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Eritrea supports Egypt’s position over Nile water dispute

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lions share of Nile

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lions share of Nile river’s water resources.

The Red Sea nation expressed its support in a message sent from the Eritrean president and delivered to Egypt’s president by Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs, Yemane Gebreab.

The Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, has highly welcomed Eritrea’s position towards Egypt’s “historic rights” over the sharing of the water of the Nile River.

Morsi said that he looks forward to meeting his Eritrean counterpart.

Although Ethiopia is the source of 85% of the Nile’s water, downriver countries, Egypt and Sudan, use 51 billion and 18 billion square meters a year respectively, around 90% of the Nile’s resources.

In April 2010, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania signed a new agreement in Entebbe, Uganda, to overturn a colonial-era treaty seeking a more reasonable and equitable utilisation of the river.

The deal was approved after Burundi later signed the agreement and joined the group in March 2011.

Newly-independent South Sudan has not yet signed the Cooperative Framework Agreement but it has also rejected the 1959 Nile water agreements between Sudan and Egypt.

Downstream countries of Egypt and Sudan have, however, dismissed the deal, saying the agreement is insignificant because it did not include all Nile basin countries.

Egypt has in the past warned against construction of further dams along the Blue or White Nile’s.

One year after the Cooperative Framework Agreement was signed; Ethiopia launched the construction of a massive $4.8 billion dam on the Blue Nile River raising protests from Sudan and Egypt that the dam – Africa’s biggest – would reduce the flow of the water to their territories.

Currently a tripartite committee, which is composed of six experts drawn from Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, and four more international experts are assessing the impacts of the project.

The team is expected to announce the final findings and conclusions in May 2013.


Review overview
  • Stefen Temolso April 19, 2013

    We have a saying in tigrigna, ABEY ALEKA ZEYBELUWOS ABZI ALEKU BELE, Isayas has no influence over the use of the river Nile because Eritrea has no contribution to the Nile basin. But Isayas is trying to be a naughty fly while someone is eating a delicious Food!

    • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013


      The saying describes you aptly. Did anyone hire you to defend Woyane? abey aleKa key beluKa abzi aleKu aybehaln ‘yu:: men kebdKa regiSuka:: ‘zi kulu bweyane msgag kabey amSi’kayo?????

      • aba-chegora April 19, 2013

        you are either illitrate or stupid. Nile is first and formost ethiopian and isayas has nothing to tell about it. tHE ISSUE IS COMPLEX FOR THE MAD DOG. As eritreabs we need to defebd ethiopian interest who are in essence our brothers.

      • MightyEmbasoyra April 19, 2013

        I would recommend you to sit in a quiet place alone and use your brain to think.
        Isayas is not equal to Eritrea. From what you write here, you care about him than the country. What would that make you? I would say not Eritrean. By the way, please change your nick name. Embasyora is the king of Eritrean mountains but your comments are as useless as Nothing. Wake up and start thinking about the people who are suffering on the hands of your stupid boss and his cronies.

    • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

      Stefen Temelso,

      I am sure from inside you feel Ethiopian.

