክም ገለ ‘ያ ትገብሮም።
Meretse November 30, 2017
Oh my God !
How did u read my mind.
Please read what I wrote next to my bad –‘
Simon G November 30, 2017
I know what you were thinking, I am using AI 🙂
I was imagining how beautiful that girl was and for the Monks, she is the forbidden fruit.
One monk outsmart the other one and the later is basically jealous but used excuse to rat his colleague out.
Well, as they say, you snooth you lose!
Danilo November 30, 2017
Meretse,ከየድነቁኻ ክሓልፍ ኣይደልን።ነቲ ሓዚሉ ዘሳገረ’ውን ክምኡ።ነቲ ዓቃባዊ እምነቱ ( disciplinare ) ከይሓተትኩ ሓንቲ ሕቶ ንዓኻ ክሓተካ? እምበኣር፡ ካብዚ ኣርእስቲ ከይወጻና ምስንዛረብ ኢትዮጲያ ገባሪት ጹቡቅ፡ዓንጋሊት፡ሓላይት ብሙኹዋናን ዘይሙኹዋናን ትብለና ዘለኻ ኾይኑ ስለዝተሰምዓኒ ብትሕትና መብርሂ ይሓተካ? ብዝኾነ if am wrong correct me.
Meretse November 30, 2017
Hi Danilo,
Thank you for your postive feedback.
I hope your question wouldn’t lead me to uncharted waters. But, since u have asked me kindly I will try to answer your question the best I can.
First though, let us take a look at the meaning of good samaritans … are peoplewho helps other people and especially strangers when they have trouple.
Now the question is, it a crime to help someone when when he/she begs for help?
Going back to the monk’s story what did he benefit from the poor woman who asked for help to cross the river? For me I think the monk who blamed his friend was deep inside his heart. Remeber the girl was so beautiful and he did not have a chance to rub his skin against hers. Danilo I feel jelous when my contender out smarts in intelegence rather than a fight with guns.
Meretse November 30, 2017
Corec. … i think the monk jealous
Berhe Tensea November 30, 2017
You must be a Woyane orAgame ,as what pfdj say day in and day out in its mass media and many comedies..
Peros please right your phone number and e-mail so that I can contact you , then we will see who is going to hide?Nay
Agamino, I wish you good lick and to find the opportunity to visit Kola Tembien the birth place of your relative and angel Iseyas.
There will be no place for Agazian now and forever, except Eritrea.
You narskha get lost to your Kilte Awlaelo,or quiha.
The real and proud Tgryans at the sametime will have nothing to do with and likes.
Soyra December 1, 2017
Agame, Tigrayans or the Tigrinya have nothing to be ashamed of. They have never burned their own Tigre – Tigrinya languages to walk and stink like the Arabs slave Abeeds, the useful idiots who are bending -Togombahtis- and their savage Arab masters.
No savage Arab had bent or threatened the neck of my proud ancestors who are still speaking in the their own Agazian languages and practicing their age – long religion – the Tewahado Orthodox, even though they live less one-hundred kilometers from across the Red Sea the land of the Wahabi Jihadis.
They are a land of the gallant Agazians who speak and write in their own millennial old languages, be it Woldeab Woldemariam of Axum, Issaias or Meles. I have nothing against the Agazians who had freed Eritrea and Ethiopia, and that are shitting cowards like you from the land of the Agazians while you stink behind the computer.
If you are a man, not a Jelfaf Arab slave Abeed, come on to the land of the Agazians, be it to Asmara or Mekele, you will be dealt with.
The last time a Jelfaf Arab Abeed dared was in 1982 when you came armed to the teeth in modern alms-ed Arab armaments when the peasants of Tigray and the gallant EPLFs run you all the way to Sudan with your tail between your legs