BBC: Eritrean army conscripts ‘killed in Asmara escape bid’
Security forces in Eritrea's capital Asmara have killed several young conscripts who tried to escape the convoy they were travelling in, according to opposition media outlets. There were also civilian casualties after some of the recruits'

Security forces in Eritrea’s capital Asmara have killed several young conscripts who tried to escape the convoy they were travelling in, according to opposition media outlets.
There were also civilian casualties after some of the recruits’ friends and family used a bus to block the road to help them escape, according to the unconfirmed reports.
Conscription in Eritrea is compulsory.
The Eritrean authorities have not commented on the alleged incident.
Rights groups consider Eritrea to be one of the world’s most repressive states.
In 2015, it ranked bottom of the World Press Freedom Index, published by media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF).
Conscription in Eritrea can last for decades and is one of the main reasons tens of thousands flee the country every year.
Wedi fre April 7, 2016
The regime of shame is preparing silver jubilee of the Eritrean independence.
For the true Eritreans it is a 25th Jubilee of servitude and humiliation by the Tigrinya speaking Derg.
new user name April 7, 2016
Please do not compare dergi with shabya. Derg attrocities shoild be measured under war time as it was in war all around. What about shaabia, they just create war after war, while no one is willing to fire back.
Teqera April 7, 2016
Thanks to the Shiftas and the Ghedli Romantics who worship the lies concocted as “history”, Eritrea and Eritreans have become the shame of this world.
Only Shiftas can begat another shifta that the hypocrites keep on denying.
shewit April 7, 2016
These youth are heros. Very courageous! They did what their older brothers and fathers didn’t have the courage to do. They said a defiant and very loud NO to oppression, lies and slavery disguised as “national service” Anabs real deki Eritrea. You just did history. Your oppressors wont sleep in peace from now on.
Asmara Eritrea April 7, 2016
Massacre, massacre and massacre of Eritrean youth by the beast in Asmara.
It is time to speak out. There can only be those Eritreans who vehemently oppose Isaias and those who vehemently support him in these atrocities. There can no longer be silent Eritreans; silence = supporting dictatorship, nothing less.
The Eritrean people should unite, we have nothing to lose but a nasty beast who slaughters our youth in broad daylight.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship
hp April 7, 2016
Finally BBC is reporting the killing.VOA has done too.however,I don’t expect the damn puppets will accept the truth.
Oromai Eritrea April 7, 2016
ናይ ወያነ ተጋሩ ተጨቍንና ኢሎም ዝተቓለስዎ ብዙሕ ኣዕጋቢ ኣይነበረን፣ሱቕ ኢሎም ካብ ሚኒሊክ ክሳዕ መንግስቱ ስለ ዝረገጽዎምን ዘድከይዎምን መንነቶም ጨፍሊቖም ከም ሰብ ስለ ዘይቆጸርዎም እዩ፣ እዚ ግን ዘቃልስ ኣይነበረን፣ዘቃልስ ምኽኛት ናትና ናይ ኤርትራውያን እዩ።ፋሽሽቲ ጣልያን ሓልዮምልና መታን ብትምህርቲ ከይንጽለል ክሳዕ ራብዓይ ጥራይ ክንምሃር እንተፍቀዱልና፣ ጨቋኒ ንጉስ ሃይለ ስላሴ ግን ብሽም ን 3000 ዓመታት ናይ ሓባር ታሪኽን ስልጣኔን ኣለና ኢሉ፣ጣፍ ካብ ሽራሮን ጎጃምን ብሕሱር ፣ቡን ካብ ከፋ ብትሑት ዋጋ፣ሽኮር ካብ ወንጂ ብዘስሕቕ ዋጋታት እናሰደደ ንህዝብና ከብዱ ከም ዝገፍሕ ዝገበረ ጨቋኒ እዩ።መንግስቱ እውን እቶም ሓለይትና ተጋደልቲ ኣብ 91 ኣስመራ ቅድሚ ምእታዎም እዚ ጀዋሲስ ዝኾነ ህዝቢ ኣስመራ ሓንቲ ምለሊኽ እኽሊ ኣይትኣትዎን ኢሎም ክኽልክሉ ፣ጨቋኒ ደርጊ ግን ብኣይሮፕላን ጌሩ ምግቢ የእትወልና ኔሩ።ካብዚ ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ጭቆና ንላዕሊ እንታይ ኣሎ።ወያነ እውን ዝተጨቆኑ ኣሕዋትና እናበለ ኩሉ ምግብን ናውቲ ገዛን እናእተወ ጨቍኑና።ህዝብና ብርስንን ሓምሊ ኣድግን በሊዑ ብህድኣት ከይነብር ፣ኢትዮጵያ ከይዱ ሃብቲሙ ስጋን ጠስምን ምብላዕ ምስ ጀመረ Cholesterol ናይ ደሙ ሰማይ በጺሑ ክንደይ ኤርትራዊ ኣስቢዳለ ኣትዩ፣ እዚ እዩ ዘቃልስ፣እምበር ቃልሲ ትግራይ ሱቕ ኢሉ እዩ ከምታ ወዳ ሞይትዋ ሱቕ ኢላ ትበኪ ኣደ እዩ።
nahom Mengistaeb April 7, 2016
