Eritreans for Democracy and Justice in DMV (EDJ-DMV) Press release Oct 9 2017
Pro-justice Eritrean American residents in the Washington, DC region have successfully persuaded US authorities to block Yemane Gebreab, Head of Political Affairs and Presidential Advisor, from headlining a meeting organized by the Eritrean government and
Pro-justice Eritrean American residents in the Washington, DC region have successfully persuaded US authorities to block Yemane Gebreab, Head of Political Affairs and Presidential Advisor, from headlining a meeting organized by the Eritrean government and its sympathizers.
The meeting was scheduled at the Doubletree Hotel Crystal City in Arlington Virginia and advertised as a public seminar to be led by Yemane Gebreab and Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs. However, eye witnesses reported that Yemane was met at the hotel lobby by law enforcement officials and escorted out of the premises. The meeting which had a low turnout compared to other similar events in the past proceeded without Yemane. This is the second year in a row that Yemane was blocked from holding a meeting in the Washington, DC area.
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Tesfaldetabraha October 11, 2017
አቱም ውዱቃት መጀመርያ ብዓል የማነ እንታይ ክገብሩ መጺኦም ሕተቱ ንሰሚናር አይኮኑን መጺኦም አብ መስከረም ኮም አሎ ዘሰንብድ ወረ ርአይዎ ምስ ኮንግረስን ሰበ ስልጣን አመሪካ ሲክረት ዝርርብ ነሩ ብድሕሪኡ እዩ እቲ ሰሚናር ተሐሲቡ መን ዓዲምዎም ኢልኩም ክትሻቀሉ አለኩም ምስ ኮንግረስ ምርኻቦም ከሰንብደኩም ይግባእ
hgdf October 11, 2017
Ab adi halo mebel 29 zuria adimom goitaka isu nesmera hadimu alo. Kongresi tesfiti
Tesfaldetabraha October 11, 2017
ወዮ ድአ ዓፋፋት ኮንኩም እምበር እቲ ናይ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ምጥራዕ እቲ ናይ ህግደፍ ሰሚናር ንከይግበር ኮይኑ እሞ ሚኒስተር ዑስማን ሳልሕ አባል ህግደፍ እንዶ አይኮነን ሕጂ አነ ዘይ ተረድአኒ ዘሎ ገለኹም ኮንግራጅለሽን ትብሉ አለኹም እቲ ሰሚናር እንተ ተኻይዱ ንምንታይ እዩ እቲ ኮንግራጅለሽን
alem October 12, 2017
Yes tesfit osman salih is hgdf.
But he said all the prisoners including joshua are alive contradicting iseyas’s reply that he did not know joshua and did not imprison any jornalist. Kab hagereseb netirka america mietaw reaka. Shigir eya. Kihateka
1 gerewegna hatela + 1 gerewegna haser kindey yikewin.
Tesfaldet abraha October 12, 2017
We are not talking abaut prisnors can you read whay are the useless opposition happy if you know they where braging abaut the seminar they say they want like Holand the seminar for hgdef to denied bat the USA told them shut up idiots we are going to hold Yemane from attending but not cancling the seminar,
Tesfaldetabraha October 11, 2017
አመሪካ ውን ተጻዊቱልኩም እዩ ከምቲ አሰና ዝገለጾ እንተኮይኑ ዝብሎ ዘሎ ብተወፋይነት ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ዘቅርብዎ ክሲ የማነ ማንኪ ክገብሮ ዝሐሰቦ ናይ ህግደፍ አኸባ ተኸልኪሉ ልክዕ ከም ናይ ሆላንድ እያ ትመስል አመሪካ ዝተጻወተልኩም ግን ንየማነ ማንኪ ንከይገብሮ ድአሉ ከልኪልኩም እምበር እቲ ናይ ህግደፍ ሰሚናር ንከይግበር አይኮነን ኩላትና ሪኢናዮ ብ ሚኒስተር ዑስማን ተማሐላሊፉ እዩ እቲ ክዕጸወልኩም ዝሐተትኩሞ አመሪካ ጸማም እዝኒ ሂባትኩም
Beraki T. October 11, 2017
Tesfaldet, America, Holland, Italy and the rest of the world know the Eritrean s0-called oppositions are just a bunch of opportunist spineless, toothless, gutless, visionless and hopeless stinking old rats, hyenas, and savage wild Arab dogs dreaming/hallucinating for an
Arabic evil Islamic Eritrea with new diQala Arabic flag, no one would ever take these losers seriously.
