Repeated Human Rights Council resolutions have condemned “in the strongest terms” the “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations” by the Eritrean government. The Council has condemned violations including arbitrary detention, torture, sexual violence, religious oppression, denials of the rights of free expression and peaceful assembly. The Council has also expressed grave concern over the unlimited conscription of Eritrea’s citizens and the use of conscripts in forced labor.
Council resolutions have urged Eritrea to end these practices and allow international and regional human rights bodies, including Special Rapporteurs, unhindered access to the country to monitor progress.
Unfortunately, the Eritrean government has repeatedly ignored the Council’s resolutions. Little change, if any, has occurred. Prisoners remain jailed without trial, indefinitely and sometimes incommunicado. Torture in captivity continues to be a major concern. No independent press is allowed. Endless conscription and its abuses still control the lives of Eritreans, especially the young.
The government continues to refuse to give UN and international human rights monitoring bodies access to the country. It has made no effort to hold violators of human rights accountable.
In the absence of willingness by the Eritrean government to end its abuses and bring the abusers to justice, we urge the Council to recommend to the international community to implement the principle of universal jurisdiction. As we said here over the last two years, “all states should investigate and, evidence permitting, prosecute in a fair trial, individuals found on their territories who are alleged to be responsible for human rights violations in Eritrea amounting to crimes under international law.”
We continue to urge the Council to recommend that all countries permit fleeing Eritreans to lodge asylum claims and then assess those claims fairly. For many Eritreans, a flight to freedom remains the only way to avoid the Eritrean government’s rampant brutalities.
Human Rights Watch
rezen March 13, 2018
Subject: “Eritrea: Rights abuses continue unabated” by Human Rights Watch, 13 March 2018
QUOTE: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Eritrea Repeated Human Rights Council resolutions have condemned “in the strongest terms” the “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations” by the Eritrean government. ………. For many Eritreans, a flight to freedom remains the only way to avoid the Eritrean government’s rampant brutalities. UNQUOTE
The gallant, pure hearted, Eritrean people — Men, Women, and Children — went to war for thirty (30) years, paid horrendous sacrifice, to get their Independence, Liberty, Freedom, Equality, Justice, Economic Miracle …… ALL FOR NOTHING. A MONUMENTAL CLASSICAL CASE OF LIVING TRAGEDY. A BETRAYAL BY ITS OWN INDIGENOUS PROTAGONISTS.
In the meaning full written words of the ancient language Tigrigna expression: ናይ ሎሚ ገደደ ። Where do we go from here?
It is time for Eritrean Intellectuals [regardless of their personal ambition, religion, region, colour, tribe, physical traits etc] of the Highest Order of Education from Western Civilization, as attested by the prefix “Dr” [meaningfully pronounced ‘door’ ] in front of their good names — and open the way to salvation for their innocent mixed-up people. Less than that, it would mean the complete break-down and total disappearance of ERITREA for ever – the meaning and all. THE END
————————————– Post Script If the above is unpatriotic and unpalatable, the road is wide open to prove it wrong (for yourself) without energy consuming tantrum (and no good for your health too!!!).
Michael Tesfamariam March 14, 2018
“Where do we go from here?” Brother, the answer has got to be No Where! Perhaps the only place you may wish to go is the UN, to express your outrage and frustrations as usual since the UN has become the shoulder to cry for Eritreans. What makes me baffled is this wishful thinking by Eritreans, everybody want democracy and justice but none is willing to pay the price. Get armed, get out from the comfort zone, prepared to die, then you will find the right place where you should go.
Sarah March 15, 2018
Dear brother, please let us not get frustrated. We should not look confused. Let us do our parts and duties. We are almost there guys. Many Intellectuals are working on it. Let us each throw a small sand at PFDJ and we will bury them!
Michael Tesfamariam March 15, 2018
Hahahah intellectuals? Intellectuals on what?
Degoli March 13, 2018
Some of the news still being ignored. These are crimes being committed on Eritreans in Sudan and many Arab nations such as Libya and Egypt.