Bravo Oromai Eritrea, thank you very much for a great laugh. What a great and super sense of humor you have brother/sister. Please keep it up and God bless you with lots of happiness and good health, thanks again as it was really funny and enjoyable.
oromai eritrea April 8, 2016
Nahom Mengistaeb ,
I am glad you get my brilliant satire ,apparently ,Genet Original the protector of all Eritrean evil did not ,but that is ok…
Genet-orginal April 7, 2016
Dear Oromai Eritrea/Teclay or the other anti Eritrea and Eritreans.
You are a peace of work. You are Ethiopian. You are not any Ethiopian. You are from tigray region. You are full of hate toward the people of Eritrea and its people. At this time, the saddest time for us Eritrean. Eritrean children are being murdered by Isayas Afewrki the grandson of ras hagos from tembien tigray. You can’t even restraint yourself from insulting our people. Without you and alike belittling the Eritrean people, our people can’t even mourn our dead. What is it with you? During the 1940 when your King Haile Selassie was starving your people and taxing them to death, they came to Eritrea. They ware given homes and jobs. I am not talking in Asmara only, but in the country side all over Eritrea. How did you pay the people that host you and gave you homes, you collaborated with their killers. Yes, you worked for the Communist Derg; you killed our people. You took the advantage of Speaking our language and used it against us. You were the rat who lead the Derg in to Eritrean homes and kill them. Your comment is not funny. You should go back were you came from. You guess it, tigray online.
Leave us alone. Don’t you have something to do like killing Oromo kids.
FITHI ynges April 7, 2016
How desperate are you this happen 5 days ago you are still dreaming to see like what happen in OROMO ETHIOPIA well jast sit & cray ERITREAN people are smart
FITHI ynges April 7, 2016
Hi ASSENA whay don’t you organize some deleyti FTHI & go take revenge because the caoutrys you hope are running to ERITREA to invest
FITHI ynges April 7, 2016
KAB HIJI ZINOKEWE ZIBES ASSENA ASMARINO WEYANE BBC going to talk all week about this past history this happen 5 day ago get an ather propganda
Oromai Eritrea April 7, 2016
Fithi Ynges,
Assenna has brought us live the torture and unimaginable tales of rape of women and men, Assenna has composed heart felt poems and former prison guards and formerly raped girls and women..It is not Assenna’s mandate (responsibility) to organize commandos as no one is willing to die ,when Wedi Vacarro organized only a guy called Gebel (former EPLF) volunteered and he is still here in the west ,maybe he could not find cheap air ticket to travel to meida.People ,we need to stop fooling ourselves ,We had no gedli but banditry (SHIFTNET),UNDER OUR FORMER MOTHERLAND WE WERE LOVED AND OWNED ALL THE RICHES ,THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A COUNTRY CALLED E ,except an administration under italy and protoctorate of british, People are using the argument ,even if oit flies it is a goat argument..We were dupped by Islamist Jebha and Abyssinian shaibiya,,,Isaias is not interested in badme or goat’s forehead sized Eritrea ,He wants to rule the whole Ethiopia of course that includes the daughter Eritrea ,he would bring back djibouti if he could ,We Eritreans (former Ethiopians) have always been used condoms to be disposed…WE NEED TO SMELL COFFE ,AS TERE IS NO COFFE IN ERITREA ,WE MAY HAVE TO SMELL IT FROM ETHIOPIA>
AHMED SALEH !!! April 7, 2016
Oromai Eritrea
To say “Islamist Jebha and Abyssinia Shaebia ” doesn’t sound it came
from real Eritrean . Worthless to respond on idiots comment .
