Eritrea supports Egypt’s position over Nile water dispute
By Tesfa-Alem Tekle April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lions share of Nile

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lions share of Nile river’s water resources.
The Red Sea nation expressed its support in a message sent from the Eritrean president and delivered to Egypt’s president by Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs, Yemane Gebreab.
The Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, has highly welcomed Eritrea’s position towards Egypt’s “historic rights” over the sharing of the water of the Nile River.
Morsi said that he looks forward to meeting his Eritrean counterpart.
Although Ethiopia is the source of 85% of the Nile’s water, downriver countries, Egypt and Sudan, use 51 billion and 18 billion square meters a year respectively, around 90% of the Nile’s resources.
In April 2010, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania signed a new agreement in Entebbe, Uganda, to overturn a colonial-era treaty seeking a more reasonable and equitable utilisation of the river.
The deal was approved after Burundi later signed the agreement and joined the group in March 2011.
Newly-independent South Sudan has not yet signed the Cooperative Framework Agreement but it has also rejected the 1959 Nile water agreements between Sudan and Egypt.
Downstream countries of Egypt and Sudan have, however, dismissed the deal, saying the agreement is insignificant because it did not include all Nile basin countries.
Egypt has in the past warned against construction of further dams along the Blue or White Nile’s.
One year after the Cooperative Framework Agreement was signed; Ethiopia launched the construction of a massive $4.8 billion dam on the Blue Nile River raising protests from Sudan and Egypt that the dam – Africa’s biggest – would reduce the flow of the water to their territories.
Currently a tripartite committee, which is composed of six experts drawn from Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, and four more international experts are assessing the impacts of the project.
The team is expected to announce the final findings and conclusions in May 2013.
Eritrawi April 19, 2013
The lonely, lame duck, a gang leader of Amara is playing dirty politics.
Kombishtato April 19, 2013
What do you people expect from an Arab slave? he is cooperating with the savage arabs that are raping, murdering and harvesting Eritrean body organs to serve as Arab spare part.
No coward Arab will dare to save the arab slave of Asmara. He is desparate and a lost cause, his arab masters know very well.
The ethiopians will likely see as a direct threat to ethiopia from the savage arab Bedounes and invade Eritrea for good. Arabs will not come to save his sorry azz that was blasted in 2000 war.
What a sorry bastard Arab slave!
simerrr2012 April 19, 2013
We have seen and heard Higdef’s political prostitution before.. here what the DIA said when Dec. 10, 2002 meeting with, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld .DIA said the secretary’s visit clearly signifies that the United States is committed to the region and the global war on terror. “This is nothing new in Eritrea,” the president said. “We have been fighting against terrorism for the last 13 years alone.” Eritrea has “limited resources, but we are willing and prepared to use these limited resources in any way useful to fight terrorism: Did America buy his cheap talk? Of course not.. USA went to Djibouti to deploy their troops because it is better to work with another dictator who can at least give bread and water to his people. Now Egypt.. does it makes any difference to support or not to support Egypt position? Does his word has power ? late or sooner we will live in peace with Ethiopia who are our next neighbor and so close by any standards. The Eritrean people have no love lost to a country who sell kidneys of their children. And most of all the colony agreement does not make any sense and what make no sense should not be seen as legal agreement . Our neighbor
Ethiopian children should not die of hunger when the Egyptian sell flowers to European market using 90 % of the Nile water. Let they sit and discuss to make fare share instead of talking their colonial agreementsigned almost Century ago. If Isayas think he can hurt Weyane by doing so.. Ethiopia is more close to him than to Eritrean since he is from Tigray.
belay nega April 19, 2013
“Did America buy his cheap talk? Of course not.. USA went to Djibouti to deploy their troops because it is better to work with another dictator who can at least give bread and water to his people”
Hailu April 19, 2013
He he he I support 1000% the right of the Ethiopians to use the Nile water as much as possible with a healthy international water use regulations.What was being done was not fair, Egypt has exploited for centuries its American and Uk support to use most of the water.The old agreement what Isayas Afewerki supported as “Historic right” is out of his eccentric behavior although in reality Isayas isn’t good with the Egyptians.
The Egyptians- like what their Bedouins are doing on black Africans, should not expect the Nile agreement to be abused too.The Nile sources Ethiopia ,South Sudan and Uganda should stand firm and support Ethiopia its right to use ,build dams and other projects with the international norms.
The old agreement made between Egyptians and the then leaders on the use of Nile should be void and the new agreement with all the rights of the source countries should be made.
Egyptians enough is enough
The Nile -Abay water
Who was foolish for centuries
Abay will start to water its own people first
A healthy person will never support the biased agreement made many years ago by Egypt due to noncompetitive African leaders to claim their right to use the Nile.But now not like tomorrow.
