Eritrea supports Egypt’s position over Nile water dispute
By Tesfa-Alem Tekle April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lions share of Nile

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lions share of Nile river’s water resources.
The Red Sea nation expressed its support in a message sent from the Eritrean president and delivered to Egypt’s president by Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs, Yemane Gebreab.
The Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, has highly welcomed Eritrea’s position towards Egypt’s “historic rights” over the sharing of the water of the Nile River.
Morsi said that he looks forward to meeting his Eritrean counterpart.
Although Ethiopia is the source of 85% of the Nile’s water, downriver countries, Egypt and Sudan, use 51 billion and 18 billion square meters a year respectively, around 90% of the Nile’s resources.
In April 2010, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania signed a new agreement in Entebbe, Uganda, to overturn a colonial-era treaty seeking a more reasonable and equitable utilisation of the river.
The deal was approved after Burundi later signed the agreement and joined the group in March 2011.
Newly-independent South Sudan has not yet signed the Cooperative Framework Agreement but it has also rejected the 1959 Nile water agreements between Sudan and Egypt.
Downstream countries of Egypt and Sudan have, however, dismissed the deal, saying the agreement is insignificant because it did not include all Nile basin countries.
Egypt has in the past warned against construction of further dams along the Blue or White Nile’s.
One year after the Cooperative Framework Agreement was signed; Ethiopia launched the construction of a massive $4.8 billion dam on the Blue Nile River raising protests from Sudan and Egypt that the dam – Africa’s biggest – would reduce the flow of the water to their territories.
Currently a tripartite committee, which is composed of six experts drawn from Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, and four more international experts are assessing the impacts of the project.
The team is expected to announce the final findings and conclusions in May 2013.
Tekle April 19, 2013
Isaias the rouge man was slapped by Ato Meles Zienawi,he will never forget it until he is alive. Now he is trying to show his evilness against Ethiopia, jealous man and vificative.
Go hell dictator
Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013
Ato Meles is gone to Adi ‘zgiheru. Let him rest in peace.
Tekle April 19, 2013
Isaias the rogue man was slapped by Ato Meles Zienawi, he will never forget it, until he is alive. Now he is trying to show his evilness against Ethiopia , jealous man and vindicative.
Go hell dictator
Amazing April 19, 2013
What a disgracing Dictator. His mindset up is so evil/screwed up and he can’t run away from it .
1, In the first place Eritrea has nothing to do with Nile river .
2, His comment won’t make any difference to the construction of a Dam
3, Eritrea is going to buy Hydro power from Ethiopia in the future , so he better shut the fuck up.
4, Ethiopians has to put an anti Air craft around the Dam , They already know it . Egypt & Sudan can’t be trusted .
5, Eritrean’s won’t be an instrument for Egypt .
6, The young generation has to smart up . No more war in the name of a country .
Kombishtato April 19, 2013
What do you people expect from an Arab slave? he is cooperating with the savage arabs that are raping, murdering and harvesting Eritrean body organs to serve as Arab spare part.
No coward Arab will dare to save the arab slave of Asmara. He is desparate and a lost cause, his arab masters know very well.
The ethiopians will likely see as a direct threat to ethiopia from the savage arab Bedounes and invade Eritrea for good. Arabs will not come to save his sorry azz that was blasted in 2000 war.
Kombishtato April 19, 2013
What a sorry bastard Arab slave!
Yemane Johar April 19, 2013
They call DIA ” a far sighted and visionary leader” this unwise,arrogant, evil , sadistic and unelected person is only good at igniting war and stirring trouble after trouble! And this is a good example why there would be no sustainable peace with Ethiopia.The Nile issue is a serous matter that must be handled with care and wise political and diplomatic maneuver and their DIA is equipped with NONE!
Amir Akeza April 19, 2013
Let us be very optimistic that Eritrea is the country that will benefit most from the construction of the dam owing to the historic tie between the two brotherly people. It will not be too far for the ill-motive dictator to learn the hard way that his futile political prostitution will not have any single impact on the successful construction dam project. The present move by the dictator depicts his frustration and desperation resulting from his total failure to achieve his leadership role. He has totally lost hope and confidence to do anything worth to the people of Eritrea in the last 2i years period of time. He is never ready to learn from other charismatic leaders.
