Eritreans for Democracy and Justice in DMV (EDJ-DMV) Press release Oct 9 2017
Pro-justice Eritrean American residents in the Washington, DC region have successfully persuaded US authorities to block Yemane Gebreab, Head of Political Affairs and Presidential Advisor, from headlining a meeting organized by the Eritrean government and

Pro-justice Eritrean American residents in the Washington, DC region have successfully persuaded US authorities to block Yemane Gebreab, Head of Political Affairs and Presidential Advisor, from headlining a meeting organized by the Eritrean government and its sympathizers.
The meeting was scheduled at the Doubletree Hotel Crystal City in Arlington Virginia and advertised as a public seminar to be led by Yemane Gebreab and Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs. However, eye witnesses reported that Yemane was met at the hotel lobby by law enforcement officials and escorted out of the premises. The meeting which had a low turnout compared to other similar events in the past proceeded without Yemane. This is the second year in a row that Yemane was blocked from holding a meeting in the Washington, DC area.
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Mohamed October 10, 2017
Well done !!
Congratulations brothers and sisters ….
If there is a way to stop the useless Foreign Minister is also better ..
ehlifna aynehab October 10, 2017
injustices is always injustices no matter by whom is committed upon whom.I do not think he committed any crime against the country detained him.if he personally committed any crime against the eritrean people i want see him brought before the Eritrean justice system by the Eritrea people themselves.bear in mind after all he is an Eritrean son. no matter what.we do not need no body to interfere in our affairs.What happened to him is injustice enough unless they want him protected from another attack.We have to protect them from the evil tentacles of the west evil white man as well,You cannot accuse someone of a crime because he/she happened to be a member a regime or party which is involved in gross humanrights violations.I wish the evil gedli never came into being but it did… so all of us we are victims of that Evil gedli even Yemane Gebreab and his commerades. USA and its allies have to be blamed why in the first place gedli came into being why the Eritrean people were forced to raise arms…and now to cheer and applaud the big criminal USA is nonsense and not right..
Alula October 11, 2017
Indeed, I could not agree more with what you said about evil ghedli Eritrea.
Ghedli is the worst evil that has ever happened to the poor innocent Eritrean people. The Eritrean people had never experienced such a destruction and mass extermination in their entire history before the nihilistic ghedli and the evil barbaric Islamic criminal ELF mafia came to exist. Eritreans are more divided by regions and religions than ever and the mistrust is at its highest peak and can’t do any meaningful change. The irony is that those who pretend to love Eritrea more than the rest of us are infact those who abandoned the country in its difficult times, they are all a bunch of opportunists and loser toothless hyenas.
TesfaldetAbraha October 11, 2017
አይትሕሰቦ ንሚንስተር ዑስማን ክኽልኩሉልካ ንምታይ ከም ዝመጹ አይበርሀልካን ብረኪንግ ነውስ ዝብል አብ መስከረም ርኤ ሕማም ልቢ ሒዙካ ድአ ጠረብ ከይትብል እምበር ዓዲማቶም ክትዛራረቦም ኢላስ ክትሰጎልካ ትሐስብ ምስ ኮንግረሳት ተዛራሪቦም ብኸመይ አመሪካ ንኤርትራ ትአቱ እንዳ በለትሲ ዘለኻ መሲሉካ ንዓኻ ትሰምዕ
Sisna October 10, 2017
State department meégesi kikhonekum ilu gierwo ykhewn ember, biabyu Foreign Minister Osman nhzbi akibu endyu. eti melekhti kab Yemane ykhun kab FM kulu Hade eyu. anajil gna neti nay America ShiTara (meagesi – fosi hateftef) qesinkum.
alem October 10, 2017
Not enough!! Needs to be stoped permanently and thrown into trash bin.
Sam October 10, 2017
Lilo, We all know that you are not Eritrean. You are a paid intelligence analyst of other countries or organazations,or a mercenary hired by the junta in power in Eritrea, hired with a mission to foment and create conflict among Eritreans along the lines of religion and ethnic backgrounds with ultimate goal of disintegrating Eritrea and its people.
