Eritrean Opposition and Ethiopia’s Fast-Changing Politics – by Mahmud Saleh
Mahmud Saleh Ethiopia's political situation is deteriorating by the day. All indications reveal that EPRDF, the ruling party in Ethiopia is in crisis. Intra-party crisis (in fights) and external pressure (mass uprising) have shaken the grip

Mahmud Saleh
Ethiopia’s political situation is deteriorating by the day. All indications reveal that EPRDF, the ruling party in Ethiopia is in crisis. Intra-party crisis (in fights) and external pressure (mass uprising) have shaken the grip of the EPRDF/TPLF, an organization that once seemed invincible. Grievances of marginalized communities have been seething for years, albeit disconnected and less organized. However, now, the resistance has coalesced into a national storm engulfing the nation. Local demands based on the mismanagement of their land resources, identity issues, and rights of proper political representation have now matured into a national political demand that TPLF must shrink to its actual size.
The current wave of popular resistance has indeed effected some changes. The PM was forced to announce his resignation, the government was pressured to release thousands of prisoners; government officials acted in uncoordinated manner, sometimes contradicting each other; a state of emergency was re-imposed, Ethiopian mass and their leaders/activists have been emboldened by the gains they registered; they are more coordinated and more unified; and the events keep unraveling.
Instead of taking corrective measures at its earliest stages, the junta kept characterizing the mass uprising as activities instigated by “foreign forces,” implicating Eritrea and Egypt. It dismissed critics of its misguided policies and labeled peaceful activists as sellouts and terrorists. Ethiopian prison industry sprawled throughout the country housing civil right activists who wanted to use available constitutional tools. In a country where the TPLF is the author of the constitution, the implementer and interpreter, there was no chance for the peaceful activists to defend themselves. International condemnations have met deaf ears mainly because the USA views Ethiopia as an anchor country for its hegemony in the region.
Now that the mass uprising has reached a critical point, the factions making EPRDF are trading the blame. EPRDF is made up of four partners of differing weights, and TPLF has always been the dominant partner. Many Ethiopians describe EPRDF as TPLF’s Trojan horse, because, as an ethnic group that represented only 6% of the Ethiopian population, it used EPRDF as a cover to subdue Ethiopia. TPLF’s most prominent mistake was its reluctance to Ethiopianize itself. It failed to transform itself from a regional player to a national government that welcomes inclusiveness based on fair representation.
To the eyes of most Ethiopians, EPRDF is just a synonym to TPLF. To them, the government is not Ethiopian but TPLF, commonly known as Wayane, an organization that still operates based on its old mindset, as its unchanged name suggests- Tigray people’s Liberation Front. The army, security apparatus, the legislative branch (which is controlled 100% by EPRDF/TPLF), and the court system are referenced to by Ethiopian commoners as Wayane instruments. Greed blinded TPLF to morph into a national political organ that resembles Ethiopia’s diverse political and ethnic landscape.
Thanks to TPLF’s sinister motive, it introduced ethnic federalism to cut Ethiopia into parts of its size to rule it unchallenged. It has become clever in copying European style of divide and conquer. Despite its diverse ethnic composition (over 80 ethnic groups), Ethiopians have lived in harmony. All of the ethnic groups are proud of their Ethiopianness. The only entity that had an uneasiness with Ethiopianness is the current junta. Accordingly, TPLF and its supporters are positioning to manipulate the current upheaval to their benefit; they are characterizing the current democratic demands of Ethiopians as ethnic cleansing targeting Tigrians while at the same time keep inciting ethnic conflicts among non-Tigrian communities.
The victims of all these mayhem are poor Tigrians who have been targeted by some hooligans simply because of their ethnic affiliation. An Ethiopian friend explained that those hooligans don’t represent the theme of the uprising. He continued, “Tigrians’ identity and their future are inseparable from other Ethiopians, but they have to take the lead in condemning TPLF’s predatory policies because they are TPLF’s power-base.”
Indeed, Tigrians owe it to their martyrs. Unfortunately, the government seems to have not learned from the past. It still blames the crisis on maladministration. Nonetheless, the voices from the streets are ahead of issues of capacity and corruption. They are calling for fundamental political and constitutional changes and the end to TPLF dominance. Unless the government takes genuine and fundamental measures, quickly and orderly, for its own sake (highly unlikely), the situation could spiral down to chaos. And that is going to be unchartered territory for Ethiopia for the current confrontations could easily be manipulated by warriors.