  • Truly, Truly i say to you April 19, 2013

    Mesinas, in article and poem he wrote says this,
    ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ሓደን ሓደን’ዩ ጸላኢኡ! ንሱ ኸኣ እዞም ኩሎም ገዳይም ተቓለስቲ ክሳዕ ሕጂ ኣብ ራድዮ ወጋሕታን ካለኦት ማዕከናት ዜናታትን ቀሪቦም ምስክርነቶም ዝሃብሉ ሰብ፡ ማለት፡ እቲ ምሉእ መዋእሉ ብዘፍሰሶ ደም ንጹሃን ብገበን ንኸይሕተት ኢሉ፡ ክሳዕ ግዜ ሕልፈቱ፡ ኣብ ኮረሻ ስልጣን ተማዕቊቡ ኪነብር ዚቃለስ ዘሎ ዉልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ ጥራይ እዩ። You absolutely right brother Mesinas! Let alone this crazy mad dog, son of devil Isayas Afeworki ( Don Quixote of Asmara,) who has a lot of bloodsheded and has many innocents blood in his hands just to cover up his sin who doing crime after crime, even we know the one who worships God and much God´s love has, King David, who once Almighty God selves witnessed about and said about him this, “I have found that David son Jesse is the kind of man I like, a man who will do all i want him to do,( Acts, 13;22,) We know how this king terribly commited adultery sin cwith his own General´s wife, and then because fear the general not to kill him if in case hear, just to cover up his first sin, we know how he killed him. But this man of God David with double crime he committed because very regretted, even though he strongly prays and fasted for forgiveness, we know to his second crime God doesn´t leave him without punishment, however we know at last completely how God give forgiveness him too, and promised not to kill him. Because his repent and pray was honestly. (Please read the story 2nd Samuel chapter 11 and 12 for 5 minutes, so that you better understand) So my point is if such man of God to cover up his sin since committed such crime, how could someone hesitate, the one who is responsible for countless crime, for the millions of innocents bloodshed and has blood in his hands, who even suspended by many adultery crimes, who who has no relation with God but with Devil, he can not committing crime after crime to cover up his countless crime? You people such criminal person by no means could lead the nation or could think positively, let alone to nation even to his own family. I tell you this man sickness adventurism is like Don Quixote, This is why i suggest every Eritrean from now to call him in his nick name “Don Quixote of Asmara”. Ethiopia has full right to benefit from its own natural resource mostly.

    • PAPER TIGER April 19, 2013

      brother truly,

      do you not agree eritrea´s problem more than isaias is ..poverty of the brain ,emotion ,disunity &lack of common vision for the people & the country. Although the pfdjietes say who will replace isaias ,,,just because they want isaias to rule forever…i ask the same question .so does usa ,so does european union ? even ethiopia..being the first to be affected if eritrea becomes a failed state god forbid.
      You still think isaias is the sole enemy. me, i would put him after the enemies i outlined above. what do you think brother ?

  • tekeste April 19, 2013

    What a disgraceful and useless president . If he knows any thing about leading a country, Eritrea has no benefit on this. As a nation we should stand for our national interest or at least be impartial. we badly need a change, as this idiot presideb going to do more damage.

    • Ahmed April 19, 2013

      Well it is in our best interest if we support anything that is against weyane

      • solo April 19, 2013

        OMG ንከብድካ ከተጽግብ ዝተረፈ ኧካላትካ ትቁርጥም ኢካ ኮይንካ ትስማዓኒ ከም አበሃህላካ ሓውና ፣ አባሊጋካ ኢሳያስ ናይ ጸላእየይ ጸላኤ ዓርከይ ዝብል ፍልስፍና ምናልባት ምስ ደርጊ ሰሪሑሉ ኔሩ ይከውን ብድሕርኡ ግን ዋላ//ናይ ደምሒት ኦነግ ቅንጅት ነገር ካሊእ እዩ እዚ ግን ካሊእ ታሪካዊ ጌጋ እዩ እም ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ምስ ወያነ ጥረሕ ዘይኮነ ምስ ኩሎም ቀርኒ ኧፍሪቃ ንኤርትራ አብ ሕቶ ምልክት ዘእትው፣ዩ ደሓር ከአ ግብጺ ዝአመነን ማይ ዝሓቆነን ሓደ፣ዩ ዝሓለፈ ናይ ዓረብን እስራኤልን ጦርነት ግብጻውያን ንዝተረፋ ዓረብ ኧብ ሓዊ ዘጥበስዎም ወይ /ዘጀለይዎም/ ዓቢ ምስክር እዩ

        • solo April 19, 2013

          @ Ahmed
          OMG ንከብድካ ከተጽግብ ዝተረፈ ኧካላትካ ትቁርጥም ኢካ ኮይንካ ትስማዓኒ ከም አበሃህላካ ሓውና Ahmed ፣ አባሊጋካ ኢሳያስ ናይ ጸላእየይ ጸላኤ ዓርከይ ዝብል ፍልስፍና ምናልባት ምስ ደርጊ ሰሪሑሉ ኔሩ ይከውን ብድሕርኡ ግን ዋላ//ናይ ደምሒት ኦነግ ቅንጅት ነገር ካሊእ እዩ እዚ ግን ካሊእ ታሪካዊ ጌጋ እዩ እም ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ምስ ወያነ ጥረሕ ዘይኮነ ምስ ኩሎም ቀርኒ ኧፍሪቃ ንኤርትራ አብ ሕቶ ምልክት ዘእትው፣ዩ ደሓር ከአ ግብጺ ዝአመነን ማይ ዝሓቆነን ሓደ፣ዩ ዝሓለፈ ናይ ዓረብን እስራኤልን ጦርነት ግብጻውያን ንዝተረፋ ዓረብ ኧብ ሓዊ ዘጥበስዎም ወይ /ዘጀለይዎም/ ዓቢ ምስክር እዩ

