Eritrean Afar Civilians in Small Vessels Killed by Saudi Arabian-Led Coalition off the Coast of Yemen
Eritrean Afar Civilians in Small Vessels Killed by Saudi Arabian-Led Coalition off the Coast of Yemen Several news sources affirmed that the Saudi Arabian-led Coalition planes have indiscriminately and deliberately hit Eritrean Afar civilian small fishers’

Eritrean Afar Civilians in Small Vessels Killed by Saudi Arabian-Led Coalition off the Coast of Yemen
Several news sources affirmed that the Saudi Arabian-led Coalition planes have indiscriminately and deliberately hit Eritrean Afar civilian small fishers’ men’s boats near the ports of Mokha near Bab alMandab strait off Yemen. The Fishing boat was carrying livestock and civilians. The civilian boat had left for Yemen from the Dankalia Region of Eritrea to import basic food commodities, household items, clothing and footwear to meet their basic needs. At least 5 civilians were indiscriminately killed and 10 other people injured, including women, children and elderly people. This type of air attack against a civilian boat is a serious violation of international humanitarian law. RSADO has therefore found that the Arab Coalition Forces appear to have carried out indiscriminate air strikes with foreknowledge of their indiscriminate effect.
Lula October 6, 2016
The savage al Saud Barbarians have already started committing atrocities in Eritrea as do they do to may Muslims they call “Abeed” or infidel.
I thought we were Arabs and our langauge Arabic ?!
AHMED SALEH !!! October 6, 2016
You thought we were Arabs and our language Arabic , so what ?
Free speech allowed you to speak nonsense but Dare you touch my Eritrea in harm way .
I know who you are it is fine . .
Simon G. October 6, 2016
Aren’t the Tembien boys committing worse crimes than this?
Z. Hagos October 6, 2016
The Eritreans should claim damages for every damage caused by Qataris and Saudis. These two kingdoms are helping the claimed king of Eritrea or Isayas in all destructive policies pursued by him. The two kingdoms are financing the crimes committed against humanity in Eritrea. Not only that, they are also bribing the west not to condemn the crimes of Isayas.
Eritrean Diasporas in these two countries are forced to pay 2% and other supporting funds to the regime. If the Eritrean families do not pay these monies to the tyrant, these two kingdoms cancel their work permits. In fact, the COIE should report of these two countries as the enablers of the tyrant in committing the crimes against the innocent Eritrean people.
The names of the innocents killed this time by the bombs of the Saudis should immediately be declared as targeted victims and compensation should be at least two million Dollars per person killed.
AHMED SALEH !!! October 6, 2016
Two million dollars under the watch of lawless armed officers will bring the elimination of entire family members
especially for peasants and fishermen in remote areas .
Z. Hagos October 6, 2016
I got the estimation of two million dollars from one of the leaders of the Dankalia Government in Exile. They are opposed to the presence of Emirate Ports Corp. in Dankalia. According to this leader, the government in exile of Dankalia is in the process of delivering a notice to the Emirati Ports Corp. to leave Dankalia immediately. He did not mention about their anticipation of what the Corp. is going say and how the govt. in exile is going to respond.
Simon G. October 6, 2016
This is the beginning. Feel sorry to my fellow Eritreans. If you let foreigners run your land, this is the basic damage they can do.
We are simply watching when our people are decimating every where..
Grar October 7, 2016
simon writes, “If you let foreigners run your land, this is the basic damage they can do.”
This is what happens to people who burn their own languages, history and identity and “let foreign” identity and languages run your land.
Who is still dancing to Arab tunes and burning his own Tigre languages and treating our own native Tigre-Tigrinya languages as “foreign”.
People who volunteered to be Arab slaves and treated as Abid in Libya, Egypt and Arab Sinai should not be surprised how the evil Jihadi Arab treats them at home.