TesfaldetAbraha October 11, 2017
እቲ ዝገረመኒ ገሊኦም ኮንግራጅለሽን ምባሎም እዩ እቲ ዘቅረብዎ ሕቶ ናይ ህግደፍ ሰሚናር ብየማነ ማንኪ ክግበር ዝተሐስበ እንተኮይኑ እቲ ሰሚናር ካንስል ክኸውን ነሪዎ ግን ብአንጻሩ ብሚኒስተር ዑስማን ሳልሕ ተኻይዱ እሞ እቲ ዝሐተትዎ መልእኽቲ ናይ ህግደፍ ከይማሐለለፍ እንተ ኮይኑ ብሚኒስተር ዑስማን ምክያዱ እቲ ጥርዓኖም ፈሺሉ እንተኮይኑ እንታይ ኮንግራጅለሽን ዘብል አለዎም
alem October 11, 2017
Abeyenay carchelli eyu zelo, benana hize kibexho delies sieneyo. Americawin container alatom eya mesleni habiomo.
TesfaldetAbraha October 11, 2017
ካብ ሱቅ ኢልኩም ንየማነ ማንኪ ከልኪሎሞ ኢልኩም ከበሮ ሐምሐም ምውቃዕ እንታይ ክገብሩ መጺኦም ኢልኩም ሕተቱ አብ መስከረም ኮም አለኩም ዘሰንብድ ወረ ከምቲ አሰና ዘውረዮ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ተቀማጦ ቭርንጂንያ ናብ ስተይት ደባርትመንት ዘሕለፍዎ ጥርዓን ናይ ህግደፍ ሰሚናር ብየማነ ማንኪ ንኸይገብር ከልኪልዎ ምሳካኽር ከም ዝሐበርዎ ንየማነ ካብቲ አዳራሽ አውጺኦሞ ግን ክሕስበኩም ዝነብውሮ ነቶም አብቲ አዳራሽ ዝነበሩ ናይ ኤምባሲ ሰራሕተኛታትን ንሚኒስተር ዑስማን ሀፍ ኤናይስ ዳይ ኢሎሞም ከይዶም እቲ ናይ ህግደፍ ሰሚናር ቀጺሉ ንምንታይ ኢልኩም ክትሐቱ ነሩኩም መልሱ አመሪካ ንህግደፍ ንምዝርራብ ብሲክረት ምስ ኮንግረሳት ተዛራሪቦም እዮም ስለዚ አመሪካ ዓሻ መሲልኩም ንዓኻትኩም ስሚዓ ነቲ ሰሚናር ትዓጽዎ እቲ ዝበልኩማ ገራትልኩም የማነ ማንኪ ከይ ገብሮ ግን ብኻልእ አባል ህግደፍ ከይግበር ግን አይገበረትን
alem October 11, 2017
He was not supposed to move out of newyork. Did he forget that? I think he is suffering from early set AD. Ooops! He is 69. AD begins at 65.
amanuel October 11, 2017
U are right. He is suffering from AD. I remember him telling us the constituition was implemented in Atlanta 15 years after it was murdered and burried by her boss isu.
TesfaldetAbraha October 11, 2017
ከሰንብደኪ ዘለዎ እታ ሐንቲ ትሕበንላ ዝነበርኪ አመሪካ ስክረት ምዝርራብ ምስ ሰበ ስልጣን ህግደፍ ከሻቅለኪ ይግባእ ካብ ሀሎውሎው አበይ አሲሮሞ ምባል
amanuel October 11, 2017
Tesfit dikurinaki nay adi segudo eya timesil. Asmera atiki tifelti do tesfitey. Maletey hatella gilet neburki kitekibi zeykones tekemitki tifeltido? Shigirki reaki ab geter kebabi asmera abiki, bzey timihirti chira beeray hizki gotet endabelki, zeytemahret adeki akeleguzay eyom zikawemu kuruhat elatki namerica zelilki atiki. Entay kigebri! 1+1= ? Aytifeltin eki.
Berhe Tensea October 11, 2017
Thank you Eritreans for Democracy and Justice. You have done a great job in deny the monkey to brain wash the innocents and do his evil propaganda work.
Pfdj is acts like uwala politics they call it meskaa. . pfdj plan was to fool the authorities , pro justice members went a step a head of the Tembenis to foil the plot.
