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Eritrean diaspora to be forced to pay their 2% duties online

According to our knowledgeable sources from inside and out-side Eritrea, the regime has set new plan to put all its embassies throughout the world in one integrated system so that all embassies can have secure,

According to our knowledgeable sources from inside and out-side Eritrea, the regime has set new plan to put all its embassies throughout the world in one integrated system so that all embassies can have secure, real-time and direct online connection with the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with each other, and all the Eritrean diaspora will be ordered soon to pay their 2% duties online. Although, the regime is in hurry to implement his plan, personnel related set-backs have been delaying the process.

Since the process has taken more time than scheduled, recently issued an order to Eritrean embassies in western countries, and in countries who have already risen their concerns over collection of  “diaspora tax”, to inform those tax payers to pay in Asmara, whenever they go back to Eritrea or pay through their relatives in Eritrea. Strict orders has been passed not to attract any unnecessary attention on 2% taxation as the issue has become talking point among diplomats and financial security authorities in different countries.

The dictator is introducing this plan as a last resort to guarantee the sustainability of its extraction of money from Eritrean diaspora in the light of the increasing pressure over its legitimacy from western countries and their allies in the middle East, like Kwait and Dubai, who are convinced by the latest effective campaign of Eritrean justice seekers throughout the world. The regime has earmarked about $1 million budget to implement this program. One Eritrean American IT expert from the United States has been periodically visiting Asmara to train the required personnel and set the necessary facilities for this integrated system.

According to our sources, already some computers and other equipment have been bought abroad and sent to Eritrea. Moreover, our multiple sources have confirmed that the plan is directly handled by the Office of the President.

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  • negasi July 20, 2014

    where’s the promise of the constitution draft by president?