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Eritrean National Conference for Democratic Change in Pictures














































































Review overview
  • Kozami November 21, 2011

    The pictures look like a small village courtroom filled to capacity with local peasants. Is this all that huffing and puffing commission this commission that…. yewaakum

    • halengi sewra November 21, 2011

      Kozami do kibleka kedami issayas! eba dea kem beal agametat goytotka issayas zeyteakebu delika? terogabi!

    • Hamid November 21, 2011

      You can now eat your heart. Really small village with all Eritrean colors that very much differs from the one color of Isaias that you’re used to. Please get of your locked box if you really care for Eritrea and its people irrespective of their background/differences.

      • ahmed saleh November 21, 2011

        The more we become open minded to the issues of our country, the more stronger
        and united we become. Keep it up , stay focused and be positive.

    • simon haile November 22, 2011


      Keep it up, I like your cooment very funny. By the way can you see any eritrean flag? I can’t

      Thank you. and good day

  • Barentu November 21, 2011

    I can not see Mr. Daniel Tewelde, an elected member of the commission, in the pictures? Where did the extra 200 participants of the conference came from and how were they selected? If you can not respect your own laws, how the hell are you going to respect and abide by Eritrea’s laws tomorrow?
    You need to conduct another conference to change yourselves first before you try to change others. I have done my best to see this conference succeed but I am disappointed of the immoral and undemocratic decisions of its leadership.
    There is one saying that fits you: ”weChos: entegelbeTkayo weCho:
    The old Jebha shaebia generation should resign and leave the way to the younger generation right in this conference.
    Ms. Elsa Chyrum starts at 41 minutes and ato Daniel Tewelde starts around 53 minutes in the youtube link below:

    • Abdi November 21, 2011

      i have been keeping exposing your agamtized game many times,i told you so many times we eritreans are wiser than to be divided by Sach an idiot sick agame like you so,save ur breath, we might get different opinions but we are one family and no power on earth can make a gap b/n us.thank you don’t get involved in eritreans issue,rHq elki qumalka mqmal yHsheka.
      Eritreans Be alarted barentu is an agame agent,sometimes he make gaps b/n gov’t supporters and the other amongst you guys.
      tselaela demi yblaE nsa khoyna enjer’eu,ze tekal just ignore him.

      • Wolde November 21, 2011

        Who ever your name is attacking Barentu; you are acting just like the PFDJ’s calling “Agame”. If you have to chalenge him
        focus at the point he is trying to make, the issue of Daniel Tewolde, the elected official. Barentu has a point. If you
        let Daniel go likewise this Wa’Ala is not different than that of the dictator Isayas’s.

        • Abdi November 21, 2011

          You must be one of his mates or too blind to detect his rather clear games.

        • ahmed saleh November 21, 2011

          Daniel issue is our issue, we would press hard to get an answer and respond to the matter
          correctly accordingly. To discuss our issues is only with Eritreans of good will not the sold
          out who we don’t trust, period. I prefer to save my energy for the positive outcome rather
          I through myself to their pathetic games, distracting the big picture at the critical time of attention must be stopped . Personally I prefer to ignore to talk or challenge unworthy
          and non trustful individual.

          • ahmed saleh November 22, 2011

            correction: read as, throw my self

      • Maazza November 22, 2011


        You have a very strong relationship with kumal and degel. My hunch tells me you must have a very intimate knowledge of these things for them to come out the way they do in your communication. You are calling Barentu qumalka mqmal yHisheka and to me you called me degal agame. These concepts are too damn strong in your make up. An average Eritrean would not dwell in them the way you do. Far be it from me to analyze your make up, but this has become so glaringly evident it needs no expertise to point it out. Komaln Degaln lbaElcka!!

  • Barentu November 21, 2011

    ዝረኣየ ዓይኑ ይበራህ፤
    ዎ ኣማሃ …!
    ዎ በሺር …!
    ዎ ዓብዱራሕማን …!
    ንዳኒኤል ዶ ርኢኻ!
    እወ ንዳኒኤል ወዲያ ተወልደ?
    ንሩባ ኣባጊዕና ሒዙ ምስ ወፈረ እዩ።
    ዝረኣየ ዓይኑ ይብራህ በለለይ ንደምበ ወፊርካ!

  • lebam zereba November 21, 2011


  • Freeprisoners November 21, 2011

    anabs dekis hzbi ajokum hzbi Eritrea aeb gonkum aelo, bzeyka azom akabat megelgelti hgdef.

    • ahmed saleh November 21, 2011

      One time barentu and then you come as Fako, you double face. We eritreans are straight and we don’t like TEWUYWAY, our parents and culture didn’t raise us that way.
      Get lost, what ever your identity is, I care less. You can fool others but not me you traitor.

  • COMEBESHTATO November 21, 2011

    taht is all we need .keep moving yangisters .tht is your fild.isaias is trip he is going to fall soon.

  • Selamawi November 21, 2011

    To the Waela people!
    Best wishes in your endeavours to make Eritrea better…

    The process of addressing differences, and dealing with issues such as that raised by Ato Daniel Tewelde needs to be clarified and rectified urgently. Perhaps it would be wise to reinstate him and respond to his queries…People should discuss your success and hopes rather than your shortcomings (which you can rectify).

    It is alleged that some 150 or more participants were hand picked….. This does not sound right. Period.

    You have jumped into drafting a constitution for us? So many, so many people will be aggrieved by this. Please come up with a working document/tool – a tool to enable us overthrow the primitive and barbaric, lawless regime in our land. A workable roadmap or something of that nature , please.