My advice , you can have admirers if you join aiga forum and tigrai
online because you fit well in there .
Genet-orginal April 8, 2016
you are not Eritrean, You are Ethiopian/Tigray for now. Until Ethiopian kick you out of the their country.
H/mariam April 8, 2016
For some folks, the world is tiny when they see it from the land of Eritrea and becomes giant only when they see Eritrea from outside. Please don’t throw up substandard utterances about Tigray or Tigrayans in general.
They are as proud and as self-fulfilled as the Eritrean people. But more than that, they are the closest cousins we have as a society. Talking cheap about people doesn’t ask effort, doesn’t show smartness and should never make you feel or look better. As people and nation we need to live in peace and respect with all our neighbours.
Ermias Adonay April 9, 2016
Genet-o and Ahmed Saleh, How do we know you are Eritreans? Simply talking and writing too much about Eritrea
doesn’t and won’t make you more Eritreans. Our people are sick and tired of your old and arrogant attitude of
like higdefs that we know everything and also we know what is best for you damn Eritreans. No more miwirizay, we the people have at last waken up to your lies and fake pretence. Simply Eritreans know who to believe and also not to believe about the past and future of independent Eritrea.
assenna April 9, 2016
Dear demo.archive.assenna.commentators,
One commentator has been using several nick names for a long time now. Some of his/her nicks are Nahom Mengisteab, Ermias Adonay, Kidane Canada, Ghirmay, H/mariam. What do you think is going on with this individual? You can check out his comments, too.
AHMED SALEH !!! April 9, 2016
I assume this individual either he is an agent with a mission or he hold
some sort of grudge against Eritreans . And for those who feel offended
to call them haters from Tigray , they are wrong to defend their bad apples while we confront our same bad apples (HGDF sympathizers).
Genet-orginal April 10, 2016
Dear Assenna
Thank you for taking the time to point out this issue.
With all certainty, (Ermias Adonay, Nohom mengisteab kidane canda Ghirmay H/mariam) is NOT PFDJ or supporter. He is Ethiopian/Tigrayan. I have no idea why he is here and why he is changing his pen name. For sure he is creating destruction. To me he is a boy from Tembien and his goal is domination. To him, there is no nation called Eritrea.
Genet-orginal April 10, 2016
Erimias Adonay, nahom mengiseab, kidnae canda, Ghirmay , H/mariam
For starter, We are Eritrean justice seeker. We don’t change our name, we don’t have multiple names within one site. Now it is getting more clear an clear who is Eritrean and who is afraid of being found out not being Eritrean. You attack Eritrean, we don’t. we ask Isayas to be held accountable, you don’t. we ask Eritrean GOld income be used for our people, you don’t care, you trash Eritrean history and fight for their right, We honor our history, You tell us, we are paying for our gedli sin, we tell you, no our independence was hijacked by blood sucking Tembien boys, you tell us no, it is our gedli sin. we said Eritrean are Eritrean, regardless of where they came from, you tell us there is no Eritrea or Eritrean.
That is the difference between you intruders and us Eritrean.