Any body who visited the Eritrean websites two or more times understands what you and your likes are upto!! So, bark as hard as you can but we, Eritreans, will never fret!!! znebahkum entenebahkum, Eritrawyanin Eritran gn weyke!!! fah aynbln!!
sami October 10, 2017
When did you become full Eritrean then, after completing your 40 yrs jihadi/taliban services to our Eritrea?? As far as genuine “dekebat” Eritreans are concerned you and your illegal immigrant rootless cancerous lowland moslems will always remain as vicious untrustworthy mercenaries in Eritrea. By the way, are you Sam the terrorist of Beirut, of Sudan, of Libya or of your stinking Yemen? And why didn’t you respond to Lilo as evil Mohamed and alem???? Lilo must have exposed you as a serial fraudster crook and pathological liar of Saho moslem nefaHito asshole.
TZ October 10, 2017
Great Job! Eritrean for Justice in DC. If we coordinate our struggle under UNIFIED effort as you did it, we are going to achieve our goal for freedom soon.
Sam, don’t waste your time to respond to people like Lilo Milo by now we all know who this people are….
Tesfaldetabraha October 11, 2017
ይርድአካ ዶአሎ እቲ ማንኪ ከይገብሮ ዝተኸልኸለ ብናይ ህግደፍ አባል ሚኒስተር ዑስማን ተኻይዱ ንምንታይ ኢኻ ኮንግራጅለሽን እቲ መልእኽቲ ናይ ህግደፍ በቲ ኮይኑ በቲ ካንስል አይኮነን ስለዚ ሱቅ ኢልካ ኮንግራጅለሽን አይትበል
tz October 10, 2017
Congratulations great Job! Eritrean for Justice in DC.. Great example of if we coordinate our struggle under UNIFIED effort as you did it, we are going to achieve our goal for freedom soon.
Sam, don’t waste your time to respond to people like Lilo by now we all know who this people are….
sami October 10, 2017
So desperate and so weak idiot tz, aren’t you celebrating, congratulating too earlier and too emotionally (empty) for nothing and prematurely??????? Learn to control your fake emotions.
Mr Yemane Gebreab is just being groomed (well trained) to take over from president Isaias Afewerki in the next 2 – 5 yrs so hold on to your horses and spineless, gutless oppositions.
Wediselam October 10, 2017
That is what needed! Great success? We do not need face book or pal talk heroes. Look; as day in and out, the unity and the effect of Justice seekers getting stronger, successful and promissing. No more place to criminals.
Tesfaldet abraha October 12, 2017
You must be dam ass idiot you say no more place to criminals do you ubder stand the USA congres invete those you call criminals whay do you think osman salh hed talk with congres before the seminar now keep on craying
sami October 10, 2017
Viva our Eritrea, Mr Yemane Gebreab the super intelligent man would be the next president of the state of Eritrea.
alem October 11, 2017
Hgdf wedi hgdf hamimen alewa bu abilu yiwseden. Hizbi keyekberka, hasewti weytotat koxirka, meneseyat betinka, kab weledom felika, btimyet hzbi kexieka, bzeymiknyat nkulu asirka- abey tibexih. Kindey gizie kab hizbi tihbae. Maaltikum akila eya serekti hgdf seb beliekin abey tihibaa higi. Kem gadafi kithidena ekin bhizbi, bimenesey. Viva justiceseekers DC area.
Asmerom October 11, 2017
So desperate, so restless bojbaj maAnta zeyblu biKhfu zisheyin sebeyitay.
Sadly, you’ve been barking “maAltikum akila eya” from your closed fagnatura for far too long!
Just for a change, come out of your stinking Saho hiding holes of whore snakes and foxes.
Your opportunist so-called opposition quite frankly are delusional, naive and scary defeatists.
Tesfaldetabraha October 11, 2017
አቱም ደናቁር እቲ ምኽኒያት እቲ አኸባ ከይግበር እንድሕር ነሩ ብዑስማን ሳልሕ ተገሩ እሞ እንታይ ኮንግራጅለሽን ዘብል አለኩም በቲ ኮነ በዚ እቲ መልእኽቲ ተማሐላሊፉ እዩ