Hailu April 19, 2013
ወይ ወይ ኢስያስ ኣፈወርቂ
ዘይ ስንካ ሑጻ ቆርጥመሉ
ገና ገና መሬትናን መንሰያትናን ናብ በደዊን-ግብጻውያን ዝሸጦ ከይኣኽሎስ
ብዛዕባ ናይ ኣጠቃቅማ ኣባይ”ናይል” ንግብጺ ከም ቀደማ ክትጥቀመሉ ኢትዩጵያ ድማ ኢዳ ኣጣሚራ ክትርእይ፣
ወይ ጉድ
1. መጀመርታ ጥዕና ዘለዎ መራሒ ነዚ ውዕል እዚ ኣይድግፍን እዩ
2. ኢሰያስ ገለ ትንፋስ እንተረከበ ግብጺ እንተ ሓገዘቶ ኢሉ ይከውን
ኣብዛ ትልክ ትልክ ዝብለላ ዘሎ ግዜ, መዓልቱ ውን ቀሪባ ስለዝኮነት እዩ
3. ን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከም ህዝቢ ዘይቆጽሩና ግብጻውያን ብዛዕባናይ ኣባይ ኣጠቃቅማ ምዝራብ ማለት ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘለዎ ንዕቀት እዩ ዘርኢ
ኣሽሓት መናሰያት ኣብ ኢድ በደውን ግብጻውያን አንዳ ሞቱ ንግብጺ ይድግፍ እየ ምባል
ኢሰያስ ን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ደው ከም ዘይበለ ተወሳኪ መረጋገጺ እዩ
ኣቲ ዝገርም ድማ መን ከ ከም ሰብ ቖጺርዎ እዩ ሎሚ ኢሰያስ ከም ዕቡድ ከልቢ ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ ዘማክሮ መራሒ ዘይብሉ ቪሲት ዝገብሮ ሰብ ዘይብሉ ናይ ገዛ ከልቢ ኮይኑሉ ዘሎ ግዜ፣
ኢሰያስ ይደግፍ ኣይደግፍ አንታይ ዋጋ ኣለዎ
አተን ኣገደስቲ አተን ነቲ ማይ ብቅጥታ ካብ ሕምብርቲ ዓደን ዝውህዝ ዘሎ ኩለን ናይ ግብጺ ዘይፍትሓዊ ኣተቅቃቅማ ነጺገነኦ ክነሰን፣
ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ከም መርገጺ ቅኑዕ ዝኮነ ኩለን ሃገራት ኣቲ ትክክለኛ ስምሞዕ ንኩለን ሃገራት ዝረብሕ ድኣ አምበር ከምቲ ግብጺ ትብሎ ዘላ ንስካትክን ኢድክን ኣጣምራ ኣነ ድማ ክትቀመሉ ዝበሃል ሓሳብ ዘየስርሃን ክሓልምዎ ውን ዘይብሎምን አዩ ክንብልን ኣብ መሰል እተን ተወጺዓኣን ዝጸነሓ ሃገራት ደው ክንብል ኣሎና፣
ኣጆኩም ንክሉ መጨረሽታ ኣለዎ አሞ
ኩሉ ክሃልፍን ንህና ውን
ንምስክር ክንከውንን ኢና
hinok April 19, 2013
That is his last try,he is dead.Eritrean ppl need the water soon or later.
merhawie April 19, 2013
shame on you esayas, i have seen a lot of insanity about you and your adminstraion, but this one is one of the owrst. with or with out woyane, we will live with our brothers ethiopian together, you have been siad for the last 20 years that your problme is with the government in ethiopia not with the people, but here you have showed you are a crocodile. when your last is coming very close, you have exipited tyour true intity to the intire world. you have said niothing when the egyptian bedoin has killed your sitizen for selling thier body part and now you have give them your vote to exploit the wealth of poor black people. shame on you esayas afaf.
simerrr2012 April 19, 2013
Did Kinijit Ginbot 7 and Demhit agree with Isayas????? Kinijit want more than Nile. .they want Eritrea back if possible .If not Assab..that is Isayas who work with the Historical enemies of Eritrea. Who was the leader of Kinijit? Was not the Engineer who is sympathizer of the Haiesilasse regime…who were/ are member of Kinijit? Are/were not the chauvinist Amhara who want to unite Eritrea by force. What is the idea of supporting Egypt right. Or DIA is bringing the gift to Egypt good job guys for killing Eritreans in Sinai ..well-done. We know Isayas hate Eritreans the way Jews hate Nazi German. For Belay sing the same boring music national security ..national security…talk about the people not about the hills and mountains…hils and mountains are there to serf the people not the other way round. Victim of Eri Tv sorry for you..niaka ziwledus mesakin guhiom yekonu.
samuel April 19, 2013
ISAYAS the HARLOT, always selling himself and his people to ARABS.
Kokob Abraham April 19, 2013
The eritrean president is evil man . He is always against African peace , progress & development . He does not want to see the black Africans progress. He supported blood sheds in many countries such as Somalia, ethiopia , Sudan, Congo, Yemen, Djibouti and others. He can’t work for peace because the evil spirit in him drinks blood everyday of this innocent young people . If there is no civil war in his neighbouring countries he has to slaughter innocents from the Eritrean prison because he can’t spent a single night with out blood. That is why thousands of prisoners disappearing in Eritrea . his master the evil spirit in him needs blood every day . So he has to create civil war in his neighbours .
Kokob Abraham April 19, 2013
That why he was on the side of the sudan and egyptian rashaida beddewins by ignoring the suffering if the Eritrean refugees.