Eritrean pilot incarcerated for 15 years without change speaks up publicly for the first time after his prison break.
Dejen Ande Hishel, the Eritrean pilot who has been incarcerated without charge for over 15 years and broke out from a PFDJ prison in the capital Asmara, March this year, gives an extensive interview to Voice

Dejen Ande Hishel, the Eritrean pilot who has been incarcerated without charge for over 15 years and broke out from a PFDJ prison in the capital Asmara, March this year, gives an extensive interview to Voice of Assenna, on the nation’s 23rd Independence Day anniversary.
In the interview which is the first since his prison break, the pilot gives a detailed account of his personal and professional background, the problems which are rampant in the Eritrean Air force, his role during the border war between Eritrea and Ethiopia and the condition of his detention and his prison-break.
Although the pilot who was only two when his parents joined the liberation struggle remembers the Ethiopian Army war plane bombardments he had to endure then as the greatest challenge of his childhood, he went on to become the first Eritrean pilot to fly MIG 29 war plane after independence. Not only that, Dejen Ande Hishel also became the first Eritrean pilot to spend over 15 years of his adult life behind bars. This goes to prove to what extent revolutions in deed sustain themselves by devouring their own sons, as the saying goes.
As reported back in March, the pilot’s heroic prison-break out of maximum security prison shows that the regime is at its most vulnerable state and empowers Eritreans to rise to the occasion to take action and bring down dictator Isaias Afewerki’s regime once and for all.
Semira May 18, 2014
Congratulations Dejen Ande Hishel for your great escape
from the PFDJ prison in the capital Asmara.
Dejen remember to free all political prisoners. Dejen runnig is not the solution; the solution is dismantling ድያብሎስ Isayas!
Thanks for standing for freedom!
Thanks Dejen Ande Hishel for standing for Justice, Freedom, Liberty and Equality
Thanks Dejen Ande Hishel for exposing the tyrant dictator, the mad dog, the ድያብሎስ Isayas and his blind followers HIGDEF.
Thanks Dejen Ande Hishel for dismantling the mafia law and for supporting the implementation of our constitution and our HIGHI INDABA.
2014 is the year that we dismantle the crazy mad dog ድያብሎስ Isayas wedi Medhin Berad, his son, and his blind followers HIGDEF just like the Libyans did to Gadafi, his sons and his followers.
Down to the mad dog, the tyrant dictator and his followers!
Victory to our people!
Semira May 18, 2014
Dejen Ande Hishe remember…2014
2014 is the year that we dismantle the crazy mad dog ድያብሎስ Isayas wedi Medhin Berad,
his son,
and his blind followers HIGDEF
just like the Libyans did to Gadafi, his sons and his followers.
Down to the mad dog, the tyrant dictator and his followers!
Biniam Abraham May 18, 2014
Brothers and sisters, we in diaspora must encourage and help brother Dejen Ande Hishel morally, financially and medically straight away because 15 years in higdef prison must have been a real hell of life. God bless you all and very soon Kiwegih eyu kulu’win kihalif’yu. Stay strong and hopeful.
simerrr2012 May 18, 2014
you just need only to see his face full of smile, full of hope, full of courage what higdef could not take from him. Higdef made him to suffer in country where all his family paid the highest-price , unfortunately those who paid the price are underground and those who kill Eritrea are in power, Dejen you are a real hero.your smile is a million dollar smile. Keep it up. I raise my hat sir for you.
Eritreawit May 18, 2014
Tamrat Tamrat May 18, 2014
Why is the rulling class of Eritrea pissed off by majority eritreans?
Somali rulling class are pissed off by armed oppositions all over the country.
Both sudan governments are pissed off by armed opposition Groups.
Egypt governmet is pissed off by open armed Riots of the muslim Brother Hood.
What is the reason behind the unproportional outrage of isaias rulling class?
eritreans serv their nation even fri of slaray both as soldeirs and daily labourer.
If they are abroad they pay 2% plus they support their families.
They bring a huge Investment in a form of spending their vacation in Eritrea.
So what the hell is the rulling class need for more? Do they think they own eritreans all over the world? In principle the People were supposed to own the leader. If that is not possible what about a simple respect for this tremendious contribution eritreans are contributing. Dont they know no one in east africa who pays 2% for his mother land. Why do they behave like they own Eritrea in private exclusively? Which country in east africa survive With international boycott if their People dont pay 2% of their Income or more? And when do the eritreans leader know that they servive only because eritreans abroad pay their sweat for the country to survive. When does the govermnet show gratitude?