Tesfaldet abraha October 11, 2017
Idiot idiot dam ass mr esuman salih olredy finsh the seminar look Assena even abmited the seminar held with few people by esuman salh read before comment
alem October 12, 2017
Eway english zigeberkaya. Aygedefkalan tesfitom.
Tesfaldet abraha October 11, 2017
አታ ዶንቆሮ አብ ዩኒቨርስቲ መቀለ ዲኻ ተማሂርካ ንየማነ ማንኪ እዮም ከልኪሎሞ እምበር እቲ ሰሚናር ተኻይዱ ብሚኒስተር ዑስማን ሳልሕ ነየናይ ኢኻ ዲናይ ገረሞ ትብል ዘለኻ
Meretse October 12, 2017
ኣንታ ተስፋልደት
ቀይሕን ጻዕዳን
ለይትን ቀትርን
ደንቆሮን ምሁሩን
ናይ ምልላይ ዓቅሚ ይንእሰካ ድዩ?
ዝኮነ ዩኒቨርስቲ ዝዓበዪ “ገንኢ ማይፍጠት” ኢዩ
ንስካውን ብሓደ ሸነኩ ስለ ዝእመንካሉስ ኣብ University Mekele ድካ ተማሂርካ ዝብል ሕቶ ኣቅርብካ።
ተመሊሱ ንዓካ ዝሃርመካ ቃላት እይትወርውር
Tesfaldet abraha October 11, 2017
ሙዃን እኳ አበይ ክትኽእሎ አንብቦ እቲ አሰና ፖስት ግሪዎ ዘሎ
Simon G October 11, 2017
Have you guys noticed the so called hgdf supporters and the anti gedli riffraffs agree each other? They both support the criminal hgdf. These 2 woyanes; internal (hgdf) and external woyanes!
Danilo October 12, 2017
The most impressive point I see here is Simons comment that exposes those stupid commentators both higdefist and weyenty ,if not i have to blame assenna for mis handling .this forum properly.
alem October 12, 2017
Well, simon
Ghedli riffrafs are hgdf. So hgdf supporters should agree with hgdf for good and for bad. If they oppose the bad, then they get rejected by hgdf and are called “kedae’. Eventually it is going to be a show b/n hgdf and “kedaet” when the people rise against violation of their rights.
Almaz October 12, 2017
No big deal. you guys are hyperventilating and perhaps exaggerating your achievement. The fact that he was in DC was a big deal. You know Yemane is smart. He is not your average Joe. This guy is willing to do the job of the state of Eritrea regardless of .the environment he is in. I honestly believe Yeman and his comrades are still in a struggle with the vision to develop Eritrea. Sure, the fact that he was able to meet w/ ordinary Eritrean, for example, the likes of YPFDJ in DC is magnificent. He is a good communicator. The fact is that this action (noise) by a peripheral group (w/ no coherent agenda and vision) is a motivation for Yemane’s follower. Perhaps this will give the new state department a pause and look into the action of Suzanna Rice. The crime committed by OB will hopefully get revisited. After all, I read in the news that the FM of Eritrea was at the state department. Great achievement! got it….
amanuel October 12, 2017
U see ur problem. U are mixing things up. Usa-eritrea relations went sour early 2001 when hgdf lmprisoned usa embassy workers without charges and incomunicado. Hgdf was calling condaleza rise weyane and even went as far as convincing the supporters that she was from tigray. Now among others usa demands that its employees are freed and compensated for the violations they suffered since 2001. 2. Usa demands that eritrea accepts deportable eritreans that coud be around 700 rejected asylum seekers. 3. Usa demands that eritrea fight human-trafficking and stop indefinite national service which amounts to slavery. These are exact demands of eritreans minus hgdf.
amanuel October 12, 2017
Thus the problem started with republicans. Secondly, the demands are piling up instead of being met. Finally, nothing changes the minds of eritreans but answer to our demands. As to ur assessment of our heros, listen to tegadalay biteweded abraha’s speech when he was released after 7 yrs of imprisonment without charges. He was immediately imprisoned b/s of that speech again never to be heard again. He has now been in prison for 26 yrs after life time succrifice for the country as freedom fighter. Yemane is at the heart of these tortures if that is what u call heroism.