A longtime Ethiopian friend summarized what ought to be done. He says the appropriate response would be for the regime to sit down with the opposition for paving a peaceful transitioning to meaningful democratic governance. But the government resorted to using the military, declaring a state of emergency. This is not done haphazardly. The TPLF controls the military and security apparatus, and there are plenty of indicators that elements in the military and security forces were pushing for the effective takeover of the state under the guise of national security imperatives.
Also, it is evident that the state of emergency is re-introduced to consolidate the overtaking of state powers and resources by the TPLF and those few around it who amassed wealth and prestige through its predatory policies. Therefore, in its real sense, this is a phase where Wayane is naked down to its true colors, reasserting state power using the same legal instruments it had implanted: the constitution, weak coalition, and military and security agencies that have been controlled by its cadres. As to where the situation is heading is anyone’s guess.
But how does Eritrean opposition square in the current struggle in Ethiopia? Does it stick with the forces of status quo or shift to the forces of change? Does it readjust its positions in tune with those who fight for fundamental human rights, inclusive political process and fair representation in Ethiopia or continues standing with the regime that is fighting back people’s demands brutally? If they choose to stick to the TPLF that has become anti-change and anti-inclusive politics, how does that reconcile with their prescribed mission that they stand for democratic change? Would not it be natural for them to align with the forces that are fighting for democratic change in Ethiopia? Part two will discuss the above questions.
ሰላም ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝቦች
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Keshi Mars February 22, 2018
Hello Assenna,
The ruling party still has the opportunity if it elects Dr Abiy Ahmed as its next PM. He is wise and courageous and also believes in one Ethiopia. I am confident that he will sit with everyone, including the opposition parties to come up with a solution. The coming week will show us where Ethiopia is heading.
Michael Tesfamariam February 22, 2018
While respecting his opinion, the writer seems to gloss over the major driving force behind the current political climate in Ethiopia. It might be easy fof people from outside to blame the EPRDF/TPLF skin-deep and shallow analysis by foreign media outlets without understanding the fundamental demographic and political structure of the country which is often stirred and manipulated by the backward and arrogant Amhara ethnic group. They don’t believe or respect any other democratically elected ethnic minority to rule the country other than themselves. This doesn’t mean that EPRDF has been perfect in everything; there were some legitimate public concerns the ruling party failed to address over the past two decades, but not significant enough to generate such chaos. Ethiopans, particularly the Tigray, Oromo, and certain ethnic minorities in the South have been ignored for long despite being represented by those in power. The current tensions have nothing to do with economic and political and rights, it is rather the direct result of the deep hatred and consistent lack of respect to the political and social insinuations the country has been building under EPRDF. Amhara do not care whatever destruction the country has to suffer, their primary desire is grap power at any cost.
MS February 22, 2018
Dear Michael T
Thanks for the comment `
Would U elaborate on the following:
1. The current hotbed of the uprising is mainly Oromia. The demonstrations in Amhara region, particularly Gondar area, were mostly of identity nature. Of course, now they are connecting with Oromia. So, if the issue is as you describe, ” manipulated by the backward and arrogant Amhara ethnic group,” why is Oromo burning in rage? It should have aligned with the current regime which professes to have given Ethiopian nationalities their autonomy.
2. Would it be wise to generalize the Amhara ethnic group as being backward? Isn’t that what the TPLF insinuate? For instance, I see the Tigray people and TPLF as two different entity. I don’t try to blame Tigrians for what is going on in the country.
3. Do you really believe, twenty-six years later, TPLF has implemented the constitution faithfully? I ask you this because even members of the EPRDF, ANDM, OPDO and some elements from SEPDM criticise TPLF for its control and overarching tentacles to their regional states. The problem is not ethnic federalism, but the intent behind it. That is what people are opposing. They are saying TPLF should play a fair game in Ethiopia
4. In the past years, Tigrians themselves accused the TPLF of putting them in an awkward position. The last purge was a result of years of grievances. It is to be seen if it will bear fruits.
Asmerom February 23, 2018
How does one tell a terrorist muslim taliban to buzz off Eritrean/Ethiopian affairs and try to mind his stinking filthy muslim beggar and barbarian Arab slave masters businesses? Normal humans can only have peace, order, development and good governance when they obey the rule of law (not the rule of your barbarian 7th century evil Sha’ria law or your savage ghedli’s jungle law) that the peaceful world has established to go govern its smaller and greater actors of our planet, go figure it out.