ፖሊስ ሱዳን፣ ኣብ ትሕቲ ዘይሕጋውያን ኣሰጋገርቲ ደቂ ሰብ ዝጸንሑ፣ 27 ደቂንስትዮ ዝርከብኦም 177 ስደተኛታት ከምዝሓዘ ኣገልግሎት ዜና ሱዳን ኣፍሊጡ።
እቶም ኣብ ምብራቓዊ ሸነኽ ካርቱም፣ ኣብ ሽዱሽተ ገዛውቲ ተዓጽዮም ዝጸንሑ ስደተኛታት ብመንገዲ ሊብያ ናብ ሃገራት ኤውሮፓ ንምስጋር ዝሓለኑ ምዃኖም ጸብጻብ እቲ ኣገልግሎት ዜና የመልክት።
ፖሊስ ሱዳን ኣብቲ ዘካየዶ ስርሒት፣ ኣብ ዘይሕጋዊ ምስግጋር ደቂ ሰብ ተዋፊሮም ከምዝጸንሑ ንዝጠርጠሮም ሰለስተ ሱዳናውያንን ንምስግጋር ክጥቀሙላ ዝጸንሑ ሓንቲ መኪናን ጠበናጁን ከምዝሓዘ’ውን ሓቢሩ።
Noor March 15, 2018
Meskena you are sick in your head walo talk about your own problem.
Ermiyas March 14, 2018
God didn’t solve the problem between Him and devil peacefully and the war goes on since ever until the day of judgement. Similarly, til the big judgement day by the people of Eritrea all abuses and injustices will sadly go on longer.
k.tewolde March 14, 2018
Every now and then we are reminded by the watch dogs what is going on in our homeland and the people who are enduring the abuses live it as if it is a norm and react to their situation either by staying put and complying or fleeing which has become the nations norm,those who freed themselves from the brutal shackles of their abusers by fleeing when given a chance to speak up say, ‘I want a better life for my self and help my family in return,’ which is a norm.Now, what has a normal and prudent person got to do to change this new norm or is the prudent person insane and abnormal to change the norm?
rezen March 14, 2018
Eritrea has no Enemy but ITSELF.
It can’t help it.
It is in its Nature.
And so, it will keep on going with the variable wind direction and speed.
Eritrean wise-minority-feeble elders call it a CURSE — a phenomenon no one knows of its origin and direction, for sure.
Eritrea had the BEST of TWO POSSIBLE WORLDS for its exploitation and benefit according to its own manoeuvrings and wishes…
But, sad to say, Eritrea (in a bizarre phenomenon) is not blessed with that quality of thinking.
In a bizarre fashion, it questioned the possible tranquility, the paradise, the ease of Life in front of ITSELF!!!
Instead, it searched — or maneuvered to search — for another Life, unheard of even in paradise.
Thirty-nine thousand (39,000) — or,was it forty-thousand (40,000), or 50,000)? — perished in that search..
Consequently, Eritrea found itself in Hell, governed by indigenous Devils, tuned to different wavelength..
Eritreans were left with one, and only one, natural alternative: >>> to abandon their beloved Eritrea and flee into any available direction on the surface of the Globe, including the deserts, the seas, and the oceans.
Eritreans, at last, found their place but, alas, they are struck by another phenomenon >>> NOSTALGIA for the past.
As a best remedy, they occupy themselves establishing parties, writing, insulting each other on the internet and hallucinating of paradise somewhere in the future.
And that is Eritreans’ “NORM’ <<< thanks, my friend k. tewolde for that term.
Dear Readers: Go ahead, cut me into pieces, call me one thousand different names, but I still remain rezen. .