Teclay April 8, 2016
Oromay E
“ህዝብና ብርስንን ሓምሊ ኣድግን በሊዑ ብህድኣት ከይነብር ፣ኢትዮጵያ ከይዱ ሃብቲሙ ስጋን ጠስምን ምብላዕ ምስ ጀመረ Cholesterol ናይ ደሙ ሰማይ በጺሑ ክንደይ ኤርትራዊ ኣስቢዳለ ኣትዩ” =indeed
It very clear and simple but unfortunately you can not make the4m understand.The Ghedli romantics is so deep and cemented like rock .I wonder sometimes you can not understand a group’s behavior,it is strange.A good example of similarity to our absurd Ghedli is the Islamic suicide bombers.What is the logic of killing innocent children ? absolutely nothing ,but millions of ppl believe on it.Ours case is one and the same .
Uncle (Oromay ) What about the anesthesia called SWEATNA ? Whenever one starts to wake up from the 60 years sleep,immediately give him another dose.
oromai eritrea April 8, 2016
Dearest Teclay,
Please go to paltalks ,You and I are winning for the Eritrean youth..they atlast realized ,not only Isaias or only shaIbiya was shifta ,but the whole gedli ,so ,the gedli romantics have a lot of “non Eritreans” like you and I….A movement that kidnaps peasants ,robs food and kids to waste their life is not only shifta ,I call them the new daIsh/isis.
The children of deqi kaleb are coming together..secessionist bandits are losing ,and the martyra were not allowed to speak ,just die ,how the hell did they have recommendations..We shall triumph as we always have as abissinian ppl.
nahom Mengistaeb April 9, 2016
Dearest Oromai E,
Please direct me to the best paltalks of Eritrean youths. You and the other gentleman by the name of Teclay should be applauded and encouraged for your honest and educational observations and comments. Once again please continue it and let us learn all the hidden agendas and secrets of the past criminal ghedli tegadelti. I also hope and pray that Assenna doesn’t become a website of just the ex-tegadelti and their criminal ghedli. Many thanks to you both and to brother Amanuel of Assenna for his great works.
oromai eritrea April 9, 2016
nahom Mengistaeb,
Go to smerrr Eritrean paltalk ,atleast 80% of the many smerrr paltalks have gotten the ytrue enemy ,the shiftnet..and if you like go to facebook Adios Eritrea, to vist my brilliant poems and article style comments..
stay brilliant
Genet-orginal April 10, 2016
nahom, mengistaeb, Erimias adonay, kidane canda, Ghirmay, H/mariam… oromai, Teclay and others, why don’t you guys go back to tigry online and fight with Ethiopian. or Tembien boys fight with the rest of Tigray people. I am exploring about you boys and I am finding very disturbing fact about tembien people and relationship with the rest of Tigray. There is someing brewing in Tigray, civil war any one??
Genet-orginal April 10, 2016
nahom meg.., Erimias adonay, kidane canda, Ghirmay H/mariam, why bother going to other sites, jut go to tigray online. they need you there.
Genet-orginal April 10, 2016
Ruthless Tembien boys, just go to tigray online!!
Genet-orginal April 10, 2016
Tembien boys and girls Just go to tigray online.
Genet-orginal April 10, 2016
Teclay don’t listen to your brother Tembien boy oromai.
Go to tigray online.
Genet-orginal April 10, 2016
It will be soon be oromai for you.
What goes around comes around. You are waging war against the Eritrean people.
You are creating mayhem in the net with your disruptive comment. Such an arrogant fool.
I remember a statement made by the Tigray Gov in Ethiopia back in 1998. right before the badme war that was created by the Tembien boys in side Eritrea and the Tigray gov in Ethiopia. Tigray gov will make sure Eritrean will be completely disabled; We will work within to divided them between religion, Highlander and lowlander, among regions. We will take over their culture. Will make sure there is no Eritrea nation. Now this not going to work on real Eritrean. This only going to hurt your future generation, not ours. You Tembien boys are trying to re write history. You may spent your time belittling the nation of Eritrea and its people, at the end you will get noting substantial. Eritrea is here to stay!!!!
AHMED SALEH !!! April 10, 2016
I also blame Eritreans who seem eager to challenge PFDJ supporters
but they leave the door open for these suspicious intruders .
In fact the latter are worst enemy to entire country comparing our
arrogant nihna nisu zombies .