Tesfaldet abraha October 12, 2017
Who care the USA need ERITREA no body care abaut btiweded
Almaz October 13, 2017
It is funny the USA is fighting for the “rights” of local employees. The is a country who careless to the anguish of people not aligned to their economic/militarily hegemony and twisted agenda based on so-called security interest. But as for Eritreans let alone citizen living/residing in Eritrea you are bound to obey the rule of the land with no if(s) and but(s) regardless you accept or not the current legitimate government. Yes you might be right antagonizing everything and all Eritrea started just before this coward OB, but then the mission/objective/goal was to prevent Ethiopia from falling into the country run by mesafints of the Amhara the Oromo the Tigray, the Wolita etc. the path chosen was to put pressure on Eritrea but the fact is that it gets worst during coward OB time with a push from very anti Eritrea elements within his admin. As to accepting deported Eritrean — OB want all to leave the country let American deal with them — now Eritrea always welcome anyone who wants to relocate back. As to the military service and other national agendas and policy, it is not the USA or any country business to dictate. Hope they will work something so it will be back to the 18 (??) months…. Sorry to be so long and winding. Anyway with Love
amanuel October 15, 2017
U are mixing up again. It is our demand not usa or europe to have a leader ellected by us the people. We can not accept a leader who hung to power by force surrounded by generals from his village apointed by him. Listen to beteweded speech again. He is the real hero like all the others. Burrying your head in the sund will not elliminate the problem.
Sol October 12, 2017
Almaz, as a supporter of the mafia regime you will even believe and admire a real monkey or donkey as long as he is very loyal and instrumental to the predator.
Sol October 12, 2017
Almaz, as a supporter of the mafia regime you will even believe and admire a real monkey or donkey as long as he is very loyal and instrumental to the predator.
Meretse October 12, 2017
ከባቢ ጥቅምቲ ወይ ሕዳር 1989 ኣብ መንጎ ስርዓት ደርግን ህግሓኤ ናይ ዕርቂ ዘተ –ኣብ ኣትላንታ “ካርተር ሰንተር” ንክግበር ክልቲኦም ሸነክ ተሰማሚዕም ነበረ። ብወገን ደርጊ እዚ ስምምዕ እዚ ክከብር እንከሎ ኢሰያስ ግን እፍሪስዎ። እቲ ዘገርም ነቶም ዝወከሎም ሰባት ዝኣመኖም ኣይመስልን። ንሱ ካብቲ ከባቢ ረሓቅ ተባሂሉ እንከሎ፥ ናይ ዘተ ሕጊ ጥሒሱ ካብ ናብ ቦታ እንዳቀያየረ ኣብት ከባቢ ጸንሔ። እቲ ዘገርም ይብል እቲ ጋዘጤኛ እቶም ተሳተፍቲ ዝጥቀምሉ ዝነበሩ ሜላ ፥ ኣብ 10 ደቂቅ ዘይመልእ ፥ ሽቃቅ ክበጽሕ ደልየ ኢሎም ምስ እሰያስ በብሓደ ይድውልሉ እሞ ንሱ ከኣ ከምዚ በሉ ፥ከምዚ ግበሩ እንዳበለ ክመክሮም ዊዒሉ። ብወገን ደርጊ ናይ ዘተ ሕጊ ከቢሩ ዊዒሉ።
ነዚ ጥሕሰት እዚ እቲ ሰንተር ፈሊጥዊ ኔሩ።
ከዒግሶ’ን ፈቲኑ ግን እዚኦም ገና ተጋደልቲ (ናይ በረካ) ስለዝኮነ ምስ መንግስቲ ከትወዳድሮም እይከኣልን። ምናልባት እዚ ባህርይ ናይ ረበልስ ከይከውን ከይንብል ከኣ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ክንደይ ዘተ ሪኢና ኢና ከምዚ ግን እይረኣናን። ሓፋር ዝመስል ደናን ኢሰያስ ኣፈዎርቂ ዋላ ንብጾቱ ዝኣምኖም ኣይመስልን ክብል Washington Post መዝጊቡ። ንጭብጢ ጋዜጣ ተወከስ/ተወከሲ።
ነዚ ዘልዓለኒ ምክንያት ነቶም “ኣብክንዳና” ኢሉ ዝልእኮም ወከልቲ እቲ ኣብ “ክንዳይ”እሉ ዝልእኮ ይዓብዮም። ንሱ እንድሕሪ ዘየሎ ኩሉ ፍሩስ ኢዩ።
ስለዚ ቦኾራ yemane gebreab ቦኾራ ኢሰያስ ኢዩ