MightyEmbasoyra April 20, 2013
We have wasted way too much time blaming the useless DIA. Now it is time to come up with the solution to remove these thugs. Let’s first start with identifying the die hard supporters. Put them in public and will think of what to do with them later.
jose April 20, 2013
somebody check if the kurkur slave who went to Egypt to say “Eritrea supports Egypt’s position over Nile water dispute” has come back with his all organs. I suspect that he has sold one of his kidneys to feed his hungry ass mom who lost her other children by the “”independence war””. Independent my ass!!! midre BARIA, Eritrea= history of slavery and disgrace.
Petros Haile April 20, 2013
The PFDJ government ought to consider the following issues first, before sending his dogs to bark on the wrong tree !
Was it necessary to provoke Ethiopia on the Nile issue? What is the rationale behind it ?
What purpose does it serve to Eritrea ? Political, Economic, Military or Diplomatic ?
Does the Eritrean Government realize, the issue of “Abay Dam” is very popular and supported by the average Ethiopians ?
Is it a smart move to provoke the average Ethiopians, who has nothing to do with WOYANE, but realize their strategic interest best served by building the dam ?
Does the Eritrean government realize that “Historic Rights” argument would back fire, if Ethiopians begin to demand their historic right to an access to the red sea ?
Does the Eritrean government realize that the future democratic Eritrea is the beneficiary of the Abay Dam ? (due to geographical proximity),
Does The PFDJ rule realize, Kenya and Djibouti are taking advantage of the available energy produced from Ethiopia’s other dams ?
We, the concerned Eritreans have to warn the PFDJ regime not to make another stupid mistake ! initiating unnecessary conflict with Ethiopia is not wise, and not to our strategic interest !
I believe a report by the international experts will be released this coming may, I strongly believe these neutral experts, based on scientific, and on historical grounds, they will be submitting their fair and balance findings … Similar to that of International Court on the BADME conflict … So it is best for PFDJ regime to wait for the report and express their opinion, unless PFDJ’s knows what we don’t know ?
MightyEmbasoyra April 20, 2013
You seem to be very intelligent person and these comments would be valuable to sane people. PFDJs are very cruel and stupid people, by looking at their track records. I have no hope that these people will change.
ahmed saleh April 20, 2013
I always try to be fair and balanced when I hear over-do comments against Hgdf government . But lately
analyzing their past truth and the present , I am on a state of confusion and suspicion if this man
called ISSAYAS have a grudge against our people . In Gedli time he fought hard not to see our unity
but only civil wars to see us finish each other by killing and after independence the same scenario to
throw innocent youth to un-necessary battle field . The fact is , Eritrea , unfortunately fall on wrong
individuals hand , everything about Eritreans lives negative record proved it all for us except for the
blind zombies who betray their own defenseless people .
belay nega April 20, 2013
” In Gedli time he fought hard not to see our unity
but only civil wars to see us finish each other by killing”
Zebib April 20, 2013
Belay Nega
You come up with a coined statement and you do not seem to be capable of elaboration, analysis (not to mention of a synthesis) of any concept. You sit there with all the time available to throw short phrases content that you have made a meaningful contribution to the debate. In real fact, you have come out a man of slogan and short empty phrases.
The Eritrean people are under extreme duress and coercion under Isayas and PFDJ whom they never elected to represent them. Furthermore, there is a man who without consulting the people through appropriate democratic instituions offers his support to a country that has done a lot of diplomatic strangulation regarding the Nile to countries from where this biblical river emanates. He is placing the Eritrean people in a difficult position in the sub-region and here you are making short inigmatic statements that are please allow me to say, out of context and stupid. You seem to think that the predicament of the Eritrean people is to sit all day and make short stupid remarks in the net.
A.A. Yassin April 20, 2013
You are making a very big mistake. Belay Nega is a very smart individual. Try to learn from him instead of throwing attacks at him.
belay nega April 20, 2013
“Was it necessary to provoke Ethiopia on the Nile issue? What is the rationale behind it ?”
“Does the Eritrean government realize that “Historic Rights” argument would back fire, if Ethiopians begin to demand their historic right to an access to the red sea ?”