    Remember: the process is the foundation of the outcome. If the process is flowed it will not be surprising if the outcome is shaky.

    Please, we have high hopes on you. Do not let us down. Be brave to challenge one another, and rectify shortcomings. Statements are not enough. Come up with better leadership if you have to.
    Eagerly tuned and concerned compatriot.

    • ahmed saleh November 21, 2011

      Well said,Selamawi!

  • Abdi November 21, 2011

    What are the different scafs on their necks which look like flags are they flags representing each organization ?if its indeed flags, oh God that’s an indication for a bloody civil war for the hunger each organization has for power.
    the good thing is they are worthless meetings addicted thugs,i feel sorry for the young generation who expecting change through these idiots who touring ethiopia addis,Awasa and soon sodere,Fulwaha picnics and later in shashmene for a higher class marijuana,no wonder ethiopians in addis called them drunkards.
    As long as these meetings are held every week and month no harms will come from addis,so keep it up.

    • gasha November 21, 2011

      the scarfs some one said eritrean colors I dont see eritrean color may be winter time at arberebue.

  • Barentu November 21, 2011

    My stand is clear, I will always stand for truth and justice. I will defend the victims in Sinai, Egypt and Libya as I defended the rights of Sherifo and today I will defend Daniel Tewelde as an elected member of the commission.
    The coward Ahmed saleh is accusing me of using other names now for quoting and he had accussed me before of “begotry” because I posted:
    1. The racism and discrimination against dark skinned people in the Arab world is common but very few brave people speak about it. What is happening to Eritreans in Egyptian Sinai, Libya and Sudan is part of Arab racism against black people.
    Watch the video clip below. I urge Eritreans to speak up and to teach the public about this taboo subject.
    Learn from the video clips about racism in Iraq, just start with what the Arabised blacks say:

    • Abdi November 21, 2011

      Why go that far,clear you own mess before talking a bout Arabs,check for any happy ethiopian other than you Agames,and its a reminder for you to care about ur own victims,thanks we can handle ours.

    • ahmed saleh November 21, 2011

      I am an honest forward person who fear no one, GOD only. I said it straight to your face clear and open. You
      may call me a coward, but I never try to mislead my follow brothers/sisters approaching with multiple names like you do. I am a person of integrity, and I always trust my people and never in my life wished them bad, GOD my witness ,
      you evil spirited fellow, wake up you are not dealing with kids in this forum.

    • Wolde November 21, 2011

      Barentu, Forget Ahmed Saleh’s nonsense comment. What makes Ahmed Saleh better than the people from “Agame”. His forefathers are probably kicked out from Agame land a century ago. So what to do now? He is the same person as the people in Agame are (but with a less ethical value). He probably is a fanatic muslim looking for his own agenda, not into an inclusive kind of governance. Daniel is representing his own constituents the way they want him to represent them.

      • ahmed saleh November 22, 2011

        First of all I don’t know were you come from to call me a fanatic Moslem. Then you said ” he is the
        same as Agame People”. You arrogant, I better be like them, who at least shelter our young in their
        land as neighbors, at the time in need than your foolish and hateful sentiment, you stupid low life.
        Daniel issue is our own issue that is not your concern, and I promise you he be will more stronger than
        before because he is one of us.

  • Barentu November 21, 2011

    2. The coward also accused me again for posting,
    I can not see Mr. Daniel Tewelde, the elected member of the commission, in the pictures? Where did the extra 200 participants of the conference came from and how were they selected? If you can not respect your own laws, how the hell are you going to respect and abide by Eritrea’s laws tomorrow?
    They need to conduct another conference to change yourselves first before you try to change others. I have done my best to see this conference succeed but I am disappointed of the immoral and undemocratic decisions of its leadership.
    There is one saying that fits you: ”weChos: entegelbeTkayo weCho:
    The old Jebha shaebia generation should resign and leave the way to the younger generation right in this conference.
    Ms. Elsa Chyrum starts at 41 minutes and ato Daniel Tewelde starts around 53 minutes in the youtube link below:

    • ahmed saleh November 21, 2011

      Stop whining like a baby. Get yourself together man, what is wrong with you.

      • Kibrom T. November 22, 2011


        Barentu, aka Fako, Wolde – is still a snake. As you can see, along with the other snakes from Temben – Tsehaye, Kozami (strong possibility of a hydra) – have a mission to destroy Eritrea. I have decided not to read their posts, and if I do, discard them as trash. Our brother Ahmed, with true Eritreans like you, our mission to save our people should never, never be distracted.

        • ahmed saleh November 22, 2011

          Kubrom Hawey
          We born and raised in Eritrea with rich culture, love and respect. I will not allow nobody
          to exploit the innocence( GERHENA) of my people to get advantage in front my presence.
          I appreciate your support, Thank you my brother.

        • Tsahaye November 22, 2011

          Kibrom T.,

          kan ezi tekal zarsi temeliska emb’ar. klte-shew’ate ab enda der’anto mhtsab ewn aiteqemen? Didn’t you and I have a good ending before and promised to respect each others views? bel ezi hawey anen Kozaminsi mebeqolna Ertra, mi’enti Ertra buzuh zserahnan zrahatsnan Ertrawian deqebat ina. mzom deqi Temben Tegaru ahwatna dma kmzi natka tsegem yeblnan. I our biggest problem is with the barbaric woyane regime and the Eritrean warlords.