      • MightyEmbasoyra April 19, 2013

        Define “our”. I am sure you don’t mean Eritrean interest. I am assuming you are talking about the mahber shefatu who are destroying the country.
        By the way, the biggest weyane is your boss in Asmara – Isayas

        • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

          Are you Tigrayan?

          • MightyEmbasoyra April 19, 2013

            I am not. Why? Were you trying to ask me about your relatives? Sorry, I can’t help you. Why don’t you ask that question to your stupid boss?

          • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

            Come on! You are a Tigrayan who is afraid of Eritrea,Sudan and Egypt working together for their national interest.

      • GM April 19, 2013


        May be it is your and your likes – concealed best interest to sympathize/ and support your arab/muslim egyptian masters.

        For sure it is not the best interest for Eritreans, to side and support our killers -the arabs and egyptians in Sinai.

        Can you explain why you sympathize and support Arabs – your Killers?


        We will not forget the coward savagery and cruelty accorded to innocent Eritrean refugees by this animals, the arabs.

        • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

          “For sure it is not the best interest for Eritreans, to side and support our killers (demeNa Sela’ina Woyane) ”

          Woyane would use every opportunity to harm Eritrea.Your are trying to demonstrate to what extent you love Woyane rather than the degree of your hatred towards the Egyptian. We know who you are and how you think. Ugum, shiTaraKa dewr!!!

          • GM April 19, 2013

            Pathetic Embasorya the the Tewelligie,

            The woyane,ugum,tigrayan ect, ect.. terms have value and significance only for your small and confused brain and your likes – tewolligie people with identity and dignity deficiency.

            Stop your nonsense noise with your (woyane,ugum,tigrayan ect, ect…fixation) nobody buys.

            Next time work hard/be concentrated and come whith other best garbage you can perform.

            Next time work hard/concentreid and come whith other best garbage you can perform.

    • Ghenet April 19, 2013

      Disgraceful indeed!!!
      What national interest? You can talk of national interest only when you have a nation and you believe in it which PFDJ does not. PFDJ is in the process of destroying a nation and anything that contributes towards this mission is accepted with both hands! But they will soon wake up from their dream!

  • tekeste April 19, 2013

    What a disgraceful and useless president . If he knows any thing about leading a country, Eritrea has no benefit on this. As a nation we should stand for our national interest or at least be impartial. we badly need a change, as this idiot shifta going to do more damage.

  • Zerai April 19, 2013

    Why HGDF support or not support to Etypt in the matters of Nile water !! Isaias is a mad real mad do,
    he has no business in these matters, and he doesn’t represent the Eritrean people.
    What if Ethiopia now enters deep inside Eritrea ! will Etypt help by then ?
    What is the link with Eyptain the killers of our youth ?
    Etypt and HGDF are accountable for the whole mess in our people and country. Especially HGDF and his leader the mad dog Isaias, can’t present our nation and people and it will not be in the name of our people to support the killer Etyptian, its in the name of YPFDJ and PFDJ, not in our name.

  • PAPER TIGER April 19, 2013

    fellow eritreans ,

    the only country that could give pfdj sophisticated weapons at this time is only egypt way of sudan. because they believe ethiopia is choking them by reducing the water.water is not nonessential commodity but number one necessity.egyptians see ethiopia progressing at a supersonic speed in front of their eyes…and not only economically but also in military technology…..if their believe is , what we all have & still witness that ethiopia´s grand dam is contrary to their survival ..not only will egypt give sophisticated weapons to destabilize ethiopia and even send ¨volunteer fighters¨ to wipe out the mesih ethiopia.
    Let us not undermine he is willing to destroy eritrea & it´s pèople & hates to see fairly democratic ethiopia that does not entertain his royal ambitions.
    We eritreans are just a condom to hurt we have been for the last 50 yrs.
    Remmember our sewra was concocted in cairo..i am not saying our sewra was wrong..i am merely indicating our role as condoms for 50 years ,i hope we were trojan latex condoms for our brothers egypt & sudan(aKHwan).