Dude, if you are a real man instead of being a fake expert and analyzer of Ethiopian internal affairs and boring us to death with your TPLF this, TPLF that bullshits, go and help your freaking muslims dying, burning alive in Syria, Iraq, Yemen for a change and then come back (hopefully in one piece) to analyze your experience! Otherwise, if you or your savage Amara, Oromo lovers want democracy and other crap things/demands then go to evil Islamic Mars, but while in Mars, feel free to do what ever you want – just make sure you don’t forget sending the freaking 2% to DIA or ESAT.
Abi February 23, 2018
Hi Vet
Great article!!!
I enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to the second part.
True to your character, you said it all with no bias. Kudos!
The better days are ahead of us.
Thank you.
Michael Tesfamariam February 23, 2018
First of all I am afraid the title of your article has not been fully reflected, it worth looking back and try to present some significant connections. Any way let me try to respond to your questions
1. First of all, It look like you made my point when you said the problem with Amhara is just identity. That is what I meant when I said this had nothing to do with the way the country has been operated under TPLF, ethinic/ identity driven deep hatred to the ruling party. As you might be well aware the fact that Amhara, all along from the very beginning since the downfall of the Derg regim has been the most destructive forces when the TPLF was seriously engaged in bringing about inclusive multi party political system, and but Amhara has rebuffed the idea of being ruled by EPRDF then TPLF despite they were elected through democratic means. They blamed TPLF for Eritrean self determination, they brought the Eritrea issue during their election campaign every five years to get support from their base. As I said, the Oromo issue did not suddenly come up as the result of poor TPLF administration or the creation “controversial” regional Federalism, it has existed for more than handred years when the barbaric Amhara group dominated the power and wealth of more than a century by marginalising every other ethnic group.
2. Yes, you are right the people of one country should not be judged by the action of their leaders. Unfortunately, that is not the case when you come to the Amhara, they are all from the same basket, the vast majority of them don’t believe on the other ethnicity minority, they are backward because they still want to be seen superior to every other ethnicities in the country.
3. Let alone TPLF, with limited experienc and no existing democratic institutions to trace from, even those with advanced political and social institutions should not be expected to implement their national constitution perfectly without any ups and downs. Given the history and complex nature of the diversity and demography of Ethiopia, it is extremely unfair to anticipate TPLF to draft and excute a fully functioning robust constitution within just 25 years.
4. Probably i agree with here partly because as I said in my previous comment, despite TPLF has been in power for 25 years, the most suffered part of the population, the Tigray and Oromo people benefited virtually nothing from TPLF. Perhaps, this is the most important factor why some Tigrinyan people are now reluctant to show their sympathies and solidarity to the ruling party. TPLF spent tremendous amount of resources in attempt to appease and woo Amhara while ignoring the Oromo and Tigray people.
Let me get back to my point about the title of your article “Eritrean opposition and Ethiopia-fast changing politics”
Without providing detailed argument you arrived at a conclusion by posing a challenge to the opposition whether they have to remain loyal to the ruling party or not. First of all, no matter you agree or disagree, to the best of my knowledge, there is no Eritrean opposition which is strong enough to affect the current political dynamicsas in Ethiopia. But even if it exists, there is no strategic benefit by throwing themselves with Amhara, a group which is a potential threat to Eritrean sovereignty. Don’t be fooled by PFDJ irresponsible propaganda that Eritrea’s enemy is nobody but Woyane. I don’t believe we should betray the people of Tigray, whether they are Woyane or Agame, they are the only close brothers who died with us during our long and bloody armed struggle for independence and as well as during the referendum. Issais and his cronies don’t care about the sovereign of Eritrea, has no ambition to respect the demand of those innocent and brave genuine Eritreans whose blood were poured and bones scattered through the country to fulfill the wishes and aspirations of their people, who are now being cleaned by Issais.
degoli February 22, 2018
One Eritrean recently wrote that the “Eritrean “opposition” spends as much time as the Higdef regime talking about Ethiopian politics, the fact remains that we the Eritreans cannot protect ourselves or our own Meqemechas or bottoms let alone our daughters, sisters and wives from the Arab slavery not far from the Eritrean borders eastern Sudan, Kesela, Gaedarif, Khartoum and all the way in savage Arab Passage to Libya, perpetrated by the Sudanese Tewelijes, Arab Rashaidas and Bedouins.’
Asmerom February 22, 2018
Brothers Michael and Degolt, as usual very well said dear brothers and please keep it up.
