Eritreans are Still Suffering by Sinai Bedouins – Audio
Eritrean victims of traffickers who have been directly contacted by today (14 Nov,2011) confirm they are still suffering in the hands of Bedouin traffickers, in Sinai. According to them, nothing has changed.
Kulu November 16, 2011
We are actually tired of hearing and reading bad news about Eritrean refugees. The more we talk, the more the problem we hear next time. It is paradoxical. Eritrea is not endowed with people who find solutions to its problem. Innocent people young people are passing through a difficult moment. Where is the solution? Toppling the goverment? sensiblising the West about our problems? calling for sanction on the mining companies? It could be said that knowingly or unknowingly we who profess to be in the opposition camp are indirectly cooperating with the regime in Asmara. The Regime’s main goal is to see all the potentially dangerous young Eritreans leave their country. By creating unfavourable conditions in Eritrea, the regime is forcing all its people to leave their beloved country. Many Western countries have welcomed Eritrean refugees in their soil. We thank them for their hospitality. Yet, their generous hand has indirectly contributed to the realisation of the regime’s agenda of empyting the country of its human resource which would effect change in the country. The opposition camps of waiting to see a change inside in the country seems impractical as the agent of change are absent in the country. Our problem is cyclical. It is of no use treating a wound superficially, if it needs a surgical operation we have to go for an operation.
ahmed Saleh November 16, 2011
When it comes to incidents like this, we suppose to think and ask ourself WHY, HOW and WHAT is happening.
We Eritreans endured years of oppression and brutality first from Ethiopian government and then latter at the
hands of HGDF junta. Our people’s suffering comes in various ways from killings, disappearances, unlawfull
imprisonments, exploitation of our youths,offending our girls dignity, disrespecting elders and religious groups…etc.
Unfortunately these crucial phases against the people had been accepted by so many. Forsure, fear, confusion
and frustration are causing an oxodus of our youth to flee at every direction of the border. Some of these innocent
refugees become valnurable to be victims in those strange lands.As they say ” GASHA ASHA”. Now instead we waste
our time talking and talking all these nonsense, why don’t look the big picture. Advocate to stress how to topple and
get rid of the system which initiate and brought all of our problems. Critisizing, discrediting, appeasing and disrespecting
to those who are fighting tirelessly for change is to prolong the suffering and should not be tollerated. Do not depend
on outsiders to solve our issues, rise-up take the matter in our own hand. Enough is enough.
gasha November 18, 2011
ahmed saleh
yeah the girl said she was kidnaped and raped but the way she talk she doesnt seem she is in pain (forgive me god)
and kichen said there are 22 in the other room and then she said again they dont know nothing what is going on around them all they hear is people crying and screaming.
ahmed saleh November 24, 2011
But I feel her pain.
Kokhob November 22, 2011
Athe main couse of all those problems in Eritrea is PFDJ. we don’t have any choice except remove PFDJ by any means possible.
We have managed to let our people know the truth. we have shown the world how much this mafia group is hurting the world. doing so was not easy but we have done it. now any action is acceptable and we have to finish this problem for ever.