    • ogbai April 19, 2013

      The mod dog is crazy. The Egyptians are known as a nation as Ethiopians if not more. Even he can,t solve his nation’s proplem with no Rule of Law, no Democracy, no freedom of expressions,or freedom of any thing in his own yards.He is tryuing to put his hand anywhere without thinking rationaly.As he got some relief from Qazzafi by calling him Big Dady. He is trying to beg some sort of help from Morsi. But I am sorry,it is not going to serve to the nation of Eritrea. Yuo mod dog you better run or die like all Dictators.

      • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

        kkkkkkkkkk! Woyane mad dog, shut up!

        • GM April 19, 2013

          Embasorya the Teweligie

          Do not insult your BOSS IA the very WOIANE/of TEMBIEN.
          It is not fair…

          • MightyEmbasoyra April 19, 2013

            Good one!

          • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

            Ugum, why don’t you admit that you are worried of what the Egyptian might do to your ugum family?

    • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

      “ethiopia progressing at a supersonic ..”

      Are you taking some kind of drugs?

      • GM April 19, 2013

        Embasorya the Tewelligie

        Ethiopia is progressing minimum at ten folds better than the tembienite tewolligie IA dictated nation – Eritrea.

        Please also do not insist on insulting your big BOSS the small dictator IA,you know for sure from where he is do you need I insruct You?

      • PAPER TIGER April 20, 2013

        Brother Embasorya ,

        I meant economically Ethiopia is progressing at a super sonic speed ,that does not indicate that our Eritrea is progressing in other sectors.
        some say the only way Ethiopia has progressed is because the beggars in Addis started to accept Visa & master card instead of mere injera.I hope that makes you happy. 2+2 is 4 .how can we change that .It is not me saying it but the western & Chinese media.

  • Daniel Teclegiorgis April 19, 2013

    When referendum was proposed as a conclusive phase to the three decade old struggle for independence: Egypt was one of its few opponents while Ethiopia being one of the first to support. Not sure why Egyptians didn’t like to see an end to the fight incubated in Cairo long time a go.
    How about now what does this Eritrean support to the Egyptian stand regarding the lions share of the Nile river will mean?
    Is this restructuring or an investment in history? “እዚ’ውን ይሓልፍ” ድዮም ዝበሉ መንእሰያት ኤርትራ ኣብ ሲናይ ብጽንጽሕለ ተጠቢሖም መዓንጥኦም ምስ ሓረሩ፡ በሉ እንዳ ዝናን ባህታን’ሲ ኣኺሉዎም ሓዊ ክጽሕትሩ’ዮም ኣብ እቶኖም ናብ ሓሙኹሽቲ ክሳብ ዝቕየሩ። የቕልሎ ፈጣሪ!

    • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

      Are you a Woyane ? Why are you concerned about the well-being of Woyane?

      • MightyEmbasoyra April 19, 2013

        What’s you and the Woyanes? You sound like a 5 yr old child who didn’t get a chance to kindergarten. Grow up.

        • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

          Grow up, lier! You as a Tigray should feel ashamed to try to hide your identity behind an Eritrean name like Embasoyra.

          • MightyEmbasoyra April 19, 2013

            Hey retarded, it is a bed time.