Asmerom February 22, 2018
correction: please read as brother Degoli and not Degolt, sorry respected brother.
Bilien Gioris February 22, 2018
This writer has been spending too much time with the myopic Amhara diaspora fanatics who believe they have a perpetual Devine right to lord it over everyone in Ethiopia. It’s worthwhile remembering that this destructive group has never, ever contributed anything for the welfare of the country or its people. Every charlatan, both Ethiopian and Eritrean, .who can string a couple of sentences and pretending to know the inner workings of the ruling party in Ethiopia has been spilling oceans of ink ‘analysing’ current events in Ethiopia. Their target is the punching bag TPLF and by extension the people of Tigrai. Irony of ironies. The people that paid the most to bring so much positive change and to liberate those the old system didn’t even consider full human beings have become scapegoats for all the nefarious and corrupt practices of Amhara and Oromo leaders. However, this too shall pass. The proud and heroic people of Tigrai have been through worse and they will overcome.. if you must write about Ethiopia and it’s problems, spend a little more time digging a bit deeper instead of mining the hate filled diaspora swamps.
Asmerom February 23, 2018
Brother/sister Bilien Gioris, I couldn’t agree more dear brother/sister and please keep it up.
meretse February 22, 2018
I personally do not believe our ideas or comments here will make any dent on the current Ethiopian —other than having an open heart or a good wishes (ሰላም ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝቦች) Because it simply is way beyond our limitation. It is also no secret that many of us knew/know TPLF very well from its “birth to adult hood, late adulthood and upto present.” We may also still have pain, anger, resentment, and unresolved issues with the old tplf/ today’s eprdf, but what has got to do this/that with the well being of the ENTIRE POPULATION of ETHIOPA? If we believe we have unresolved issues with tplf we have to challenge it separetly. TPLF is an organization not the whole population of Ethiopia.
Hypothetical question though to anyone: Let’s say someone did help you building your residential palace–then you liked him, praised him, complimented him but due unfortunate time your friendship ended upside down. After having the crisis is it fare to blame right away how weaked, bad, and ugly engineer he was/is while still you are residing in the same bulding that you built jointly? Or, how could you call someone not to believe him when you are awful and worse than him? How can you ask other people people to protest more, burn properties, kill honest people in the name of uprising when in fact you do not allow your own population not to gather together more than two people? How can anyone summarizes what is going now in Ethiopia is a peaceful uprising? Anyways since when are violent uprisings considered peaceful protests? Re: wayane I have nothing to say except they are still best friends of ISAYAS.
MS February 23, 2018
Selam Meretse
You imply as if TPLF had helped Eritreans be independent but fail to also give Eritreans the credit for helping TPLF take over Ethiopia. I think reasonable persons recognize past cooperation between Eritreans and Ethiopians, particularly TPLF, but don’t forget that Eritrean organizations also helped scores of other Ethiopian organizations that had fought Mengistu H/Mariam regime.
Secondly, Eritreans liberated their country and the independence of Eritrea was a fact on the ground, it did not come through negotiation or goodwill of some quarters
Thirdly, you have every right to characterize the current uprising as nonpeaceful. I tend to align with people’s grievances and those grievances have not come to the surface suddenly. They were in the making for years. People are resorting to violence because of frustration and as a reaction to the violent crackdown by security forces. Had the government taken it seriously and responded accordingly in its earliest stages, I feel the current crisis could have been avoided. Currently, the uprising has passed the level of local grievances. It is calling for fundamental changes; it is calling for real federalism where each kilil enjoys real autonomy as prescribed in the constitution. Basically, they are asking TPLF to relinquish its monopoly.
Asmerom February 23, 2018
Every time an issue rises PFDJists losers and wanna be Arabists slave dogs (like this rootless cancerous muslim by his savage barbarian Arab slave masters dog’s name of MS – Mahmud Saleh) start becoming fake experts of poor Ethiopia mentioning “TPLF, Weyane” craps. If there is any freaking problem in Eritrea it is all the fault of “Weyane – TPLF”. If the patient dies due to lack of electricity in Eritrea’s hospital the cause and the blame is on Weyane – TPLF again. In fact, if your blooded Islamic bathroom is not functioning well or properly it is because of poor Weyane – TPLF holding our Badme shit and if anyone criticizes the savage cancerous muslim Arab slave dogs then he/she is a weyane – TPLF and the list/excuses goes on. In short MS muslim terrorist taliban, avoid politics and just stick to your evil mosques.