. .
k.tewolde March 15, 2018
Yes you will,the one and only put together by the Father,the Son and the Holy ghost and darn you are a heavy hitter like your name – rezen. Keep pounding the pavement,the steady ones will stay upright and the rest will fall,the law of seismology.
k.tewolde March 15, 2018
In other words, you are the designated hitter ,every time you swing you hit it out of the ball park and the rest wait at the home plate and swarm to take a piece of you not cut you to pieces.Rejoice brother and point your finger upwards to the One.
rezen March 15, 2018
Subject: Eritrea: Rights abuses continue unabated — Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Eritrea Repeated Human Rights Council, March 13, 2018
Commentary, 15 March 2018
Dear k.tewolde,
1. The Humour Part With your description of baseball game I am curious to ask: are you, by any chance, a Fan of Texas, Astros who just won the world series? In any case, to confess, I LOVE your commentary, because I am only human. It FEELS so good, though I know, I don’t deserve it. Still, THANK YOU very much for your generosity.– and sincerely hope, one day, we shall meet.
2. Now to Nostalgia Do you remember Campo Cicero of Asmara, and the heart beat games of real football on Sundays where the favorite Team [……fill the gap ……] were the master ‘ballerinas’ on the Field. I feel it NOW. Do you also remember the Ethiopian National Football Team, in Addis Ababa, consisting (at one particular moment of a game) of TEN (10) of the Team were ERITREANS >>> and won with a goal scored by an Eritrean wing player? In that game, Mengistu (the Gonderiye of Saint George — the extraordinary No.8 forward — was the only non-Eritrean on that Field!!!. To my last breathe of my Life, I will never forget that moment with all its possible implications and far reaching exhilarating sociological, political outcome – if (AND THIS IS A BIG IF) Eritreans at large were politically shrewd enough to convert the ‘game’ to their own advantages, liking and benefits. Alas, for some mysterious phenomenon, WE are NOT endowed with that trait. Instead, we are squabbling among ourselves based on religion Christian/Moslem animosity and , regional friction between Low lands and High lands to be further fractured into ethnic groups (“ወገንነት“ , transported all the way to the Western Hemisphere. We see it on the Internet. IT IS A CURSE. In the absence of rational explanation, that is the only way we can define our behaviour.
3. Where do we go from here? I suggest that we leave the ‘play ground’ to the young generation of “Eritrea” between the ages of twenty (20 ) to thirty-nine (39). I have absolutely no doubt that will fare better than the present pretentious, ancient, and stagnant generation. The old generation from ninety-four (94) all the way down to forty (40) must RETIRE/or assigned elsewhere down the ladder immediately. They have done enough DAMAGE to a country hungry for liberty, freedom, justice, economic development and REAL education. The down-to-earth good, loyal, trust worthy, hard working people of “Eritrea” should never have been exposed to dangerous undertaking and cruel historical deception by two protagonists for their own respective private agenda. What is shocking is the fact that the whole thing was done in the face of Highly Educated Eritrean Scholars, graduate of Ivy league Universities, with Doctor of Philosophy Degrees (PhD). ”Betrayal” is defined in the Webster Dictionary as: “to be unfaithful or disloyal to”. A perfect description for the Eritrean situation. Back to the above proposal. Young energetic personalities must be given the chance to uplift the Nation in their own modern prism. They may stumble here and there along the way, but it is worth it. They may even want to formally change the name of the country to its indigenous name. If this is not possible, then it is another glaring proof that “Eritrea” was never meant to be a nation, by its colonizers.
4. Is the above suggestion unrealistic NOT at all! Young Eritreans are as good, insightful, and energetic as any around the Globe. WE are the obstinate obstacle to them. Imagine, a 94-year old or an average of 74-year old’s, are still imagining to lay the foundation and lead a nation in the 21st Century!!! Glaringly, only in Africa – and in Eritrea too lest we forget that we are Africans!!! I better STOP
k.tewolde March 15, 2018
I am a Marlin,the team is working hard to get back to contention.I just love the game.Yes rezen,it is like Dan Marino coming out of retirement and leading the Dolphins to the Superbowl. In our homeland there is no retirement,you just wither away and die and take the torch with you.
amanuel March 15, 2018
Ketali kelbna niktel! Bitekaele meten. Negerat ab botaom kimlesu eyom shu.