  • Hailu April 19, 2013

    ዘይ ስንካ ሑጻ ቆርጥመሉ
    ገና ገና መሬትናን መንሰያትናን ናብ በደዊን-ግብጻውያን ዝሸጦ ከይኣኽሎስ
    ብዛዕባ ናይ ኣጠቃቅማ ኣባይ”ናይል” ንግብጺ ከም ቀደማ ክትጥቀመሉ ኢትዩጵያ ድማ ኢዳ ኣጣሚራ ክትርእይ፣
    ወይ ጉድ
    1. መጀመርታ ጥዕና ዘለዎ መራሒ ነዚ ውዕል እዚ ኣይድግፍን እዩ
    2. ኢሰያስ ገለ ትንፋስ እንተረከበ ግብጺ እንተ ሓገዘቶ ኢሉ ይከውን
    ኣብዛ ትልክ ትልክ ዝብለላ ዘሎ ግዜ, መዓልቱ ውን ቀሪባ ስለዝኮነት እዩ
    3. ን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከም ህዝቢ ዘይቆጽሩና ግብጻውያን ብዛዕባናይ ኣባይ ኣጠቃቅማ ምዝራብ ማለት ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘለዎ ንዕቀት እዩ ዘርኢ
    ኣሽሓት መናሰያት ኣብ ኢድ በደውን ግብጻውያን አንዳ ሞቱ ንግብጺ ይድግፍ እየ ምባል
    ኢሰያስ ን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ደው ከም ዘይበለ ተወሳኪ መረጋገጺ እዩ
    ኣቲ ዝገርም ድማ መን ከ ከም ሰብ ቖጺርዎ እዩ ሎሚ ኢሰያስ ከም ዕቡድ ከልቢ ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ ዘማክሮ መራሒ ዘይብሉ ቪሲት ዝገብሮ ሰብ ዘይብሉ ናይ ገዛ ከልቢ ኮይኑሉ ዘሎ ግዜ፣
    ኢሰያስ ይደግፍ ኣይደግፍ አንታይ ዋጋ ኣለዎ
    አተን ኣገደስቲ አተን ነቲ ማይ ብቅጥታ ካብ ሕምብርቲ ዓደን ዝውህዝ ዘሎ ኩለን ናይ ግብጺ ዘይፍትሓዊ ኣተቅቃቅማ ነጺገነኦ ክነሰን፣
    ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ከም መርገጺ ቅኑዕ ዝኮነ ኩለን ሃገራት ኣቲ ትክክለኛ ስምሞዕ ንኩለን ሃገራት ዝረብሕ ድኣ አምበር ከምቲ ግብጺ ትብሎ ዘላ ንስካትክን ኢድክን ኣጣምራ ኣነ ድማ ክትቀመሉ ዝበሃል ሓሳብ ዘየስርሃን ክሓልምዎ ውን ዘይብሎምን አዩ ክንብልን ኣብ መሰል እተን ተወጺዓኣን ዝጸነሓ ሃገራት ደው ክንብል ኣሎና፣
    ኣጆኩም ንክሉ መጨረሽታ ኣለዎ አሞ
    ኩሉ ክሃልፍን ንህና ውን
    ንምስክር ክንከውንን ኢና

    • Embasorya The Mighty April 19, 2013

      ንሕና ኤርትራውያን???

      atayo nay beHaqi Ertrawi zKonka diKa mesiluka?

      ኢሰያስ ይደግፍ ኣይደግፍ አንታይ ዋጋ ኣለዎ????

      kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! frhat atyka alo: anta jajawi:: ktHab’o aytfetn::

  • Hailu April 19, 2013

    If Egypt wants to attack Ethiopia thru the mad dog Isayas
    Isayas who has done all bad is now also ready to be instrument to the Egyptians by working against the development of Ethiopia.
    Egypt wants Ethiopia to retard its growth and development so that like many centuries to use the water alone.

    Isayas doesn’t care about Eritrea and Eritreans and he will do all evil again to help the Bedouin Egyptians the Eritrean organs sellers support.

    Every Eritrean should be awake now !

  • FreeExpress April 19, 2013

    Formerly Zeray is now FreeExpress. I am changing my identity not to confuse with my brother “Zerai”. Thank you

    Ethiopia is right to say while the Nile is in Ethiopia it has the right to harness its waters and soil the way it wishes. What is wrong with that? At the same time Egypt’s survival depends on the Nile waters and its dependency on the rich soil that gets eroded from Ethiopia and other East African countries. But the fact is Egypt has no right on what it does not own. The only thing it can do is cooperate and win favor, just like the billions of dollars they have been receiving from the United States. Or go to war and good luck with that.