Eritrean Opposition: Rethinking Means of Freeing their People
Q+A with Dr. Yosuf Berhanu, M.D., Executive Chairman of the new Eritrean National Assembly for Democratic Change by Michael Abraha As Dictator Isaias Afewerki prepares to give his recycled New Year message of gloom, his democratic opponents

Q+A with Dr. Yosuf Berhanu, M.D., Executive Chairman of the new Eritrean National Assembly for Democratic Change by Michael Abraha
As Dictator Isaias Afewerki prepares to give his recycled New Year message of gloom, his democratic opponents in exile have been huddling together in a bid to bring hope and freedom to the Eritrean people. They held their first Congress last month in Hawassa, Ethiopia, and formed a new 127-member coalition to be headed by Dr. Yosuf Berhanu – veteran fighter and physician. Michael Abraha recently sat with him in Addis Ababa and first put to him what the National Congress has achieved?
Dr. Yosuf Berhanu: The conclusion was positive. It was an assembly of 600 Eritreans from all over the world under one vision. The convention represented the interests of all people, their regions and faiths. The gathering was an opportunity in which Eritreans from varying political and civil society groups as well as youth and women’s associations freely discussed and debated all issues and problems facing our country and our people today. We formed a new coalition, the National Assembly for Democratic Change, with an Executive Office made up of 21 members to run daily activities. In the final analysis this 12-day event in November and December was an important event marking the beginning of a new era for Eritrea.
Q: Some groups and individuals boycotted the Congress. Why?
A: The reasons given for not joining the process were not persuasive or relevant to our current national reality, in my judgment. It would have been good if all had participated. But, I can assure you we are still open and we will remain open to any group or individuals who want to join the process unfolding now. We are prepared to talk to them and accept them. They are welcome any time.
Q: As you said earlier the country’s interests may have been represented enough at the Congress in Hawassa. But the composition of the delegates was not representative enough. There were for instance more lowlanders than highlanders. Did that bother you?
A: First, it must be stressed that whatever their places of origin or religious background, the participants were open-minded, tolerant, understanding and fully united and ready to serve the nation. If more people came from the lowlands, it is a reaction against the negative political legacy left by the Isaias clique that has deprived them of their right to equal participation and protection despite their contributions in the liberation struggle. For instance, there are still tens of thousands of Eritrean lowland refugees languishing in the Sudan, whom the regime has neglected. If their number was bigger at the Hawassa gathering, it was not out of a desire for special consideration, but a sign of their eagerness to swiftly end tyranny in our country. The point is the purpose of the Congress was to tackle every problem faced by all Eritreans, be they of lowland or highland origin, Moslem or Christian or other compatriots. Delegates deliberated on and planned at the national level, not at regional levels. At the same time, there was harmony and tolerance, and that was why the Congress was successful.
Q: The majority of the 127-member National Assembly come from existing political parties, thus placing civil society groups in the minority. The Executive Office, made up of 21 members, also appears to be almost entirely in the hands of these political parties. What are the implications of this?
A: As you know, the delegates at the Congress represented all categories of people, groups, beliefs and interests. Regardless of our background, as members of the new National Assembly, we now belong to one family, one body committed to the Eritrean cause. We are not to categorize each other as members of particular parties or civic associations. For example, I am a member of the Eritrean National Salvation Front. But I can assure you I am not going to lead our new coalition from that political position. We will have a negative impact if we were to be thinking and acting based on our affiliations. We have to fight any such tendencies.
Q: What will be the future of the various political parties in the aftermath of the establishment of the National Assembly and its National Executive Office?
A: The Executive Office is a coalition of political parties, civil societies, women’s groups, youth and other elements operating under a minimum political program. Many political parties are members of this body. This does not mean they will now cease to exist as independent political parties. Of course, they will continue to exist and develop outside the new national coalition.
Q: What happens to the military wings of the political organizations?
A: Discussions are going on among those parties that have armed wings with the aim of bringing them under one military command. Our Executive Office has a Military Branch which will be mandated to coordinate military activities.
Upcoming part II of Michael’s interview with Dr. Yosuf will deal with diplomacy and international relations.
Media and Human Rights Research
hey December 26, 2011
Right answer to the right question. I think he’s M.D for reason!
aurora bruk December 26, 2011
you are a retard. you are like a mentally sick person, who tries to convince a sane person that they are sick.
generally, Micheal Abraha or anyone else for that matter, can ask what they feel like asking. after all, he cannot be expected to ask, his own questions only. kozami and the like, i simply do not bother to read. they have nothing worthwhile to say. and for your information, getting rid of the Eritrean people’s number 1 enemy eseyas the lunatic dictator (your master) is a priority. where we do that from is simply irrelevant. Ethiopia is a place as good as any. it is right for eseyas to harbor opposition from 5 different countries. but it is wrong for Eritreans to go to Ethiopia to fight him? your problem is you are simply slaves. you do not make use of your brains (or you had none to begin with), that’s the worst form of slavery.
jemal December 26, 2011
I really admire you the thought you spilled on the retarded a hard headed Abbadi (Abdi) if he able to grasp on it which i doubt . But any way; i honestly like what you said especially ” it is right for his master to harbor opposition from different countryies;But it is wrong for Eritreans to fight for his master ” wawwwww……God blesssssssssssss.
I think you are more than enough for him . It will be hard for you to make him get it but don’t gave up Brother Aurora till we complet satifisfaction him .