Eritreawit May 18, 2014
Tamrat Tamrat
Good observation dear; only the PFDJ elliets know the answere for thier action, inflicting so much pain and suffering to a socity helped them all the way through GEDILi AND gave the the chance to lead the country. BUT LOOK WHAT THY ARE DOING; WE NEED TO GET RED OF THEM. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET BACK TO NORMAL.
Tamrat Tamrat ,
Are you serious ? You must reallyu hate Isaias. The time Isaias shows a little softness or respect his ass is out.He is not idiot like the Ethiopian government. He did not come to this respectable position by being humble & respecrful. This is not one of my sarcasm /satire !!!We Eritreans do not soft & respectrful. We call them Chewing gum. We have twisted admiration of Isaias as a hero that never bends.The time he does not follow Fascists & bedouins example is his demise & he knows it.
I am a 56 yearyoung Eritrean..The only reason I have habesha pride is my family were proud MAHBER ANDNET .You are talking about people that celebrate when ETHIOPIAN soccer team loses & refuse to eat for 3 days if ITALY loses.
TAMRAT TAMRAT ,Are you for real ??? WE had respect & every riches of our loving mother Ethiopia. WHO NEEDS RESPECT WHEN THERE IS BENDING FOR BEDOUINS & WORSHIPPING QATARIS .If you prescribe this solution again you give me no option ,thus I am going have to label you anti -Eritrean .
ፕረሲደንት ኢሳያስ ደውዬለት ነበር ፣እና_እንዳለህ__ታምራት ታምራት፣ኣሁን ይሄ ከወዳጅ የሚጠበቅ ምክር ነው ብሎሃል።
እኔም ባባ ኢሳያስ ባልወዳቸውም ቅሉ ኣክስቴ ጽርሃ እንዳለችው SOIL EAT እንዳልልህ ላልደፍርህ ብየ ነዋ።በነገራችን ላይ ኣክስቴ ጽርህየ_SOIL EAT ስትል “ኣፈር ብላ” ማለትዋ ነው
Eritreawit May 19, 2014
The fake nobel.
Ante timb. Qimalam Agame.iychi 20 amet tigab yetm ayadersihm. Dedeb endante aynetu new., Yetigrayn hzb adegalay yemitlew. Lemage.
Tamrat Tamrat May 19, 2014
Yes, i hate isaias and his blind followers!! And i understand very well what you mean.
rahwa May 18, 2014
what a beautiful soul! i love him already and we all Eritreans are ecstatic today because Asena assured us he is FREE at last. what a gift you gave us by talking to ASSENNA, DEJEN! THANK YOU so very much! when you listen to DEJEN talk to Amanuel you feel the chemistry between those two beautiful souls. thank you for being so beautiful, my brothers, that is what we need more of. and let’s do whatever we can to support our HERO in his time of need. let’s remember he was behind bars for more than half of his adult life.
Cry freedom May 18, 2014
taffla May 18, 2014
Where is he now? Is he out of country? How did he escape? He said he follow amanuel and assenna even from prison, how?
Eritreawit May 18, 2014
taffla May 18, 2014
Smart phone in prison? I am happy for dejen to be free. The reason my for quastions is that as journalist Emanuel should ask such questions (hopefully in his next interview we will hear more about escape and where he is now without being specific for obvious reason. Maybe dejen use to hear about assenna when he was in prison not necessary listening to radio.
rahwa May 18, 2014
what business is that of yours? are you eseyas’s dog to bark like that? we were worried about his whereabouts and safety. now that we heard him speak we are so relieved. could you be one of eseyas’s robots desperate for info? poor taffla. i hope you are not reporting back to eseyas. if that’s the case your head is on the line.
Fact-is-Fact May 18, 2014
you an investigative reporter with your ridiculous “how, what , if …” ? Just be HAPPY for this bold human being who didn’t give in to Hgdef rotten, sick mode-of-operandi the “kill a human being psychologically first before killing them in flesh!” . This strong human being, may he be blessed more, is a breathtaking example to those who have given up, to those who are close to Isu with a trigger to pull to be bold and pull that damn thing and rid off Eritrea.
so be happy & wish dejen the best ! Value humility & humanity before your investigate thirst and belabelew!
Congrats DEJEN!
Sorobeti May 18, 2014
Dejen has proved to the people of Eritrea that the prisons of PFDJ are lesser than cobweb and the regime itself is a paper tiger.
Shm12 May 18, 2014
Assena good job! Dejen our brother we’re happy about u.