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Eritrean Cyclists seek asylum in Scandinavian countries

At least 3 Eritrean cyclists who participated at the world championships in Copenhagen from 19th to 25th September are reported to have sought asylum in Scandinavia. The cyclists who represented Eritrea did not perform as well

At least 3 Eritrean cyclists who participated at the world championships in Copenhagen from 19th to 25th September are reported to have sought asylum in Scandinavia.
The cyclists who represented Eritrea did not perform as well as had been expected. It is to be remembered that the entire Eritrean soccer team absconded in Kenya some 2 years ago. Many Club Red Sea football players in Tanzania last year as well as the Eritrean athletes in Scotland are among many sports folks who did not go back to their country because of the dire political and economical conditions in Eritrea.

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  • Michael Abraha Fre September 30, 2011

    We need to pray for the nation is loosing its yougsters and we will have generation gap!! Please pray for Eritrea!! Prayer is the only answer!!

  • Ahmed Saleh October 1, 2011

    Here we go again. It is very deppressing to hear those kind of news. May ALLAH send somesort of miracle to save those young
    Eritrean generation from their situation. As Michael said, generation gap is serious matter for the future of eritrea.

  • Kalu October 1, 2011

    Most of you are saying good, lucky and bravo and so on you seem as you are ready to help them financially which is obvious. I will say well come to modern western slavery. These youngsters were better off as professional cyclists in their own country, grow as professionals and compete internationally to get a better place in the name of their own nation. But after they seek asylum and remain in adopting country they should better say good bye for their profession and will never offered the privilege they received from their motherland. All the negative propaganda of the Weyane sellouts will be clear for them as bogus and regrettable. Many of those cyclists and soccer professionals who chose to remain as refugees than to go back to Eritrea are leaving in handouts and welfare. A couple of them committed suicide.

    • Paradiso October 1, 2011

      If you think Eritrea is a worthy place to live with dignity, what the hell are you doing in the West, be it USA, Canada, Sweden, UK … etc ?
      Eritrea under Hgdef to young Eritreans is not worthy to call him. It is a land of no rights or human rights, it is a land of prison, no free press, no worthy jobs, no income, no worthy opportunities … only endless national service and slavery to Hgdef.
      Young Eritreans are risking their lives to live anywhere outside of Eritrea. There are more freedoms, rights, opportunities … in the new South sudan or Uganda than in Eritrea.
      By comparison, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, America … are heaven than the hell in Eritrea under Issaias Afewerki.
      Young Eritreans are listening to Radio Assenna and fleeing in droves, that is 6000 per year.

    • yas October 2, 2011

      Kalu are typical hypocrite… why you are living in the west if you believe western life is modern slavery. Well the youth of Eritrea making the right decision inorder to have a better future than suffering under the Isaias regime. If you believe Eritrea is a country to live go and serve goitotaetka… but for our youth we wish them all the best and good luck!

  • wedi Zere October 1, 2011

    This is a temporary solution on individual bases and YES we are off the shackles and chains of oppression and enslavement whether we are in Europe,North America or in the refugee camps of the Sudan and Ethiopia but certainly not an everlasting solution for a nation and people who are suffering badly under the hands of cruel dictators for 2 decades.The ONLY solution is to get organized wherever we are and fight back to claim a nation that thousands of our selfless patriots perished their lives for.Leaving our people and contry that we all love behind will only embolden the shifta gangs and weakens the spirit of our people.Once again,lets show them that we can organize and fight them back from where ever we are.We shouldn’t rest until Democracy and Justice prevail in Eritrea.
    Welcome to the land of Freedom and Justice, Brothers.

  • Isaac October 1, 2011

    Good luck guys with your new life and country. Please, always remember your friend who are left behind unfortunatly

  • Kalu October 1, 2011


    First of all have a manner for your words. Secondly, whatever you mentioned are absolutely none existent. Since the main news source to you is Assena, of course it is hard for you to know the progress and reality in the beloved country; the country of the lion of Nakfa but not of the te’ta’ lakeiti spoon of the Weyanes. Let me tell you some of the concocted false news of Assena; Iran ships in Assab, Attempt of PIA’s assassination, a group of Doctors and Nurses flee to Sudan, embezzlement of money in China Central Bank, PIA son in London for school and recently Training Armed group in Eritrea. These are proven lies and deceptions of Assena. If you depend and confined in this little circle I am very sorry for you, please stretch your ability beyond Assena com.

  • daniel woldu October 1, 2011

    good job it is worthy to leave eritrea at this time ander hgdf gov we all eritrean leaving our beloved country b/s of the dictaters and cruel adminstration hgdf must to go to live peacefull life in ourown country i wish you the best to all who live the country and our cyclist may god bless you good luck

  • salah October 1, 2011

    another slap to the dictator

  • Temesgen Medhanie October 1, 2011

    It sure is yet another blow to the regime in Asmara but the question is, say in few years time as they settle down and get all their immigration papers straightened out, are they going to put their hands together and hit the dance floor as a PFDJ official comes to organize Hizbawi Mekhete or are they in unison going to stand up to tyranny with courage and principle? I sure encourage them to listen to their conscience and make sacrifices as they owe it to our martyrs and to Eritrea.

  • berhe October 1, 2011

    good luck! this is the only chance to them. good start the new life.