AHMED SALEH !!! February 23, 2018
Qf course you represent the haters group from Tigray .
Be proud of yourself . No need to hide .
I remember a teacher in ASMERA named TECALEGN then
the school new his real name was TECLAY who speaks TIGRIGNA .
He use to teach agriculture class in MELESTEGNA high school .
Asmerom February 23, 2018
“Libi savage evil rootless cancerous Aslamay Tiwiyiway”,
Indeed, or more like “Crocked like a savage evil Muslim heart”, is an expression that I am sure you have all heard.
We simply don’t like you or trust you (as you don’t belong to us), you freaking suffer so much from jealousy, treachery and most of all inferiority complex as a rootless savage illegal immigrant deportee (from Wolkayit/Shire/Sheraro – Tigray -Ethiopia). We do understand your bitterness and resentment to your original savage Yemeni people for chasing you away by savage evil Islamic swords and for poor Tigrayans/Ethiopians dumping you (for being vicious CANCEROUS in their country) and dumping you into Eritrea on your stinking deathbeds.
Now, if you want to be taken seriously savage evil demented Arab dog (mushmush aregit kelbi Arab pimp), please come up with your own Eritrean language and history, tell us what your freaking language and history are in Eritrea, you see savage evil muslim Arab dog, people without their own language, history and identity are just garbage savage Arab dogs mercenaries.
HARADI HASAD rootless nomad jihadist aslamay, are you still slitting innocent Christian’s throats and savagely beheading our young Christian brothers in your savage evil Libyan deserts??
Bilien Giorgis February 28, 2018
‘It is calling for real federalism where each killil enjoys real autonomy…..they are asking tplf to relinquish monopoly’ you mean as in administering each killil? Do you really believe tplf is administering all the regions in Ethiopia? You don’t think or know each killil has its own elected president and legislature and that the corrupt heads of this fiefdoms in Oromia and Amhara have nothing to do with the current situation? It’s not the tplf that sold huge areas of public land in Oromia to the highest bidder, pocketed millions of birr and left millions of Oromo youth with no Hope for the future. This’s just one example.. Please ask around about Aba Dula. If tplf And Tigrai are targeted and blamed for everything, they have 27 years of Amhara diaspora incessant hate propaganda to thank not to mention the fact that that every Amhara and Oromo chieftain hides behind tplf to cover their corruption. By the way, they get no thanks for the positive sea change the country has seen. They only get credited for every wrong, real or imagined. Tplf has its many shortcomings but you completely render every other important player within the ruling coalition non-existent when you lay all the blame on one party.
. . You really need to try and get a real understanding of the situation instead of blindingly suggesting solutions from thousands of miles away. We have enough problems without other people dividing us further and feeding the flames with half baked ideas and jaundiced eyes.
Bilien Giorgis February 28, 2018
The above response was meant to respond to MS comment to meretse
amanuel February 23, 2018
Tsimblalie meakora zeykedenet….koynu natna neger. Ethiopians are more educated and capable of solving their problem. They are, genuine or not, demanding their rights in organized manner. We are headless and gutless unlike ethiopians. And gutless and headless people becomes whithers itself.
Asmerom February 23, 2018
MS – Mahmud Saleh terrorist taliban, let me treat you as a normal “human” and not the savage wild Arab dog, few years before he died, your notorious savage evil muslim cousin EPLF assassin, Ali Said Abdullah raped his poor maid servant and made her pregnant. Later on he freaking forced her to abort (as she was a poor Christian).
Now, do you know the name of this poor Christian maid’s uncle??????
Furthermore, it has been found that your criminal savage muslim cousin Abdallah Jabir was indeed a Saudi agent all along just like the other savage evil old Haji Akhria (truly savage Arab dog looking).
Now, by what special code name was he known to the barbarian savage evil muslim Saudis (i.e. your cousin Abdullah Jabir)????? These are important tests that will show if you are a lying, conniving and double talking savage muslim taliban. You see, you savage muslims have the gift of outwitting even a lie detector test/equipment. In short, muslim terrorist taliban, spare us your freaking fake opportunist expertise/analysis, get lost.
Simon G. February 23, 2018
ኣንታ ሓው ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ:
ዝኹሉ ጸገም ናትና ‘ኮሎስ ብዛዕባ ኢትዮጵያ እንታይ ኣእተወና?
ከመይ ዝበሉ መቓልስትኻ: በዓል ድሩዕ: ኣብ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ኢሳያስ ዓሪፉ። ካብዚ ዘሕዝን እንታይ ኣሎ?