Weldit December 26, 2011
“If the enemies of Eritrea are wetting their pants simply because the Eritrean Constitution is now being debated, what will happen if the Eritrean government declares 2012 the year Eritrea will embark towards the implementation of the Eritrean constitution…” –
It is clear to me that lives in a different planet. Woudn’t it be appropriate to criticize the regime for not implementing the constitution instead of criticizing the opposition (or the ‘enemy’ whoever it is) for WHAT THEY MAY DO OR SAY IF THE CONSTITUTION IS IMPLEMENTED?
I also didn’t see the constitution being debated or ppl’s pants being ‘wetted’. I have no idea where the heck they are getting all these. Does any one know?
Semere December 26, 2011
I would advise all to ignore Abdi. He is just diverting our attention from the real focus.
I would rather add my contribution to enrich our sharing to the topic. The inadequate participation of highlanders is obviously a cause for worry. I believe that the lowland and the highland have their own particular richness and wisdom to contribute: culture, history, experience, etc. When one side is missing or insufficiently represented it impoverishes the potentiality. I believe that we should all join hands and design ways for a wide range and inclusive participation. Our divisions are the strength of Isaias.
Abnet Tesfai December 26, 2011
I really agree with your comment
It is wastage to answer for trivial comments from stupefied people.
ahmed saleh December 27, 2011
This uncivil culture of disgraceful words of character assasination han been exercised by IA and supporters to discredit and surpress oponents for long time. To follow and repeat those improper remarks, subjecting to idiotic taunts to your elder and fellow brothers/sisters never was part of our culture. Regardless our different political views smearing almost to anybody who opposes IA must end, because it only covoys suspicion and hatred.
MEHRETU HABTE December 26, 2011
“There were for instance more lowlanders than highlanders. Did that bother you?”
….excellent question..I will try to answer it ,using my limited “gebar” political brain. But first ,I have a confession to make….When I heard some organizations boycotted it …….I truly thought it would be low landers with fear of christian / highlander domminance. I preconcieved my thoughts based on my fairly biased mentality .I guess ,I do not know very well ,my brothers & sisters from METAHIT.I learn, now let me try to answer…The ones that are from “HIZBE TIGRIGNA “….from kebesa…Tigreans /tigrawot..who hate their ethnic identity .NO THEY DID NOT HAVE PROBLEM USING SUDAN AS A BASNDIT´S BASE …..”laí aniHna mush Habesh, anHna Eritriun…May be they do not want to meet their family in Ethiopian Tigray hence..being exposed ..that they are … opposed to be Singapourians. THAT IS WHY I BELIEVE THE ERITREAN QUESTION ..IT IS BASED ON ARTIFICIAL IDENTITY BRAVO METAHIT BRETHREN , YOU REALLY WANT A SOLUTION :
ahmed saleh December 27, 2011
To highlight your comment. When our elder patriots who were knowledgable of our GEDLI
were residing in Sudan and in cooperation of HGDF and Sudanese security were illiminated
one by one, the news never bring reaction and complaints. The rest of them to for thei own
safety left the country scattered every place in the world. Now Ethiopia gave them safe heaven place because PM Meles said it our relationship is based on blood. Only people of
honor respect the sacrifice and blood paid on these neigbors, we bleed on their land and
they did the same on ours, it is our truth history. God Bless us all.
ምሕረቱ ሃብተ December 27, 2011
“ቅዠት ተፈርቶ ሳይተኛ ኣይታደርም” ይብሉ ኣምሓሩ ኣሕዋትናን ጎረቤትናን ። እንተዘይተጋግየ እታ ብጣዕሚ ባህ ዘይበለትካ፣ እታ “does it bother you …” ትብል phrase እያ። ኣነ´ውን ኣይተዋሕጠትለይን። ግን እቲ ሕቶ ብውርዝይ ዝበለ መንገዲ ክሕተት ዘለዎ እዩ ። እቶም ዘይተሳተፉ ድርጅት/ውድብ “ህዝበ ትግርኛ” ምናልባሽ ናይ ቀረባ ኣዝማዶም ተጋሩ ከይረኽቡ ፈሪሆም ከይኮኑ፣ ምኽንያቱ ከበሳ፣ ህዝበትግርኛ፣ ሲንጋፖራውያን፣ ኢና እምበር ተጋሩ ድኣ ሚልዮናት ኪሎሜተር ስለ ዝርሓቑ፣ ተጋሩ ……I hate this fake identity..”hzbe tigrinya”
Abdi December 27, 2011
Des ybelkum my ip has Been declined,just to ask you one thing why assena doesn’t post Eritrean news,or you don’t bother to know?
Alex December 27, 2011
Which news are you refering to? If you expect us the news from Haddas Eritrea
and ERI-TV, after they put us in harm way when we were young and innocent
we can not trust them. You may not saw or experienced the pain they inflict on
our life. And because you and others like you are selfish and opportunist are
supporting the dictator, Eritreans are suffering yet. December 28, 2011
Hey Guys,
Do you think anyone who defend the Issay-Ass government is a sane? in my opinion anyone who defend this regime is one of the following :-
1) Either he has a complex Ignorance
2) Or he is Totally crazy
3) Or he is a pure animal
Because the Issay Ass regime said always : 1+1 = 3 believe or not. Those who run after this calculation are also animals. the only different between these people and those animals is they have an ability of talking. The Issay Ass regime doesn’t believe on LOGIC. His regime is totally arrogant and doesn’t understand except power.
gasha December 28, 2011