Eritrea president targeted by new Swedish law – AJ
Eritrea president targeted by new Swedish law Last updated: 2 July 2014 Swedish law firm reports Isaias Afewerki and several ministers to the police for crimes against humanity. Several top Eritrean leaders have been reported to the police for crimes against humanity

Swedish law firm reports Isaias Afewerki and several ministers to the police for crimes against humanity.
Several top Eritrean leaders have been reported to the police for crimes against humanity by a Swedish law firm, as a new law took effect enabling such crimes committed anywhere else in the world to be prosecuted in Sweden.
The report lists a series of alleged crimes including torture and kidnapping, and targets Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki and several of his ministers by name.
“This is not only symbolic. We believe there are legal grounds to prosecute the people we have named,” human rights lawyer Percy Bratt told the AFP news agency on Tuesday.
The legal move, the first of its kind in Sweden, was filed the same day that crimes against humanity were introduced into the Swedish penal code.
The code enables judges to prosecute crimes regardless of where they have been committed or by whom.
“There is a lot of evidence from human rights groups, particularly about indefinite imprisonment without trial (in Eritrea),” Bratt said.
“There are also many Eritreans in Sweden who could give information about the conditions in the country in general.”
According to the latest figures, 12,800 Eritreans live in Sweden, and the number of asylum seekers from the country keeps growing.
Swedish-Eritrean journalist Dawit Isaak has been imprisoned in Eritrea since 2001, and 13 years on little is known of his fate.
Bratt said that even if the case was taken on by the
, it could take years before criminal charges were laid, given the complexity of the allegations.
Eritrea, with a population of five million and a size about the same as Britain, is one of the most isolated and secretive countries in the world.
According to the United Nations, 4,000 Eritreans flee the country every month to escape ruthless repression, including unlimited forced labour for the government.
aus 17 July 10, 2014
I think sweden should feel at least moral obligation and stand firm to facilitate the cleaning ups of the decayed rule in Eritrea. the no action oriented stance of swedish government is very shameful and full of mockery for its citizenry rights. full of double moral when it comes Dawit Isak’s case knowing well that silent diplamacy never ever yielded the desired results: then what a heck -is left, except active diplomacy and active action like the Bolonga’s and Giessen decision to stop the milking process by the Eritrean regime against its subjects by pressing them to pay and attend in the orchestrated fests to fetch money and resources for further torture and imprisnment of the Eritrean youths and citizen alike.
Should sweden stand by those good ideals: for human repect, justice and rule of law!! then follow what others are doing at least!
asmarino menisey July 12, 2014
Its a positive move coming a little bit late, but we the ppl of eritrea are so hopeful this will have an impact on the regime already isolated for its defiant actions over its own ppl.Filing the case against the ruthless regime’s president and its officials on the first day of its implementation has a special meaning for those of as,eritreans, living inside the hell on earth nation.So we, the oppressed people are eager to see the result of such justice hoping to witness the end of our suffers in the near future. Thank u sweden
Berhe Tensea July 12, 2014
This criminal thug must be charged by the International Criminal Court for the mass murder he has comited.He is the primary cause of the border war, the disappearance thousands of political prisoners, and the death of thousands of young Eritrean starting from the shooting at the border area and finally in Sinia.
The crimes of this Tembenay is too much to list in this short message.
People need to wake up before it is too late to save the home land.
mussie mehari July 13, 2014
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