Eritrea president targeted by new Swedish law – AJ
Eritrea president targeted by new Swedish law Last updated: 2 July 2014 Swedish law firm reports Isaias Afewerki and several ministers to the police for crimes against humanity. Several top Eritrean leaders have been reported to the police for crimes against humanity

Swedish law firm reports Isaias Afewerki and several ministers to the police for crimes against humanity.
Several top Eritrean leaders have been reported to the police for crimes against humanity by a Swedish law firm, as a new law took effect enabling such crimes committed anywhere else in the world to be prosecuted in Sweden.
The report lists a series of alleged crimes including torture and kidnapping, and targets Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki and several of his ministers by name.
“This is not only symbolic. We believe there are legal grounds to prosecute the people we have named,” human rights lawyer Percy Bratt told the AFP news agency on Tuesday.
The legal move, the first of its kind in Sweden, was filed the same day that crimes against humanity were introduced into the Swedish penal code.
The code enables judges to prosecute crimes regardless of where they have been committed or by whom.
“There is a lot of evidence from human rights groups, particularly about indefinite imprisonment without trial (in Eritrea),” Bratt said.
“There are also many Eritreans in Sweden who could give information about the conditions in the country in general.”
According to the latest figures, 12,800 Eritreans live in Sweden, and the number of asylum seekers from the country keeps growing.
Swedish-Eritrean journalist Dawit Isaak has been imprisoned in Eritrea since 2001, and 13 years on little is known of his fate.
Bratt said that even if the case was taken on by the
, it could take years before criminal charges were laid, given the complexity of the allegations.
Eritrea, with a population of five million and a size about the same as Britain, is one of the most isolated and secretive countries in the world.
According to the United Nations, 4,000 Eritreans flee the country every month to escape ruthless repression, including unlimited forced labour for the government.
afro July 3, 2014
Berhe Tensea July 3, 2014
The worst enemy of the Eritrean people must be charged by the international criminal court and hanged, or get arrested and imprisoned in Eraero, and rot there till he die and go to his everlasting place the hell.
Daniel(Danny) July 4, 2014
You can run and run indefinitely but you can NEVER hide for ever monster diablos Essayas.
Tamrat Tamrat July 4, 2014
First they make you weak and then enslave you for ever.
The unity of Ethiopia and Eritrea which was excercized by wise ethio-eri elders, religious People and politicians was the best solution ever concidering the time, the Power of Italia and the west and the economy.
Already in the 1950s the country ‘ethiopia’ including all the ethnic Groups intact tigray-tigrinya, afar, kunama etc was on the right track on dveloping the country based on unity which can at least stop the extranal forces which targeted the red sea international blood vessels. The unity of Eritrea which is now preached is the result of Ethiopian unity and not the other way round. If Eritrea was declared independent in 1950 then the war between arebization of Eritrea and the rest could have been started already in 1950. The wise men of eri-ethio diverted the religion biased politics of the arebization of eritrea to politics of living united. The arab want to arebeize eritrea for monopolizing the read sea which they almost made it except the ethiopians then and now the Eritreans minus the awateians. But the Eritreans need more help in fighting both arabization for the sake of Arab interest and the lunetic presidant who makes life hell for everybody. In 1945 in Asmara many christians and muslims were killed by political motivated religion cause. What we witnessed in the war between eplf and elf is the aftermath of the arebization of Eritrea and the rest.
So Ethiopians now after 23 years learn to respect the independency of Eritrea but that Eritrea must be free from Awatenians leading Eritrea to arab slavery. It is not accidentaly we were United, it was not accidentaly tplf and eplf crashed awatenians, and it will continue this time in much better way to crash awatenians. No sneaking A R A B A I Z A T I O N of Eritrea.
Our tigrinya, kunama, afar etc are not Arabs, will not be araba, could not be cheated to arabiazaiton by the name of religion. We can be a good gondere or afar muslim without removing Our mother toungs and replacing it by arabic Language just to keep the interest of the Arabs from the other side of the sea. They can pay as much dollar as the awatenians wished ot seat on the Theron but that couldnt have materalized With out one more round war With Ethiopia.
In short this is what has made Eritrea suffer under this monster leader of pfdj.
Michael Ghebre July 4, 2014
Isaias Afewerki and his henchmen are enemies of Eritrea.They don’t care about the future of Eritrea. Their plan is to make Eritrea a failed State after they left. Why some Eritreans still support this out-going regime? Why they want dance on their people’s grave? They know that Isaias and his henchmen’s days are numbered. The Eritrean people will never forgive you.
Delaii fithi July 5, 2014
Atum tzemamat denakur gena aitesekorokumin kitisiesiu kitinebiru
Debesay Hadgu July 6, 2014
Where ever he goes he is going to be hanged any way. According to the rules of security council, anyone who committed crimes against humanity must be hanged after the end of judicial process. Isaias is for sure counting the days. Who else will be following him is not known yet. Most of the time the security officers are the next target, but it depends how they will fit with the crimes committed.
Isaias Afewerki’s actions are very similar to that of Iraqi former president, Saddam Hussein. It seems that this president has some sort of hatred toward Eritrean citizens. People are dying everyday crossing the borsers and seas. It’s sad to think that we lost so many casualties in war with Ethiopia for this. May all the soldiers who died Rest in Peace. But
awget July 9, 2014
rutha July 9, 2014
when Haileselassie was ruling – then we rebelled because he is the other guy
when Mengistu was ruling and butchering our youngs – then that was because he was the other guy from the other country
when Isias was leading and effected our independece – then he is because Eritrean and was fighting the others from another country
when Isias failed to lead the country into democracy and prosperity – then we say he must have been the other guy in disgise.
Continously purging out became the norm of the game is suicidal. Amanuel eyasu – his mother is believed to be from tigrai. Then is he going to be the weyane within?