Eritrean Popular Movements towards Inclusive political participation and representation
By Fesseha Nair The struggle from dictatorship to democracy depends on its ownership expressed through its meaningful participation to affirm this it needs democratic institutions and campaign strategy and grand strategy. The goal of the struggle
By Fesseha Nair
The struggle from dictatorship to democracy depends on its ownership expressed through its meaningful participation to affirm this it needs democratic institutions and campaign strategy and grand strategy. The goal of the struggle from dictatorship to democracy is clear to remove the dictatorship from its deep roots and system and lay foundations for democratic system and democratic society.
Looking to the Eritrean Movements struggling against dictatorship in Diaspora the main challenge was to unify the Movements under a grand strategy including all political, civic and individuals.
The struggle from dictatorship to democracy is not similar like the struggle for national liberation from colonialism and occupation.
In the past 17 we have seen many national dialogues and conferences held by political and civic organizations but all were not sustainable and successful. This article will try to provide an overview of the process pursued in the past( Akaki- National Dialogue, Wasa National Dialogue for democratic change) and the one raised by the EPDP and the late of meeting of Kenya- Nairobi.
During these 17 years of struggle for democratic change in Eritrea the Eritrean Opposition in Diaspora couldn’t achieve structured participation but encountered multiple challenges internally and externally but still there is hope that one day they will come together and achieve more in the coming future. To achieve this the opposition forces require along-term commitment from all its members in order to guarantee the sustainability of all forces regardless of their political affiliations.
The Eritrean Opposition in Diaspora campaign strategy has been against each other for the past 17 years being aware of this failed strategy the opposition must direct their campaign strategy against the dictatorship, strengthening participation by all forces for democratic change, through greater participation we can win our peoples’ legitimacy. Through the campaign strategy the opposition can gain a keener understanding of the struggle from dictatorship to democracy and enhance their cooperation providing them more precise and unified message to the Eritrean people inside Eritrea. Let us promise not to campaign against each other, for example, the social media has been an instrument for defamation and blackmailing against each other let us stop this and direct the campaign strategy against it.
The Eritrean Forces for democratic change in Diaspora have tried gradually to build up alliances and coalitions but all were not sustainable and successful. We have learned many lessons during this time why these alliances and coalitions were not successful.
Building alliances and coalitions are democratic instruments in the struggle for democratic change but the Eritrean Opposition still need to learn the importance of these instruments.
The Eritrean Opposition in Diaspora have not succeeded to lay a grand strategy winning the dictatorship in Eritrea and laying foundations for democratic change inside Eritrea.
Laying grand strategy is the most important instrument to be established to remove the dictatorship and lay foundations for democratic change.
If the call of EPDP for national united platform is out of shared lessons learned they must first assess the past experiences of unity attempts inside themselves and with other compatriots for democratic change. Building national united platform needs a long-term commitment from all the parties involved and I hope EPDP will take this initiative and revitalise this process still we couldn’t achieve.
Meretse August 2, 2017
Dear Danilo,
Thank you for your positive input.