Do not be surprised if an Arab wanabe in this forum shouts at my comment. He is just doing his barking dog-job assigned to him by his Arab master.
jorjo October 7, 2016
The PFDJ regime was not only agreed and implemented to use the Eritrean ports by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia but also to indulge in abusing and exterminating Eritrean people wherever and whenever possible. What has happened in innocent Eritrean Afar people now will continue on other Eritrean people too, by these foreign forces who have a consent with the PFDJ government. The regime is doing everything intentionally. Therefore, we should have opposed the indulgence of these forces while strengthening our struggle to withdraw these brutal regime.
Alem October 7, 2016
Any government in the world would take necessary action including compensations for the families affected. Eritrea is especial in these regard. The liberators are mindless and very ignorant and blind. The few super liberators are carbon copy mafias. No one will dare to raise the issue of compensation and or other appropriate action against the crime. Well, a criminal can not stand against crimes.
Grar October 7, 2016
simon writes, “If you let foreigners run your land, this is the basic damage they can do…”
This is what happens to people who burn their own languages, history and identity and “let foreign” identity and languages run your land.
Who is still dancing to Arab tunes and burning his own Tigre and other Eritrean languages and treating our own native Tigre-Tigrinya languages as “foreign”.
People who volunteered to be Arab slaves and treated as Abid in Libya, Egypt and Arab Sinai should not be surprised how the evil Jihadi saHsaH Arab treats them at home.
Do not be surprised if an Arab wanabe in this forum shouts at my comment. He is just doing his barking dog-job assigned to him by his Arab master.
Teclay October 8, 2016
ኣንታ ሓውና እንታይ መርድእ ትነግረና ኣሎኻ?? ሓበሻ ኣይኮናን ኢልና ,,ቋንቋና ቃልቃል ኣብልናዮስ ፣ከም ኣሕዋቶም ኣይርእዩናን እዮም????እዚ ድኣ እሞ ክልተ ሞት እንድዩ።
zeray October 8, 2016
Teclay the greatest & Grar
Excellent observations dear brothers.
Indeed, my only addition to your great contribution would be “aytibkey endiyu zebkiyeni zelo”. It is hard to believe these are the same people who fought of what they perceived to be an alien language “Amharic” yet they are trying to sell us “evil Arabic” as a native language. It is identity crisis that has wrecked our region for so many decades and it looks like there is no end in sight for the crisis. We should all wait until evil-ghedli produces something tangible result other than just a dusty flag/cherki. Last not but least, tezeyimotiken TiEna alekin, indeed.
Z. Hagos October 9, 2016
Focus, focus, focus on the issue. At least show your sympathy for those who are suffering at the hands of criminals. Who cares, at this point, about language and language related things. You may need to improve your language when discussing or you are in discussion with others on how to use civil words to respect people and to sympathize with people in pain. Seek and find civil words for the issue at hand.
PH October 9, 2016
ሃይለስላሲየ ዓረብ ኢንዳበለ ሞይቱ፡ሞንጉስቱ’ውን ክማኡ፡ወያንየ’ከ ?ኢቲ መልሲ ንሓለምቲ ትግራይ-ትግሪጚ ገዲፈዮ ኣለኹ።
Grar October 9, 2016
ሕልሚ “ዓረብ-ዓረብኛ” ኸ እንታይ እዩ? ሓለምቲ ‘ዓረብ ኢና፤” በሃልቲ እንታይ እዩ? ብቋንቋታት ኤርትራ እተጻሕፉ፣ ማለት ብትግረ ኩናማ ዓፋር ብሌን ብሓዊ ምሕራርን ምህንኳትን: ትርጉሙ ኣንታይ እዩ? ተረፍመረፍ ቅያዳ ኣል ዓማ: ስለምንታይ ንኤርትራዊ ቋንቋታት ይንዕቍዎ ይፍንፍንዎ?
መን እዩ ናይ ኣንዳማቱ መንነት ተለቂሑ፣ ናይ ናቱ ድማ ንሒቑ፣ ወድኽደኽ ዝብል?