ስለምንታይ ኣብዘይናትና ነገር ንዛረብ?
እንተኾነ መቓልስትኻ ኔሩ ድሩዕ: ከምዝመስለኒ። ስለምንታይ ብዛዕባኡ ዘይትጽሕፍ?
ደሓር ከኣ ሓንቲ ነገር ትርስዕዋ ኣላ: ወያነ ‘ኳ ብቕልጽሞም ‘ዮም ስልጣን ሒዘማ። ስለምንታይ ስልጣን ዘይተማቐሉ ኢልና ንግረም?
ሓይሊ ዘለዎ ከውርዶም ይፈትን። ክንደይ ሰባት ዘጥፍኡስ ብሰላም ክወርዱ ኢልካ ትሓስብ?
ኤርትራ ብሰንኪ ናይ ኤርትራ ወየንቲ (HGDF) ኣብ ዓዘቕቲ ተጀፍጂፋ እንኮላስ ብዛዕባ ኢትዮጵያ? በጃኻ ናብ ልብኻ ተመለስ
Asmerom February 23, 2018
Our muslim terrorist taliban MS demands elaboration on comments so here we go;
Why don’t you write about your former comrade (in crimes) Haile DeruE who incidentally deserved his death in the hands of his PFDJ gangsters as he was a killer too in his evil ghedli. Indeed, indeed the brave strong Weyane/TPLF got to Arat Kilo Menelik Palace building by sheer force and by lots of sacrifices NOT by freaking remote control (ESAT’s) or by barbaric evil Islamic ELF mendef crippled wheel chairs. Let’s see if the coward bojbajat savage Amara and Oromo few opportunist beasts retake/capture Arat Kilo Menelik palace by force.
And Eritrea should be run by all Akeleguzay colonels, generals, doctors, lawyers/judges and so on….. yours mafia/jihadi diKhala smooth operator, Mighty Embassoyra aka mighty HatellaGuzay the poisonous snaky.
አርማ February 23, 2018
አስመሮምይ ዘይ ከምሽካ
ዓጋመ ዲካ ወይስ ሓማሽን
ዓጋመ ቶኮንካ ይርዳካ
ሩጉም ኢካ
ንምንታይሲ ልብ ኣይተዕዳልኩምን ብገዛኩም። lol
abe February 23, 2018
When you say TPLF controls the army and security apparatus, would you also substantiate your accusations with facts and numbers or you to are the usual mambo jumbo?
I see this article as a copycat of the disgraceful ESAT press release.
meretse February 23, 2018
ዝከበርካ ሓው ማሕሙድ፡
ኣብ ዘይ መንጠቢትክን ኣይተእትዋ ኢድክን፤ ከይኮነና ኢልናስ ሸለል መሪጽና ኔርና። እንተኾነ ግን፡ ሓደ – ሓደ ግዜ ዋላ ተጸሚምካ ከተሕልፎ እንተደለካ ፡ ናይ ሰብ ነገር ግዲ ኮይኑ ምስ ተላዕለ፡ ወስ በል- ወስ በል ኣታ ይመጽኣካ። ብኡ መሰረት ከኣ ሓደ ክልተ ኢልካ ትጅምር እሞ እንዳ ተመጠ፣ እንዳተመጠ ይከይድ። ሕጂ ንወያኔ ንጎድኒ ገዲፍካ እዚ ኣብ ባይታ ዘሎ ሃዋሁው ብቁኑዕ መነጸር እንተ ሪኢካዮ ናብ ናይ ከታማ ጎነጽ ዝተጸገዔ ኢዩ ዝመስል። ብረት እናተኮስካ ዝግበር ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ሎሚ ኣብ ኢትዮጲያ ክሳብ ዝተካየደ ቕኑዕ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ኢዩ ዝካየድ ዘሎ ኢልና ኣፍና መሊእና ክንዛረብ እንተ ኮይና ከክዕብና ጥራሕ ኢዩ ዝኽእል። ጽሑፍካ ሕጂ’ውን ጽሑፍካ ንኹሉ መዳይ እቲ ኩነታት ዘማእከለ ኣይኮነን። ዝጎደሎ ከኣ ባዕልካ እንተ መላእካዮ ዝሓሸ ኢዩ በሃላይ ኢየ። ኣበይን እንታይን ጎዲልዎ ኣሎ ካባና ሓበሬታ ካና ትደሊ ኣይመስለንን።