Eritrea president targeted by new Swedish law – AJ
Eritrea president targeted by new Swedish law Last updated: 2 July 2014 Swedish law firm reports Isaias Afewerki and several ministers to the police for crimes against humanity. Several top Eritrean leaders have been reported to the police for crimes against humanity

Swedish law firm reports Isaias Afewerki and several ministers to the police for crimes against humanity.
Several top Eritrean leaders have been reported to the police for crimes against humanity by a Swedish law firm, as a new law took effect enabling such crimes committed anywhere else in the world to be prosecuted in Sweden.
The report lists a series of alleged crimes including torture and kidnapping, and targets Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki and several of his ministers by name.
“This is not only symbolic. We believe there are legal grounds to prosecute the people we have named,” human rights lawyer Percy Bratt told the AFP news agency on Tuesday.
The legal move, the first of its kind in Sweden, was filed the same day that crimes against humanity were introduced into the Swedish penal code.
The code enables judges to prosecute crimes regardless of where they have been committed or by whom.
“There is a lot of evidence from human rights groups, particularly about indefinite imprisonment without trial (in Eritrea),” Bratt said.
“There are also many Eritreans in Sweden who could give information about the conditions in the country in general.”
According to the latest figures, 12,800 Eritreans live in Sweden, and the number of asylum seekers from the country keeps growing.
Swedish-Eritrean journalist Dawit Isaak has been imprisoned in Eritrea since 2001, and 13 years on little is known of his fate.
Bratt said that even if the case was taken on by the
, it could take years before criminal charges were laid, given the complexity of the allegations.
Eritrea, with a population of five million and a size about the same as Britain, is one of the most isolated and secretive countries in the world.
According to the United Nations, 4,000 Eritreans flee the country every month to escape ruthless repression, including unlimited forced labour for the government.
Kombishtato July 3, 2014
The evil despot Issaias Afewerki should be indicted for selling his own boys and girls to the filthy savage Arabs as human organ spare parts, sex slaves, slave labour and source of cash in the Arab slave markets.
Here is the testimony of Eritreans in CNN:
The Eteneger July 3, 2014
Aka Woyane tigray nushtey ri’isa
semere July 3, 2014
I am happy that Assenna finally published this piece of news. It circulated a week ago and I was wondering why Assenna was silent about it. It further damages the image of the dictator which is already tarnished by many event in the last months. Let us continue to press and we shall push him out very soon.
Kidan, Sudan July 3, 2014
It is very important news, at least the poor Eritrea people voice could be heard by the rest of the world. Issais is criminal with serious mental health issues. He needs to me removed before the country collapse.
ahmed saleh July 3, 2014
Somewhere one day somebody will speak for the forgotten victims inside Eritrea . We appreciate Sweden for
taking the role to advocate for justice
against humanity to remind them that
nobody is above Universal Law to take
others right to live in peace.
rezen July 3, 2014
“Somewhere one day somebody will speak for the forgotten victims inside Eritrea . We appreciate Sweden for
taking the role to advocate for justice”
Well said, Mr. Ahmed Salih,
May I add that it is also sad that Eritrean Intellectuals of the highest educational honour that Western Universities can bestow upon are so mute and helpless to get together and guide what they call their “beloved country, in its dire need for help! When will they turn their heads and face squarely looking straight into the begging eyes of their “beloved” Mother-Country? When will they face the trauma of an entire “beloved” nation of four million of their kith and kin? How will they explain to their children and grand children their ‘deafness’, their ‘blindness’ and their ‘void-ness of feeling’ for their “beloved” country? There must be an explanation somewhere for a bizarre behaviour of ‘children’ abandoning their own “beloved” mothers!!!
Thank You, Sweden, for your legendary humane attitude and defender of justice towards helpless people.
ERITRAWIT July 3, 2014
Mezan nab hakey zeteta Isaias ms korakurka maltka akelew eu Tokalew belatey seb!!!!!!
Dan July 3, 2014
It isn’t my willing to get wedi medhin berad for the court he could be to grab from drainage like his boss Gaddafi then everyone to play by his body
talke July 3, 2014
This is a wonderful news!!!!! We the justice seeking people should motivate and help such brave lawyers to take this to ICC (International criminal Court) to Indict the criminals of the pfdj junta for the gross violation of human rights and killing.
Yohannes July 3, 2014
Well, we can say that this is viable initiative; it should not remain public relation rhetoric. Please fellow Eritreans for justice, we must depend on ourselves. We, as the people, have the ability, capacity, the wisdom, the power to demolish this PFDJ (Popular Front for Destruction and Jealousy) Wahrmacht (force) of backwardness and machinations. THINK IS GOOD; PLAN IS BETTER; BUT ACTION IS THE BEST
Yohannes ,
Due to Anti Bologna fever young ppl may not be listenning to you now,but please continue to spread the winning message you have !!!
Medber July 3, 2014
Good job Sweden,
Kulu kereyo kelku gezeu zeakele yemsel emo nehnke tedalinado allena?
Amlke kewdalna eu seb entay hyli alewo.
Esyas klu alem felituka, serki,hasawi,ketali,amatsi,
weylkum semammat t sbah entay lets Lu ikum.
Tesfom Habrom July 5, 2014
ዝኽበርኩም ሃገራዊያን ናይዚ ኩሉ ንብዓት ናይ ወለዲ እንሆ መዓልቱ ኣኺሉ ከምቲ ዝኾነ ነገር ወይ ንሰብ ዉን ይኹን( መጀመርታኡ ዝኾዉን መወዳእትኡን ዉን ኣሎዎ ዝባሃል ) እዚ ድማ እኖሆ መወዳእቶኦም ይቃረብ ኣሎ፡ ጉዳይ ናይ ቦሎኛ ርኢናዮ ፈኽራ 10000 ነጋዲያን ኣሎና ኢሎም ነይሮም እንሆ ትጽቢቶ ኣልቦ ኮይኑ ንመባዝሕቲ ተባሂሎ ነጋዲያን ካብ ኣስመራ ነፋሪት መሊኦም ኣምጽኦም ገላ ካብ ኣቶም ዕድል ናይ መገሻ ረኪቦም ዓዲ ጣልያን ሪኦም ይምለሱ፡ ብዝተርፈ እቲ ዝበልዎ ፈኽራ ወረ ኮይኑ ተሪፉ፡ ካልእ ዉሑዳት ዝመጹ ነጋዳዊን ሕልንኦም ዝወሐጡ ኢዮም እንበር ሬሳ ኣብ ሳንዱ ኣቀሚጥካ ምሰዕሳዓ ናይ ግፍዒ ግፍዒ ኢዩ ንስማዒኡ ዘስደምም ኢዩ። ድሕሪ 23 ዓመት ንቦሎኛ ተጠሊማ ዝነበረት ተመሊካ ምምጻእ መግለጺ ዓቅሊ ጽበት ምኻኑ መርኣያ ኢዩ። ስለዚ ኣብ ወጻኢ ሃገር ዘሎና ንጠርነፍ ንወደብ ንስመር ብሓባር ጠጠው ንበል ንምቅልጣፉ ንሓርነትና። ዓወት ንደለይቲ ፍትሒ ወትሩ ዝኽሪ ንስዉኣትና።